Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

in 4 He old A location $100 runds Ex and n.l shops Inged aDd on an one fonts r. de Aze and rhom frame near PEAL PEAL 4.50 Lake condition house 3 Lee FRED $2 A. 1. for res. 5- corner.

and all 6 2123. quarters, bath 500 ur Pr room at Tool OR en Call ratural an 113 Ryan vard 100 Roy ottage, 1 1943. IDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1943. FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM -MORNING PAGE FIFTEEN FARMS-LANDS-RANCHES 82 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 230 acres excellent black land stock farm located 12 miles west of Cleburne on the good gravel Cleburne-Granbury Road.

5 miles south of Godley, New 5-room home Just 50 feet from school bus, milk and mail router. Power line near. Deep well, windmill. Good small barn, smoke house. Three -room tenant house, fair condition.

105 acres good cultivating land, slightly rocky in few spots. Bumper grain crops have been gathered on this place. 125 acres of excellent grass, in two tracts, about the best In Godley vicinity, Well fenced, partly sheep- proof. Known for years as the Wes Bell Place (easy to find). This is yours at bargain price, $45 per acre or $10,350.

Our loan company will finance, with reasonable down payment, if you do not want to pay cash. Owners and our representative will be on place all day Sunday, Dec. 5th. to walk over place with you. This ad describes the place accurately, no exaggerations or misrepresentations.

Se for yourself Sunday. Monday may be 8 day too late. (Tex) Bayless and Associates, Real Estate, Life Insurance, City, Farm and Ranch Loans. Cleburne, Texas. (Exclusive Agents), N.

E. OF JOSHUA. 9.5 wel: improved, 10 orchard, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, apples, berries, 100 paper shell pecans, 25 natives, plenty water, natural gas, gas lights, 2- story house, good condition, water, house, $5,250. Leech, 115W Handley, Office 3-9326. REAL ESTATE BROKERS EXCHANGE.

REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 84 7-ROOM modern home near Methodist Hospital. Clear cottage considered for equity. 4-6222. MY 7-ROOM BRICK home in restricted area for Houston city or suburban erty. 4-9525.

WANTED--REAL ESTATE 85 WANTED-5 or 6 rooms near North Side High School. Individual, pay cash. Also equity in F. H. A.

house, any location. Might consider other equity. 2-7570 or 2-5860. WANTED HOUSES, near O. L.

V. College, Geo. Clarke School sections. Top prices. cash.

Call Roy T. Denman, 2-8166; res. 7-3338. FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HOMES WANTED--Different parts of city, especially Arl.

Hte. Will pay cash. Also improved close in acreage. Hermaize Realty 7-4406. WANTED- HOUSES.

Any part of Fort Worth, $1,000 to $5,000. Top prices, cash. Call Gilbert Dalton. FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 2-8166; res.

5-5952. NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS. Due to several large financial connections I have converted every transaction into cash for the seller, no exceptions, of property listed with me is sold from 1 to 3 days. For tree appraisals call Bus. 3-3449; res.

3-5162. BUDDIE THOMPSON. WANTED Houses, North -Circle Park, Grand Ave. and Senior High School sections. Top prices cash.

Call Roy T. Denman, 2-8166; res. 7-3338. FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED TO SELLI By an efficient, well organized concern with many years experience.

Eastern insurance company loans available to finance reliable buyers with limited capital. This connection is our guarantee for quick sale, full cash for the real estate you want sold. Phone the organization that gets quick results. Eight hustling salesmen. REAL ESTATE BROKERS EXCHANGE.

403-405 Bewley Bldg. 3-9326. WANTED -Houses near Q. M. Depot and steel mills.

Pay cash. Roy T. Denman, 2-8166: res. 7-3338. FT.

WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WE NEED SALE and rent houses, any part of city. Property management is our business. List your property with us. BRYAN GREGORY TOWNSEN, 3-4326. -Sales -Property Management.

HOUSES WANTED. We have several calls for good well cated homes. If you wish to dispose of your property phone us for inspection. 3-2425. GUTHRIE-GRAFA Realtors.

Member Real Estate Asso. WANTED--Houses in Riverside, Oakhurst and Amon Carter High section. Top prices. Call Roy T. Denman, 2-8166; FT.

WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WANT TO 6-room house. Arl. from owner. 2-5586. Mrs.

Ellis. WANTED -Houses, Dallas Pike section. Top prices cash. Call Roy T. Denman, 2-8166; res.

7-3338. FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WILL BUY your equity in houses that need repair or sell for you. W. W.

DICKINSON, 2305 Wallace. 5-5265. WANTED -Houses, Polytechnic, William James Senior High and D. McRae School sections. Top prices; cash.

Call Helen Denman, 2-8166; res. 7-3338. FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS. You may never have 8 better opportunity to get 8 premium price for your real estate than right now.

If you want quick action and satisfactory results, list your property with this courteous. alert, livewire organization. The Fort Worth Real Estate Exchange will gladly handle all details: inspection, appraisal, financing and final closing. Financing of various types is accessible to best fit the customers' needs and to give you cash for your real estate. For prompt service, or consultation regarding current real estate trends, call this city's fastest growing real estate firm.

List your property with the FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 2-8166-1009 Sinclair Bldg. AUTOMOTIVE USED CARS 90 SENSATIONAL DECEMBER SALE. The supply of brand- -new cars is tically exhausted and o'd ones all over the country are going out of use every day -if your present transportation has to be Improved. let us serve you.

We have the largest stock of automobiles in Fort Worth for your selection. including plenty of '40 and '41 models Our buyers have combed the Eastern markets for the best available cars Many with radios, heaters, fog lights, 5 almost new tires all priced for quick sale. mileage shows from 2.500 to 16,000 miles. '36 BUICK 4-door Sedan, has radio and other extras, a real nice car at $395. '40 BUICK Special Coupe, unusually clean, perfect tires.

$1,000, '37 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Sedan, extra clean with good tires, $435. '33 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan, in good condition, with perfect tires, $265. '39 BUICK 'Special" Club Coupe, white sidewall tires, radio and heater, side mount spares, low mileage, with real good tires, $985. '40 CHEVROLET Town Sedan, a jow Age Eistern car, looks and runs like new, $1.195.

'37 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, radio and heater. 8365. '41 BUICK Sedanette, nas radio, seat heater. five extra good tires, beauty. $1,495.

'41 MERCURY Convertible Coupe, with everything. including radio. heater, light. almost new tires. exceptionally handsome, $1,495.

'41 CADILLAC'62" Sedan, heater. spot light. oeautiful finish, wall tires. tow mileage, a beauty. $2.495.

'41 CHRYSLER Station Wagon. This car has radio, heater. beautiful red leather upholstery, will seat 10 passengers; good tires. car is like new. $2,295 '41 CHEVROLET Special De Luxe Club Coupe (5-passenger).

radio, heater, twotone finish. white sidewall tires. perfectly like new all over, $1,395. 41 CHEVROLET Business Coupe, radio, heater, beautiful tan, very low mileage. perfect tires.

$1,250. '40 OLDSMOBILE Convertible Coupe (5-pass.) with radio, heater, clock. De Luxe Steering, five original U. S. Royal Master perfect tires.

A most usual buy at $1,045. '39 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan, 8 dandy car in tip top condition, a low mileage Eastern car, with radio, heater, good tires, only 8985. '38 PLYMOUTH Convertible, radio and hester. in perfect $695. '38 FORD 2-Door Standard Sedan, excellent tires and extra clean, $695.

Open Nights and Sundays. We Buy Used Cars--Any Model. SOUTHWEST AUTO SALES East Third St. Phone 3-3873. 1940 BUICK super sedan, General dual tires, radio.

heater: very clean. 1. 6-0180. EXCELLENT SELECTION. '37 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan, '39 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan, '39 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan.

'41 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. '41 PONTIAC 4-door, radio, heater, custom body. '41 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan. '41 BUICK Sedanette, radio, heater, defrosters, excellent rubber. '41 BUICK Sedan.

2-tone green, white side wall tires, a low mileage Eastern car. LLOYD WEAVER 909 Henderson. Phone 3-3823. USED CARS 90 3-DAY SPECIAL Model A Ford Sedan $49 '34 Chevrolet Seuan '34 Ford Sedan $95 We Carry Our Notes or Terms. 2-9084.

605 Travis. RARE BARGAINS. 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE. This beautiful '41 Buick Sedanette is new in every detail. A handsome color with every extra including radio and heater.

Other extras. 1941 CADILLAC CUSTOM. lovely car with very low miles on it. This '41 Cadillac Custom sedan has radio, heater, tires are like new and 1s perfect throughout. BUICK CONVERTIBLE.

'41 Buick Super convertible, like new, radio, heater, white sidewall tires, red leather upholstery, gray finish, perfect top. See this beautiful car today! MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN. '40 Mercury 4-dr. sedan, very clean, low mileage, lovely color.

Bargain! A. P. MITCHELL AUTO CO. Cadillac Distributors. 712 W.

7th. Open Sunday. 2-4165. NEW YORK CITY CARS. We have a good selection of 1941 mileage, almost new care.

A few examples of this nice stock: 1641 MERCURY 4-door, 5,323 miles. 1941 MERCURY Club Coupe, 10,979 actual miles. 1941. PONTIAC 2-door, 5,335 miles. 1941 OLDSMOBILE 4-dr.

Sedan, 5,312 miles. 1941 DODGE 4-door, 5,804 miles. 1941 CHRYSLER Royal, 5.824 miles. 1941 PONTIAC 6. 4-Door, 5,335 miles.

1941 BUICK Special 4-Door, 10,230 miles. 1941 DE SOTO Club Coupe, 11.236 miles. This is only part of our stock and selection. Many more exactly like these described above. FRONTIER PONTIAC.

1105 West Seventh. Phone 2-7233. BETTER USED CARS. '41 FORD Super De Luxe 4-door Sedan, radio, heater, 5 good prewar tires. '40 CHEVROLET Special De Luxe Town Sedan, radio, white sidewall tires, extra clean, low mileage.

'40 OLDS 6 2-door Trunk Sedan, radio, heater, unusually clean. '41 PONTIAC De 2-door Sedan, extra clean, low mileage," original finish, 5 extra good tires. '41 PLYMOUTH Special De Luxe 2-door, driven legs than 9,000 miles. '41 CHEVROLET Special al De Luxe Club Coupe, radio, heater, 13,000 actual miles. '41 BUICK Special 4-door Sedan.

radio, heater, excellent condition, low mileage. '41 PLYMOUTH De Luxe Club Coupe, cellent tires, nice condition. '40 PONTIAC De Luxe Sedan, radio, heater, good tires, original finish. '40 CHEVROLET Special De Luxe 4-door Sedan, radio, underseat heater, interior like new. SANFORD WEBB MOTOR CO.

13th and Lamar. 2-6201. 1941 PONTIAC Sedanettte. Good condition. $1,375.

Have two cars, must sell one. Box 430, Star-Telegram. 1940 FORD de luxe sedan, excellent condition, good tires. radio, $850 Or take cheaper car. 9-5112.

FOR SALE-1939 de luxe Chevrolet sedat. first class condition, excellent tires, good spare, driven by owner in Fort Worth almost exclusively, $800. 2-8277. 4-4600. WE BUY-WE SELLI '37 FORD Coupe $345 '38 PLYMOUTH Coupe $550 '39 LA SALLE 4-door $845 '40 PLYMOUTH 2 -door Sedan $885 '41 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan $985 '41 CHEVROLET Club Coupe $1,045 MASTIN-PARRIS MOTOR co.

De Soto--Plymoutn. 7th and Henderson. Phone 2-3373. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1941 Ford 4-door excellent, needs fender work $795 1940 Ford De Luxe Coupe $895 1940 Chevrolet 2-door, clean $895 1940 Olds 2-door, good one $975 1938 Ford 2-door, a nice one $695 1939 Plymouth Sedan, reconditioned $875 1930 Ford Model A 2-door $125 1929 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan 95 1934 Chevrolet Standard Coupe $275 1935 Chevrolet Standard 2-door $135 1936 Nash Lafayette 4-door 1933 Plymouth Coupe, new tires $165 1933 Chrysler Sedan, runs good $150 215 Calhoun.

(Open Evenings.) 2-7056. CHECK CAREFULLY. We believe the following cars to be excellent bargains. We have checked them carefully for appearance, service, and price and invite you to do the same. 1936 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan.

1939 DODGE Sedan, radio and heater. 1939 PLYMOUTH Convertible Coupe. 1939 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan, radio and heater, 1940 DODGE Coupe. 1940 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan. radio and heater.

new tires. 1940 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan, radio and heater. 1940 OLDSMOBILE 2-Door Sedan. 1940 STUDEBAKER Champion 2-door. 1941 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe.

1941 PLYMOUTH 2-door Sedan. 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan. 1941 DODGE 2-door Sedan. 1941 FORD 4-door Sedan. Come by today and Check carefully our terms.

Check carefully our trades. Check carefully our prices. STEVE COOKE MOTOR co. 200-8 Taylor St. (Open Sunday.) 2-6187.

REBUILT FUEL PUMPS. Carburetors, distributors brake shoes Factory methods. CLARENCE KRAFT MOTOR, CO. 315 Commerce. 2-7291.

1940 OLDSMOBILE COACH. With excellent tires, clean throughout, bargain at $1.050. See this car at Dewey Madera Garage, 1405 Commerce, 3-0953. AUTOCREDIT. Will finance any of the listed automobiles.

Call Ray Fisher. 3-3396. 9-1695. AUTOCREDIT. FORD.

Super De Luxe Fordor Sedan. Lachaven green color, radio, heater, driving lights, extra bumper. guards, etc. This is an exceptionally low mileage car that is practically new and looks new. The five original tires show no wear.

FRANK KENT MOTOR co. Main at Lancaster. 2-9181. CLEAN 1940 Ford De Luxe Coupe, radio heater, good tires. Bargain.

Cash or terms 6-5052. SAVE $50 TO $100 "We have good transportation." I '39 Dodge 4-Door, radio, heater. '39 Plymouth 4-Door, radio, heater. '38 Ford Sedan. (Good one).

'38 Buick 4-Door, as good you will find. Come out and get a renl deal. 1-9084. 605 Travis, '41 STUDEBAKER Champion coupe, good rubber, $995. 5-5435.

'41 FORD. Super De Luxe Club Convertible Coupe. maroon color with red leather seats and khaki top. Factory installed radio, excellent white side wall tires. This 18 a swell car.

FRANK KENT MOTOR co. Main at Lancaster. 2-9181. 1939 FORD Tudor DeLuxe, A-1 shape. Radio, five tires.

Will under $790 for best cash offer. Come after 4 p. m. Victory Bldg Room 101. GOOD '36 Chevrolet 2-Door.

4 real good tires, 1 spare, heater, new seat covers. 2-5943 after 6. 810 W. 1st St. INDIVIDUAL selling '41 model Ford suDeLuxe 2-door.

low mileage, radio and seat covers with practically new tires. Only 1 owner. 4820 El Campo. Ph. 7-7078 FORD de luxe 4-dr.

$985 '39 OLDSMOBILE 4-dr. sedan $995 '39 CHEVROLET Master de luxe sed. $945 PAUL ZEIBIG USED CARS. 301 Henderson. Ph.

3-2062. FOR SALE or trade. 1940 Buick 4-door sedan, radio, heater, perfect shape. Dodge coupe, new tires. 1941 Ford coupe, perfect shape, radio, heater.

500 Throckmorton. 2-8600. 1940 FORD DE LUXE station wagon. Extra clean; good tires; mechanically perfect. 5-7136 after 5 p.

m. 1940 CHEVROLET Coach, good tires, heater, radio; $900. 7-3931. 1940 TORPEDO PONTIAC Club Coupe for sale by owner. Bargain, Call 2-5574.

FOR SALE --1939 Plymouth Deluxe coupe, good condition, new tires. 5-4573, call after 6 p. NO WINTER worries, owner now overseas, says sacrifice at $1,195, 1940 Oldsmobile 6 Sedan, motor perfect, tires good, hot battery, radio, prestone. 2-5533. 1939 DE LUXE Ford 2-Door Sedan, new tires and tubes.

Soldier being transferred. 1311 Seventh Ave. Auto and Truck Rental. 31 LOW RATES. Pickupe and Panels.

Phone 2-2808. HUBER'S SYSTEM. 844 Monroe Strat, Fort Worth. 0 USED TIRES AND PARTS 92 DEFENSE TIRE CO. 204 BOAZ STREET, PHONE 3-0558.

Recapping, vulcanizing, quick and sattsfactory service. Get prewar mileage. TRUCKS. TRAILERS. BODIES 93 TRAILER HOUSES.

We have both new and used factory made trailer housca. Easy terms arranged. DAVE HICKS, 2200 W. 7TH. 2-8012.

FACTORY- -BUILT trailer house $500 cash or terms. See at Bomber Trailer Camp. FACTORY palace house trailer for sale, $498. Apply rear 2900 Seventh. DIAMOND TRACTOR, 22-foot Hobbs trailer, cattle guard, good condition; will take late model Ford, dump or bobtail, as part payment.

J. W. White, phone 3-3344. P. 0.

Box 404, Fort Worth. CUSTOM- -BUILT two-wheeled box trailer, size 6x8, tent top, steel frame with 11x13 tarpaulin. 6164 Malvey, Ridglea Addition. TRAILER house, 18 electric brakes. Good tires.

$550. City Trailer Park, 320 University Dr. NOTICE -Sales of used trucks are covered by OPA celling price regulations. Both buyar8 and sellers must sign certificate of transfer. DIAMOND tractor, 22-ft.

Hobbs trailer, cattle sideboards: good condition. J. W. WHITE. P.

Box 404, Fort Worth 3-3344. TRACTORS 94 WE PAY cash for any make late model tractor. Claud Rogers, Frisco, Texas. AUTO SERVICE 95 REBUILT FORD MOTORS Let us rebuttd your Ford motor, factory methods, factory equipment, CLARENCE KRAFT MOTOR co. 2nd and Commerce.

Phone 2-7291. AUTOS WANTED 96 SELL US YOUR CAR. We need used cars for defense workersPay highest cash price. CAP PHILLIPS-USED CARS. 300 Henderson.

2-4461. HIGHEST CASH PRICE. For Your Car. Call or Drive by BENTON HALL. 1005 Henderson.

Ph. 2-8177. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Will call at your home and make good offer. PACKARD FORT WORTH, INC.

1201 W. 7th. 2-6317. WANTED -Late model pickup truck, Ford or Chevrolet. 1 7-7078.

WE PAY MORE. For 1935-36-37-38-39-40-41-42 Models. PONDER MOTOR SALES. 1304 W. 7th St.

Phone 3-5653. WANTED. Fifty '36, '37, '38, $39, '40 model cars. Will pay $25 bonus until quota is filled. SOUTHWEST AUTO SALES CO.

Open Evenings and Sunday. 204 East 3rd St. Phone 3-3873. WE TOP ALL BIDS. Twenty- five dollars more for your car.

CLYDE BURNS MOTORS. 1100 West 7th-2-7441. SPOT CASH. Buicks, Pontiacs, Chevrolets, Plymouths, Fords (quick service). 605 Travis.

WORLD'S HIGHEST BUYER! Buy any make, any model, any price. Quick cash. Please bring your title. CHARLIE HILLARD MOTOR CO. 1311 Commerce Street.

Phone 2-3288. 18 Years in Fort Worth, Texas. WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER. Pay you top cash dollars for privately owned 1936, 1937, 1938 Chevrolets or Fords. Dealers don't call.

TEL. 2-7777. SELL YOUR CAR FOR CASH! Quick cash -any make or model, No delay--just bring your title. STEVE COOKE MOTOR CO. First and House Taylor of Sts.

Phone 2-6187. Established Values" CARS BOUGHT. Want any late model. Quick sales. Best price in town.

See Roy Gaines. A. P. MITCHELL AUTO CO. 715 West Seventh, 2-4165.

NOTICES BIDS WANTED 99 Baker, SEALED Chairman, State Board of Control. bids addressed to Mr. Weaver H. Austin, Texas, will be received in the office of the Board of Control until 10:00 a. December 11, 1943 for a dwelling house to be used as a residence of a lake warden working Lake forth, and Eagle Mountain Lakes, Fort Worth, Texas.

Specifications can be obtained Texas. from the STATE Board BOARD of Con- OF trol. Austin, CONTROL. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 101 ANDERSON, HARLEY 52. died at Wednesday at his home, 4567 Meadowbrook.

Survivors, widow: daughter, Miss Jean Sleete, Yoakum, and mother-in-law. Mrs. Nora E. Thrash. Fort Worth.

Funeral services 2 p. m. Saturday, Chapel of First Methodist Church, Rev. Warren Johnston and Rev. Irving Smith officiating.

Interment, Greenwood. Arrangements, Guardian Funeral Home. CAMPEAU. ALEXANDER age 77, of 3504 S. Main, died Wednesday morning in local hospital.

Survivors, sons, Corp. Charles F. Campeau, March Field, and Corp. Frank Campeau, with Army overseas; three brothers, Edward and Frank of Detroit. and James A.

Campeau of Cleveland, Ohio; four grandchildren. Funeral services, 3 Church." Friday at St. Patrick's Catholic Rev. Lawrence DeFalco officiating. Burial in Greenwood.

Robertson Mueller Harper Temple in charge of arrangements. COOPER. MRS. IDA CLARK. 1925 8.

away Wednesday. SurJennings, passed vivors, husband, Thomas N. Cooper; tWO Mrs. Leslie Murray of Fort daughters, Worth, and Mrs. Etta Tohline, Fort Worth; son, Roy Lee Cooper of Dallas; five grandchildren.

Services 2 p. m. Friday, Ware Memorial Chapel, Rev. George Norris officiating. Interment, Smithfield.

rangements, Gause- -Ware. LUDWICK, WILLIAM THOMAS, 82, died 11:15 a. m. Thursday at residence, 3501 W. Rosedale.

Survived by wife, 2 sons, L. N. and H. D. of Fort Worth; one stepdaughter.

Mrs. Myrtle Atkins, Dallas. Ar. rangements pending RobertsonMueller- Harper Funeral Home. McCOLLUM, DR.

CHARLES age 69, died Thursday morning. Survivors: Widow; daughter, Mrs. Byron Bronstad, Washington, D. son, Lt. Charles H.

McCollum South Pacific. Funeral services 4 p. m. Friday, at residence. 2806 Sixth Rev.

Jeff D. Ray and Rev. Hoytt Boles ating. Interment, Rose Hill. Arrangements, Robertson- -Mueller -Harper Funeral Home.

McREYNOLDS, MRS. SARAH, age 66, of 1251 E. Morphy, died Wednesday in Galveston hospital. Funeral services. 11 a.

m. Friday, First Methodist Church, Rev. Warren Johnston officiating. Burial in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Denton. Pallbearers, R.

Musselwhite, J. M. Walton, I. E. McE.

Harris, and Dick and Whirter, Herbert McReynolds. Arrangements, RobErnest ertson Mueller- Harper Funeral Temple. L. age 80, died WedMONCRIEF, nesday night in Ponca City, Okla. by sons, W.

A. and J. Fort vived B. K. Moncrief, Edinburg; William Worth; Moncrief, Ponca City, daughter, Mrs.

Jewel Trapp, Austin; Mrs. Dick Garvin, Ponca City, 4 grandchildren and 2 great -grandchildren. Funeral Friday in Ponca City, Okla, ices SCHULTZ, Wednesday. JOHN, Survived by wife, Mrs. 2413 Lillian, passed away Victoria 2 daughters.

Mrs. Geo. Schultz, Diahbl. Mrs. Christine Neal, one stepdaughter, Emma Norwood; 4 grandchildren.

Services 9 a. m. Friday at the residence, officiating. Interment RobinFather Bock Texas. Arrangements Gause -Ware.

son, LT. GREEN age 26, of SIMPSON, died In Van Nuys, 4326 Sandage, Nov. 29. Survivors: Mother, Mrs. Carrie Fort Worth: two brothers, I.

Simpson, H. S. Simpson, Fredrick, Field, George A. Simpson, Fort Corp. Army Worth; Air sister, Mrs.

W. H. Addieway, Fort Worth. Funeral services 10 a. m.

Saturday, Church, Rev. C. Gambrell Street officiating. Baptist Interment, Mount E. Matthews Harveson -Cole FuOlivet.

Arrangements, neral Home, KENNETH RAY, age 4, died TERRY, 12 noon Wednesday in local hospital. Surand Mrs. Buster vived by parents, Fort Worth; sister, Carol Dean Terry of Terry: grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

Orleans, and Mrs. A. A. Greer of New Terry, C. E.

Matthews ofFort Worth. Services Phillips Chapel, Rev. Laurel Land. Arficiating. Interment rangements Phillips Funeral Home.

Texan's Whim Worth $1,700,000 to Ontario TORONTO, Dec. 2 whim which prompted E. F. Woodward of Harris County, Texas, to deposit about $6,400,000 in cash and bonds in Toronto banks is to send about $1,700,000 to the province of Ontario in succession duties (estate taxes). The noted thoroughbred breeder and his wife were killed last May in an automobile accident.

When a Toronto law firm applied Thursday to have the estate transferred to Texas, the story was told of how a man walked into a Toronto bank in 1940, asked a clerk if he could open an account and, when asked how much the initial deposit would be, replied: "One million dollars." That man was W. B. Barnhill. private secretary to Woodward. Later deposits brought the account to its present figure.

In the brief filed here Thursday, the gross value of Woodward's estate is listed at $4,702,293 and his wife's at 4,697,593. It was said that the known value of deposits made here by Barnhill were 400,000 in Canadian money and 000,000 in par value Canadian bonds. Toronto lawyers said the bulk of the estate is in trust for a 15-yearold grandson, Robert Woodward. 15 Texans Get Decorations WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 Decorations for 15 Texans in the Army Air Forces, six of them members of the 12th Air Force in North Africa, and the others serving in the Atlantic antisubmarine patrol, were announced Saturday by the War Department.

The North African awards went to: Capt. J. D. Collinsworth, Borger, a 16th bronze Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal. Capt.

Royal N. Baker, McKinney, 12th cluster to Air Medal. Staff Sgt. Raymond D. Lankford, Waco, 10th cluster to Air Medal.

First Lt. John R. Standish, Houston, 10th cluster to Air Medal. Capt. Jonathan N.

Routh, Abilene, Air Medal, awarded posthumously. died of battle was wounds on A Routh reported to have Aug. 5. Staff Sgt. Oscar L.

Belser, San Augustine, Air Medal, awarded posthumously. Belser was reported killed in action April 5. Awards to the antisubmarine patrol crewmen were: Maj. James M. Huntsman, Amarillo, Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Sgt. Leo P. Babik, Markham, and Pvt. Jack Barrier, San Benito, first Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal. Capt.

Glen F. Vick, Cleburne; First Lt. Edwin F. Deitzel San Antonio; First Lt. Luke F.

Lutonsky, Big Sandy; First Lt. Milton L. Remling, San Antonio; First Lt. Horace C. Taylor Winnsboro, and Staff Sgt.

George B. McKee, Windthorst, the Air Medal. Mexican Geologist Describes Volcano A prediction that the new volcano, Paricutin, in the State of Michoacan, Mexico, soon will cease its eruptions was made by Dr. Ezequiel Ordonez, noted geologist of Mexico City, in a lecture Thursday night at TCU. By "soon," Dr.

Ordonez explained, he means, "not years, but in a period of months." The mantle of volcanic ash it has deposited in the little valley will become fertile soil where crops will thrive, the speaker said. The lecture was given under the auspices of the Fort Worth Geological Society. Dr. Ordonez was introduced by Dr. Gayle Scott, head of the TCU geology department.

Dr. 'Ordonez discovered Mexico's first commercially productive oil well in 1904. Man Badly Hurt in Crash Chester Irvine, 67, of 1120 Hurley, was critically injured in an automobile collision at Clinton and N. W. 23rd late Thursday.

He was taken to All Saints Hospital suffering from severe shock, a possible skull fracture, a fractured arm, and facial lacerations. George W. Beam, 15, of 2010 Ellis, driver of the other car, escaped injury. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 101 WELCH, WILLIAM, age 83, died in local hospital. Survivors: Two sons, Roy Welch, Mobile, H.

M. Welch, Buffalo, N. daughter, Mrs. H. E.

Butcher, Fort Worth; three grandchildren. is at the Ray Crowder Funeral Home pending arrangements. GAUSE-WARE. Waterproof metal grave vaulta and metal caskets at fair prices. 1251 Penasylvania, Fort Worth 2-3232 GAUSE FUNERALS as low as $100 are still obtainable at GAUSE- -WARE FLORISTS 103 GORDON BOSWELL, FLORIST.

1220 Pennsylvania Avenue. 2-2265. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" FLOWERS for all occasions. COATE'S FLORIST, 2600 Lipscomb, 4-2323. FLOWERS from (BIll) Wright.

Florist. 1013 Eighth Avenue. --3-3568. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 104 PHILLIPS FUNERAL HOME. 425 South Henderson.

2-1349. 4 75 FOR SALE 60 2-STORY DUPLEX, Park, 2-story handle. Rege ALt ronms baths. Call Roy T. stablished.

Capps Real bargain. Box ba financed. cash 7-3338. 2-8166. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WORTH SIDE.

7111 sell SOUTH $2,500 rooms Louis 100m8 $2,750 St 6 Louis. 2-6345, st THOMPSON, 3-5162 Res. man, 49. BUDDIE Led A $3,600. Lovely bundesired: States 3637 Ave.

3-2123, 4-1562. inthly and RGAIN down. $50 neces- IMMEDIATE beautiful, 5- POSSESSION. cern. home, 1 acre, references.

ranch Denton stale intertor, country hardwood floors, Star- attu! text spacious closets cedar lined closet, arge ITY fenced and crosson Green- oughou chicken and berries, barbecue lock, fruit homes, 2-car Texas. beaut fut surrounding country home Jan. bu $10,000 with 1-3 candy age Price 3-5162 Res. or opportuniti BUDDIE THOMPSON. with- ADAMS.

1, Tezas, new frame condition. Immediate com Elbert SOUTH cottage, garage month. Call .000 $1 0000 4166. res. ched $30 per Sale session Denman 2 ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL elegram.

WORTH SIDE-605 MASON. SOUTH house, beauHA cow shed, ervices Telegram sr nice surroundings, stall. Price interior balance of $26 house down $1 50 3-5162 Res. Ities) month BUDDIE THOMPSON. cres being 149.

BARGAIN quick sale, Immediate posattractive sical world brick, 1-beth, eXCarolines brick bathe, Bend sphill Street immediate room possession. Reports MARVEL WALKER. 4-4163 cross. GA Isa.) Also IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. pide large living Pulaski, condition County.

chwest baths. lot, real space, deep pleats $4.500. Call Roy Price 3338. barge.D res ESTATE EXCHANGE WORTH REAL NOW POSSESSION brick home. High paved real buy at $6,000.

$50. 2000 Owner, 4-8267. women- Mornings Drive POSSESSION. nice condionventened new uD Shaw room Buy and move priced 7658. reason NS.

once NEWTON. 2-5218. V. 6th. Addington, 4-1336.

5329 N. ton. TCU. Borrow one year old; closets. tile bath, co.

garage attached; Id g. ruom. Large lot, 72- loped Immediate possession. Call frontage res. 7-3338.

refuse CO. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 2516. WORTH rin8 2 lots, corner, 26TH 4 1562. 03140 $2 MONTICELLO. brick.

floor funRATE. laundry, double for. $10 Tera Possess HAIGHT 3-8031. 3467 CORP. 395.

possession T. C. frame cottage, Sta. living room and dining interior call Barge spect 6165. res.

7-3338. LOANS De REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE service. WORTH OANS. 499. Market, two houses, IRGAIN CA.S? Money, $2 CO Salta Street.

2-2141 roomS. 1t toBargain See 2-8166: res. purchase present rates. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE space. room brick, corner, spager.

hinds Owner. bone 3-390 GEORGE CLARKE SCHOOL. EAR frame bungalow. bearing pecan Call Roy T. dential WORTH PEA.

ESTATE EXCHANGE Interest $2 No broken Daggett, Spot cash. NS. co. hone 2-611 PERICK DUPLEX POLYTECHNIC. 3 rooms, breakrepays apt.

1, apt. furrented T. Inspect interior bought. SS en res. 7-3338.

ectrie WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE North Bailey. bents. brokersel 500 twobath frame. OAN ASSN nicely furnished hone 1-520 good locaFOLKS Repair. 1301.


bone 3-340 Piace, S. W. -QUICK. new roof, cost cOT rooms and extra ee us. porch, 2-car garage ASSN.

fenced. Near 'hone 3-122 immediate posnterest. interior, call CY. 2-501 ESTATE EXCHANGE BARGAIN." $1.100 down. 'rame bungalow.

5 208 tached Excel bus, POOR 400. 004 sard fence set 10 -2351, Artesian water. possession new 5-00 Helen Denman, ached, ve to See WORTH PEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE nby, EXPENSE. frame, easy ON. (ES.

duplex, furnished. Vacast, $5,500. 3-4208. 3-3288. stucco CASH PAYMENT.

ex. harden M. Depot. 5- $4.250. 56.50 cash, balcome, He Denman.

2-8166; 3 tly WORTH ESTATE EXCHANGE $3,600. $2.500. me, nes? I thruse. lights, water. -room gas.

7 acres $2.250. D. Cummings, co. 4-11 Gulchrist E. CASH PAYMENT.

ssion. 6-M 25th rooms and Bargain. $1.795. $500 cash, -1115. T.

Denman, EXCHAN rooms, WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE all Avenue, 8-room duthroat 5-41 priced right, posSIDE. TERRACE 1412 Byrd real nice drain. 3 years old, and vacant. You can move in. financed.

form frame, first class once. EXCHANGE 8-unit brick apart Charml except one apartment. coms, textile condtion and nicely lot, Income large lot. SMITH. 5-5466.

brick, tested CASH PAYMENT. $50S 5 000. enue, rooms, 2 lots: 3 bedroo balance financed. Call quarters! WORTH REAL 8166: ESTATE res. 7-3338.

EXCHANGE Drive 16. POSSESSION, IMMEDIATE GHT6. Rood on 3-21 and cold I water, Hot ots. Immed At bargain. Immediate 50.

Call 1562. SOUTH SIDE. h-room house, large lot, EXCHAN months hicken proof fences, good Quartermaster Depot and LE. 500. Immediate possession.

Price nice 3-3419 Vince Hamby, BUDDIE Res, 6-4139. bath, EASESSION THOMPSON. ame Lake, beautiful Worth -Nice 5-room 7- r00m S.150 location. Price $050 side wt down and $30 per month. nice frame lake near Mrs.

Hart. sem*n: 1A8 Large one-story brick with 3-9824 servant quarters. furnace, Beautiful double yard. garage CH rooms Ate 2-story Colonial stucco, galow. Quarters furnace, double Helen 02819.

garage and EXCHAN Estate J. G. D. CLARK Henry Jr. co.

4-3819. 'E home Loans. Insurance. 3-1338. the, tile brick a Mrs.

edition furnished. factory built, TE font good n. set up in camp for 1493. -Strother. Save your high rent.

1405: 4-0489. iners. asbestos BIA glassed HEIGHTS. ARLINGTON fine bedrooms wenther stripped, sleeping porch, floor furModlin, bits condition garage convenient servant to shopping room. ments 4105 only zion.

frame, Prompt posneat well constructed. porch, ideally located RGAIN." GEO. J. 1358 Mills 7-2566. MELLINA co.

HOUSES FOR SALE 75 WEATHERFORD HIGHWAY. mile west of Ball's Trading Post, Vacant. One acre, 5-room rock house, room tenant house, servant house, butane gas, hot and cold water in both houses. deep well, overhead tank, fenced chicken proof, good chicken house, corn shed. Call Vance Hamby 3-3449.

Res. 6-4139. BUDDIE THOMPSON. FOREST PARK BLVD. Vacant, large 5-room frame, breakfast room, tile bath and drain, textone, big closets, large screened living porch, double garage, Kelroy Chadwick, 3-9411.

NORTH SIDE. 2608 Chestnut, large 5-room home, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, interior of this home will compare with $8,000 home in Fort Worth. Price $4,500, vith $1,500 Call Vance Hamby, 3-3449; res. 3-4139." BUDDIE THOMPSON. RIVERSIDE.

brick. Immediate possession, Just outside city limits. 2213 Grace St, Call P. Baker, 2-7988, 1 9-2945. RUSSELL WARD REALTORS.

CORNER OAKLAND ELLIS. mile south of Birdville, 7-room home, modern, large lot, 100x210, all fenced, irrigation well, concrete cellar, garage and cowshed; some fruit trees. Price $4,200. Call Vance Hamby, 3-3449; res. 6-4139.

BUDDIE THOMPSON. SO. SIDE; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Lovely large 5-room brick, several big closets, screened porch, everything in perfect condition, 4 pecan trees, convenient to stores, near OLV and Capps Park. Kelroy Chadwick, 3-9411.

SOUTHEAST SIDE -VACANT. 807 Exter, 11 rooms, completely refinished Inside and out with 3-room apartment in rear, double garage, excellent location, new composition roof, block from bus vine, near schools. Price $5,000. Call Vance Hamby, 3-3449; res, 6-4139. BUDDIE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.

New 2-bedroom houses war workere. Down payment reasonable, monthly payments cheaper than rent. Call Mr. Fauber, 6-3106 weekdays. ROCKWOOD TERRACE ADDITION.

NORTH SIDE. 2216 Ross Avenue- -Large 5-room house, needs some repairs. Price $1,995. 3-3449. Res.

2-2606. BUDDIE THOMPSON. FIVE ACRES, 2 houses, outbuildings; all utilities. Have your garden, chickens, cows and then rent the smaller house. LARGE 6-room brick home; vacant; will consider a smaller home in change.

2-4667. GRACE KELL JUNG. 4-1989. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. 5312 Pershing 5 rooms, interior.

Venetian blinds, on bus line, near schools. Price $4,750. 3-3449. BUDDIE THOMPSON. 3-5162 Res.

HOME ACRES ADDITION. acre, corner. has 2-room frame, lights, east of Poly. Vacant. Bargain at $1,000, $500 cash and $25 per month.

Call J. Athans. MeDONALD COMPANY, 2-6345. INDIAN OAKS. house, modern, good garage, chick3-room en house, fenced and cross-fenced; close to school and bus lines: $2,250.

Call Vance Hamby, 3-3449; res. 6-4139. BUDDIE THOMPSON. $3,650. 3420 Ave.

Lovely bungalow, rms. and sleeping porch. $750 down, $50 mo. 3-2123, 4-1562. 1120 E.

BROADWAY. Large room house, needs some repairs. $370 down. Call Vance Price Hamby 3 3449: res 6-4139. BUDDIE THOMPSON.

cozy corner, 5 rooms, (4500 PANOLA), easy terms. W. H. Greenwood. POLYTECHNIC.

A splendid 6-room frame, 3640 Ave. new roof, nice builtconcrete foundation, double garage. All in good in features, $4,200 with $2.000 cash, bal. condition. J.

Wright. 2-7221 or 4-3058. eAsy. T. GEO.

BEGGS. YEARS AT 1114 W. 7TH 36 SOUTHEAST SIDE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -1601 E. Mag 5-room home with sleeping nolla -Large porch, Venetian blinds, completely refininside and out, beautiful interior.

ished with $1,500 down. Better Price $3,250 hurry. THOMPSON. 3-5162 Res. 3-3449.

BUDDIE NEAR HAMPSHIRE BLVD. bungalow, rooms, Almost new attached, big lot 50x190, alcove, garage Immediate possession. Call Helen vacant. 2-8166: res. 7-3338.

Denman, FT. WORTH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE POLYTECHNIC. 6-room frame, 3 bedrooms High quality baths, Venetian blinds (1 18x30 2 Wood -burning fireplace. and draperies. tile drain and splash hardwood floors, Double garage, plenty board In Call Helen Denman, 2-8166; kitchen.

storage space. 7-3338. res. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE FT. WORTH Dell 6-room trame, new roof: also garage apartRIVERSIDE-2520 pine floors.

Possession. No ment. $4,750. Owner. dealers.

RIVERSIDE-2304 Lillian, 5 rooms, Terms. $2,650. 8-room duplex, $3,500. BALDWIN Lillian, 2-7515, 5-3448. REALTY rooms, corner, 301 W.

MAGNOLIA $2.750, $750 down, $30 month. 5-3448. BALDWIN REALTY 2-7515. near all NEW HOMES war workers ID Arungton schools, for sale occupancy In 30 days. to qualified Will be ready for Phone 6-3106 Elliott.

SIDE 7-ROOM BRICK. SOUTH blinds, Like new, floor furnace, Venetian double garage, 2 lots, possession. $6,500. REALTY 2-7515. 5-3448.

BALDWIN bonded, insured, low MOVING service, cost, efficient. FORWARDING. INC. 2-6301 CENTRAL School, 5 RIVERSIDE vacant, a acre, $3,150, -Near Oakhurst rooms. garage $500 down.

REALTY 2-7515. 5-3448. BALDWIN ARL. widow settling estate, sell her cash, balance $50 6-room brick for $1,290 month. 4-8847 or 4-8012 rooms and sleeping porch, PERSHING5 shrubs, double decorated, lovely newly near bus.

Possession. garage, T. B. HART. 6-2153.

bungalow: 6 rins. and ARL. HTS. Brick location near stores tile will handle. Aldridge, bath: and bus.

$1.400 4-1920. 4-3271. AVE. M- A most attractive frame duplex, double garage, fenced, excellent condition, of $4,650. near bus.

Possession T. B. HART, 5-2153. 5-room house: OAKHURST for the or Army; immediate Riverside, possesleaving sion. J.

B. Dodson, 3-5197. rooms, large LIPSCOMB BRICKlovely interior. large pascreened porch, trees. Possession, $6,950.

T. B. HART. 5-2153. pershell pecan Colonial home, near Income makes POSSESSION-1941 Carter High, $1,700.

Owner. 1015 lovely interior. monthly payments. Kings Highway. COURT-7-room brick, cash.

$7,500, $3,000 BELFORD baths, good condition, T. B. HART, 5-2153. new, well built, TCU. 5 rooms, interior: $1,000 down.

Owner, nearly beautiful 4-1338. 7-roon, home, partly furnished, reasonMY ably priced. 4-3222. near frame, large lot, POLY -Good $4.500, $1.500 cash. 6-room schools.

bus. stores, (No loan expense). T. B. HART.

5-2153. SOUTH SIDE-1409 COOPER. Vance Vacant-6 rooms, large 6-4139 BUDDIE or THOMPSON. 3-3449. IMMEDIATE on OCCUPANCY.

corner lot, 2 SO. SIDE and -Brick small cottage sleeping porch, large bedrooms Owner transferred. Real breakfast room. furniture included for $800. value SUBURBAN, a $4,750, FOREST ACRES-6-room corner, large with trees, separate cyclone home and beautiful acre, tile bath fence, garage, terrace, servshower for chickens.

Owner stall, ant's room; equipped moving brick, attached ARL. HEIGHTS-4-room location, furniture garage, corner lot, $4,200. included "LLEWELLYN ADAMS. 9-1024; 4-4956. 2-5368; 4-1898; 5-room brick, $4,750.

3132 co*ckRELL, MORPHY-5-room frame, $2,800. 1306 1205 frame, $2,100. 3401 LITTLEJOHN-4-room frame, $3,750. frame, $1,975. 4832 GALVESTON-5-room frame, $3,250.

1801 LANDERS-4-room frame, $1,600. 2812 balance like rent. 2-7570 Terms cash, or 2-5860. ARL. HTS.

IMMEDIATE 3913 Attractive POSSESSION. 6-room frame F. H. A. bath and construction, hardwood floors, fine blinds, garage, all place, beautiful kitchen, $2,500 cash will Venetian in excellent condition, balance $34 per handle without refinancing, 6 month of furniture also for sale.

including taxes and insurance. rooms CLAUDE P. COATES, 2-5315. HOUSES FOR SALE 75 2-ROOM frame house, very nice and nearly terms. Two blocks east of Montgomery Ward's.

2217 West 5th. NEW RANCH-STYLE HOME. 5-room frame, on Grapevine Road, one mile east Birdville; double garage, breezeway. 2 acres, fenced. country home, W.

F. WHITE, REAL' ESTATE. 2-4713 Phones 3-5843. Since my husband's recent death, I am carrying on his real estate business. Mrs.

W. F. White. 5-ROOM house, newly decorated, new water heater, linoleum, located at 3713 McCart St, Price $3,750, terms. Immediate possession.

2-9550 or 4-1700. SMALL brick cottage on Willing for only $3,500. Equipment and finish nice. One large bedroom. $1,000 would handle.

Aldridge, 4-1920. THOMAS M. CO. 4-3271. 2-STORY brick; RAYAN bedrooms, 2 complete baths: 2-car garage and store room: rounding property good; schools and bus service near.

Only $7,900. Aldridge, 4-1920 THOMAS M. RYAN cO. 4-3271. 2924 PURINGTON.

Exceptionally well constructed 5-room frame, splendid condition throughout, Venetian blinds, throughout, Immediate possession. $3,750. Near bus and schools. J. I.

3-2487. M' M'DONALD COMPANY, 2-6345. RIVERSIDE. 311 Grace, 7-room duplex. Real buy.

3700 block Yucca Street, 3-4 and 6-room frames, 100 300 lots. 316 Grace, 5-room rock; beautiful home. 2821 Jeff, 5-room frame. Vacant. W.

F. WHITE, REAL ESTATE. 2-4713 Phones 3-5843 Since my husband's recent death, I am carrying on him real estate business. Mrs. W.

E. White. T. C. brick cottage, furnished.

$3,300 cash. 2-5586. BY OWNER-3000 TRAVIS. 6-room frame, corner lot, conveniently 10- cated, hardwood floors, new inlaid linoleum, excellent roof. $1,000 cash, balance monthly.

4-9192. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Will sell my equity in 5-room home and glassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors, extra large closets, lots of built- -ins, composition roof and concrete foundation, blocks from school, shipping center and bus: quick possession, by owner, 7-7078. POSSESSION-5-room modern brick, 2419 Prairie. $3,685, easy terms.

Owner, 6-3931. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME. On large garden tract, total price $125, $5 month, no city taxes; 4 blocks. from bus; just west of Ridglea, close to shopping center. bombing plant.

churches, schools. Buy that social security homestead now. Sales office CARROLL and WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD, north of Montgomery Ward. SOUTH SIDE -Nice 6-room house, garage A-1 condition, tile chicken house. Owner transferred, must sell at a bargain, also 5-room house, acre of land, nice chicken house, on Eastland St.

3-3643. 4-5281. 5000 HAMPSHIRE, nice 5-room cottage, large corner lot. A real buy at $4.000. 5-4573.

2337 HARRISON," 6-room brick. $7.000 1317 Jennings, 5 rooms. $3,350 905 St. Louis, 6 rooms, $600 cash. 1320 Lake.

5 rooms $3,000 1001 E. Maddox, large place. $3,650 C. B. BURKHART, 4-1243.

FOREST PARK BLVD. -Nearly new fiveroom frame. lots of built-ins, perfect condition. Vacant. BELLAIRE SECTION -Well located fiveroom brick, new condition, Very liberal terms.

STUART DRIVE -Pretty 5-room brick, tile drain, asbestos tile roof, fenced yard. Very reasonable. Price and terms. LIPSCOMB brick home. baths, basem*nt, slate roof, double garage with 3-room apt.

Needs some repair. Original cost over $20.000. Excellent MRS. J. G.

CHAMPION, 4-7709. VACANT LOTS 76 BELLATRE-For male by owner: South front lot, 90x180 feet. 3800 block Westeliff Road, South Ph. 4-9523. TWO lovely lots, utilities, 4205 Sixth opposite park, $200.

3335 Montgomery (Masonie Home). $250. Owner, 4-5315. Terms. TWO CORNER lots, 50x225, in Indian Oaks.

7-4639. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME- Diamond Hill, blocks school. church, bus; all utilities on addition. Total price $115. Easy terma See salesman 2500 block Northeast Twenty.

eighth St. office SEVERAL dandy homesites on South Side. all utilities on addition. Priced way below values: $1 down, easy terms. Salesmen.

CORNER OF HEMPHILL and BIDDISON SUBURBAN ACREAGE (Improved) 5 ROOMS, modern. One acre or more. Possession at once. 4401 Ohio Garden Rd. 3 ACRES and 5-room brick, double rage, 1 mile of Bomber Plant gate; price $3,850.

Jones, 3-2114. 4-ROOM house, 31 acres, lights, gas, 12 miles out, 4 miles off Grapevine Highway. Will trade for city or sell on terms. 7-4639. 5 ACRES improved, good 5-room house with bath and service porch, garage, wash house, 4 large chicken houses with wellfenced pens, cowshed, hog pasture newly fenced, out buildings.

Wired for electricity. Water piped to chicken houses. 2 acres fine soil in cultivation. woods orchard, berries. beautiful shade trees, lawn, shrubs, good neighborhood, growing community, close to school, bus.

Near Forest Hill, clear of debts. Priced $4,950 or will trade for house in town. Phone 6-9887. FOR SALE or trade by owner, 20 acres, good 5-room house with bath, hot water, natural gas. lights, double garage, 2 good chicken houses, other outbuildings, 100 hens, 3 head of cattle, 5 hogs, good mule, plow tools.

A beautiful place 11 miles from courthouse. 2-0189. $83 BUYS large garden tract 250x58, rich soil, some with trees, perfect for chickens; shallow water, no city taxes, close in. Buy that homestead now. $5 down, $5 per mo.

See salesman, cor. Hemphill and Biddison. ARMS -I 82 52 (A.) rich, dark, sandy loam land. (A.) bermuda pasture, big everlasting spring in pasture, balance will raise anything 'plenty of Good liveable 3-room house, small barn. electricity, miles N.

E. of Courthouse, $100 cash, balance long terms, no trade. F. P. TRACY, W.

T. WAGGONER BLDG. EXCLUSIVE AGENT. 150 A. Settle estate, $25 acre.

Three sets improvements, plenty grass, land. Also 600 en highway; excellent improvements. 150 highway, spring water. etc. B.

Banks Weatherford, Texas. Phone 317, FOR SALE OR TRADE Owner has small frame house, clear, located on well fenced one acre, within half mile walking distance of bomber plant. New deep well, windmill, electricity. Water piped in house but Inside toilet. Excellent large poultry house.

good brooder house and cow shed. Fruit trees. $2.750 cash or will trade for. or on, improved farm. with electricity, located Tarrant, Johnson or Parker Counties.

Will assume any difference. Mail address: 1924 Fair Bldg. Phones 3-4456. night 7-4328. 400-ACRE BLACK LAND STOCK FARM, with 120 acres fine land in cultivation, balance fine prairie pasture, good improvements, 18 miles south.

This is a real place; $7,000 cash will handle, balance long terms. 472 acres, 18 miles north of Fort Worth on paved highway. Denton County, near Haslett, all heavy black land: 300 acres wheat and oats up to a fine stand. 680-acre ranch, Hamilton County, good 1m- provements. It will winter 100 head of without feeding; no shortage of grass on this place: $27.50 per acre; one-third cash.

2-2570. J. M. BOYD 4-5581. WEST SIXTH STREET.

250 ACRES. 7 miles weat of city facing three highways. Ideal for stock farm or subdividing. Six-room house, deep well, dairy barn. For location, price and terms call GUTHRIE-GRAFA 3-2425.

Member Ft. Worth Real Estate Asso. RANCH, 75 miles SW. 3 sets good improvements, electricity, phone, wells with windmills and on highway, with 400 acres of good black land in cultiva-204 tion; price $30 per acre: half cash. 2-2570.


60 ACRES -4-room house, good water, electricity $3,000. D. E. Box, Grapevine. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.

55 acres stock farm and chicken ranch, 9 miles from city limits, on U. S. highway; new 5-room home, all city utilities, running creek, pecans, rich soil, big barn, brand new tractor and tools. $8.000, $4,600 cash down. COLLINS COLLINS.

Main. 2-8377 STOCK farm near Azle for sale or trade. new improvements; will carry balance. 7-4639. Dr.

McCollum Funeral Today Fort Worth Physician and Surgeon for 29 Years Will Be Buried in Rose Hill. Funeral services for Dr. Charles H. McCollum 69, Fort Worth physician and surgeon for 29 years, will be conducted at p. m.

Friday at the residence, 2806 Sixth Avenue. Revs. Jeff D. Ray tnd J. Hoytt Boles will officiate.

Interment will be in Rose Hill Burial Park. Dr. McCollum died Thursday morning of a heart ailment from which he had suffered several years. He became critically ill Tuesday night after working in his pffice all day. He came to Texas from Tennessee with his parents in 1882, and settled in Coryell County.

The ambition to become a physician came early in life, so after the Spanish-American War, he enrolled in the University of Texas. He later studied medicine in Europe. He served as an elder in the Hemphill Presbyterian Church, and had been a trustee of Trinity University. His son, Lt. Charles H.

McCollum a former Fort Worth physician, is serving in the South Pacific with the Naval Medical Department. Other survivors include his widow and a daughter, Mrs. Byron Bronstad of Washington, D. C. H.

E. ANDERSON. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Saturday at the First Methodist Church Chapel for Harley E.

Anderson, 52, a Convair mechanical research engineer who died Wednesday night at his home, 4567 Meadowbrook. Revs. Warren T. and Irving Smith will officiate, and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. MRS.

SARAH M'REYNOLDS. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a. m. Friday at First Methodist Church for Mrs. Sarah McReynolds, 66, of 1251 E.

Morphy, who died Wednesday in Galveston. Rev. Warren T. Johnston will officiate, and burial will be in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at Denton. MRS.

IDA CLARK COOPER. Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Clark Cooper, 72, wife of Thomas N. Cooper, 1925 South Jennings, will be conducted at 2 p. m.

Friday at Gause-Ware Memorial Chapel. Rev. George Norris will officiate, and burial will be in Smithfield Cemetery. KENNETH RAY TERRY. Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.

m. Friday at Phillips Funeral Home for Kenneth Ray Terry, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buster Terry, 725 Kellis. Rev.

C. E. Matthews will officiate and burial will be in Laurel Land Memorial Park. The child died Wednesday morning at his home. KHURST JOHN SCHULTZ.

Funeral services will be conducted at 9 a. m. at the residence for John Schultz, 68, of 2413 Lillian, a veteran of the SpanishAmerican War and a resident of Fort Worth since 1919. Burial will be in Waco. Mr.

Schultz died Wednesday in a veterans hospital in Dallas. He is survived by his widow; two sisters, Mrs. George Drahobl and Mrs. Christena Neal of Summers, and a stepdaughter, Emma Norwood. Dice Condition Critical M.

D. Dice, 44, of 4600 Hampshire, Convair flight operations manager, remained in a critical condition in the Parkland Hospital at Dallas Thursday night suffering from injuries in an automobile accident Northwest Highway, near Dallas. He suffered a compound fracture of the skull, possible puncture of a lung and a fractured right leg and arm when his car collided with a cattle truck Wednesday night. Dice was administered firstaid by James Bowen, 1315 S. Jennings, a former ambulance driver who arrived on the scene shortly after the accident occurred.

ABE MARTIN Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat. Office Te cost CARROTS 2 ANFIL STYLE MUSH FRIED "I'd like be jest rich enough t' know I could sleep later in th' mornin's if wanted to," said Lafe Bud t'day.

We're all purty much alike when we git out o' town. (Copyright. John F. Dille Co.).

Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.