irispy.spectrograph — irispy-lmsal 0.2.1 documentation (2024)

import loggingimport textwrapimport astropy.units as uimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom astropy.coordinates import SkyCoordfrom astropy.time import Timefrom ndcube import NDCollectionfrom sunpy.coordinates import Helioprojectivefrom sunraster import SpectrogramCube as SpecCubefrom sunraster import SpectrogramSequence as SpecSeqfrom sunraster.meta import Meta, SlitSpectrographMetaABCfrom sunraster.spectrogram import APPLY_EXPOSURE_TIME_ERRORfrom irispy import utilsfrom irispy.utils.constants import SPECTRAL_BANDfrom irispy.visualization import Plotter, _set_axis_colors__all__ = ["Collection", "SpectrogramCube", "SpectrogramCubeSequence", "SGMeta"]

[docs]class Collection(NDCollection): def __str__(self): return textwrap.dedent( f""" Collection ---------- Cube keys: {tuple(self.keys())} Number of Cubes: {len(self)} Aligned dimensions: {self.aligned_dimensions} Aligned physical types: {self.aligned_axis_physical_types} """, )

[docs]class SpectrogramCube(SpecCube): """ Class representing SpectrogramCube data described by a single WCS. Parameters ---------- data: `numpy.ndarray` The array holding the actual data in this object. wcs: `ndcube.wcs.wcs.WCS` The WCS object containing the axes' information unit : `astropy.unit.Unit` or `str` Unit for the dataset. Strings that can be converted to a Unit are allowed. meta : dict-like object Additional meta information about the dataset. Must contain at least the following keys: - detector type: str, (FUV1, FUV2 or NUV) - OBSID: int - spectral window: str uncertainty : any type, optional Uncertainty in the dataset. Should have an attribute uncertainty_type that defines what kind of uncertainty is stored, for example "std" for standard deviation or "var" for variance. A metaclass defining such an interface is NDUncertainty - but isn't mandatory. If the uncertainty has no such attribute the uncertainty is stored as UnknownUncertainty. Defaults to None. mask : any type, optional Mask for the dataset. Masks should follow the numpy convention that valid data points are marked by False and invalid ones with True. Defaults to None. copy : `bool`, optional Indicates whether to save the arguments as copy. True copies every attribute before saving it while False tries to save every parameter as reference. Note however that it is not always possible to save the input as reference. Default is False. """ def __init__( self, data, wcs, uncertainty, unit, meta, *, mask=None, copy=False, ): super().__init__( data, wcs, unit=unit, uncertainty=uncertainty, mask=mask, meta=meta, copy=copy, ) def __getitem__(self, item): result = super().__getitem__(item) return SpectrogramCube(, result.wcs, result.uncertainty, result.unit, result.meta, mask=result.mask, ) def __repr__(self): return f"{object.__repr__(self)}\n{self!s}" def __str__(self): instance_start = None instance_end = None if self.global_coords and "time" in self.global_coords: instance_start = self.global_coords["time"].min().isot instance_end = self.global_coords["time"].max().isot elif self.extra_coords and self.axis_world_coords("time", wcs=self.extra_coords): instance_start = self.axis_world_coords("time", wcs=self.extra_coords)[0].min().isot instance_end = self.axis_world_coords("time", wcs=self.extra_coords)[0].max().isot return textwrap.dedent( f""" SpectrogramCube --------------- OBS ID: {self.meta.get("OBSID")} OBS Description: {self.meta.get("OBS_DESC")} OBS period: {self.meta.get("STARTOBS")} -- {self.meta.get("ENDOBS")} Spectrogram period: {instance_start} -- {instance_end} Data shape: {self.dimensions} Axis Types: {self.array_axis_physical_types} Roll: {self.meta.get("SAT_ROT")} """, )

[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): cmap = kwargs.get("cmap") if not cmap: try: cmap = plt.get_cmap(name=f"irissji{int(self.meta.detector[:3])}") except Exception as e: # NOQA: BLE001 logging.debug(e) cmap = "viridis" kwargs["cmap"] = cmap if len(self.dimensions) == 1: kwargs.pop("cmap") ax = Plotter(ndcube=self).plot(*args, **kwargs) _set_axis_colors(ax) return ax

[docs] def convert_to(self, new_unit_type, time_obs=None, response_version=4): """ Converts data, unit and uncertainty attributes to new unit type. Takes into consideration also the observation time and response version. The presence or absence of the exposure time correction is preserved in the conversions. Parameters ---------- new_unit_type : `str` Unit type to convert data to. Three values are accepted: "DN": Relevant IRIS data number based on detector type. "photons": photon counts "radiance": Perorms radiometric calibration conversion. time_obs : `astropy.time.Time`, optional Observation times of the datapoints. Must be in the format of, e.g., ``time_obs=Time('2013-09-03')``, The argument time_obs is ignored for versions 1 and 2. response_version : `int`, optional Version number of effective area file to be used, by default = 6. Returns ------- `SpectrogramCube` New SpectrogramCube in new units. """ detector_type = utils.get_detector_type(self.meta) if new_unit_type == "radiance" or self.unit.is_equivalent(utils.RADIANCE_UNIT): # Get spectral dispersion per pixel. spectral_wcs_index = np.where(np.array(self.wcs.wcs.ctype) == "WAVE")[0][0] spectral_dispersion_per_pixel = ( self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[spectral_wcs_index] * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[spectral_wcs_index] ) # Get solid angle from slit width for a pixel. lat_wcs_index = ["HPLT" in c for c in self.wcs.wcs.ctype] lat_wcs_index = np.arange(len(self.wcs.wcs.ctype))[lat_wcs_index] lat_wcs_index = lat_wcs_index[0] solid_angle = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[lat_wcs_index] * self.wcs.wcs.cunit[lat_wcs_index] * utils.SLIT_WIDTH # Get wavelength for each pixel. obs_wavelength = self.axis_world_coords(2) if new_unit_type in ["DN", "photons"]: if self.unit.is_equivalent(utils.RADIANCE_UNIT): # Convert from radiance to counts/s new_data_quantities = utils.convert_or_undo_photons_per_sec_to_radiance( ( * self.unit, self.uncertainty.array * self.unit), time_obs, response_version, obs_wavelength, detector_type, spectral_dispersion_per_pixel, solid_angle, undo=True, ) new_data = new_data_quantities[0].value new_uncertainty = new_data_quantities[1].value new_unit = new_data_quantities[0].unit self = SpectrogramCube( new_data, self.wcs, new_uncertainty, new_unit, self.meta, mask=self.mask, ) self._extra_coords = self.extra_coords new_unit = utils.DN_UNIT[detector_type] if new_unit_type == "DN" else u.photon new_data_arrays, new_unit = utils.convert_between_DN_and_photons( (, self.uncertainty.array), self.unit, new_unit, ) new_data = new_data_arrays[0] new_uncertainty = new_data_arrays[1] elif new_unit_type == "radiance": if self.unit.is_equivalent(utils.RADIANCE_UNIT): new_data = new_uncertainty = self.uncertainty new_unit = self.unit else: # Ensure spectrogram is in units of counts/s. cube = self.convert_to("photons") try: cube = cube.apply_exposure_time_correction() except ValueError(APPLY_EXPOSURE_TIME_ERROR): pass # Convert to radiance units. new_data_quantities = utils.convert_or_undo_photons_per_sec_to_radiance( ( * cube.unit, cube.uncertainty.array * cube.unit), time_obs, response_version, obs_wavelength, detector_type, spectral_dispersion_per_pixel, solid_angle, ) new_data = new_data_quantities[0].value new_uncertainty = new_data_quantities[1].value new_unit = new_data_quantities[0].unit else: msg = "Input unit type not recognized." raise ValueError(msg) new_cube = SpectrogramCube( new_data, self.wcs, new_uncertainty, new_unit, self.meta, mask=self.mask, ) new_cube._extra_coords = self.extra_coords # NOQA: SLF001 return new_cube

[docs]class SpectrogramCubeSequence(SpecSeq): """ Class for holding, slicing and plotting IRIS spectrogram data. This class contains all the functionality of its super class with some additional functionalities. Parameters ---------- data_list: `list` List of `SpectrogramCube` objects from the same spectral window and OBS ID. meta: `dict` or header object, optional Metadata associated with the sequence. common_axis: `int`, optional The axis of the NDCubes corresponding to time. """ def __init__(self, data_list, meta=None, common_axis=0): # Check that all spectrograms are from same spectral window and OBS ID. if len(np.unique([cube.meta["OBSID"] for cube in data_list])) != 1: msg = "Constituent SpectrogramCube objects must have same value of 'OBSID' in its meta." raise ValueError(msg) super().__init__(data_list, meta=meta, common_axis=common_axis) def __str__(self): # Overload it get the class name in the string return super().__str__()

[docs] def convert_to(self, new_unit_type, *, copy=False): """ Converts data, uncertainty and unit of each spectrogram in sequence to new unit. Parameters ---------- new_unit_type: `str` Unit type to convert data to. Three values are accepted: "DN": Relevant IRIS data number based on detector type. "photons": photon counts "radiance": Performs radiometric calibration conversion. copy: `bool` If True a new instance with the converted data values is return. If False, the current instance is overwritten. Default=False """ converted_data_list = [cube.convert_to(new_unit_type) for cube in] if copy is True: return SpectrogramCubeSequence(converted_data_list, meta=self.meta, common_axis=self._common_axis) = converted_data_list return None

[docs]class SGMeta(Meta, metaclass=SlitSpectrographMetaABC): def __init__(self, header, spectral_window, **kwargs): super().__init__(header, **kwargs) spectral_windows = np.array([self[f"TDESC{i}"] for i in range(1, self["NWIN"] + 1)]) window_mask = np.array([spectral_window in window for window in spectral_windows]) if window_mask.sum() < 1: msg = ( "Spectral window not found. " f"Input spectral window: {spectral_window}; " f"Spectral windows in header: {spectral_windows}" ) raise ValueError( msg, ) if window_mask.sum() > 1: msg = ( "Spectral window must be unique. " f"Input spectral window: {spectral_window}; " f"Ambiguous spectral windows in header: {spectral_windows[window_mask]}" ) raise ValueError( msg, ) self._iwin = np.arange(len(spectral_windows))[window_mask][0] + 1 def __str__(self): return textwrap.dedent( f""" SGMeta ------ Observatory: {self.observatory} Instrument: {self.instrument} Detector: {self.detector} Spectral Window: {self.spectral_window} Spectral Range: {self.spectral_range} Spectral Band: {self.spectral_band} Dimensions: {self.dimensions} Date: {self.date_reference} OBS ID: {self.observing_mode_id} OBS Description: {self.observing_mode_description} """, ) def __repr__(self): return f"{object.__repr__(self)}\n{self!s}" def _construct_time(self, key): val = self.get(key) if val is not None: val = Time(val, format="fits", scale="utc") return val @property def spectral_window(self): return self.get(f"TDESC{self._iwin}") @property def detector(self): return self.get(f"TDET{self._iwin}") @property def instrument(self): return self.get("INSTRUME") @property def observatory(self): return self.get("TELESCOP") @property def processing_level(self): return self.get("DATA_LEV") @property def distance_to_sun(self): return self.get("DSUN_OBS") * u.m @property def date_reference(self): return self._construct_time("DATE_OBS") @property def date_start(self): return self.date_reference @property def date_end(self): return self._construct_time("DATE_END") @property def observing_mode_id(self): return int(self.get("OBSID")) # ---------- IRIS-specific metadata properties ---------- @property def dimensions(self): return self.shape.tolist() @property def observing_mode_description(self): return self.get("OBS_DESC") @property def observing_campaign_start(self): """ Start time of observing campaign. """ return self._construct_time("STARTOBS") @property def observing_campaign_end(self): """ End time of observing mode. """ return self._construct_time("ENDOBS") @property def observation_includes_SAA(self): """ Whether IRIS passed through SAA during observations. """ return bool(self.get("SAA")) @property def satellite_rotation(self): """ Satellite roll from solar north. """ return self.get("SAT_ROT") * u.deg @property def exposure_control_triggers_in_observation(self): """ Number of times automatic exposure control triggered during observing campaign. """ return self.get("AECNOBS") @property def exposure_control_triggers_in_raster(self): """ Number of times automatic exposure control was triggered during this raster. """ return self.get("AECNRAS") @property def number_raster_positions(self): """ Number of positions in raster. """ self.get("NRASTERP") @property def spectral_range(self): """ The spectral range of the spectral window. """ return [self.get(f"TWMIN{self._iwin}"), self.get(f"TWMAX{self._iwin}")] * u.AA @property def spectral_band(self): """ The spectral band of the spectral window. """ return SPECTRAL_BAND[self.spectral_window] @property def raster_fov_width_y(self): """ Width of the field of view of the raster in the Y (slit) direction. """ return self.get("FOVY") * u.arcsec @property def raster_fov_width_x(self): """ Width of the field of view of the raster in the X (rastering) direction. """ return self.get("FOVX") * u.arcsec @property def fov_center(self): """ Location of the center of the field of view. """ return SkyCoord( Tx=self.get("XCEN"), Ty=self.get("YCEN"), unit=u.arcsec, frame=Helioprojective, ) @property def automatic_exposure_control_enabled(self): return bool(self.get("IAECFLAG")) @property def tracking_mode_enabled(self): return bool(self.get("TR_MODE")) @property def observatory_at_high_latitude(self): """ Whether IRIS passed through high Earth latitude during observations. """ return bool(self.get("HLZ")) @property def spatial_summing_factor(self): """ Number of pixels summed together in the spatial (Y/slit) direction. """ return self.get("SUMSPAT") @property def spectral_summing_factor(self): """ Number of pixels summed together in the spectral direction. """ if "fuv" in self.detector.lower(): return self.get("SUMSPTRF") return self.get("SUMSPTRN")

irispy.spectrograph — irispy-lmsal 0.2.1 documentation (2024)
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