MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (2024)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Being a single wavelength light source with uniform phase:

  • Laser light travels smoothly with verylittle dispersion.
  • Makes itidealfor long-distance communication.
  • For fiber optics with glass fibers, light in the infrared region is widely used which has wavelengths longer than visible light, typically of 850, 1300, and 1550 nm.
  • Transmitters (Lasers or LEDs) emit in infrared regions and are used as a light source for fiber transmission.
  • The laser acts as the best source in optical communication becauseit is a single wavelength light source.
  • Ordinary light contains many different wavelengths of light, differences emerge in the speed of the transmission, reducing the number of signals that can be transmitted in any set time.
  • Receivers (photodetectors) at these particular wavelengths are also easy to construct.


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  • We use infrared because the attenuation of the fiber is much less at those wavelengths.
  • The attenuation of glass optical fiber is caused by two factors, absorption, and scattering.
  • Absorption occurs in several specific wavelengths called water bands due to the absorption by minute amounts of water vapor in the glass.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Satellite communication", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Wired communication between devices", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Wireless communication between devices", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Communication between landline to mobile phone", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘Bluetooth' technology is" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer isWireless communication between devices.

Key Points


  • Bluetooth is a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) technology and is used for exchanging data over smaller distances.
  • Bluetooth technology allows devices to communicate with each other without cables or wires. Bluetooth relies on short-range radio frequency, and any device that incorporates the technology can communicate as long as it is within the required distance.
  • Bluetooth is used for short-range communications between device peers, as well as a device to the peripheral. The number and variety of peripherals that communicate via Bluetooth are immense—wireless headsets for hands-free cell phone use, keyboards, mice, videogame controllers, audio speakers, you name it.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

R >>ωC and G >>ωL

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

R <<ωL and G <<ωC

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (2)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

RG >> LC

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


Propagation constant for the transmission line is given by:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (3)

For lossless line α = 0

If R ≪ ωL and a ≪ ωC, the propagation constant becomes:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (5) ---(1)

Comparing equation (1) with α + jβ:

α = 0. Hence the line is lossless.

Important points:

A transmission line is also lossless when:

R = 0 and G = 0.

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Here also α = 0 and the line is lossless

∴ The conditions for lossless line includes:

1) R = 0; G = 0, or

2) ωL ≫ R & ωC ≫ G

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

|A| = 0 (For closed loop)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Adj [A] / |A| = 0 (For closed loop)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

[A] = 1 (For closed loop)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

|A| = 1 (For closed loop)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Incidence matrix:

  • It is the matrix that gives a relation between the branches and nodes.
  • The rows of the incidence matrix [A] represent the number of nodes and the column of the matrix represents the number of branches in the given graph.
  • If there are‘n’ number of rows in a given incidence matrix[A], that means in a graph there are ‘n’ number of nodes.
  • Similarly, if there are‘b’ numbers of columns in that given incidence matrix[A], that means in that graph there are ‘b’ number of branches.
  • We can construct the incidence matrix for the directed graph. We can draw a graph with the help of the incidence matrix.
  • The algebraic sum of elements of all the columns is zero.
  • The rank of the incidence matrix is (n–1).
  • The determinant of the incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero.

Hence, an Only statement I is correct.


Consider the below-closed graph:

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The incidence matrix is written as:

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We observe that the algebraic sum of elements of all the columns is zero.

The determinant of the given closed path is calculated as:

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∴ The determinant of the incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (10)


β = common-emitter current gain

α = Common base current gain


Common base current gain = α = 0.98

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (12)&MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (13)

Where IC= Collector current

IE= Emitter current

IB= Base current

Important Points

The DC current gain of a common collector is therefore given by the ratio of emitter current to the base current, i.e.

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IE= Emitter Current

IB= Base Current

Also, IE= IB+ IC

DC current gain will be:

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The DC current gain for a common emitter configuration is defined as:

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Equation (1) now becomes:

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Important Differences between different transistor configuration is as shown:

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." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Overdamping will make instruments:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


Classification of instruments on the basis of damping:

1.) Overdamping:

  • The value of the damping ratio is greater than 1.
  • In case of overdamping, the instrument will become slow and lethargic and rise very slowly from its zero position to a steady state position.

​2.) Undamped:

  • The value of the damping ratio is equalto 0.
  • In this case, the instrumentnever settles down and always oscillates about its mean position.

3.) Under-damped:

  • The value of the damping ratio lies between 0 to 1.
  • In this case, the system initially oscillates about its mean position but settles down to a steady state.

4.) Critical-damping:

  • The value of the damping ratio is equalto 1.
  • This damping returns the system to equilibrium as fast as possible without any oscillations.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (19)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result.","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Cache", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Registers", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Accumulators", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Stack", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result." }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


ALU (Arithmetic logic unit) is a circuit to perform arithmetic and logic operations.


  • ALU uses accumulator (a register) for storing intermediate results of arithmetic and logic operations.
  • Control unit provides the data to the ALU and directs the ALU to perform specific operations.
  • ALU stores the result in accumulator which is a type of register. Accumulator is a kind of temporary storage device which stores the intermediate results and if some previous results are already stored on the accumulator then it automatically overwrites the new results and previous results are removed.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Radar principle is used in","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "detection of aircraft", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "telephony", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "electron microscope", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "all of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Radar principle is used in" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The radar principle is used in thedetection of aircraft.


  • Radar is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging.
  • The term 'radio'refers to the use of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the so-calledradiowave portion of the spectrum, which covers a wide range from 104km to 1 cm.
  • It is basically an electromagnetic system used to detect the location and distance of an object from the point where the RADAR is placed.
  • Itworks by radiating energy into space and monitoring the echo or reflected signal from the objects.
  • It works on radio frequency in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
  • But most of the RADAR operates between 220 MHz to 35 GHz.

Radar systems have been used in military applications for

  • Ground surveillance
  • Missile control, fire control,
  • Air traffic control (ATC),
  • Moving target indication (MTI),
  • Weapons location
  • Vehicle search

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Inter symbol Interference

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


  • Scattering is the loss of signal caused by the diffusion of a light beam, where the diffusion itself is caused by microscopic variations in the transmission medium
  • Scattering typically happens when a light signal hits an impurity in the fibre

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (20)


  • Dispersion is defined as pulse spreading in an optical fibre
  • As a pulse of light propagates through a fibre, elements such as numerical aperture, core diameter, refractive index profile, wavelength, and laser linewidth cause the pulse to broaden

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  • The attenuation of an optical fibre measures the amount of light lost between input and output
  • Total attenuation is the sum of all losses
  • For a given fibre, these losses are wavelength-dependent

Inter-symbol Interference:

  • This is the effect of dispersion on optical fibre
  • Intersymbol interference occurs when the pulse spreading caused by dispersion causes the output pulses of a system to overlap

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." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer.","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "ROM", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "RAM", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Mother Board", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "PROM", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer." }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is option 1 i.e ROM

The startup instructions are stored on ROM in a computer. It isa part of BIOS (Basic Input Output System)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (23)." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

non-weighted amplifier

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

scaling amplifier

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

averaging amplifier

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

multiple-way amplifier

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

One type of summing amplifier is the SCALING AMPLIFIER.

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This circuit multiplies each input by a factor (the factor is determined by circuit design) and then adds these values together.

The factor that is used to multiply each input is determined by the ratio of the feedback resistor to the input resistor.

For example, we can design a circuit that would produce the following output from three inputs (E1, E2, E3)

= [(k1× E1) + (k2× E2) + (k3× E3)]

Using input resistors R1 for input number one (E1), R2 for input number two (E2), R3 for input number three (E3), and R4 for the feedback resistor,

We can calculate the values for the resistors.

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." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

floating point division

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

restoring division

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

integer multiplication

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

square root

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booths algorithm is used for

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booth’s algorithm is a multiplication algorithm that multiplies two signed binary numbers in 2’s complement notation.
Booth used desk calculators that were faster at shifting than adding and created the algorithm to increase their speed. Booth’s algorithm is of interest in the study of computer architecture.

Here’s the implementation of the flowchart.

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." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (29)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (30)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (31)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (32)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Moving Iron Instruments are the most common type of ammeter and voltmeter used at power frequencies in laboratories.

These instruments are very accurate, cheap, and rugged as compared to other AC instruments.

Working Principle of Moving Iron Instruments:

In Moving Iron Instruments, a plate or van of soft iron or of high permeability steel forms the moving element of the system.

The iron van is so situated that it can move in the magnetic field produced by a stationary coil.

The below figure shows a simple moving iron instrument.

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The stationary coil is excited by the current or voltage under measurement.

When the coil is excited, it becomes an electromagnet, and the iron van moves in direction of offering a low reluctance path.

Thus the force of attraction is always produced in a direction to increase the inductance of the coil.

Mind that as the van follows the low reluctance path, the net flux in the air gap will increase which means increased flux linkage of the coil, and hence inductance of coil will increase.

It shall also be noticed that the inductance of the coil is variable and depends on the position of the iron van.

Torque Equation of Moving Iron Instruments:

Deflecting torque in Moving iron Instruments is given as

Td =(1/2)I2(dL/dƟ)

In moving iron instruments, the controlling torque is provided by spring. Controlling torque due to spring is given as

Tc = KƟ

Where K = Spring constant

Ɵ = Deflection in the needle

In equilibrium state, deflecting and controlling torque shall be equal as below.

Deflecting Torque = Controlling Torque

⇒ Td = Tc

⇒ (1/2)I2(dL/dƟ) = KƟ

Ɵ = (1/2)(I2/K)(dL/dƟ)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Limited capacity of main memory

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Main memory is expensive

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Main memory possesses highly volatility

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

All of the above

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the reason to have secondary memory?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

We require secondary memory for our computer systems as:

  1. Limited capacity of main memory - Although we can add main memory to a system but it is extremely difficult for general users. And we also want to store all our programs and data inside the main memory. But main memory having limited capacity,can accommodate only a limited amount of data and small number of programs.
  2. Main memory is expensive -Main memory is faster than secondary memory and hence, it is highly expensive. Therefore, we can have multiple secondary storages in the cost of a single main memory.
  3. Main memory possesses highly volatility - Main memory is volatile storage whereas secondary memory is non-volatile storage, that is, main memory will lose its content as soon as its power is turned off whereas secondary memory will retain the content even when the power is lost.

All these reasons makes us to use secondary memory along with main memory.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Limiter", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Discriminator", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "AFC", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Noise eliminator", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

  • At the transmitter the amplitude of the modulated signal is constant, noise and interfering stations produce amplitude changes on the modulated signal
  • The purpose of the limiter is to provide a constant level of the signal to the FM demodulator, thus reducing the effect of signal level changes in the output

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Frequency modulation

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Phase shift key modulation

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Analog modulation

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Pulse code modulation

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

PSK(Phase Shift Keying):

InPSK (phase shift keying),binary 1 is represented with a carrier signal and binary 0is represented with 180° phase shift of a carrier, i.e. the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

For binary ‘1’ → S1(A) = Acos 2π fCt

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = A cos (2πfCt + 180°) = - A cos 2π fCt

The Constellation Diagram Representation is as shown:

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Important Point

ASK, PSK and FSKare signaling schemes used to transmit binary sequences through free space. In these schemes, bit-by-bit transmission through free space occurs.

FSK (Frequency Shift Keying):

InFSK (Frequency Shift Keying)binary 1 is represented with a high-frequency carrier signal and binary 0 is represented with a low-frequency carrier, i.e.In FSK, the carrier frequency is switched between 2 extremes.

For binary ‘1’ → S1(A) = Acos 2π fHt

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = A cos 2π fLt . The constellation diagram is as shown:

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ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying):

InASK (Amplitude shift keying)binary ‘1’ is represented with the presence of a carrier and binary ‘0’ is represented with the absence of a carrier:

For binary ‘1’ → S1(t) = Acos 2π fct

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = 0

The Constellation Diagram Representation is as shown:

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where‘I’ is the in-phase Componentand‘Q’ is the Quadrature phase.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (37)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (38)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

105 V

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (39)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

45 V

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (40)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

75 V

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (41)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

30 V

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (42)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (43)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The given circuit is redrawn as:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (44)

Applying KVL around the loop, we get:

100 - 8I - 40 - 30I - 2I = 0

60 = 40 I

I = 1.5 A

Now, the voltage across the 30Ω resistor will be:

V30Ω = 1.5× 30

V30Ω = 45 V

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "4 + sin2t, 4 sin t", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2 + sin2t, 2 sin t", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "4, 4 sin t + sin2 t", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2, sin t", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


Any given signal x(t) can be written as the sum of its even part and odd part, i.e.

x(t) = xe(t) + xo(t)

xe(t) = Even part of g(t) calculated as:

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xo(t) = Odd part of x(t) calculated as:

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x(t) = (2 + sin t)2

x(t) = 4 + sin2t + 4 sin t

x(-t) =4 + sin2t-4 sin t

Even part of g(t) calculated as:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (48)

= 4 +sin2t

Odd part of x(t) calculated as:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (51)

= 4 sin t

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (52)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (53)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

P – 4, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 3

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (54)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

P – 3, Q – 2, R – 4, S – 1

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (55)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

P – 1, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 4

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (56)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

P – 2, Q – 4, R – 3, S - 1

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (57)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (58)

Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

  • TheEnhancement mode MOSFET's are equivalent to a "Normally Open" switch that requires gate-source voltage to switch ON the device.
  • If the positive voltage (+VGS) is applied to an n-channel gate terminal, then only the channel will conduct and the drain current starts to flow through the channel.
  • If thebias voltage is zero or negative(- VGS)then the transistorswitches OFFand the channel stays in the non-conductive state resulting in the drain current to be zero.

Transfer characteristics of an n-channel depletion MOSFET is as shown:

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We observe that for VGS= 0, drain current is flowing.

Transfer characteristics of p-channel depletion MOSFET is as shown:

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Transfer characteristics of n-channelEnhancement MOSFET is as shown:

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We observe that for VGS= 0, there is no drain current flowing as there is no conduction region at VGS= 0, in enhancement mode MOSFET.

Transfer characteristics of p-channelEnhancement MOSFET is as shown:

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." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Let the numerator = x and denominator = y
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (63)

y + 3 = 2y ⇒ y = 3

x +1= 3 ⇒ x = 2

∴ xy = 2 × 3 = 6

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (64)
Hence, option A is correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (65)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (66)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (67)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (68)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (69)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (70)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (71)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (72)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (73)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (74)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (75)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (76)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (77)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (78)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (79)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (80)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (81)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

17.32 m

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

18.32 m

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (82)
Let AB be the building and AC be its shadow.
Then, AC = 20m and ∠ACB = 60°. Let AB = x m.
Presently AB/AC = tan 60° = √3 => x/10 = √3
=> x = 10√3m = (10 * 1.732) m = 17.32m.
∴ Height of the building is 17.32m.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

From the common explanation, we get Sona sits opposite Bobby.

Hence, Option E is correct.

Final Arrangement:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (83)
Common Explanation:


Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table.

Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner.

Students at the side face away from the centre and students at the corner faces towards the centre.


So, we need to arrange as follows to accommodate the information as stated in the question,

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (84)

Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi.

Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre.


From the above references, we get the following two different cases:

Case 1:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (85)
Case 2:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (86)

Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi.

Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table.

Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi.

Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.


So, from this case 2 will be eliminated as neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi.

Now, from case 1 we get the following final arrangements:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (87)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Using Rule 1 :
1st number × 2nd number = L.C. M. × H.C.F,
First number × Second number = HCF × LCM
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (88)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

either B or C option

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Following the common explanation, we get “C and Z sits two places away from Y”.
Hence, option D is correct.
Final Arrangement:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (89)

Common Explanation:
1. Two people are sitting between A and Z.
2. C sits fourth to the right of Z.
3. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.
4. The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C.
5. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends.
6. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y.
7. At most 25 people are sitting in a row.
From reference 1, we get two possible cases.
From reference 7, case2 was eliminated.
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (90)Hence, Case 1 is the final arrangement.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

French Revolution

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Turkish Revolution

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Russian Revolution

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

American War of Independence

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During that time Lenin introduced the idea of a socialist, cooperative economy and emphasized collectivisation .Hence, these values inspired Indians to set up a socialist economy.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

1970, from Black minority rule

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

1880, from White minority rule

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

1980, from Americans

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

1980, from White minority rule

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The country gained official independence as Zimbabwe on18 April 1980. The government held independence celebrations in Rufaro stadium in Salisbury, the capital.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Nomination of Candidate

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Booth capturing

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following does not include election procedure?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Booth capturing is a type of electoral fraud in which party loyalists "capture" a polling booth and vote in place of legitimate voters to ensure that their candidate wins.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Running water

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

There are four main agents of erosion. Moving water, wind, gravity, and ice wear away or break up rocks, sediments, and soil from the land's surface. When these materials are deposited or dropped in new places, it is called deposition. Erosion and deposition work together.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "State animal of Haryana is:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Black buck", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Asiatic Lion", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Chinkara", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Tiger", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "State animal of Haryana is:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is theBlackbuck.

Important Points

  • The Blackbuck is the state animal of Haryana. In India hunting of Blackbuck is ban under theWildlife Protection Act of 1972, due to excessive hunting andhabitat degradation of Blackbucks during the 20th century.
  • The Blackbuck or an Indian antelope are found in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. They have a lifespan of approximately 10 to 15 years.

Additional Information

  • Black Francolin of thepheasant family is the State bird of Haryana.
  • There are 2 National parks located in Haryana viz,Sultanpur National Park located in Gurugram andKalesar National Park located in Yamunanagar.
  • Chinkara alsoknown as Indian Gazelleis thestate animal of Rajasthan.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (91)
Hence, Option B is correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

If the data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

If the data in either statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

If the data in both statement I and statement II is together necessary to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Checking Statement I:

Using the above references, we get the following arrangement:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (92)
Clearly, D was born in July.

Hence data in statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

Checking Statement II:

Using the above references, we get the following arrangement:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (93)
Clearly, D was born in July.

Hence data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

Here, the data in either Statement I or II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, Option C is correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

6 min 30 s

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

3 min 15 s

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

12 min 10 s

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

2 min 5 s

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Kalu’s speed = 3 m/s.
For 1200 m, Kalu would take 400 seconds and Sambhu would take 10 seconds less. Hence, 390

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (94)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (95)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (96)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (97)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (98)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (99)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (100)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (101)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (102)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (103)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (104)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (105)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (106)
Answer figure
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (107)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (108)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (109)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

As, 68 = (4)3 + 4

130 = (5)3 + 5

and 350 = (7)3 + 7

Therefore, ? = (6)3 + 6 = 222

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

46: 35

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

43: 35

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

56: 33

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

53: 33

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (110)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

As the cry of 'Dog' is called 'Bark' in the same way the cry of 'Goat' is called 'Bleat'.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Product of two numbers = HCF × LCM
1280 = 8 × LCM
160 = LCM

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (111)

The logic follows here is:-

1st and 3rd letters are interchanged.

4th and 6th letters are interchanged.

And 2nd letter is placed as it is.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (112)


MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (113)

Hence, the correct answer is "TNMFED".

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The number of students who play both the games = (30 + 50 + 40)% – 100% = 20%
Hence, Option D is correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The data in both the Statements I and II is not sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The data in both the Statements I and II together is necessary to answer the question.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

From Statement 1:
A sits to the immediate left of C.
D sits second to the right of A.
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (114)

From the statement, we cannot determine who sits second to the right of B.
From Statement 2:
D sits immediately between E and B.
B sits to the immediate left of A.
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (115)
From the statement, C sits second to the right of B.
Hence option C is correct.

." }}}] }]

Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Exam>Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Tests>MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) MCQ

Test Description

100 Questions MCQ Test - MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 for Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) 2024 is part of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) preparation. The MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) exam syllabus.The MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 MCQs are made for Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) 2024 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 below.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 1


A series RL circuit has a resistance of 5 kΩ and inductive reactance of 5 kΩ. What is the magnitude and phase angle of the effective impedance?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 1


For a series RLC circuit, the net/effective impedance is given by:

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XL = Inductive reactance

XC = Capacitive reactance

The magnitude of the effective/net impedance is given by:

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Also, the phase angle of the effective impedance is given by:

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For a series RL circuit, XC = 0 Ω

Given, R = 5 kΩ and XL = 5 kΩ

Themagnitude of the net/effectiveimpedance will be:

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Putting on the respective values, we get:

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Z = 5√2 = 7.07 kΩ

The phase angle of the effective impedance will be:

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ϕ = 45°

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 2


Limitation(s) of control is (are)

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

Controllingcan be defined as that function of management that helps to seek planned results from the subordinates, managers, and at all levels of an organization. Thecontrollingfunction helps in measuring the progress towards the organizational goals & brings any deviations, & indicates corrective action.

Key Points

Limitations of Controlling:

1.Difficulty in setting quantitative standards:

  • Control system loses its effectiveness when the standard of performance cannot be defined in quantitative terms and it is very difficult to set the quantitative standard for human behavior, efficiency level, job satisfaction, employee’s morale, etc.
  • In such cases, judgment depends upon the discretion of the manager.

2.No control on external factors:

  • An enterprise cannot control external factors due to its variation and causessuch as government policy, technological changes, change in fashion, change in competitor’s policy, etc.

3.Resistance from employees:

  • Employees often resist control and as result effectiveness of control reduces.
  • Employees feel control reduces or curtails their freedom.
  • Employees may resist and go against the use of cameras, to observe them minutely.

4.Costly affair:

  • Control is an expensive process it involves a lot of time and effort as sufficient attention has to be paid to observe the performance of the employees.
  • To install an expensive control system organizations have to spend a large amount.
  • Management must compare the benefits of controlling systems with the cost involved in installing them.
  • The benefits must be more than the cost involved then only controlling will be effective otherwise it will lead to inefficiency.

Therefore, option 4 is the correct answer.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 3


Which of the following instrument is used in an airplane to measure its height above the ground?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

  • The radar altimetermeasures absolute altitude, i.e. the altitude that the aircraft is above the ground (Above ground level)
  • The radar altimeter system sends out a radio wave, and that radio wave bounces off the ground and is received.
  • AGL is computed by taking the speed of the radio wave and the amount of time for it to return.
  • Unlike radar, the signal is not pulsed, but is Frequency modulated and is transmitted at 4300 MHz at 350 milliwatts.
  • Radar Altimeters operate between - 20 and 2500 feet.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 4


What is the frame rate of a TDM when the transmission rate is 32 kbps and each slot has 16 bits?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 4


Bitrate in the TDM system is given as:

Rb = bits per frame × frame rate


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Given in a TDM system bitrate Rb = 32 kbps

Each slot has 16 bits i.e., each frame has 16 bits

The frame rate will be:

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Frame rate = 2000 fps

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 5


In the given circuit, viewed from AB, the circuit can be reduced to an equivalent circuit as:

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Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

Thevenin's Theorem:

Thevenin’s Theorem states that “Any linear circuit containing several voltages and resistances can be replaced by just one single voltage in series with a single resistance connected across the load".

Thevenin's equivalent circuit:

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Calculation of Rth:

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (133)

6Ω and 4Ω are in parallel

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Rth= 2.4Ω

Calculation of Vth:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (137)

5Vth= 35

Vth= 7 V

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 6


In class AB amplifiers, the current flows through the active device for

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

Class AB Power Amplifier:

  • Class AB amplifiers are a combination of class A and class B amplifiers.
  • This class of amplifiers is designed to reduce the less efficient problem of class A amplifiers and distortion of the signal at the crossover region in class B amplifiers.
  • It maintains high-frequency response like in class A amplifiers and good efficiency as in class B amplifiers.
  • A combination of diodes and resistors are used to provide little bias voltage which reduces the distortion of waveform near the crossover region.

Important Points

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In class AB amplifiers, the current flows through the active device formore than half but less than full-cycle duration

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 7


The average value of the waveform is:

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Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 7


The average value of a periodic waveform is given as

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It is also calculated by calculating the area of the given waveform.

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Where A is the area


The given figure consists of rectangular pulses.

Area of rectangle = L× B

Where L = Length

B = Breadth

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 8


The figure of merit (FOM) of a logic family is given by the product of

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

FOM of a logic Family is defined as the product of the propagation delay (tpd) and the power dissipation (PDavg), i.e.

FOM = tpd × PD(avg)

For the best IC operation, FOM should be as small as possible.

Units: ns × mW

= pJ (pico Joule)

Propagation delay (tpd­):

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (146)

tPHL = delay time in going form High to low logic

tPLH = Delay time in going from low to High logic

Power dissipation (PD):

PD(avg) = Icc × Vcc

VCC = power supply

ICC = avg collector current calculated as the average of the High and low current, i.e.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 9


The solid angle subtended by the sun as viewed from the earth is Ω = 4 × 10-5 steradian. A microwave antenna designed to be used for studying the microwave radiation from the sun has a very narrow beam whose equivalent solid angle is approximately equal to that subtended by the sun. What is the approximate directivity, D?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 9


The given situation can be visualized as shown:-

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The approximate directivity is given by:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 10


Which of the following is the expression for upper side band SSB signal?

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (152)is Hilbert transform of MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (153).

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 10


SSB (Single Side Band) modulation isa technique that allows only one sideband to pass saving bandwidth and power both.

Practically it is very difficult to pass only a single sideband.


Ex: If we consider a single-tone modulating signal as x(t) = cos ωmt, the SSB modulated wave withonly the upper sidebandwill be represented as:

cos ((ωc+ ωm)t) = cos ωc.cos ωmt – sin ωc.sin ωmt

andwith lower sideband onlywill be represented as:

cos (ωc- ωm)t = cos ωct .cos ωmt + sin ωct. sin ωmt

where sin ωmt is the Hilbert transform of the original message signal x(t) = cos ωmt

Generalizing this for any signal m(t), we can say that the SSB modulated signal with only upper sideband will be:

m(t) cos ωct – m̂(t) sin ωct, (option 1 is the correct answer)

Similarly, we can say that the SSB modulated signal with only lower sideband will be:

m(t) cos ωct + m̂(t) sin ωct,

where m̂(t) is the Hilbert transform of m(t).

SSB/SC is generated using a balanced modulator circuitas shown:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 11


Three resistances of 1ohm, 2 ohms and 3ohms are connected in delta. These resistances are to be replaced by star connection as shown in the figure below, maintaining the same terminal conditions.

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The value of highest resistance in star will be:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

Delta to star conversion:

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Ra= 3Ω, Rb= 2Ω, Rc= 1Ω

R1= (2 × 1) / (1 + 2 + 3)

= 2/6

= 1/3Ω

R2= (3 × 1) / (1 + 2 +3)

= 3/6

= 1/2Ω

R3= (3 × 2) / (1 +2 +3)

= 6/6

= 1Ω

Hence,The value of highest resistance in star will be 1Ω

Points to remember:

Star-delta conversion

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 12


What is the octal equivalent of (2F.C4)16?

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Given number =2F.C4

Step 1: Converting HD to Decimal:

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Now we have Decimal Number (D) will be,

D =MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (171)

D = 32 + 15 + 0.75 +0.015625

D =47.765625

(2F.C4)16= (47.765625)D

Step 2: Converting Decimal to Octal:

Taking 47:

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(47)D = 57

Taking 0.765625:

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(0.765625)D = 61

He nce,(2F.C4)16 = (47.765625)D = (57.61)8

Alternate MethodStep 1: Convert HD to Binary of 4 bit:

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Step 2: Rearrange 4 bits into 3 bits group:

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Step 3: Converting 3 bits of Binary into Octal:

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(2F.C4)16= (57.61)8

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 13


ROC of x(n) = -αn u(-n-1) is

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Z- transform of x(n) is given as:

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Region of convergence (ROC) is defined as the region where the Z-transform exists.



x(n) =-αnu(-n-1)

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For the Z-transform to exist,

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 14


If the differential voltage gain and the common mode voltage gain of a differential Amplifier are48 dB and 2 dB respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is

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The Common Mode rejection ratio is given by:

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Ad= differential voltage gain

Ac= common-mode voltage gain

In dB the voltage gain is expressed as:

Gain (dB) = 20 log10(A)



Differential voltage gain = 48 dB

Common mode voltage gain = 2 dB

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CMRR = 20 log(Ad) - 20 log(Ac)

= 48 - 2 = 46 dB

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 15


A loss-less transmission line having characteristic impedance of 100 ohm is connected to a load of 200 ohm. The voltage reflection coefficient is:

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The reflection coefficient gives the percentage of incident voltage reflected from the load.

Mathematically, this is defined as:

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Γ = Reflection coefficient

ZL=Load Impedance

Zo= Characteristic Impedance.


Given Z0 = 100Ωand ZL = 200Ω

Voltage reflection coefficient will be:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 16


The relationship between fT, fβand hfein a high frequency model is given by:

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The correct answer is option 4): (fT= fβhfe)


In BJT, at the high–frequency end, there are two factors that define the – 3dB cutoff point:

The network capacitance ( parasitic and introduced) and the frequency dependence of hfe (β )

The frequency at which |hfe|dB = 0 dB is indicated by fT.

fT= fβhfe

The hybridπ model for high-frequency analysis is given as

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 17


In Ethernet Frame Format number of bits needed in Frame check sequence Field?

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A frame check sequence (FCS) refers to an error-detecting code added to a frame in a communications protocol

Layer 2 Frame Format:

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Ethernet Frame Format consists of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) in Frame check sequence Field.

CRC size → 4 bytes

1 byte = 8 bit

∴ 4 byte = 4 × 8 bits = 32 bits

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 18


Hay’s bridge is used for measuring:

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Hay’s bridge is used for measurement of inductance of coils with high quality factor.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 19


Which type does an X-Y recorder belong to?

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X-Y recorder:

  • X-Y recorders is type of graphic recorders.
  • An XY recorder plots the instantaneous relation between two variables.
  • The X-Y recordersrecords the variation in one dependent variable with respect to an independent variable.
  • In X-Y recorders, an EMFis plotted as a function of another EMF.
  • This is done by having one self-balancing potentiometer control the position of the rolls while another self- balancing potentiometer controls the position of the recording pen.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 20


For an n-channel MOSFET, if conduction parameter (kn) is 0.249 mA/V2, gate to source voltage VQS is 2VTN where VTN = 0.75V. The current will be

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 20


For an n-channel MOSFET, the current in triode and saturation region is given by:

ID= Kn[2VDS(VGS- Vth) - VDS2)] when VDS< VGS- Vth

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (202)when VDS> VGS- Vth

VDS= Drain to Source Voltage

VGS= Gate to source voltage

Vth= Threshold Voltage

Kn= Conduction parameter


Given:Kn= 0.249 mA / V2


VTN= 0.75 V

∵ VGS– VTN= 0.75 V

And VDSis usually more than that


And the MOSFET is in saturation.

ID = 0.249 (2VTN - VTN)2

= 0.249 (VTN)2

= 0.249 (0.75)2

= 0.14 mA

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 21


The algebric sum of the voltages around any closed path is equal to

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Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

It states that the sum of the voltages or electrical potential differences in a closed network is zero.

Mathematically we can express this as:

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Where Vnrepresents the nthVoltage

M is the total number of voltage elements.


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according to KVL

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apply KVL to the above circuit

- V + V1+V2= 0

V - V1-V2= 0

Note:KCL is based on the law ofconservation of charge.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 22


In control systems, excessive bandwidth is NOT employed because:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

Noise power is given as:



K = Boltz man's constant

T = temperature

B = Bandwidth over which noise is measured

When the bandwidth is increased, then system becomes fast as it reduces rise time, increases stability as well as reduces oscillations in the response but according to the above equation, the noise also increases.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 23


Two incandescent light bulbs of 40 W and 60 W rating are connected in series across the mains, then

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We know that

P = I2R


P = Power

I = Current

R = Resistance

In this, the currentthrough thebulbs is fixed.

The resistance of the bulb is inversely proportional to the wattage of the bulb.



R60 < R40

The resistance of 40 W is more than 60 W bulbs.

Hence R60Consumes less power and is less bright

So, the 40 bulb glows brighter.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 24


The output of the 4 to 1 Mux is

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In a 4 × 1 MUX

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MUX contains AND gate followed by OR gate


By re-drawing the circuit diagram

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∴ I0= 1, I1= 0, I2= 0, I3= 0& (x= S2, y= S1)

Now output of 4 × 1 MUX is

Y = F = S̅12I0+ S̅1S2I1+ S12I2+ S1S2I3

F = x̅ y̅ 1+ x̅ y 0+ x y̅ 0+ x y 0

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 25


If a transmission line is terminated with a resistance equal to its characteristic impedance

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The voltage standing wave ratio is defined as the ratio of the maximum voltage (or current) to the minimum voltage (or current).

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VSWR is also given by:

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Γ = Reflection coefficient, defined as:

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ZL= Load impedance

Z0= Characteristic Impedance

ForΓLvarying from 0 to 1, VSWRvaries from 1 to∞.


Given ZL = Z0

The reflection coefficient is calculated to be:

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VSWR forΓ = 0 equals 1, which is the minimum value (because it varies from 1to∞)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 26


If the modulation index of an AMwave is changed from 0to 1, the transmitted power

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The total transmitted power for an AM system is given by:

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Pc= Carrier Power

μ = Modulation Index


Whenμ= 0, the transmitted power will be:

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Whenμ = 1, the transmitted power will be:

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The % increase in the modulated signal power is given by:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 27


Which of the following statements are true -

I. Negative resists on exposure of light becomes more soluble.

II. Positive resists on exposure of light becomes more soluble.

III. Chrome glass is used as mask for pattern printing.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

Key Points

ANegative Photoresistis the one which becomes less soluble in developer when exposed to light.

While thePositive Photoresistbecomes more soluble when exposed to light.

Chrome glass is used as mask for Photolythography

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 28


Find the peak-to-peak ripple voltage of half-wave rectifier and filter circuit which has a 680 μF filter capacitor, an average output voltage of 30 V, and a 220Ω load resistance. The mains frequency is 50 Hz.

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The Peak to peak ripple voltage of Half wave rectifies is given by:

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Where, Idc = Average current

f0 = mains freqeucny

C = capacitor


Given f0 = 50 Hz,C = 680 μf, Vdc = 30 V, and RL = 220 Ω, we get:

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Idc = 0.136

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 29


For a 10 bit PCM system the signal to quantization noise ratio is 62 dB. If the number of bits is increased by 2, then the signal to quantization noise ratio will

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TheSignal to Noise (SNR)Ratio for a PCM system is given by:

SNR = (1.8 + 6n) dB

Where ‘n’ is the number of bits per sample.


For nnumber of bits, the Signal to Noise Ratio will be:

SNR1= (1.8 + 6n)dB

With the increase in two-bit( "n+2" bits), the SNR becomes:

SNR2= (1.8 + 6(n+2)) dB

SNR2- SNR1= 12 dB

i.e if the number of bits increased from 10 bits to 12 bits, then the SNR increases by 12 dB.

Important Point

Some salient features of a PCM system are:

  • Immunity to transmission noiseand interference.
  • It is possible toregeneratethe coded signal along the transmission path.
  • TheQuantization Noise depends on the number of quantization levelsandnoton thenumber of samples produced per second.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 30


Class C amplifier operates

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Class C amplifier:

  • Class C power amplifier is a type of amplifier where the active element (transistor) conduct for less than one-half cycle of the input signal.
  • Less than one-half cycle means the conduction angle is less than 180° and its typical value is 80° to 120°.
  • The reduced conduction angle improves the efficiency to a great extends but causes a lot of distortion.
  • The theoretical maximum efficiency of a Class C amplifier is around 90%.
  • In a Class C Amplifier efficiency and distortion, both are maximum.

Important Point

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 31


The contents to the register pair DE after the execution of the following Intel 8085 instructions, is


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PUSH RP (Pre-decrement):

This instruction copies the contents of RP to stack.

For every PUSH:

  • Decrement SP and PUSH RPH
  • Decrement SP and PUSH RPL

POP RP (Pre-increment):

Used for retrieving the elements stored in the stack.

For every POP:

  • Get 1 byte from stack to RPL and increment.
  • Get 1 byte from stack to RPH and increment.

Let stack pointer (SP) = FFFF H and DE = 3025H ; HL = B315H

(a) PUSH H and

(b) PUSH D are as shown:

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PUSH D: contents of DE register is copied to (FFFC and FFFB) H

PUSH H: contents of HL = B315 register, is copied to (FFFE & FFFD)H


c) POP J and

d) POP D are as shown:

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POP H retrieves the contents to HL register

POP D: retrieves the contents to the DE register.

∴ After the execution of instructions, the contents of the DE register pair is DE = B315 H, which is

equal to HL before execution.

[H] → [D]

[L] → [E]

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 32


Following constellation diagram represents:

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  • PSK: It stands for phase shift keying.
  • In PSK, binary 1 is represented with the actual carrier, and 0 is represented with the 180ophase shift of carrier.
  • 1 is represented as s(t) = Accos(2πfct)
  • 0 is represented as s(t) = - Accos(2πfct)
  • As in PSK, one bit is transmitted in a specific time constant.
  • Similarly, in 16 PSK, log2(16) = 4 bits are transmitted in a specific time constant which is known as 16-ary PSK.

B.W. of PSK= 2Rb

Whereas for M-ary PSK,

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Hence M-ary is preferred due to less bandwidth.

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  • In 16 APSK, Amplitude and Phase both vary in a pattern as shown in the figure.
  • 16 QAMis a signal in which two carriers shifted in phase by 90 degrees are modulated and combined. As a result of their 90° phase difference, they are in quadrature.
  • Often one signal is called the In-phase or “I” signal, and the other is the quadrature or “Q” signal.

Hence the given figure is 16 QAM.

So the solution is option (2).

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 33


Consider the RLC circuit shown below. At a certain frequency f0 the circuit behaves like a purely resistive circuit. The equivalent resistance of the parallel combination at that particular frequency f0 is.

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Any given circuit will be at the resonant frequency when the net impedance is purely resistive.


Calculating the net-admittance of the given combination because the impedances are in parallel.

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Ynet = Y1 + Y2

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Replacing s with jω, we get;

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At resonance, the imaginary part is zero and Ynet will be only real.

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Given, R = 1Ω

L = 2μH

C = 1μF.

1 + ω02 (4μ2) = 2

ω02 × 4μ2 = 1

ω0 = 1/2μ = 0.5 M­rad/sec

Now, MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (256)at resonance:

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Ynet = ½

Rnet = 2Ω

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 34


The third-generation mobile phone are digital and based on

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There are three generations in cellular telephony.

  • First Generation: It was designed for voice communication using analog signals. Example: AMPS (Advanced mobile phone system) is one of the leading analog cellular system. It uses FDMA to separate channels in a link. AMPS operates in the ISM 800 MHz band.
  • Second Generation: To provide higher quality mobile voice communication, these generation of cellular phone are required. These are used for digital voice communication. Example: D- AMPS, CDMA, GSM. The product of evolution of analog AMPS into a digital system is digital AMPS. D-AMPS uses TDMA and FDMA. GSM stands for global system for mobile communication. It provides duplex communication by using two digital bands.
  • Third generation: It refers to a combination of technologies that provide a variety of services. It can provide both digital data and voice communication. Main goal of third generation cellular telephony is to provide universal personal communication. These are based on broadband CDMA. Example: IMT-DS, IMT-MC etc

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 35


The range of frequency generated by VHF oscillator is -

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Very High Frequency:

It has a range of30MHz to 300MHz and are used intelevision broadcast.

Some ultra high frequencies are also used in television broadcasting.

Additional Information

The frequency spectrum for the complete range is:

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Hence option (3) is the correct answer.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 36


​Calculate the value of Norton's current and Norton's equivalent resistance for the given circuit across the terminal AB.

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Norton's Theorem :

Any linear bilateral network consisting of multiple resistances and sources can be replaced by a resistor RNin parallel of Current source IN.

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Disable all independent sources and find equivalent resistance.

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RN= ( 20 || 10 ) + 20 = 26.6 ohm


Short circuited current

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Let node voltage of 10 ohm is V

Apply nodal analysis

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V = 2.5V

IN= V /20 = 125 mA

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 37


Which of the following methods suitable for the stability analysis of sampled data control systems?

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Sampled data system:

When the signal or information at any or some points in a system is in the form of discrete pulses, then the system is called discrete data system or sampled data system.

The following methods suitable for the stability analysis of sampled data control systems.

  • Jury’s stability test
  • Root locus technique
  • Bilinear transformation


  • Systems are highly accurate, fast and flexible
  • Use of time sharing concept of digital computer results in economical cost and space.
  • Digital transducers used in the system have better resolution.
  • The digital components are less affected by noise, non-linearities and transmission errors of noisy channel.


  • Conversion of analog signals to discrete-time signals and reconstruction introduce noise and errors in the signal.
  • Additional filters have to be introduced in the system if the components of the system does not have adequate filtering characteristics.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 38


In a radar system, the term 'Rate-Race' is used in connection with

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  • The hybrid ring is used primarily in high-power radar and communications systems where it acts as a duplexer - allowing the same antenna to be used for transmitting and receiving functions.
  • The hybrid ring is also called as rat-race circuits.
  • It consists of an annular line of proper electrical length to sustain standing waves, to which four arms are connected at proper intervals by means of series or parallel junctions.

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  • A duplexer is an electronic device that allows bi-directional (duplex) communication over a single path.
  • In radar and radio communications systems, it isolates the receiver from the transmitter while permitting them to share a common antenna.
  • Most radio repeater systems include a duplexer.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 39


How many 3 × 8 decoders are required to Construct a 4 × 16 decoder?

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A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts n lines of input into 2nlines of output.

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Decoder expansion

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Number of D2decoder required is given as:

∑ K = K1+ K2+ K3+ ------


Given decoder 1 is 3 × 8 and the second decoder is 4× 16

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Number of 3 × 8 decoders = 2+ 0

Number of 3 × 8 decoders = 2

The implementation is shown below.

Important Point

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 40


Simplify the expressionMPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (278)

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De Morgan’s law states that:

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Applying De-Morgan's law in the above expression can be written as:

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F = 0

Important Point

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 41


Which of the following statements about TCP/IP are incorrect?

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The correct answer isData packets sent over TCP/IP are private.

Key Points

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a communications standard that enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network.
  • It is designed to send packets across the internet and ensure the successful delivery of data and messages over networks.
  • TCP guarantees the integrity of the data being communicated over a network. Before it transmits data, TCP establishes a connection between a source and its destination, which it ensures remains live until communication begins.
    • It then breaks large amounts of data into smaller packets, while ensuring data integrity is in place throughout the process.
  • Data packets sent over TCP/IP are not private, which means they can be seen or intercepted. Hence option 2 is correct.
  • So, it is recommended to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to send private data and ensure information is encrypted. One way to encrypt data being shared through TCP/IP is through a virtual private network (VPN).
  • TCP/IP communications provide end-to-end error checking of data transmission for reliable and sequential exchange of data, guarantees the sequential delivery of data packets and so it comes with high latency.

Additional Information

  • Error control in TCP is mainly done through the use of three simple techniques: Checksum, Acknowledgement andRetransmission.
    • Every segment contains a checksum field which is used to find corrupted segments. If the segment is corrupted, then that segment is discarded by the destination TCP and is considered lost.
    • In acknowledgement affirm that the data segments have been delivered. Control segments that contain no data but have sequence numbers will be acknowledged as well but ACK segments are not acknowledged.
    • In retransmission, when a segment is missing, delayed in delivering to a receiver or corrupted when it is checked by the receiver then that segment is retransmitted again.
    • Segments are retransmitted only during two events: when the sender receives three duplicate acknowledgements (ACK) or when a retransmission timer expires.
  • High-level protocols that need to transmit data like File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Secure Shell (SSH), and Telnet use TCP Protocol.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 42


A LTI system is described by the difference equation 3y[n] = 2y [n - 2] – 2x[n] + x[n - 1]

The system is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 42

Since output of system for any value of n is only depends on values of input at n or previous values the system, it is causal system

3y[n] = 2y [n - 2] – 2x[n] + x [n - 1]

Taking z – transform

3y[z] = 2y (z) z - 2 – 2x[z] + x (z) z - 1

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It has poles at MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (285)

Since poles lie in unit circle |zp| < 1 the system is stable

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 43


What is an operating system?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 43

The Correct Answer isOption (1)i.e A program.

  • An operating system is a software or a program that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
  • An operating system is an interface between the computer user and computer hardware.
  • The dominant desktop operating system is Microsoft Windows with a market of around 82.74%, followed by macOS by Apple Inc.
  • Some popular operating system include Linux operating system, Windows operating system, VMS, OS/400, macOS, etc.
  • Some of the important functions of an operating system are :
    • Memory Management
    • Processor Management
    • Device Management
    • File Management
    • Security
    • Job Accounting
    • Co-ordination between other software and users.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 44


Transport layer can be

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 44

The transport layer can be either connectionless or connection oriented. A connectionless transport layer treats each segment as an independent packet and delivers it to the transport layer at the destination machine. A connection oriented transport layer makes a connection with the transport layer at the destination machine first before delivering the packets. After all the data are transferred, the connection is terminated.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 45


In the TCP/IP model, encryption and decryption are functions of ____ layer

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TCP/IP model, RFC 1122

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Therefore option 4 is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 46


Which one of the following logic family comprises of BJTs?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 46

Logic families are the logic circuits having identical electrical parameters.

  • It is a group of compatible ICs with the same logic levels and supply voltages for performing various logic functions.
  • They are fabricated using a specific circuit configuration which is referred to as a Logic family.
  • The logic family is designed by considering the basic electronic components such as resistors, diodes, transistors, and MOSFET; or combinations of any of these components.

Different logic families of digital ICs that have been introduced commercially are listed in the table.

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Important Point

The differences between different logic families are as follows:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 47


For the circuit shown in the figure, calculate the maximum output voltage VL -

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During the +ve cycle of input

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  • Diode D2conducts and D1 is off
  • from the voltage division rule, the voltage across the 2kΩ resistance around which output is calculated is
  • V = 0.5 Vin

During the -ve cycle of input

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  • D2is off and D1conducts
  • from voltage division rule
  • V = -0.5 Vin

Hence during the full cycle of input,

we will observe the following output voltage waveform

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We could observe that it is a full-wave rectified wave


The maximum output voltage is the

Vmax= |0.5 Vin|

Vmax= + 5volt

Hence the correct answer is + 5 volt

The correct option is 3.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 48


Which one of the following is the advantage of FIR filter over IIR filter ?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 48

Properties of FIR filter:

  • Impulse Response isof finite duration
  • It is a non-recursive system because there is no feedback path present in the FIR filter.
  • They are always be designed as a linear phase.
  • Stability is guaranteed is the FIR system.
  • In FIR, to obtain the same frequency response as IIR large number of additions & multiplication is reviewed, so the speed is very slow.

Properties of IIR filter:

  • The impulse response is of infinite duration.
  • IIR system is also known as a recursive system because there is a feedback path from output to input.
  • IIR system cannot be designed as a linear phase system.
  • Stability cannot be guaranteed.
  • In the IIR system, fewer multiplications and additions are reviewed, so processing speed is very fast.

Linear phase:

  • FIR can be easily designed to have a exact linear phase
  • No phase distortion is introduced into the signals to be filtered.
  • All frequencies are shifted in time by the same amount.
  • Increasing the order of the filter, but keeping all else the same, increases the sharpness of the filter roll-off
  • The sharpness of the FIR and IIR filters is very different for the same order.
  • Because of the recursive nature of an IIR filter, where part of the filter output is used as an input, IIR filters have sharper roll-off with the same order FIR filter.

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The characteristics of analog and digital filters are summarized below:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 49


A low earth orbit satellite can provide large signal strength at an earth station because:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 49

A low earth orbit satellite can provide large signal strength at the earth station because path loss is low since low earth orbit (LEO) is the nearest orbit to the earth so path loss is minimum.

Free space path lossMPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (305)

Where R is the distance between stations as we can see.

Free path loss ∝ (distance)2

As (distance ↑) → (Pathloss ↑) (Rx signal strength ↓)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 50


Power dissipation is negligibly small in:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 50

  • Complementary Metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) uses complementary & symmetrical pair of P-type & n-type MOSFETS.

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  • The two important characteristics of CMOS devices arehigh noise immunity and low power dissipation.
  • CMOS devices dissipate less power than NMOS devices because the CMOS dissipates power only when switching (“dynamic power), whereas N channel MOSFET dissipates power whenever the transistor is on because there is a current path from Vddto Vss.
  • In a CMOS, only one MOSFET is switched on at a time. Thus, there is no path from voltage source to ground so that a current can flow. Current flows in a MOSFET only during switching.
  • Thus, compared to N-channel MOSFET has the advantage of lower drain current from the power supply, thereby causing less power dissipation.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 51


In one of the pairs of protocols given below, both the protocols can use multiple TCP connections between the same client and the server. Which one is that?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 51

HTTP: Multiple TCP connections can be used at client and server end.

FTP: For FTP also multiple connections can be used at the same time.

TELENT: Only one TCP connection is allowed at a time.

SMTP: SMTP also allows only one TCP connection at a time.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 52


In QAM, both ________ of a carrier frequency vary.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 52

Digital to Analog Modulation technique is shown.

Asshown QAM is the mixture of ASK and PSK.

Hence,amplitude and the phase of thecarrier frequency bothvary with the message signal.

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Constellation diagram of a QAM signal with 2 different amplitude levels and 8 different phases is shown.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 53


The condition for a resistor to have the same value of resistance at medium frequency as with D.C. is -

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The resistance has interelectrode capacitances and inductances which lead to offer reactance to the circuit under non-DCconditions

At high and medium frequencies the resistor is represented as shown below

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The Equivalent impedance is

Zeq=MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (314)

solving we get

Zeq=MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (315)+MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (316)

Comparing with Req+Leq

We have Req=MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (317)

If resistance is needed to be independent of frequency and maintain the same value or resistance value as in DC,


⇒ CR2- 2L must be 0 ⇒ CR2- 2L = 0

CR2=2L and Req= R

Therefore the correct option is 2.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 54


In a semiconductor device, if the Fermi level (EF) is positioned at the conduction band (Ec). Determine the approximate probability of finding electrons in states at (Ec + kT)

(where k is Boltzmann constant and T is device temperature in Kelvin)

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 54


In a semiconductor, the probability of finding an electron at an energy level E is given by:

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EF = fermi level


Given, EF = EC

The probability of finding electrons in the energy level E = EC + KT will be:

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f(EC + KT) = 0.268

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 55


Consider a test signal m(t) defined by a hyperbolic tangent function m(t) = A tanh(βt), Where A and B are constant. Determine the minimum step sideΔ for delta modulation of this signal which is required to avoid slope overload:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 55


To avoid slope overload, we require

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m(t) = A tanh(βt)

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To avoid slope overload

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It follows the maximum value of sec h(βt) is 1, which occurs at time t = 0.

Hence |sec h(βt)|max = 1

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Δ≥ Aβ Ts.

Hence option (1) is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 56


The Zeroth generation ‘0 G’ (0G) of mobile communication used:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 56

  • 0 Generation:

“0G” refers to pre-cellular mobile telephony technology, such as radio telephones that were used in cars before the advent of cell phones.

  • 1st Generation:

Analogue circuit-switched technology is used for this system, with frequency division multiple access (FDMA).

  • 2nd Generation:
  1. 2G systems are digital cellular systems
  2. 2G digital technology is divided into two standards: time division multiple access (TDMA) and code-division multiple access (CDMA)
  • 2.5 Generation:
  1. The mobile technology using GPRS standard has been termed as 2.5G
  2. Provided enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE)
  • 3rd Generation:
  1. The 3G technology added multimedia facilities to 2.5G phones
  2. Examples of 3G system are universal mobile telecommunication systems (UMTS) and international mobile telecommunications at 2,000 MHz (IMT-2000)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 57


In the case of optical fiber transmission link, LED’s and LASER’s are used as ______

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 57

Being a single wavelength light source with uniform phase:

  • Laser light travels smoothly with verylittle dispersion.
  • Makes itidealfor long-distance communication.
  • For fiber optics with glass fibers, light in the infrared region is widely used which has wavelengths longer than visible light, typically of 850, 1300, and 1550 nm.
  • Transmitters (Lasers or LEDs) emit in infrared regions and are used as a light source for fiber transmission.
  • The laser acts as the best source in optical communication becauseit is a single wavelength light source.
  • Ordinary light contains many different wavelengths of light, differences emerge in the speed of the transmission, reducing the number of signals that can be transmitted in any set time.
  • Receivers (photodetectors) at these particular wavelengths are also easy to construct.


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  • We use infrared because the attenuation of the fiber is much less at those wavelengths.
  • The attenuation of glass optical fiber is caused by two factors, absorption, and scattering.
  • Absorption occurs in several specific wavelengths called water bands due to the absorption by minute amounts of water vapor in the glass.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 58


‘Bluetooth' technology is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 58

The correct answer isWireless communication between devices.

Key Points


  • Bluetooth is a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) technology and is used for exchanging data over smaller distances.
  • Bluetooth technology allows devices to communicate with each other without cables or wires. Bluetooth relies on short-range radio frequency, and any device that incorporates the technology can communicate as long as it is within the required distance.
  • Bluetooth is used for short-range communications between device peers, as well as a device to the peripheral. The number and variety of peripherals that communicate via Bluetooth are immense—wireless headsets for hands-free cell phone use, keyboards, mice, videogame controllers, audio speakers, you name it.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 59


The condition for the low-loss transmission line is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 59


Propagation constant for the transmission line is given by:

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For lossless line α = 0

If R ≪ ωL and a ≪ ωC, the propagation constant becomes:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (335) ---(1)

Comparing equation (1) with α + jβ:

α = 0. Hence the line is lossless.

Important points:

A transmission line is also lossless when:

R = 0 and G = 0.

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Here also α = 0 and the line is lossless

∴ The conditions for lossless line includes:

1) R = 0; G = 0, or

2) ωL ≫ R & ωC ≫ G

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 60


If [A] Matrix is Incidence matrix then which one of the following is true?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 60

Incidence matrix:

  • It is the matrix that gives a relation between the branches and nodes.
  • The rows of the incidence matrix [A] represent the number of nodes and the column of the matrix represents the number of branches in the given graph.
  • If there are‘n’ number of rows in a given incidence matrix[A], that means in a graph there are ‘n’ number of nodes.
  • Similarly, if there are‘b’ numbers of columns in that given incidence matrix[A], that means in that graph there are ‘b’ number of branches.
  • We can construct the incidence matrix for the directed graph. We can draw a graph with the help of the incidence matrix.
  • The algebraic sum of elements of all the columns is zero.
  • The rank of the incidence matrix is (n–1).
  • The determinant of the incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero.

Hence, an Only statement I is correct.


Consider the below-closed graph:

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The incidence matrix is written as:

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We observe that the algebraic sum of elements of all the columns is zero.

The determinant of the given closed path is calculated as:

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∴ The determinant of the incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 61


If for a BJT the value ofα is 0.98, then the value ofβ will be _______.

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β = common-emitter current gain

α = Common base current gain


Common base current gain = α = 0.98

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Where IC= Collector current

IE= Emitter current

IB= Base current

Important Points

The DC current gain of a common collector is therefore given by the ratio of emitter current to the base current, i.e.

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IE= Emitter Current

IB= Base Current

Also, IE= IB+ IC

DC current gain will be:

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The DC current gain for a common emitter configuration is defined as:

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Equation (1) now becomes:

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Important Differences between different transistor configuration is as shown:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 62


Overdamping will make instruments:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 62


Classification of instruments on the basis of damping:

1.) Overdamping:

  • The value of the damping ratio is greater than 1.
  • In case of overdamping, the instrument will become slow and lethargic and rise very slowly from its zero position to a steady state position.

​2.) Undamped:

  • The value of the damping ratio is equalto 0.
  • In this case, the instrumentnever settles down and always oscillates about its mean position.

3.) Under-damped:

  • The value of the damping ratio lies between 0 to 1.
  • In this case, the system initially oscillates about its mean position but settles down to a steady state.

4.) Critical-damping:

  • The value of the damping ratio is equalto 1.
  • This damping returns the system to equilibrium as fast as possible without any oscillations.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 63


The ALU uses ______ to store intermediate result.

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ALU (Arithmetic logic unit) is a circuit to perform arithmetic and logic operations.


  • ALU uses accumulator (a register) for storing intermediate results of arithmetic and logic operations.
  • Control unit provides the data to the ALU and directs the ALU to perform specific operations.
  • ALU stores the result in accumulator which is a type of register. Accumulator is a kind of temporary storage device which stores the intermediate results and if some previous results are already stored on the accumulator then it automatically overwrites the new results and previous results are removed.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 64


Radar principle is used in

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 64

The radar principle is used in thedetection of aircraft.


  • Radar is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging.
  • The term "radio"refers to the use of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the so-calledradiowave portion of the spectrum, which covers a wide range from 104km to 1 cm.
  • It is basically an electromagnetic system used to detect the location and distance of an object from the point where the RADAR is placed.
  • Itworks by radiating energy into space and monitoring the echo or reflected signal from the objects.
  • It works on radio frequency in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
  • But most of the RADAR operates between 220 MHz to 35 GHz.

Radar systems have been used in military applications for

  • Ground surveillance
  • Missile control, fire control,
  • Air traffic control (ATC),
  • Moving target indication (MTI),
  • Weapons location
  • Vehicle search

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 65


The phenomenon of pulse spreading in optical fibre is known as:

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  • Scattering is the loss of signal caused by the diffusion of a light beam, where the diffusion itself is caused by microscopic variations in the transmission medium
  • Scattering typically happens when a light signal hits an impurity in the fibre

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  • Dispersion is defined as pulse spreading in an optical fibre
  • As a pulse of light propagates through a fibre, elements such as numerical aperture, core diameter, refractive index profile, wavelength, and laser linewidth cause the pulse to broaden

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  • The attenuation of an optical fibre measures the amount of light lost between input and output
  • Total attenuation is the sum of all losses
  • For a given fibre, these losses are wavelength-dependent

Inter-symbol Interference:

  • This is the effect of dispersion on optical fibre
  • Intersymbol interference occurs when the pulse spreading caused by dispersion causes the output pulses of a system to overlap

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 66


A _________stores such instructions that are required to start a computer.

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The correct answer is option 1 i.e ROM

The startup instructions are stored on ROM in a computer. It isa part of BIOS (Basic Input Output System)

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 67


The amplifier in which each input will be multiplied by a different factor and then summed together is called as:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 67

One type of summing amplifier is the SCALING AMPLIFIER.

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This circuit multiplies each input by a factor (the factor is determined by circuit design) and then adds these values together.

The factor that is used to multiply each input is determined by the ratio of the feedback resistor to the input resistor.

For example, we can design a circuit that would produce the following output from three inputs (E1, E2, E3)

= [(k1× E1) + (k2× E2) + (k3× E3)]

Using input resistors R1 for input number one (E1), R2 for input number two (E2), R3 for input number three (E3), and R4 for the feedback resistor,

We can calculate the values for the resistors.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 68


Booths algorithm is used for

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 68

Booth’s algorithm is a multiplication algorithm that multiplies two signed binary numbers in 2’s complement notation.
Booth used desk calculators that were faster at shifting than adding and created the algorithm to increase their speed. Booth’s algorithm is of interest in the study of computer architecture.

Here’s the implementation of the flowchart.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 69


The deflecting torque of a moving iron instrument is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 69

Moving Iron Instruments are the most common type of ammeter and voltmeter used at power frequencies in laboratories.

These instruments are very accurate, cheap, and rugged as compared to other AC instruments.

Working Principle of Moving Iron Instruments:

In Moving Iron Instruments, a plate or van of soft iron or of high permeability steel forms the moving element of the system.

The iron van is so situated that it can move in the magnetic field produced by a stationary coil.

The below figure shows a simple moving iron instrument.

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The stationary coil is excited by the current or voltage under measurement.

When the coil is excited, it becomes an electromagnet, and the iron van moves in direction of offering a low reluctance path.

Thus the force of attraction is always produced in a direction to increase the inductance of the coil.

Mind that as the van follows the low reluctance path, the net flux in the air gap will increase which means increased flux linkage of the coil, and hence inductance of coil will increase.

It shall also be noticed that the inductance of the coil is variable and depends on the position of the iron van.

Torque Equation of Moving Iron Instruments:

Deflecting torque in Moving iron Instruments is given as

Td =(1/2)I2(dL/dƟ)

In moving iron instruments, the controlling torque is provided by spring. Controlling torque due to spring is given as

Tc = KƟ

Where K = Spring constant

Ɵ = Deflection in the needle

In equilibrium state, deflecting and controlling torque shall be equal as below.

Deflecting Torque = Controlling Torque

⇒ Td = Tc

⇒ (1/2)I2(dL/dƟ) = KƟ

Ɵ = (1/2)(I2/K)(dL/dƟ)

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 70


What is the reason to have secondary memory?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 70

We require secondary memory for our computer systems as:

  1. Limited capacity of main memory - Although we can add main memory to a system but it is extremely difficult for general users. And we also want to store all our programs and data inside the main memory. But main memory having limited capacity,can accommodate only a limited amount of data and small number of programs.
  2. Main memory is expensive -Main memory is faster than secondary memory and hence, it is highly expensive. Therefore, we can have multiple secondary storages in the cost of a single main memory.
  3. Main memory possesses highly volatility - Main memory is volatile storage whereas secondary memory is non-volatile storage, that is, main memory will lose its content as soon as its power is turned off whereas secondary memory will retain the content even when the power is lost.

All these reasons makes us to use secondary memory along with main memory.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 71


The stage used to eliminate the noise effects in a FM detector is called –

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 71

  • At the transmitter the amplitude of the modulated signal is constant, noise and interfering stations produce amplitude changes on the modulated signal
  • The purpose of the limiter is to provide a constant level of the signal to the FM demodulator, thus reducing the effect of signal level changes in the output

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 72


In which modulation technique does the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 72

PSK(Phase Shift Keying):

InPSK (phase shift keying),binary 1 is represented with a carrier signal and binary 0is represented with 180° phase shift of a carrier, i.e. the phase of the carrier signal is changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time.

For binary ‘1’ → S1(A) = Acos 2π fCt

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = A cos (2πfCt + 180°) = - A cos 2π fCt

The Constellation Diagram Representation is as shown:

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Important Point

ASK, PSK and FSKare signaling schemes used to transmit binary sequences through free space. In these schemes, bit-by-bit transmission through free space occurs.

FSK (Frequency Shift Keying):

InFSK (Frequency Shift Keying)binary 1 is represented with a high-frequency carrier signal and binary 0 is represented with a low-frequency carrier, i.e.In FSK, the carrier frequency is switched between 2 extremes.

For binary ‘1’ → S1(A) = Acos 2π fHt

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = A cos 2π fLt . The constellation diagram is as shown:

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ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying):

InASK (Amplitude shift keying)binary ‘1’ is represented with the presence of a carrier and binary ‘0’ is represented with the absence of a carrier:

For binary ‘1’ → S1(t) = Acos 2π fct

For binary ‘0’ → S2(t) = 0

The Constellation Diagram Representation is as shown:

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where‘I’ is the in-phase Componentand‘Q’ is the Quadrature phase.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 73


Find the voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the given circuit.

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Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 73

The given circuit is redrawn as:

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Applying KVL around the loop, we get:

100 - 8I - 40 - 30I - 2I = 0

60 = 40 I

I = 1.5 A

Now, the voltage across the 30Ω resistor will be:

V30Ω = 1.5× 30

V30Ω = 45 V

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 74


Find out even and odd part of signal x(t) = (2 + sin t)2

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 74


Any given signal x(t) can be written as the sum of its even part and odd part, i.e.

x(t) = xe(t) + xo(t)

xe(t) = Even part of g(t) calculated as:

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xo(t) = Odd part of x(t) calculated as:

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x(t) = (2 + sin t)2

x(t) = 4 + sin2t + 4 sin t

x(-t) =4 + sin2t-4 sin t

Even part of g(t) calculated as:

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= 4 +sin2t

Odd part of x(t) calculated as:

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= 4 sin t

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 75


The Transfer characteristic of the different types of MOSFETs is shown below, where ID is drain current and VGS is the Gate-Source voltage, the correct combination of MOSFET w.r.t to transfer characteristics is:

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Types of MOSFET

(P) P – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(Q) P – Channel Depletion MOSFET

(R) N – Channel Enhancement MOSFET

(S) N – Channel Depletion MOSFET

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 75

  • TheEnhancement mode MOSFET's are equivalent to a "Normally Open" switch that requires gate-source voltage to switch ON the device.
  • If the positive voltage (+VGS) is applied to an n-channel gate terminal, then only the channel will conduct and the drain current starts to flow through the channel.
  • If thebias voltage is zero or negative(- VGS)then the transistorswitches OFFand the channel stays in the non-conductive state resulting in the drain current to be zero.

Transfer characteristics of an n-channel depletion MOSFET is as shown:

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We observe that for VGS= 0, drain current is flowing.

Transfer characteristics of p-channel depletion MOSFET is as shown:

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Transfer characteristics of n-channelEnhancement MOSFET is as shown:

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We observe that for VGS= 0, there is no drain current flowing as there is no conduction region at VGS= 0, in enhancement mode MOSFET.

Transfer characteristics of p-channelEnhancement MOSFET is as shown:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 76


If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction it becomes1/2. If 1 is added to the numerator it becomes 1. The product of numerator and denominator of the fraction is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 76

Let the numerator = x and denominator = y
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y + 3 = 2y ⇒ y = 3

x +1= 3 ⇒ x = 2

∴ xy = 2 × 3 = 6

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 77


Directions: Study the following question carefully and choose the right answer.

In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘SDQLJOBM’. How is CREDIBLE written in that code?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 77

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Hence, option A is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 78


Sunny can complete a work in 15 days. If Bobby is 60% as efficient as Sunny, in how many days can Bobby complete the work?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 78

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 79


Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A round punched paper is given as shown in the question figure. Figure out from the four alternatives as to how it will appear when folded.
Question Figure
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Answer figure
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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 80


The shadow of a building is 10 m long when the point of rise of the sun is 60°. Discover the building's stature.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 80

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Let AB be the building and AC be its shadow.
Then, AC = 20m and ∠ACB = 60°. Let AB = x m.
Presently AB/AC = tan 60° = √3 => x/10 = √3
=> x = 10√3m = (10 * 1.732) m = 17.32m.
∴ Height of the building is 17.32m.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 81


Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions besides.

Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table. Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner. Students at the side faces away from the centre and students at the corner faces toward the centre.
Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi. Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table. Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre. Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi. Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi. Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.
Q. Who sits opposite to Bobby?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 81

From the common explanation, we get Sona sits opposite Bobby.

Hence, Option E is correct.

Final Arrangement:

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Common Explanation:


Eight students Kirti, Ayushi, Manu, Sona, Aarti, Bobby, Ankita and Divya are sitting around the square table.

Four students sit on each side while rest on each corner.

Students at the side face away from the centre and students at the corner faces towards the centre.


So, we need to arrange as follows to accommodate the information as stated in the question,

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Divya sits third to the left of Ayushi.

Kirti sits opposite to Manu and both faces away from the centre.


From the above references, we get the following two different cases:

Case 1:

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Case 2:

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Neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi.

Sona sits immediate left of Ankita, who sits on the side of the table.

Bobby is not an immediate right of Ayushi.

Bobby is not adjacent to Manu.


So, from this case 2 will be eliminated as neither Kirti nor Manu are beside Ayushi.

Now, from case 1 we get the following final arrangements:

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 82


The HCF of two numbers is 15 and their LCM is 300. If one of the number is 60, the other is :

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 82

Using Rule 1 :
1st number × 2nd number = L.C. M. × H.C.F,
First number × Second number = HCF × LCM
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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 83


Directions: Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:

A certain number of people are sitting in a row watching F1 racing. All of them are facing towards the south direction. The distance between any two adjacent persons is the same.
The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C. At most 25 people are sitting in a row. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends. Two people are sitting between A and Z. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y. C sits fourth to the right of Z. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.

Q.Who sits two places away from Y?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 83

Following the common explanation, we get “C and Z sits two places away from Y”.
Hence, option D is correct.
Final Arrangement:

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Common Explanation:
1. Two people are sitting between A and Z.
2. C sits fourth to the right of Z.
3. The number of people sitting to the right of A is the same as the number of people sitting to the left of Z.
4. The number of people sitting between A and C is the same as the number of people sitting between X and C.
5. X is an immediate neighbour of D, who sits on one of the ends.
6. The number of people sitting between D and C is the same as the number of people sitting between C and Y.
7. At most 25 people are sitting in a row.
From reference 1, we get two possible cases.
From reference 7, case2 was eliminated.
MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (420)Hence, Case 1 is the final arrangement.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 84


Which revolution in the world inspired the Indians to set up a socialist economy?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 84

During that time Lenin introduced the idea of a socialist, cooperative economy and emphasized collectivisation .Hence, these values inspired Indians to set up a socialist economy.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 85


When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 85

The country gained official independence as Zimbabwe on18 April 1980. The government held independence celebrations in Rufaro stadium in Salisbury, the capital.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 86


Which of the following does not include election procedure?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 86

Booth capturing is a type of electoral fraud in which party loyalists "capture" a polling booth and vote in place of legitimate voters to ensure that their candidate wins.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 87


Which of the following is not an agent of erosion and deposition

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 87

There are four main agents of erosion. Moving water, wind, gravity, and ice wear away or break up rocks, sediments, and soil from the land's surface. When these materials are deposited or dropped in new places, it is called deposition. Erosion and deposition work together.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 88


State animal of Haryana is:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 88

The correct answer is theBlackbuck.

Important Points

  • The Blackbuck is the state animal of Haryana. In India hunting of Blackbuck is ban under theWildlife Protection Act of 1972, due to excessive hunting andhabitat degradation of Blackbucks during the 20th century.
  • The Blackbuck or an Indian antelope are found in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. They have a lifespan of approximately 10 to 15 years.

Additional Information

  • Black Francolin of thepheasant family is the State bird of Haryana.
  • There are 2 National parks located in Haryana viz,Sultanpur National Park located in Gurugram andKalesar National Park located in Yamunanagar.
  • Chinkara alsoknown as Indian Gazelleis thestate animal of Rajasthan.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 89


While working with 75% of its efficiency a pipe can fill a tank in 80 minutes. In how many minutes can the pipe fill the tank while working with 100% efficiency?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 89

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Hence, Option B is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 90


Seven persons B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born on seven different months of a year starting from January, but not necessarily in the same order. Who was born in July?

Statement I: C was born just before D. Only two persons are born after H. Three persons are born between H and B. F was born two months after B.
Statement II: E was born in April. D was born after C. Two persons are born between E and B. B was not born in July. C was born one of the months after May.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 90

Checking Statement I:

Using the above references, we get the following arrangement:

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Clearly, D was born in July.

Hence data in statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

Checking Statement II:

Using the above references, we get the following arrangement:

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Clearly, D was born in July.

Hence data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

Here, the data in either Statement I or II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, Option C is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 91


Sambhu beats Kalu by 30 metres in10 seconds. How much time was taken by Sambhu tocomplete a race 1200 meters.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 91

Kalu’s speed = 3 m/s.
For 1200 m, Kalu would take 400 seconds and Sambhu would take 10 seconds less. Hence, 390

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 92


Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Question Figure
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Answer figure
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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 93


The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs. 8,500. If the average monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000 and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs. 7,800, then the total number of workers in the workshop is

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 93

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 94


Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Question -

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 94

As, 68 = (4)3 + 4

130 = (5)3 + 5

and 350 = (7)3 + 7

Therefore, ? = (6)3 + 6 = 222

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 95


In a school having roll strength 299, the ratio of boys and girls is 8 : 5. If 25 more girls get admitted into the school, the ratio of boys and girls becomes

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 96


'Dogs' is related to 'Bark' in the same way as 'Goats' is related to:

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 96

As the cry of 'Dog' is called 'Bark' in the same way the cry of 'Goat' is called 'Bleat'.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 97


The product of two numbers is 1280 and their H.C.F. is 8. The L.C.M. of the number will be ?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 97

Product of two numbers = HCF × LCM
1280 = 8 × LCM
160 = LCM

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 98


Select the related letters from the given alternatives.


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The logic follows here is:-

1st and 3rd letters are interchanged.

4th and 6th letters are interchanged.

And 2nd letter is placed as it is.

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Hence, the correct answer is "TNMFED".

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 99


In a school 30% of the students play football and 50% of students play cricket. If 40% of the students play neither football nor cricket, what percentage of total students play both the games?

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 99

The number of students who play both the games = (30 + 50 + 40)% – 100% = 20%
Hence, Option D is correct.

MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 100


Directions: Each of the following consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circle and facing away from the centre. Who sits second to the right of B?
Statement I:A sits to the immediate left of C. D sits second to the right of A.
Statement II:D sits immediately between E and B. B sits to the immediate left of A.

Detailed Solution for MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 - Question 100

From Statement 1:
A sits to the immediate left of C.
D sits second to the right of A.
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From the statement, we cannot determine who sits second to the right of B.
From Statement 2:
D sits immediately between E and B.
B sits to the immediate left of A.
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From the statement, C sits second to the right of B.
Hence option C is correct.

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MPPGCL JE Electronics Mock Test - 3 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.