Nine questions to choose the right tank cleaning nozzle (2024)

Nine questions to choose the right tank cleaning nozzle (1)

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Magazine, PNR Service Lab

How is the tank to be cleaned made?
What is the soil to be removed?

We already talked about choosing the right type of tank cleaning nozzle, and its main applications in the past. But what are the practical questions to ask yourself before choosing a tank cleaning device?

The selection of the appropriate cleaning device involves multiple factors. However, if due consideration is given to the application, the process can be pretty straightforward.


What are the questions to ask yourself before choosing a tank cleaning nozzle?

Nine questions to choose the right tank cleaning nozzle (2)

Discover the 10 most targeted questions

We have collected 9 of the questions one must ask oneself when choosing a tank cleaning device. When selecting the cleaning device, it is important to ask yourself these 9 questions in order to confidently select the right solution:

How is the tank to be cleaned made?

The size and characteristics of the tank or canister are an important factor in determining the type and quantity of cleaning devices required.

Type of soil to remove?

Why is it necessary to clean the tank or the canister? It might seem like a trivial question, but it is important to ask it to prevent cross-contamination, to decide whether to proceed with sterilization or for maintenance, product recovery, etc.

As a simple example, consider the removal of methanol versus the removal of latex.
We can remove methanol with a simple cascading of the fluid over the surfaces. A spray ball or rotating sphere could be employed, subject to tank size and capacity. However, in the case of latex, the cleaning process would take a long time if using a spray ball or a rotating sphere. In this case, it would be more effective to use a high-impact device.

What kind of surface needs to be cleaned?

The material of which the tank is made has its importance. Electropolished stainless steel and glass lined vessels are far easier surfaces to clean than carbon steel or certain types of coated tanks. The condition of the coating can also be a factor capable of influencing the performance of the cleaning device.

Is the washing for the food or pharmaceutical sector?

Sanitary cleaning devices, in most cases, are more costly and utilize more flow than a device that does not consider this requirement.

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What openings are there in the system for installing the cleaning device?

In the case of of new equipment, this consideration is more flexible because a review of the vessel design can be made before construction and before determining cleaning requirements. In addition, installation is more accessible and usually less costly. Instead, in the case of existing equipment, the desired location for the cleaning device may not be available. This will have a bearing on the device selected and its operating parameters.

How much time can you devote cleaning?

Since process and production requirements are a primary factor, it is important to consider the speed at which the selected device(s) will clean the tanks to avoid production stoppages.

Is it necessary for the washing device to be permanently installed?

The cleaning system will be different if you want a static (Clean In Place) or removable cleaning system. For example, you may not usually require the device to be fully self-washing if it is to be installed only for the cleaning process and then removed.

What is the budget?

The cost of cleaning devices and their associated systems for a given application can vary. The purchase of the device is only part of the cost. In many cases, if the proper cleaning system and device are selected, operational savings can result in a favorable return on investment.

What are the operational parameters?

Pressure, flow rates, tank evacuation rates, cleaning devices, and operating temperatures are all factors to consider when choosing the right washing head.

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Nine questions to choose the right tank cleaning nozzle (2024)
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