Fayetteville Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina (2024)

FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER QVER MILLION SPENT Evelyn Recovers Health HEREON NEW BUILDINGS IN THE PAST YEAR $1,004,810.00 Spen tin This Community During Past Year on Building Program According to Ac-curate and Conservative Figures Gath- eted by The Observer in a Careful Research; Fayetteville Is Booming! (Continued From Page 1) elleve will convince tne most B. R. Huske, dwelling, St. Johns Square, $2,000. Good Building Demands Good Hardware keptlialthat this figure Is a very J.

Snyder, dwelling, Fountain onservatiye one. For-''instance there is being Head street, $350. H. H. Godwin, stables, Bow street, Irected at the Colored Normal 1 1750.

chool, which is outside the city mita, ew buildings) whicn win pat least to build. On Weldon Wright, dwelling, Rowan street, $1,600. J. S. Wilson, dwelling, Myrover street, $1,000.

Mrs. George E. Hicks, dwelling, ershing Heights and other addi-ona on the outskirts of the city lere have sprung up a surprising rim Adams street, $800. imber of homes which will prob- J. W.

Judge, dwelling, Gillespie ply average $3,000 apiece to erect. street, (repairs), $1,000. 'esldes this there have been new Here's Evelyn Nesblt and her Japanese poodle at Atlantio City. She Raymond Andrews, dwelling, Mc- USitlons on mills, repair work of has gained 15 pound in several weeks and she denies she's engaged to a. baron or chauffeur or ildings.

In the city proper there has been GOOD FOUNDATIONS DEMAND ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT. GOOD BRICKWORK DEMANDS ANCHOR BRAND LIME. GOOD HARDWARE DEMANDS CORBIN Good Judgment Demands That You Buy Tht 2ar work done during the past months, lor wnicn no per- Iver street, $1,000. W. G.

Riddle, dwelling, Campbell avenue, $800. W. Riddle, dwelling, Campbell avenue, $800. D. W.

Townsend, store room, Hay street, $800. R. G. Smith, dwelling, Chance street, $300. S.

F. Barden, dwelling, Winslow street, $2,000. as required which cost at the least $25,000. (PI The Fltfures let us bring this figures that been talking about down i I If we can get a real line on (Turn to Page Jl) line permits ls- CEMENT PORTLAND Thousand and One Articles You Will Need To Build Your House From ed In city $,726,810.00 lng outside city Up and Over tit* 250,000.00 25,000.00 ir work In in platform, In 1 no permit ls 3,000.00 jed tt 1 a Huske Hdwe. House al $1,004,810.00 ose are surprising figures, are not? Didn't realize what was EM on in little old Fayetteville, 4 out Fayetteville, N.

C. I father did we until we started omplHng these figures and before ke were half started we realized hat" we were due for a big sur- STORAGE is a Kg factor in profitable mar. keting and economical buying. Like most worth while things it works both wavs. For the farmer or the man in town a vegetable and fruit cellar is a real economy.

A concrete root cellar properly made, vermin proof, water-proof and permanent, will soon pay for itself in more ways than one.1 Your dealer can give you plans to construct a small one, or your local contractor can quickly build it for. you. Either one is apt to suggest you use Atlas Portland Cement, "the Standard by which all other makes are measured." iTHB ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Salts Pfli.New Yocfc-Bouoa-Philidclpiiia UUttt Northsaptota, Ps. HudMn, N. Y.

Leeds, Ala. prtse. To avoid making any mis- akes we were particularly careful mi place a very conservative esti- Idate on figures where it was im- slible to get the accurate rec- (The results of our careful re- arch has convinced us more than ii nPI I lllifrfi rerthat Fayetteville is certainly njoying Doom limes rv i -i- i -That this community will con-Jue to grow just as fast in the ear, to come as It nas in the by which air arc measured 'The Standard other Makes est if readily realized when one lawiiiiiii tops to consider tne immense mount of building which Is going iiv it the present time and which ii 11 no 09 siariea wunin me very ear future. Other Activities 4-1 A I 1. 1 1 .1 I n-A ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT SMSLU)juiiuig' uu nits, vuuuu-s jiu- ilAm in Fayetteville during tbe at year, it might not be amiss oi mention 7 other activities now Is Sold By inderwAy or completed during the 'f'er, which.

are also unmlstakeable Mgns Of prosperity. HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSE jror. tnere is tne war Department's assurance that Camp ragg Is to remain our-permanent I A. Oi' Norrls of California cleared the par at 12 feet 9 inches and won the pole vault event of the intercollegiate championship at Harvard Stadium. i Fayetteville, North Carolina Camp Bragg is today, Ind will be in the future, probably chief asset.

Jragg la bringing to our com (id I people, and business which HI TP 0 1 1 dm I urely, we would not have if imp. were not nere. bttevllle staged a splendid for the camp. With General Bowler as her inspiring lead THAT'S OUR BUSINESS" Ir most strenuous, and now rlcal battle, Fayetteville was ed to win. and in winning.

for herself a neighbor that always prove a staunch and Ml friend. ten there is the Camp Bragg Hteville railroad, now under Our stock of Building Materials is complete, and in every item our reputation for high quality is your guarantee. tructlon, which will be finish ibout the first of July. Thou We are in a position to give you expert advice on your plumbing problems. Don't make the mistake of thinking that plumbing is a simple problem- that can be figured by inexperienced men.

How often do people make this mistake, and later regret it, on account of the inconvenience and expense of repairs that would have been unnecessary had the job been put in by experts? Years of experience have taught us how to put in a plumbing job right, and at a big saving to you in money. Is of dollars are being spent on road, most of which are com 111 from this community. treet repair and construction in ''city and new roads in the coun- mlght well be mentioned here Much money has been spent i i ii ii hi i i Let us estimate your bill and if you consider quality along with price you will come here for your Materials. these purposes during the past ir and present indications here from Raleigh are that much' III Our Experience is to be spent. Permits Issued tting bacK to the building pro- :V.AOT.

i.n"S"'Atl,"ln."nil-fJlffll1.J'i I IB in Fayetteville we are giv below accurate figures compll by Mr. McAllister on building its issued, to give you some a of tbe vast extent of building will help you. Let us figure on your needs. We are in a position to save you money on your fixtures and the 'installation as well. We are equipped to furnish estimates on the complete equipment needed for ich has been going on in Fay 'vllle alone during the past We carry at all times a good stock of Cedar and Juniper Shingles of all grades, Lath, Beaver Board, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Boarding, Interior Trim, etc.

We specialize on heart rift flooring from Alabama. We also furnish everything in mill work and hardwood flooring. We appreciate either large or small orders and endeavor to execute them with dispatch and precision. I J. F.

Masters, dwelling. Hay treet, $6,000. Minnie McNalr, dwelling, Hay SANITARY PLUMBING, HEATING AND KINDRED SYSTEMS treet, $750. K. J.

Roberson, dwelling, treet, $300 (repairs). A. S. Lawhorn, dwelling, Maple venue, $4,000. George Waters, dwelling, Kenedy, street.

$1,400. General James, dwelling, Atwood in a building of any size or type. No job too large or too small. i venue, $600. T.

J. Whitted. dwelling, Holliday trtset. $400. Gulf Refining storage tank.

Vorth street, $1,000. FayetteviUe B. F. Hooper, dwelling, Cross reek street, $3,000. Ha Iii I.

pTtk Lumber Company Mill Lumberton St By Yard Fair Grounds Phone 8 ANNOUNCEMENT Having dene my best to discharge the duties of County Treasurer In an efficient and ao-ceetablc manner, I solicit the Plumbing and Heatings support of the Democratic voters Donaldson St. III. wwmriM, wi Phone 4 JO June 3rd, for the Democratic nomination a Treasurer of Cumberland County en the rec ord I have made in this office, assurlna the voters of my ap preciation for their loyalty and kindness In the past D. GASTEIC.

Fayetteville Observer from Fayetteville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.