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Plenary Session

1DNA degradation during apoptotic cell deathS NagataDepartment of Genetics, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka,JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):1 (DOI 10.1186/ar800)Apoptosis is a principal mechanism in metazoans by which superfluousor potentially harmful cells are eliminated. Deregulation of this processleads to a variety of diseases such as cancer and autoimmune dis-eases. Stimuli that can induce apoptosis are relatively diverse, andinclude the death factors (Fas ligand, tumor necrosis factor and TRAIL),DNA damage, and oxidative stress. Regardless of the origin of theapoptotic stimulus, commitment to apoptosis leads to activation of cas-pases, a family of cysteine proteases. Cleavage of a select group ofcellular substrates by caspases is responsible for the morphologicaland biochemical changes that characterize apoptotic cell death. Thedegradation of nuclear DNA into nucleosomal units is one of the fea-tures of apoptotic cell death, and is mediated by a caspase-activatedDNase (CAD). Cells deficient in CAD undergo cell death without theDNA fragmentation, but CAD-null mice did not show any adverse phe-notypes. A close examination of the apoptotic cells in these mice indi-cated that apoptotic cells are always in macrophages. It seems that atan early stage of apoptosis, the dying cells present an ‘eat me signal’on their surface. This signal is recognized by macrophages for engulf-ment, and DNase II in the lysosomes of macrophages degrades DNA ofapoptotic cells. Mice deficient in both CAD and DNase II genes wereestablished, and the development of various organs was found to beseverely impaired in these mutant mice. The mice accumulated a largeamount of undigested DNA in macrophages in various tissues duringdevelopment. This accumulation of DNA in macrophages activated theinnate immunity to induce the expression of the interferon β gene. Theinterferon thus produced seems to be responsible for the impairedtissue development. These results indicate that the degradation ofDNA during apoptotic cell death is an essential step of apoptosis tomaintain mammalian homeostasis.

2Paracrine pathways of cartilage destruction inosteoarthritisS Abramson, M Attur, M Dave, M Leung, J Patel, P Gomez, A AminDivision of Rheumatology, NYU School of Medicine — Hospital forJoint Diseases, New York, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):2 (DOI 10.1186/ar801)

Osteoarthritis (OA) has been considered a biomechanically driven,degenerative disease of cartilage. However, the OA disease processaffects not only the cartilage, but also the entire joint structure; and withinthe bone, cartilage and synovium of affected joints, profound metabolicchanges transpire, which include the production of growth factors, nitricoxide (NO), prostaglandins (PGs), leukotrienes (LTs), IL-1β, tumor necro-

sis factor alpha, IL-6, and IL-8. The autocrine production of IL-1β by OAcartilage has been of particular interest, since both ex vivo human and invivo animal studies indicate that IL-1 antagonists effectively attenuatecartilage degradation. Microarray technology has demonstrated differen-tial expression in OA cartilage of a variety of IL-1-induced, NFβB-depen-dent genes. Among IL-β-induced products of OA cartilage are variouseicosanoids, which include E2, PGD2, LTB4, PGF1α, PGF2α and throm-boxane. Treatment of OA cartilage with cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitorsincreases LTB4 production threefold to fivefold, indicating shunting ofarachidonate from the COX to the 5-LO pathway. Functional analyses ofindividual eicosanoids reveals that PGD2, in contrast to its derivativePGJ2, stimulates catabolic processes, including NO and PG production.Lipoxin and 15-epi-lipoxin are also spontaneously released by OA carti-lage, where they act to inhibit the spontaneous production of NO, PGE2,IL-8 and IL-6. Consistent with the notion that OA is not simply a degener-ative disease of cartilage, gene expression analysis of circulating periph-eral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) shows upregulation of mRNA forIL-1β, COX-2, IL-6, and IL-8 in OA (but not normal) PBMCs. OA PBMCsproduce threefold to fivefold more PGE2 in response to stimulation withIL-1β than do normal cells. Thus, PBMCs, like chondrocytes and synovialcells, are activated in OA, and merit evaluation as sensors of inflammatoryprocesses in the OA joint.

3Fifty years’ experience in research forpathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritisNJ ZvaiflerArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):3 (DOI 10.1186/ar802)

Abstract not submitted for publication

4Interferons and IRF/Stat transcription factors inthe regulation of immunity, oncogenesis and boneremodelingT Taniguchi, A Takaoka, H Takayanagi, K HondaDepartment of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Universityof Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):4 (DOI 10.1186/ar803)

Analysis of the interferon (IFN)-α/β system over the past two decadesrevealed the critical roles of the IRF and Stat families of transcriptionfactors in the regulation of this and other cytokine systems. We proposedoperation of the positive feedback mechanism of the IFN gene induction,which is mediated by IRF-3 and IRF-7. We demonstrate that this mecha-nism is critical not only for innate immune response against viruses, butalso for adaptive immune responses through induction of the maturation ofdendritic cells. We also present our recent findings on a new link betweenthe IFN signaling and tumor suppressor p53. In fact, the IFN-mediatedinduction of p53 gene is critical for boosting the p53-dependent apoptoticresponse in tumor suppression and antiviral immunity. Bone remodeling iscentral to maintaining the integrity of the skeletal system, wherein the

Arthritis Research & Therapy Volume 5 Supplement 3, 2003Meeting abstracts3rd World Congress of the Global Arthritis Research Network(GARN): International Arthritis SummitSummit Hall at Sheraton Resorts in Miyakazi, Japan14–17 September 2003

Published online: 12 September 2003

These abstracts are online at http://arthritis-research.com/supplements/5/S3

© 2003 BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1478-6354; Online ISSN 1478-6362)

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developed bone is constantly renewed by the balanced action ofosteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption. We foundthat IFNs and IRF/Stat factors are uniquely involved in the regulation ofbone remodeling, and summarize our data on how these cytokines andtranscription factors participate in maintaining the bone homeostasis.References1. Darnell, Kerr, Stark: Science 1994, 264:141.2. Taniguchi et al.: Ann Rev Immunol 2000, 19:623.3. Taniguchi, Takaoka: Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2001, 2:378.4. Taniguchi, Takaoka: Curr Opin Immunol 2002, 14:111.5. Sato et al.: Immunity 2000, 13:539-548.6. Takayanagi et al.: Nature 2002, 416:744-749.7. Takaoka et al.: Nature 2003, in press.

5Delineating biologic pathways involved in skeletalgrowth and homeostasis through the study of rareMendelian diseases that affect bones and jointsM WarmanDepartment of Genetics and Center for Human Genetics, CaseWestern Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland,Cleveland, Ohio, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):5 (DOI 10.1186/ar804)

We have found that the secreted glycoprotein, lubricin, is mutated inpatients with the autosomal recessive disorder camptodactyly–arthropa-thy–coxa vara–pericarditis syndrome. To better define lubricin’s role inarticulating joints we have been studying lubricin knockout mice. Knock-out mice recapitulate features observed in patients with campto-dactyly–arthropathy–coxa vara–pericarditis, and therefore allow us tolearn more about the protein’s in vivo function. We find that synovio-cytes from knockout mice have different growth characteristics than dowild-type synoviocytes. We also find that the articular cartilage surfacein knockout mice loses superficial zone chondrocytes and becomescovered by proteinaceous material. These results indicate that lubricinprotects cartilage surfaces and helps regulate synovial cell growth.We had found that Wnt-inducible-secreted protein 3 (WISP3) is mutatedin patients with the autosomal recessive disorder progressivepseudorheumatoid dysplasia. Patients with progressive pseudo-rheumatoid dysplasia require joint replacement surgery for what resem-bles end-stage osteoarthritis by their second decade of life. WISP3 is invery low abundance since we have only been able to detect mRNA byreverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and not by northern blotor in situ hybridization. Furthermore, we have not been able to detectendogenous WISP3 protein using a sensitive polyclonal antibody. There-fore, to determine the role of WISP3 in maintaining joints we createdWisp3 knockout mice. Surprisingly these mice did not develop jointfailure, but they did seem to have altered timing of their secondary centersof ossification. We are currently exploring whether this altered timing is rel-evant to the pathogenesis of cartilage failure in human patients.We have been searching for the gene responsible for autosomal reces-sive acromesomelic dysplasia. This is an interesting disorder because itprimarily affects postnatal, rather than prenatal, growth. Also interesting isthe fact that many carrier parents of affected individuals appear to haveisolated short stature. Consequently, the discovery of the gene responsi-ble for this disease may provide insights into pathways that effect growth.

Message from WHO

Assessing the burden of musculoskeletalconditions: a joint World HealthOrganization–Bone and Joint Decade projectN Khaltaev1, B Pfleger1, AD Woolf2, C Mathers1, K Akesson3, JM Hazes4, D Symmons5

1World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Royal CornwallHospital, Truro, UK; 3Malmö University Hospital, Sweden; 4UniversityHospital of Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 5University of Manchester, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):174 (DOI 10.1186/ar805)

Introduction The Monitor Project of the Bone and Joint Decade (BJD)was developed to quantify the global burden of musculoskeletal condi-

tions and to develop strategies for their prevention. Experts within theMonitor Project have been working with officers at the World HealthOrganization (WHO) to estimate morbidity and mortality associatedwith rheumatic conditions.Objectives To determine the burden of major musculoskeletal condi-tions and limb trauma in terms of mortality and disability.Methods A Scientific Group meeting of experts in the areas of muscu-loskeletal conditions and limb trauma was held in January 2000 in Genevain order to produce a WHO Technical Report on the impact of rheumatoidarthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), osteoporosis, major limb trauma, andspinal disorders (low back pain [LBP]). Data on incidence, prevalence andseverity for the conditions were collected by world region, gender, andage groups. Estimates of the economic burden of each condition werealso made, as were descriptions of relevant health domains and states.Epidemiological models were formed for RA, OA and LBP. Computersoftware was used to combine the data on incidence and/or prevalencewith estimates of case fatality, case remission, and average duration toestablish the number of years of life lost for each condition in agreementwith mortality data. Estimates for the distribution of disabilities associatedwith treated and untreated forms of each condition were made to helpdetermine the number of years living in disability for each condition.Results The work of the WHO/BJD collaboration has resulted in a WHOTechnical Report (in press) as well as burden estimates for the WHOGlobal Burden of Disease 2000 study. Results comparing years of livingwith disability for 1990 data with those for 2000 data are presented inTable 1 for RA, OA, LBP, and a residual musculoskeletal condition cate-gory. The burden appears to have increased during the time period. Otherresults show that the impact of musculoskeletal conditions varies world-wide and is influenced by social structure, expectation, and economics.

Table 1

Years living with disability for musculoskeletal conditionsa

Global Burden of Disease Global Burden of Disease1990 2000

Condition Male Female Total Male Female Total

RA 859 2309 3168 1205 3092 4297

Osteoarthritis 5341 7934 13,275 5549 8667 14,216

Low back pain – – – 1180 1045 2225

Other 398 1099 1437 596 1598 2194

aYears of life lost data not presented due to the low mortality associated withthese conditions. LBP was not considered in the Global Burden of Disease1990 study. RA, rheumatoid arthritis. Sources: [1,2] and unpublished WorldHealth Organization data.

Conclusions The WHO/BJD collaboration has been successful inaccumulating and publishing vital data describing the burden of muscu-loskeletal conditions and limb trauma.References1. Symmons D, Mathers C, Pfleger B: Global Burden of

Osteoarthritis in the Year 2000, World Health Organization,2003 [http://www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm?path=evidence,burden,burden_gbd2000docs&language=english].

2. Symmons D, Mathers C, Pfleger B. The global burden ofrheumatoid arthritis in the year 2000, World Health Organiza-tion, 2003 [http://www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm?path=evidence,burden,burden_gbd2000docs&language=english].

Message from APLAR

Fortieth Anniversary of APLARP PispatiPresident — APLARArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):175 (DOI 10.1186/ar806)

What an honour it is to come to this exotic Miyazaki Island in this won-derful country of Japan. I bring to you warm greetings and felicitations

Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol 5 Suppl 3 Abstracts of the 3rd World Congress of the Global Arthritis Research Network

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from 22 APLAR countries ranging from Iraq/Syria in the West toJapan/New Zealand in the East. APLAR is most proud that Japan is aleading and outstanding member of the APLAR community of nations.This is a significant year for APLAR. We are celebrating the 40thAnniversary of APLAR. We find no better occasion or location to makethis announcement from the outstanding platform of the GARNConference.Ladies and Gentlemen, 3.7 billion people reside in APLAR countries;some highly developed, some economically prosperous and somedeveloping nations. Rheumatology as a science and practice is firmlyestablished in most APLAR member countries, including developingnations. There are highly qualified well-trained rheumatologists avail-able who enjoy adequate practical laboratory support and are given togood therapeutics. There are centres of excellence where good educa-tion and training in rheumatology is imparted.Yet, there are some countries that are not yet members of APLAR and inwhich organised rheumatology centres hardly exist. It is the aim of APLARtoday to undertake and help initiate rheumatology services in these coun-tries. This is an ambitious and onerous task that we have undertaken.Exactly a year from now APLAR will hold its outstanding InternationalCongress in Rheumatology in the picturesque Jeju Island in SouthKorea. We promise you an innovative, creative, stimulating scientificprogramme replete with warm hospitality. Do come to the APLAR Con-gress in South Korea in September 2004 — you will never ever regret it.The GARN Conference is certain to generate new data, new ideas withthe plethora of brilliant scientists assembled under one roof here. Wehave come to learn a lot and to develop positive ideas into an action pro-gramme in the APLAR region. This is precisely why I am here to takeaway a message of advances in science and to give this message of co-operation and goodwill to the brilliant success of this GARN Conference.MAY PEACE AND HARMONY PREVAIL. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL.

Topics Symposium (1) Rheumatology (1): RA

6Premise: traditional disease-modifyingantirheumatic drugs are less effective and safethan targeted therapy with biologic responsemodifiers in rheumatoid arthritisR FleischmannDepartment of Internal Medicine, University of Texas SouthwesternMedical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):6 (DOI 10.1186/ar807)

Introduction Multiple traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs(DMARDs), including hydroxychloroquine, gold, penicillamine, sul-fasalazine, leflunomide, methotrexate, azathioprine, and cyclosporine, havebeen approved for use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Most patientsdiscontinue these medications by 2 years due to loss of efficacy and/ortoxicity. There are currently four biologic response modifiers (BRMs) com-mercially available: etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, and anakinra. Thequestion is whether these BRMs have a superior efficacy:tolerability ratio,allowing patients to remain on therapy significantly longer.Objectives To compare clinical trial data of traditional DMARDs andBRMs, alone or in combination, with respect to efficacy and safety.Results It is impossible to compare efficacy or safety results of clinicaltrials of different agents as trial designs, primary endpoints and statisti-cal analyses have changed considerably over the years. The bestmeasure of the effectiveness of a particular medication, therefore, ishow long patients remain on therapy that would assume a significantclinical benefit without serious adverse events (AE). Less than 50% ofpatients treated with traditional DMARDs remain on therapy for 2 years[1]. Combination therapy of DMARDs in patients with establisheddisease does not fare better. Significant AEs that occur with theseagents include hematological, hepatic, pulmonary, renal, infectious andmucocutaneous reactions. Each of the BRMs that target tumor necro-sis factor alpha have far superior results with respect to continuingtherapy: 60% of infliximab patients > 2 years, 52% of patients withetanercept > 4 years and 56% of patients with adalimumab > 5 years[2]. Rare AE that do occur include reactivation of latent tuberculosisand other opportunistic infections, demyelinating disease, congestiveheart failure and possibly lymphoma. With proper screening and

caution, however, patients should be identified if they are at risk andnot treated, thus sparing these AEs. Patients treated with BRMs do notdevelop the multiorgan adverse events noted with traditional DMARDsConclusions Anti-tumor necrosis factor BRMs appear to have superiorefficacy and safety than do traditional DMARDs alone or in combination.For this reason, the use of a BRM should be strongly considered in apatient with rheumatoid arthritis who has not reached maximal efficacyor who develops a significant AE with the use of traditional DMARDs.References1. Galindo-Rodriguez G, et al.: Disappointing longterm results

with disease modifying antirheumatic drugs. A practice basedstudy. J Rheumatol 1999, 26:2337-2343.

2. Fleischmann RM: Safety and efficacy of disease-modifyingantirheumatic agents in rheumatoid arthritis and juvenilerheumatoid arthritis. Exp Opin Drug Safety 2003, 2:347-365.

7The use of animal models to find and understandarthritis genesR HolmdahlMedical Inflammation Research, Lund University, Lund, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):7 (DOI 10.1186/ar808)

Inbred animals are useful for studies of the identification of genes asso-ciated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since they are more efficient toolsfor identification of genes controlling complex diseases. There areseveral arthritis models, which each may reflect various variants of theheterogeneity of RA in humans. Examples are collagen-induced arthritis(CIA) and pristane-induced arthritis, which both fulfill the clinical diag-nostic criteria for RA.Type II collagen (CII) is immunogenic and contains peptides that can bebound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and can bepresented to T cells, whereas pristane is not immunogenic by itself.Both diseases are genetically complex and the susceptibility is, as RA,dependent on many polymorphic genes operating in concert. So far twoof these genes have been identified; the MHC class II Ab gene in themouse [1] and the Ncf1 gene in the rat [2]. The Ncf1 protein is a part ofthe NADPH oxidase complex involved in generation of the inducibleoxidative burst. The discovery of the Ncf1 polymorphism led to a newproposed pathway in which oxygen radicals modify antigen presentationand the resulting activation of autoreactive T cells. This hypothesis hasnow been further documented by the identification of an Ncf1 mutationin the mouse that reproduces the effects earlier observed in the rat.Mice with the deficient Ncf1 allele, and expressing the MHC class IIallele Aq, binding CII peptides, could be shown to be dramatically moresusceptible to CIA, and also developed a chronic form of arthritis. Inter-estingly, the immune response to CII was enhanced by the Ncf1 defi-ciency linking the Ncf1 pathway to the adaptive immune response.References1. Brunsberg U, Gustafsson K, Jansson L, Michaëlsson E, Ahrlund-

Richter L, Pettersson S, Mattsson R, Holmdahl R: Expression ofa transgenic class II Ab gene confers susceptibility to colla-gen-induced arthritis. Eur J Immunol 1994, 24:1698-1702.

2. Olofsson P, Holmberg J, Tordsson J, Lu S, Akerström B, HolmdahlR: Positional identification of Ncf1 as a gene that regulatesarthritis severity in rats. Nat Genet 2003, 33:25-32.

8Synovial mast cells require C5a receptor (CD88) forarthritis inductionD Lee1, M Brenner1, C Gerard2, C Benoist3, D Mathis3, G Watts1

1Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy, Brigham &Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts,USA; 2Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Section on Immunology andImmunogenetics, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):8 (DOI 10.1186/ar809)

A critical role for mast cells in arthritis pathogenesis has been demon-strated in the K/BxN serum transfer mouse model; however, the mecha-

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nisms by which synovial mast cells are activated to induce arthritisremains unknown. Previous studies have demonstrated a requirement forboth IgG Fc receptors and complement components (C3 and C5) as wellas the receptor for the anaphylotoxin C5a (C5aR, CD88) in K/BxN serumtransfer arthritis. Knowing that human synovial mast cells express CD88while mast cells at other anatomic sites lack CD88 expression, we hypoth-esized that synovial mast cells may require activation via CD88 for arthritisinduction in the K/BxN model. To test this hypothesis, we engrafted wild-type (C57BL/6 [B6]) and CD88-deficient (CD88–/–) bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) into mast cell-deficient W/Wv recipient mice.After allowing 10 weeks for engraftment, we challenged B6 and CD88–/–

BMMC-engrafted W/Wv mice as well as control, non-engrafted W/Wvand wild-type mice with arthritogenic K/BxN serum. We find that CD88–/–

BMMC-engrafted W/Wv mice clinically display resistance to arthritisinduction equivalent to that seen in non-engrafted W/Wv mice, while B6BMMC engraftment restores arthritis sensitivity to W/Wv mice. Histologicanalyses confirm engraftment of mast cells in synovial and other tissues inCD88–/– BMMC-recipient W/Wv mice. These results demonstrate an invivo requirement for CD88 expression by synovial mast cells for inductionof inflammatory arthritis in the K/BxN arthritis model.

9Albumin-based drug delivery as novel therapeuticapproach for rheumatoid arthritisA Wunder1, U Muller-Ladner2, E Stelzer3, E Neumann2, H Sinn1,S Gay4, C Fiehn5

1Department of Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacology, GermanCancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany; 2Department ofInternal Medicine I, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany;3Cell Biophysics/Cell Biology Program, European Molecular BiologyLaboratory Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; 4WHO CollaboratingCenter for Molecular Bioliology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies forRheumatic Disorders, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 5Clinicof Internal Medicine V, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):9 (DOI 10.1186/ar810)

We reported recently that albumin is a suitable drug carrier for targeteddelivery of methotrexate (MTX) to tumors. Due to pathophysiologicalconditions in neoplastic tissue, high amounts of albumin accumulate intumors and are metabolized by malignant cells. MTX, covalentlycoupled to human serum albumin (MTX-HSA) for cancer treatment, iscurrently being evaluated in phase II clinical trials. Because the syn-ovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) shares various featuresobserved also in tumors, albumin-based drug targeting of inflamedjoints might be an attractive therapeutic approach. Therefore, the phar-maco*kinetics of albumin and MTX in a mouse model of arthritis wasexamined. Additionally, uptake of albumin by synovial fibroblasts of RApatients and the efficacy of MTX and MTX-HSA in arthritic mice werestudied. The results show that, when compared with MTX, significantlyhigher amounts of albumin accumulate in inflamed paws, and signifi-cantly lower amounts of albumin are found in the liver and the kidneys.The protein is metabolized by human synovial fibroblasts in vitro and invivo. MTX-HSA was significantly more effective in suppression of theonset of arthritis in mice than was MTX. In conclusion, albumin appearsto be a suitable drug carrier in RA, most probably due to effects on syn-ovial fibroblasts, which might increase the therapeutic efficacy of andreduce side effects of MTX.

10SKG mice, a new genetic model of rheumatoidarthritisS Sakaguchi, T Takahashi, H Hata, T Nomura, N SakaguchiDepartment of Experimental Pathology, Institute for Frontier MedicalSciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):10 (DOI 10.1186/ar811)

We have established a mouse strain, designated SKG mice, whichspontaneously develop chronic autoimmune arthritis. The arthritisresembles rheumatoid arthritis in the proliferative synovial inflammationaccompanying infiltration of CD4+ T cells, formation of pannus erodingcartilage and bone, development of autoantibodies including rheuma-

toid factor, and various extra-articular manifestations. It can be adop-tively transferred to histocompatible athymic mice by peripheral CD4+

T cells or thymocytes, or to histocompatible SCID mice by bonemarrow cells. Thus, the abnormality in this model seems to beexpressed in the bone marrow-derived cellular components, leading tothymic generation and activation of CD4+ T cells recognizing/attackingnormal self-antigens in the joints. In genetic analysis, the offspring ofcrosses between SKG mice (which has a BALB/c genetic back-ground) and normal BALB/c mice, whether the mother was SKG orBALB/c, developed no arthritis. In contrast, arthritis occurred in approx-imately 50% of the N2 generation obtained by crossing the nonarthriticF1 hybrids with SKG mice; the arthritides in the N2 generation showeda similar clinical course and severity as in SKG mice. Thus, the geneticabnormality is presumably of a single gene locus, designated as theskg gene, and inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion with nearly100% penetrance of the trait in hom*ozygotes raised in our conven-tional environment. Linkage analysis between the development ofmacroscopically evident arthritis and the hom*ozygosity of chromosome-specific microsatellite markers by utilizing the N2 generation of back-crossing the F1 generation of SKG and Mus musculus castaneus toSKG mapped the skg locus to the centromeric portion ofchromosome 1, with the lod score of the locus as infinite. Positionalcloning of the skg gene revealed that the gene encodes a signal trans-duction molecule in T cells. Altered signal transduction from the T-cellantigen receptor through the mutated molecule changes the thresholdsof T cells to thymic selection, leading to positive selection of otherwisenegatively selected autoimmune T cells. This genetically determined‘selection shift’ of the T-cell repertoire towards high self-reactivity andresulting thymic production of pathogenic autoimmune T cells may be aprimary cause of and also a predisposing factor for RA in humans.

11The role of IL-17 in the development of arthritis inmouse modelsY Iwakura, S Nakae, R Horai, S SaijoCenter for Experimental Medicine, Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):11 (DOI 10.1186/ar812)

Introduction IL-17 is a T-cell-derived proinflammatory cytokine, whichis suspected to be involved in the development of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) because this cytokine is found in sera and synovial tissues of RApatients. The pathogenic roles of IL-17 in the development of RA,however, still remain to be elucidated.Objective To elucidate the roles of IL-17 in the development of arthritis,we produced IL-17-deficient (IL-17–/–) mice, and examined the effect ofdeficiency on the development of arthritis in two etiologically different,spontaneous RA models, the HTLV-I transgenic mouse model and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra)-deficient mouse model, as well as the typeII collagen-induced arthritis model [1].

Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol 5 Suppl 3 Abstracts of the 3rd World Congress of the Global Arthritis Research Network

Figure 1

Development of arthritis in IL-1Ra–/– is completely suppressed by thedeficiency of IL-17.

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Methods IL-17–/– mice were produced by replacing exon 1 and exon 2of the il-17 gene with a neomycin resistance gene [2]. HTLV-I trans-genic mice carrying the HTLV-I env-pX region and IL-1Ra–/– mice wereproduced as described elsewhere [3,4].Results Both HTLV-I transgenic mice and IL-1Ra–/– mice developarthritis spontaneously due to autoimmunity caused by excess T-cellactivation. The development of arthritis in HTLV-I transgenic mice wasmarkedly suppressed in IL-17–/– mice, and that in IL-1Ra–/– mice wasabolished completely (Fig. 1).Moreover, type II collagen-induced arthritis was markedly suppressedin IL-17–/– mice. We found that crosslinking of OX40 led to promote IL-17 production on CD4+ T cells, and OX40 expression was augmentedin IL-1Ra–/– mice due to excess IL-1 signaling, resulting in the overpro-duction of IL-17. IL-17 was responsible for the priming of collagen-spe-cific T cells and collagen-specific IgG2a production.Conclusion These observations suggest that IL-17 acts downstreamto IL-1, and plays a crucial role in the development of arthritis by acti-vating autoantigen-specific cellular and humoral immune responses.References1. Nakae et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003, 100:5986-5990.2. Nakae et al.: Immunity 2002, 17:375-387.3. Iwakura et al.: Science 1991, 253:1026-1028.4. Horai et al.: J Exp Med 2000, 191:313-320.

Acknowledgement This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-aidfor Scientific Research on Priority Areas from MEXT, and the Ministry ofHealth, Labor and Welfare.

Topics Symposium (2) Immunology

12Cytokine production by dendritic cells geneticallyengineered to express IL-4: induction of Th2responses and differential regulation of IL-12 andIL-23 synthesisD Fox, Y Morita, R Gupta, K Seidl, K McDonaghDepartment of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Michigan, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):12 (DOI 10.1186/ar813)We recently showed a therapeutic effect of bone marrow-derived den-dritic cells (DCs) retrovirally transduced with IL-4 in murine collagen-induced arthritis, a Th1-mediated autoimmune disease. We have nowfurther investigated the functional characteristics of these engineeredcells. We hypothesized that the ability of DCs to regulate the type ofimmune response may depend in part on their capacity to produce IL-12and IL-23. IL-4-transduced DCs produced increased levels of IL-12p70following ligation of CD40. Quantitative mRNA analysis revealed that IL-4-transduced DCs expressed higher levels of IL-12p35 mRNA, but lowerlevels of mRNA for IL-23p19 and the common subunit p40 found in bothIL-12 and IL-23, compared with control DCs. Thus, expression of the IL-12 and IL-23 subunits is differentially regulated in IL-4-transduced DCs.Similar results were obtained using in vitro differentiated myeloid DCs cul-tured in 10–50 ng/ml IL-4. IL-4 led to diminished secretion of IL-23 proteinafter activation of these cells by CD40 ligand. In vivo studies demon-strated that IL-4-transduced, antigen-pulsed DCs led to lower antigen-specific T-cell production of IFN-γ. Delayed type hypersensitivity inducedby IL-4-transduced antigen-pulsed DCs was diminished compared withcontrol DCs. Our results indicate that therapeutic suppression of Th1-mediated autoimmunity and induction of Th2 responses in vivo by IL-4-transduced DCs occurs despite their potential to produce increasedlevels of IL-12, but reflects, in part, decreased production of IL-23.

13GRAIL: a gene related to anergy in lymphocytesG Fathman, L Soares, N Anandasabapathy, C SeroogyDivision of Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Medicine,Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):13 (DOI 10.1186/ar814)T-cell anergy may serve to limit autoreactive T-cell responses in vivo.Anergy induction in vitro is blocked by calcineurin inhibitors and by

inhibition of protein synthesis. In order to look for a potential anergyspecific gene, we examined early changes in gene expression in murineCD4+ T-cell clones after antigen-T-cell receptor signaling in the pres-ence (activation) or absence (anergy) of B7 co-stimulation. GRAIL(Gene Related to Anergy in Lymphocytes) was a novel transcript whoseexpression was markedly induced in anergic T cells in vitro comparedwith activated or resting T cells. GRAIL is a novel murine type I trans-membrane protein that localizes to the endocytic pathway and bearshom*ology to several RING Zinc-finger proteins. GRAIL functions as anE3 ubiquitin ligase. Expression of GRAIL in retrovirally transduced T-cellhybridomas dramatically limits activation-induced IL-2 production invitro. Substitution of histidine for asparagine at two positions in the ringfinger (H2N2 GRAIL) blocks enzymatic function of GRAIL. Retroviraltransduction of hematopoietic stem cells to express GRAIL reiteratesthe anergy phenotype in resultant CD4+ T cells, including inability tosecrete IL-2 or proliferate following antigen stimulation. Expression ofthe enzymatically inactive (dominant-negative) form of H2N2 GRAILblocks anergy induction in T cells in vivo. These data demonstrate thatGRAIL is necessary and sufficient to induce anergy in CD4+ T cells.

14Characterization of signaling complexes at theT-cell antigen receptorL SamelsonLaboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Center for CancerResearch, NCI, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):14 (DOI 10.1186/ar815)

Engagement of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) induces the assemblyof signaling complexes comprised of adapter molecules and enzymes.We use multiple approaches in our characterization of these com-plexes and the process of signal transduction mediated by the TCR.Our genetic approach is the study of mutations in a critical adaptermolecule, LAT. Some of these mutations lead to an interesting lympho-proliferative disorder. Signaling complexes can be studied in vitro usingbiochemical and biophysical methods to determine the rules of signalcomplex formation. Finally, we visualize the formation and fate of multi-protein complexes at the site of TCR activation. To do so, we expressvarious fluorescently-tagged signaling proteins in T cells and observeclusters of molecules containing the TCR and important adapters andenzymes. Direct imaging of signaling molecules has revealed the highlydynamic nature of molecular interactions at the TCR.

15Toll-like receptor family: receptors essential formicrobial recognition and immune responsesS Akira, M Yamamoto, K TakedaDepartment of Host Defense, Research Institute for MicrobialDiseases, Osaka University, Suita, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):15 (DOI 10.1186/ar816)

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in the detection of invadingpathogens within the body and subsequent immune response againstthem. We have generated knockout mice for individual TLRs andshowed that individual TLRs recognize distinct microbial components.TLR4 is essential for the response to LPS. TLR2 is involved in therecognition of lipoproteins and peptidoglycan, together with TLR1 orTLR6. TLR9, TLR3, TLR5 and TLR7 recognize deoxyribonucleotides,ribonucleotides, flagellin, and imidazoquinolines, respectively. The TLRis a type 1 transmembrane receptor that is composed of an extracellu-lar leucine-rich repeat domain and a cytoplasmic domain hom*ologousto that of the IL-1R family. Upon stimulation, TLR recruits IL-1 receptor-associated kinase via adaptor MyD88, and finally induces activation ofNF-κB. Cytokine production in response to each TLR ligand is com-pletely abolished in MyD88-deficient cells, indicating that MyD88 is anessential signaling molecule shared among the IL-1R/Toll family.However, several novel adaptor molecules have recently been identi-fied. Evidence is now accumulating that differential utilization of theseadaptors may activate overlapping as well as distinct signaling path-ways, and finally may give rise to distinct biological effects exerted byindividual TLR families.

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16The actions of BAFF in B-lymphocyte maturationand its effects on the development of autoimmunediseaseF MelchersDepartment of Cell Biology, Biozentrum of the University of Basel,Basel, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):16 (DOI 10.1186/ar817)

BAFF, a member of the family of tumor necrosis factor ligands, isessential for the development of peripheral, mature, long-lived B lym-phocytes. It binds to three different receptors (BCMA, TACI and BAFF-R), which are all members of the family of tumor necrosis factorreceptors. Defects in the genes encoding either BAFF or BAFF-Rabolish the generation of mature B cells. BAFF is made by myeloidcells while BAFF-R is expressed preferentially on B cells. BAFFinduces polyclonal maturation of resting, short-lived immature cells toresting, long-lived mature B cells without proliferation. Lupus erythema-todes-prone mice have elevated levels of BAFF in their blood, andtreatment of these mice with BAFF decoy receptor (BCMA-Ig) preventsthe onset of this autoimmune disease. Human lupus patients also showelevated levels of BAFF in their blood. Treatments with BAFF-neutraliz-ing agents should prevent, delay or, at least, slow down the disease.

17Proteomic surveillance of autoimmunity inosteoarthritisT Kato1, Y Xiang1, T Sekine1, H Nakamura1, S Imajoh-Ohmi2, H f*ckuda2, K Nishioka1

1Department of Bioreguration, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan;2Laboratory Center for Proteomics Research, Institute of MedicalScience, University of Tokyo, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):17 (DOI 10.1186/ar818)

Objectives To understand immunological aspects of osteoarthritis(OA), which has been considered a degenerative disease, we com-pared profiles of autoimmunity comprehensively between OA andrheumatoid arthritis (RA) using analysis of the chondrocytes’proteome.Methods Proteins extracted from normal articular chondrocytes wereseparated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Western blotting(WB) was then used to detect antigenic protein spots, using20 serum samples from either OA or RA patients. Mass fingerprintingwas used for identification of the detected autoantigens. The identi-fied proteins were prepared as recombinant fusion proteins withmaltose binding protein (TPI-MBP) to confirm their antigenecity andto investigate the frequency of the autoantibodies, epitope localiza-tion, and clinical significance by ELISA and WB, using serumsamples obtained from 93 patients with OA, 54 patients with RA, and43 patients with SLE.Results Sixty-two autoantigens were detected in responses to OAand RA serum samples, in which 19 protein spots were detected onlyin the OA group. One of these apparently OA-specific protein spots,detected in four out of 20 OA patients but not in RA patients, wasidentified as human triose phosphate isomerase (TPI). All four positivesera against this spot reacted to a fusion protein of TPI-MBP but notMBP alone. Also, TPI-MBP affinity-purified antibodies from these seraonly reacted to the spot that was identified as TPI in the two-dimen-sional electrophoresis membrane. The frequencies of the anti-TPI IgGin the sera from OA, RA, and SLE patients were 24.5%, 5.6%, and4.7%. Further frequencies of the autoantibody in synovial fluid from 29OA patients and 19 RA patients were found to be 24.1% and 0%,respectively. All the positive samples were further confirmed by WB.In the epitope mapping using eight truncated recombinant TPI pro-teins, multiple epitopes were identified, one of which was recognizedin more than 90% of the positive serum samples. Clinically, the X-raygrading was lower in the anti-TPI-positive OA group than that in theanti-TPI-negative group.

Conclusion The overall profile of autoimmunity in OA differs from thatin RA, which may reflect OA-specific pathological roles of autoimmu-nity. The autoantibodies to TPI, detected in OA predominantly and pro-duced by the antigen-driven mechanism, would have potential as adiagnostic marker for OA.

Topics Symposium (3) Locomotor Science

18Regulation of synovial cell function by adenovirusvector-mediated gene transductionS Tanaka, H Seto, H Oda, K NakamuraDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):18 (DOI 10.1186/ar819)

It has been recently demonstrated that synovial fibroblasts (SFs) contain amultipotent mesenchymal cell population. To examine the chondrogenicpotentialities of SFs in vitro and in vivo, SFs were isolated from knee jointsof rabbits or rheumatoid arthritis patients, and infected with adenovirusvectors carrying LacZ (control), constitutively active forms of activin recep-tor like kinase (ALK)-3 or ALK-5 genes. Efficient gene transduction wasconfirmed by β-galactosidase staining of the LacZ virus-infected SFs.Northern blotting of type II collagen and aggrecan genes showed clearinduction of these genes in SFs infected with ALK-3 virus, while no chon-drogenic phenotypes were observed in LacZ or ALK-5-infected cells.ALK-3 virus-infected SFs were also positively stained by Alcian blue stain-ing and type II collagen immunostaining. When transplanted into cartilagedefects of rabbit knee joints, ALK-3 virus-infected rabbit SFs producedrepair cartilage of hyaline morphology containing a type II collagen-positivematrix that restored the articular surface. These results suggest that aden-ovirus vector-mediated ALK-3 gene expression can induce chondrogenicdifferentiation of synovial fibroblasts, and that they are promising candi-dates for cell-based therapies for articular cartilage defects.

19Role of BH3-only protein Bim in autoimmune anddegenerative diseasesP Bouillet, S Cory, J Adams, A StrasserMolecular Genetics of Cancer Division, The Walter and Eliza HallInstitute, Melbourne, AustraliaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):19 (DOI 10.1186/ar820)

Background Apoptosis is the physiological process used by an organ-ism to eliminate cells that are no longer needed, have been damaged orare dangerous. Defects in the control of apoptosis have been impli-cated as a cause or a contributing factor in a variety of diseases. Pro-teins of the Bcl-2 family are major regulators of this process.We have previously shown that Bim is required for certain apoptoticresponses, for hematopoietic cell homeostasis and as a barrier againstautoimmune disease.Objectives We study Bim-deficient mice in order to understand therole of Bim in homeostasis and to evaluate its role in the ontogeny ofcertain autoimmune and degenerative diseases.Methods We intercrossed Bim-deficient mice with mouse strains usedas models for such diseases, namely bcl-2-KO, PKD1-KO, IL7R-KOand Lurcher mice, and analysed double mutants.Results We have shown that Bim is essential for the development of tol-erance to self-antigens [1]. Using six different model systems, we havedemonstrated that, during development in the thymus, Bim plays a majorrole in the elimination of the T lymphocytes that bear a T-cell receptor(TCR)/CD3 complex that engages self-antigens (negative selection).Thus, Bim appears essential for apoptosis of autoreactive T lymphocytesand B lymphocytes in central as well as peripheral tolerance.By intercrossing mice with mutations in bcl-2 and bim, we have gener-ated mice lacking both genes and shown that all the deficienciescaused by the absence of Bcl-2 (runting, polycystic kidneys, lymphope-nia, hair greying) could be efficiently rescued by the concomitantabsence of Bim [2]. This result demonstrates that BH3-only proteinscan be involved in the induction of certain degenerative diseases.By contrast, removal of Bim does not prevent the degeneration of cere-bellar Purkinje cells and granular neurons in Lurcher mice.

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We are currently investigating the consequences of the loss of Bim inPKD1-deficient and IL7R-deficient mice.Conclusions Our results indicate that BH3-only proteins may be at theorigin of certain autoimmune and degenerative diseases, and may betargets of interest for the research of new drugs against such diseases.References1. Bouillet et al.: Nature 2002, 415:922-926.2. Bouillet et al.: Dev Cell 2001, 1:645-653.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants and fellow-ships from the Virtual Research Institute for Aging (VRIA), the US NCI,the NH&MRC, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the Dr JosefSteiner Cancer Research Foundation, the Anti-Cancer Council of Aus-tralia, and the Charles and Sylvia Viertel Charitable Foundation.

20Regulation of RANKL signaling in arthritic bonedestructionH TakayanagiDepartment of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan and PRESTO, Japan Science and TechnologyCorporation (JST), JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):20 (DOI 10.1186/ar821)Formation of osteoclasts is induced by a tumor necrosis factor familycytokine, RANKL (receptor activator of NF-κB ligand). To maintain thenormal bone homeostasis and to prevent the pathological bone resorp-tion, RANKL signaling must be strictly kept in control.During the course of our study on the bone loss in rheumatoid arthritis(RA), we found that RANKL expressed on synovial fibroblasts isresponsible for osteoclastogenesis from synoviocytes. However, it hasbeen also reported that RANKL-expressing T cells are involved inosteoclastogenesis in RA. We then focused on the regulation of osteo-clast differentiation by T cells. Using mice lacking a receptor compo-nent for IFN-γ, we revealed that T-cell production of IFN-γ stronglysuppresses osteoclastogenesis by interfering with the RANKL signal-ing pathway [1]. We have shed light on a new biological function ofIFN-γ, which is to protect against calcified tissue destruction uponT-cell activation, demonstrating that activated T cells not only positivelyregulate, but also negatively affect osteoclastogenesis.To explore the molecular targets for suppressing bone destruction inRA, we performed a genome-wide screening of RANKL-induciblegenes. We found that RANKL induces IFN-β, a critical cytokine forantiviral defense. Mice deficient in IFN-β signaling exhibited severeosteopenia accompanied by enhanced osteoclastogenesis, suggestingthat IFN-β is essential for normal bone remodeling by suppressingexcessive osteoclast differentiation [2]. In addition, we revealed benefi-cial effects of IFN-β in animal models of pathological bone resorption.We have recently identified that the transcription factor NFATc1 isspecifically induced by RANKL [3]. We demonstrate that NFATc1-defi-cient embryonic stem cells fail to differentiate into osteoclasts inresponse to RANKL stimulation, and the ectopic expression of NFATc1causes the precursor cells to undergo efficient differentiation withoutRANKL signaling. Thus, NFATc1 may be a master switch regulator forthe terminal differentiation of osteoclasts, functioning downstream ofRANKL signaling. The activation of NFATc1 by RANKL is regulated bycalcium-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin, and calcineurin inhibitorssuch as FK506 and cyclosporin A strongly suppress osteoclastogene-sis. The possibility of NFATc1 as a therapeutic target of bone destruc-tion in RA will be discussed.References1. Takayanagi H, et al.: Nature 2000, 408:600-605.2. Takayanagi H, et al.: Nature 2002, 416:744-749.3. Takayanagi H, et al.: Dev Cell 2002, 3:889-901.

21Transcription mechanism of chondrogenesisH AsaharaThe Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):21 (DOI 10.1186/ar822)The precise patterning of a developing skeletal framework relies onappropriate control of chondrogenesis and on subsequent cartilage

development. This multistep process, where mesenchymal cells differ-entiate into chondrocytes and then chondrocytes progress thougheach developmental zone of the cartilage, is tightly regulated by anumber of key signaling molecules, which include PTH-related protein,fibroblast growth factor, bone morphogenetic protein and transforminggrowth factor. Importantly, these factors have been shown to promotephosphorylation of transcription factor cAMP response element(CREB) at its Ser133, which activates specific gene expression withrecruitment of its transcriptional co-activator CREB binding protein(CBP). Recently, CBP has been shown to have intrinsic histone acetyltransferase activity, which suggests a potential link between geneexpression and chromatin acetylation. In this regard, the important roleof CBP in CREB-dependent gene expression has been demonstratedusing a novel in vitro chromatinized template transcription assay.With these findings, the importance of the CREB/CBP transcriptioncomplex for chondrogenesis was examined by expressing a potentdominant-negative CREB inhibitor (A-CREB). Consistent with therobust Ser133 phosphorylation of CREB during chondrogenesis, A-CREB blocked chondrogenesis from mesenchymal stem cells. Duringchondrogenesis, specific chromatin factors are activated by theCREB/CBP pathway and the chromatin factors promote chondrocyte-specific gene expression via association with multiple transcriptionfactors that are known to be involved in chondrocyte differentiation.These findings suggest that, in addition to DNA-binding type transcrip-tion factors, chromatin factors, which alter the chromatin code, mayplay a critical role for cell differentiation and tissue-specific geneexpression in cartilage development.

22Cellular therapies in musculoskeletal diseases:synovial-derived mesenchymal stem cellsF LuytenDepartment of Rheumatology, University Hospitals KU Leuven,Leuven, BelgiumArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):22 (DOI 10.1186/ar823)

We have identified and characterized a population of adult human mes-enchymal stem cells (MSCs) from the synovial membrane (SM) capableof differentiation to cartilage, bone, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue invitro. SM-MSCs can be obtained without irreversible damage, are easilyexpandable with limited senescence, and are phenotypically stablethroughout expansion and after storage in liquid nitrogen. The use ofMSCs is restricted by the as yet insufficient knowledge of the long-termstability of the repair tissue and by their tendency to differentiate towardsother cell lineages. Their multilineage potential may present a risk of het-erotopic tissue formation, and in vivo preclinical studies in experimentalmodels relevant to specific clinical applications should therefore be per-formed.Several applications will be discussed, including autologous cell trans-plantation for the repair of joint surface defects, a procedure thatshould be carried out using cells that are stably committed to the artic-ular cartilage phenotype, naturally resistant to vascular invasion, miner-alization, and ossification. Therefore, we investigated whether humanSM-MSCs can acquire in vitro the expression of the markers reportedto be associated with the stable-chondrocyte phenotype, and whetherthis is associated with the capacity to form stable cartilage in vivo.Further exploration of the plasticity of the SM-MSCs led to the unex-pected finding that they participate in the repair of skeletal muscle intwo animal models. We characterized the myogenic differentiation ofthis cell population in a nude mouse model of skeletal muscle regener-ation, and demonstrated that they contributed to myofibers and to long-term persisting functional satellite cells. When administered intodystrophic muscles of immunosuppressed mdx mice, human SM-MSCs restored, at least in part, muscle function in this mouse model ofduch*enne muscular dystrophy.Many challenges remain in the area of cellular products, includingproduct specification and quality control, and proper prospective, multi-center, randomized, clinical studies comparing this with standard treat-ments. There is no doubt that a clear global regulatory path is neededfor the development of these novel approaches, as lack of transparencyand conflicting legislation in regulation is one of the major threats pre-venting proper development of the field.

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23Role of bone morphogenetic protein signalsduring skeletal developmentN Tsumaki1, M Horiki1, T Kimura2, H Yoshikawa1

1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka University MedicalSchool, Osaka, Japan; 2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, ToyamaMedical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):23 (DOI 10.1186/ar824)

Development of the skeletal components of limbs is initiated by mes-enchymal cell condensation to form primordial cartilage, followed byendochondral ossification. Cartilage serves as the template for the for-mation of most bones. During development, proliferating chondrocytesdifferentiate into hypertrophic chondrocytes. In the final step in endo-chondral bone formation, the hypertrophic cartilage is invaded by bloodvessels and osteoprogenitor cells, and the calcified cartilage is subse-quently replaced by bone. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) wereoriginally identified as secreted signaling molecules that could induceendochondral bone formation. Subsequent molecular cloning studieshave revealed that the BMP family consists of various molecules,including members of the growth and differentiation factor (GDF) sub-family. BMPs have diverse biological activities during development ofvarious organs and tissues, and the precise roles of BMP signalsduring mammalian skeletal development have yet to be determined. Wepreviously isolated the promoter/enhancer sequence of the α2(XI) col-lagen chain gene; this sequence is responsible for the chondrocyte-specific expression during mouse development. Using this sequence,we created transgenic mice that overexpress BMP4, GDF5 andNoggin (a BMP antagonist) in cartilage. Overproduction of BMP4 orGDF5 in cartilage increased cartilage production and enhanced chon-drocyte differentiation. Noggin-expressing transgenic mice, in whichBMP signals seem to be blocked in cartilage, lacked most of the carti-lage and mature hypertrophic chondrocytes. These results indicate thatBMP signals are essential for cartilage development.BMP signals are mediated by Smad proteins intracellularly. Weattempted to block Smad signaling in developing cartilage by over-expression of Smad6, an inhibitory Smad, in transgenic mice. In thosemice, the cartilage grew almost normally until birth, but osteopeniadeveloped after birth. Skeletal abnormalities were much less severe inthe present Smad6 transgenic mice than in Noggin transgenic miceexamined in a previous study; these two strains of transgenic micehad identical promoter/enhancer sequences. The relatively mild phe-notype of Smad6 transgenic mice suggests a mechanism in whichSmad6 alone cannot completely inhibit transduction of BMP signals incartilage.To analyze the roles of BMPs in the final stage of endochondral boneformation, we generated transgenic mice that expressed BMP4 orNoggin in osteoblasts. Expression of Noggin in osteoblasts inhibitedbone formation, as expected. On the contrary, BMP4 overexpression inosteoblasts resulted in disruption of skeletal architecture. Histologicalexamination revealed a reduced mineralized matrix in BMP4 transgenicmice. These results suggest that persistent expression of BMP4 dosenot cause formation of solid bone.

24Implication of Synoviolin in pathogenesis ofarthropathyT NakajimaDepartment of Genome Science, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):24 (DOI 10.1186/ar825)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the common disorders character-ized with overgrowth of articular synovial cells, so-called ‘pannus’, andautoimmune reaction. To understand the pathomechanism of RA, weattempted to characterize the rheumatoid synovial cell and found anovel membranous protein, Synoviolin (synovial cell+ protein). Its over-expression causes arthropathy, resembling RA in mice. Moreover, theheterozygote of synoviolin (+/–) is resistant to anticollagen antibody-induced arthritis. These ‘gain of function’ and ‘loss of function’ analysesclearly indicate the pathogenetic role of synoviolin in arthropathy.

Topics Symposium (4) Rheumatology (2): B cell and SLE

25Cyclin kinase inhibitors and interferons in lupusA TheofilopoulosScripps Research Institute, Department of Immunology, La Jolla,California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):25 (DOI 10.1186/ar826)

Many investigators have directly examined the role of deleted/blockedor overexpressed immune-related genes in lupus background mice.The effects of such manipulations have provided important insights intothe crucial molecules and pathways involved in this disease and intothe development of new therapies. We report here on the effects oftwo classes of genes: cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, and inter-ferons (IFNs).A characteristic feature of lupus in humans and mice is the accumulationof activated/memory T cells and B cells. These G1-arrested cellsexpress high levels of p21, are resistant to proliferation and apoptosis,and express high levels of proinflammatory cytokines. We hypothesizedthat accumulation of these cells results from repetitive engagements byself-molecules in vivo, and that deletion of p21 may lead to their reduc-tion. Indeed, lupus-prone BXSB mice lacking p21 have enhanced T-celland B-cell proliferation but, importantly, have increased apoptosis,resulting in a net reduction of activated/memory cells and marked inhibi-tion of disease. Increased apoptosis of p21-deleted cells is mediated byengagement of both the extrinsic (Fas/FasL) and intrinsic (Bcl2) relatedpathways. Modulation of the cell-cycle pathway may be a novelapproach to reduce activated/memory-resistant and apoptosis-resistantpathogenic T cells and B cells, and to ameliorate systemic autoimmunity.Another class of molecules to ameliorate lupus is type I and type II IFNs,since considerable evidence exists that these pleiotropic molecules areimportant effectors in this disease. Our earlier studies showed decreasedserologic, cellular and histologic disease characteristics and increasedsurvival of MRL-Faslpr mice deleted of the IFN-γ gene or treated, even atadvanced stages, with cDNA encoding IFN-γR-Fc. More recently, wecreated congenic NZB mice lacking the α-chain of IFN-α/βR, thecommon receptor for the multiple IFN-α/β species. Compared with litter-mate controls, hom*ozygous-deleted mice had significantly reduced anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies, erythroblastosis, hemolytic anemia, anti-DNAautoantibodies, kidney disease and mortality. These reductions wereintermediate in the heterozygous-deleted mice. The disease-amelioratingeffects were accompanied by reductions in several immune cell subsets(including B1 cells) and reduced dendritic cell maturation. The cumula-tive data indicate that both type I and type II IFNs are important mediatorsin the pathogenesis of murine lupus, and that reducing their activity in thehuman counterpart may be beneficial.

26Origins of systemic lupus erythematosus: genes, environment, and host immune responseJB Harley1, JA Kelly2, JA James3

1Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma, Arthritis andImmunology Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation andUS Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Oklahoma City,Oklahoma, USA; 2Arthritis and Immunology Program, OklahomaMedical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA;3Arthritis and Immunology Program, Oklahoma Medical ResearchFoundation and Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma,Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):26 (DOI 10.1186/ar827)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) appears to be a consequence ofimmune dysfunction mediated by errors in self-recognition that causeautoimmunity. A component of the environmental origin of SLE wassuggested by data showing that the earliest autoantibody recognitionstructure in the anti-Sm response was very similar to and cross-reactedwith Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1). Subsequently, an

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earliest epitope of the anti-Ro system has been identified and thisstructure also imitates a structure of EBNA-1. The initial structuresbound by anti-Sm and anti-Ro generate SLE-like autoimmunity inanimals immunized with these peptides. In pediatric SLE, anti-EBNA-1is more frequently present and its fine specificity is qualitatively morediverse in SLE than in normals. Anti-EBNA-1 responses also precedethe onset of SLE. The well-known association of Epstein–Barr virusinfection with SLE may be present because of the particularimmunoregulatory details of the anti-EBNA-1 response in SLE patients.The genetic origins of SLE are the other major component of SLE etiol-ogy. At this time, to our knowledge, 11 genetic linkages have beenboth established and independently confirmed. For three of these link-ages, an associated candidate gene is known. They are located in thehuman genome as follows: 1q23 (FcγRIIIA), 1q41, 2q34, 2q37(PDCD-1), 4p16, 5p15, 6p21 (HLA-DR), 10q22, 11p13, 11q14, and16q13. Genetic effects tend to concentrate in the major human racialgroups (e.g. 1q23, 2q34, 11p13, and 11q14 dominate in African-Americans). Some clinical and laboratory features of SLE have power-ful genetic influences and can be used to generate genetichom*ogeneity (e.g. nephritis with 2q34 and 10q22, hemolytic anemiawith 11q14, and pedigrees multiplex for self-reported rheumatoidarthritis with 5p15). The origins of SLE are obviously complicated andinvolve multiple influences from the environment, the host immuneresponse, perhaps involving EBNA-1, and the genetic constitution ofthe patient.

27Analysis of B-cell subpopulations in systemiclupus erythematosusT Dorner1, A Jacobi1, M Odendahl1, GR Burmester1, A Radbruch1, G Valet2, PE Lipsky3

1Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charite UniversityHospital and Deutsches Rheumaforschungszentrum, Berlin, Germany;2Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich-Martinsried, Germany;3NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):27 (DOI 10.1186/ar828)Abnormalities in humoral immunity play a significant role in systemiclupus, mandating further studies in B-cell autoimmunity in this entity.Disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is usuallyassessed with complex disease activity scores composed of a variety ofdifferent parameters. To determine whether SLE disease activity corre-lated with abnormal B-lymphocyte activity, B-cell subsets were analyzedand related to clinical measures. The distribution of B-cell subsets wasdetermined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis and com-pared with the autoantibody profile, with the disease activity measuredby the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) and the European Consen-sus Lupus Activity Measurement (ECLAM), disease duration andtherapy. The number and frequency of CD27high plasma cells were sig-nificantly correlated with the SLE disease activity indices (SLEDAI andECLAM) and the titer of anti-dsDNA autoantibodies. Circulating B-cellsubsets were not influenced by age or gender, but appeared to relate tothe duration of disease and the therapeutic regimen, with the numbersand frequencies of CD27high plasma cells increasing and those ofCD27-naïve B cells decreasing over time. Patients were divided intothose with a SLEDAI score of 0–8 (low activity) and those with aSLEDAI score >8 patients (high activity). High-activity patients werefound to have an increased frequency of CD19+ B cells as well asCD27high plasma cells. Using a nonparametric data sieving algorithm,these B-cell abnormalities exhibited predictive values for nonactive andactive disease of 78.0% and 78.9%, respectively. The predictive valueof the B-cell abnormalities was greater than that of the humoral/clinicaldata pattern, including anti-DNA antibody levels, circulating immunecomplexes, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, mucocutaneousand acute renal involvement, which showed predictive values of 77.8%and 70.0% for active and nonactive disease. Flow cytometric monitoringof B-cell subsets in the peripheral blood provides new insights into theabnormalities in B-cell function in SLE, and may also be a diagnosticallyvaluable option to follow disease activity in this autoimmune disease.

28Antiphospholipid antibodies and thrombosis:pathogenesis of antiphospholipid syndromeT KoikeDepartment of Medicine II, Hokkaido University Graduate School ofMedicine, Sapporo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):28 (DOI 10.1186/ar829)

Antiphospholipid antibodies are present in a wide range of infectiousand autoimmune diseases. Antiphospholipid antibodies, in particularanticardiolipin antibodies (aCL), lupus anticoagulants and antipro-thrombin antibodies, are of considerable clinical importance because ofthe close association with predominant clinical features of venous andarterial thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity. The term antiphospholipidsyndrome (APS) has been used to define this set of pathologic fea-tures. Recognition of this syndrome is now better understood world-wide as related clinical implications are now more well defined.aCL found in APS patients are directed against phospholipid-bindingplasma or serum proteins, in particular, β2-glycoprotein I (β2-GPI). SuchaCL (anti-β2-GPI autoantibodies) recognized epitopes appearing on theβ2-GPI molecule when β2-GPI interacts with a lipid membrane composedof negatively charged phospholipids or when β2-GPI is adsorbed on apolyoxygenated polystyrene plate treated with γ-irradiation or electrons.Anti-β2-GPI antibodies have been found to activate endothelial cells byinducing a proinflammatory and procoagulant phenotype sustained bythe upregulation of adhesion molecule (E-selectin, intracellular adhesionmolecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) expression, synthesisand secretion of cytokines, chemokines, endothelin-1 and tissue factor.Anti-β2-GPI antibody binding has been shown to induce NF-κB transla-tion, leading to proinflammatory cell phenotypes similar to that elicited byinteraction with lipopolysaccharide and proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β,tumor necrosis factor alpha). Very recently, it was reported that anti-β2-GPI antibodies activate cells through the MyD88-dependent pathway,therefore implicating members of the Toll-like receptors family.In this lecture, we will discuss the relation between the anti-β2-GPIantibodies, the Toll-like receptors/IL-1 receptor family on the cellsurface and the pathogenesis of APS.

29A Phase I trial of B-cell depletion with anti-CD20monoclonal antibody (rituximab) in the treatmentof systemic lupus erythematosusR Eisenberg1, D Albert1, J Stansberry1, D Tsai2, S Kolasinski1, S Khan1

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 2Division ofHematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):29 (DOI 10.1186/ar830)We have tested whether the removal of B cells could suppress themanifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Rituximab is achimeric monoclonal antibody that targets the pan-B-cell marker CD20.Administration of this biologic causes profound depletion of B cellsfrom the peripheral blood for periods of several months. Rituximab hasbeen shown to be efficacious against B-cell malignancies, particularlynon-Hodgkins B-cell lymphoma. To begin to determine whether B-celldepletion with rituximab in SLE could be of benefit, we have initiated aphase I safety trial in 12 patients. Patients with SLE with moderatedisease activity who had failed at least one cytotoxic drug were eligiblefor treatment. Nine patients have been entered to date. The first twopatients received a low, subtherapeutic dose, but six of the next sevenpatients received the full approved regimen of 375 mg/m2 once a weekfor four doses. The first two patients developed human antichimericantibodies, but the next five patients tested did not. The first patientshowed an unusual post-infusion reaction, including bradycardia. Theother patients tolerated their infusions well. The first five patients whor*ceived the full regimen had > 95% depletion of B cells from theirperipheral blood 4 weeks after the final dose of rituximab. All patientshad lower SLE disease activity index scores after treatment. Threepatients with rash and alopecia had improvement. Patient 3 was partic-

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ularly striking. She had had a recent history of serious renal, pulmonaryand infectious complications, treated with cyclophosphamide and high-dose steroids. After rituximab, patient 3 showed the disappearance ofactivated T cells from the peripheral blood. One year post rituximabtreatment she remains off steroids and cytotoxics, and clinically quies-cent. The patient’s B cells have now returned, with lower levels ofCD27 and CD86 than before treatment, and her T cells are still largelyunactivated. These uncontrolled data suggest that rituximab is well tol-erated in SLE and that it may have some therapeutic benefit. A con-trolled trial with appropriate outcomes will be necessary to provewhether this approach is indeed efficacious.

30Failure of receptor revision in the autoreactive B cellsin patients with systemic lupus erythematosusH Yoshikawa1, H Nagafuchi2, M Kurokawa1, T Sakane1, N Suzuki11Department of Immunology and Department of Medicine, St MariannaUniversity School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Institute of MedicalScience, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):30 (DOI 10.1186/ar831)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototype of autoimmune dis-eases characterized by B-cell hyper-reactivity and production of variousautoantibodies. It has recently been found that the recombination acti-vating gene (RAG) is re-expressed in activated mature B cells, andRAG-expressing B cells revise their surface immunoglobulin or die byfailure of productive secondary rearrangement, leading to elimination ofthe autoreactive B cells. We have investigated the expression of RAGproteins in mature B cells in patients with SLE. Although normal matureB cells did not express RAG proteins spontaneously, activated B cellsexpressed RAGs. In SLE, whole mature B cells spontaneouslyexpressed RAG proteins excessively. Because we had found that failureof receptor editing of the Vk gene with autoreactive potential (A30-Vk2)is associated with the development of anti-DNA antibody in SLE, wenext focused on anti-DNA autoantibody secreting B cells. We found thatanti-DNA autoantibody secreting B cells failed to re-express RAGsspontaneously, even after activation with mitogen. Thus, anti-DNAautoantibody secreting B cells did not revise their immunoglobulin genenor die via apoptosis, leading them to develop and persist with autoanti-body secretion. These findings indicate the importance of appropriateRAG re-expression for the elimination of autoreactive B cells even at themature stage, and the absence of such events in anti-DNA secretingB cells may be important for autoantibody production in SLE.

Topics Symposium (5) Cytokines &Inflammation (1)

31Chemokines in rheumatoid arthritis: novel,potential therapeutic targets of the CCR2chemokine receptor signaling pathwayK Matsushima, Y Terashima, M HainoDepartment of Molecular Preventive Medicine, University of Tokyo,Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):31 (DOI 10.1186/ar832)

Several chemokine receptor antagonists are in phase I/II clinical trials.Macrophages play a pivotal role in rheumatoid arthritis, and the mono-cyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1/CCR2 axis determines themacrophage recruitment into inflamed joints. We have recently discov-ered molecules specifically associated with CCR2.We incidentally discovered that an organic germanium, propagermanium(3-oxygermylpropionic acid polymer), which has been used as a therapeu-tic agent against chronic hepatitis associated with hepatitis B virus inJapan, very specifically inhibits CCR2-mediated monocyte chemotaxis.The effect of propagermanium requires glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, as cleavage of GPI anchors by phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C eliminated the inhibitory activity of propagermanium. Inaddition, anti-GPI-anchored protein CD55 antibody and anti-CD95 anti-body selectively inhibited MCP-1-induced monocyte chemotaxis. Further-more, GPI-anchored proteins were co-localized with CCR2 on monocytes

under fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, a synthetic peptide corre-sponding to the N-terminal portion of CCR2 specifically blocked theaction of propagermanium, suggesting that propagermanium may bridgeGPI-anchored proteins and the N-terminal portion of CCR2, and mayinterfere with the action of MCP-1 (collaboration with Ishiwata et al.,Sanwa Kagaku, Mie, Japan). The biological meaning of the close associa-tion of GPI-anchored proteins with CCR2 is unclear at present, but thisfinding corresponds well with the notion that some of chemokine recep-tors exist in the lipid raft of leukocyte cell membrane.Critical roles of C-terminal portion of chemokine receptors in regulatingleukocyte chemotaxis have been suggested. To seek CCR2-interactingproteins, we have adopted a yeast two-hybrid system and found a cyto-plasmic protein, FROUNT, that specifically interacts with CCR2. Dis-rupting the interaction through the expression of FROUNT antisensemRNA or a truncated FROUNT mutant specifically abolished thechemotactic response to MCP-1 in human monocytes. FROUNT seemsto be critically involved in receptosome formation based on confocalmicroscopic analysis. Suppression of endogenous FROUNT in a murinemodel of peritonitis markedly impaired CCR2-dependent recruitment ofmacrophages into the peritoneal cavity. Those results implicate thatFROUNT regulates CCR2-mediated chemotactic signaling and theFROUNT could be a novel therapeutic target for macrophage-mediatedchronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis.

32Effect of the combination of the proinflammatorycytokines IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-αα and IL-17P Miossec, C Granet, G ChevrelDepartment of Immunology and Rheumatology, Hôpital E Herriot,Lyon, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):32 (DOI 10.1186/ar833)The list of cytokines that may contribute to joint destruction in rheuma-toid arthritis is growing extensively. At the same time, inhibition of asingle cytokine such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α or IL-1 was ableto control disease in a significant proportion of patients. Accordingly,the mode of interactions between these cytokines has to be clarified inorder to understand how a single cytokine inhibition can still be effec-tive. These interactions were studied with mesenchymal cells, whichare targets of cytokines (synoviocytes, osteoblasts, myoblasts), as wellas with the respective organ samples (synovium, bone, muscle) in orderto keep intact interactions as seen in vivo. Cells and explants wereexposed to cytokines used at low concentrations and high concentra-tions in order to look at their effect alone and a possible additive or syn-ergistic effect when combined. Their respective soluble receptors wereused as specific inhibitors alone and in combination.Effects on AP-1, NF-κB and Egr-1 activation were explored by RT-PCRand immunocytochemistry. IL-1 and TNF-α induced most of these tran-scription factors while IL-17 had a weak effect on the different mes-enchymal cells. More importantly, when these cytokines were used atlow concentrations with no effect alone, their combinations showed asynergistic effect on transcription and nuclear translocation of AP-1members, Egr-1 and NF-κB. Moreover, cytokine combinations allowedan enhanced recruitment of factors not expressed by cytokines usedalone. Conversely, combination of specific inhibitors (p75 TNF and typeII IL-1 soluble receptors) was needed to completely abrogate NF-κBnuclear translocation in myoblasts stimulated with both IL-1 and TNF-α.Low concentrations of cytokines can have a significant biological effectthrough their interactions mediated by synergistic mechanisms.

33Human adipose tissue is an important novel sourceof IL-1Ra: a new connection between immuno-inflammatory diseases and lipid metabolismJ Dayer1, C Meier2

1Division of Immunology and Allergy, University Hospital, Geneva,Switzerland; 2Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, UniversityHospital, Geneva, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):33 (DOI 10.1186/ar834)

The increased production of IL-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α andIL-6 is implicated in the pathogenesis of various immuno-inflammatory

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diseases (i.e. rheumatoid arthritis), often accompanied by metabolicand cardiovascular complications. Cachexia and obesity may accom-pany these diseases, and IL-1, TNF-α, IL-6 are said to be increased inwhite adipose tissue (WAT). Fewer studies devolve on counter-regula-tory mechanisms by cytokine inhibitors. Sera of obese patients showeda more than sevenfold increase in IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra),which matches levels present in inflammatory autoimmune diseasesand sepsis, and correlating with body mass index and insulin resis-tance. Subcutaneous and visceral human WAT of obese patients con-tained 0.4 and 0.7 ng IL-1Ra/mg protein, respectively. Thus, in anobese individual weighing 120 kg with 50% body fat, the total WAT isestimated to contain 0.6 mg IL-1Ra protein (i.e. 200 times the amountof IL-1Ra in total serum), thus representing one of the main sources ofIL-1Ra production. The increased IL-1Ra expression — not associatedwith increased IL-1β — argues for an anti-inflammatory, compensating,mechanism associated with obesity. Our experiments with human WATexplants showed a strong stimulatory effect of phorbol myristateacetate and, more importantly, of IFN-β (as much as fivefold to 10-fold).Since the latter is considered a fibroblast-derived IFN, it is tempting tospeculate that stromal cells and adipocytes might be part of aparacrine mechanism regulating IL-1Ra secretion. In fact, newly formedadipose tissue is often found close to inflammatory lesions (i.e. synovialtissue). The functional consequences of the increased production of IL-1Ra by adipose tissue may represent an important counter-regulatorymechanism to inflammation at the local level. Furthermore, IL-1RI andIL-1RacP were also expressed in human WAT. Thus, substances thatincrease the production ratio of IL-1Ra/IL-1β by adipose tissue mightserve as a novel target for therapeutic strategies in immune disease.

34IFN-ββ for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis?P Tak1, J van Holten1, K Reedquist1, P Sattonet-Roche2, T Smeets1, M Vervoordeldonk1, C Plater-Zyberk2

1Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Academic MedicalCenter/University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Serono, Geneva,SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):34 (DOI 10.1186/ar835)

IFN-β is emerging as a pivotal molecule involved in synovial inflamma-tion and bone homeostasis. We conducted in vitro studies as well asstudies using the collagen-induced arthritis model to investigate theeffects of IFN-β.DBA/1 male mice were immunized intradermally with bovine type II col-lagen in complete Freund’s adjuvant. On the first clinical sign ofdisease, mice were treated for 7 days by daily intraperitoneal injectionsof recombinant mouse IFN-β or saline. Disease progression was moni-tored by validated visual clinical scoring and by measurement of pawswelling using calipers. Inflammation and joint destruction wereassessed histologically 8 days after the onset of arthritis on decalcifiedwax-embedded paw sections and quantified. Safranin O staining wasperformed to determine proteoglycan depletion. In addition, cytokineprofiles in the synovium were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.Cytokine expression was also measured in supernatants of rheumatoidarthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) inculture after incubation with IFN-β. We incubated RA FLS, which weretransfected with a NF-κB/luciferase construct, with IFN-β and mea-sured luciferase activity to determine the effects on NF-κB activity.In two independent experiments with eight to 10 mice per treatmentgroup in each experiment, IFN-β at doses from 0.25 µg/injection andhigher significantly reduced disease severity. Moreover, IFN-β-treatedanimals had significantly less cartilage and bone destruction thancontrol animals, demonstrating a protective effect of the treatment.There was a significant reduction in c-Fos expression and osteoclastnumbers. The proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alphaand IL-6 were significantly reduced, and IL-10 production wasincreased after IFN-β treatment. In vitro studies revealed reduced NF-κB activity and expression of proinflammatory cytokines in RA FLS afterIFN-α treatment.Taken together, our data show that frequent exogenous administrationof IFN-β protein may reduce synovial inflammation and protects againstcartilage and bone destruction by inhibition of NF-κB activity,immunomodulation, and impairment of osteoclastogenesis through inhi-

bition of c-Fos. Continuous IFN-β expression at the site of inflammationmay be required to reach these therapeutic effects in RA patients. Theexciting biological effects could translate into clinically meaningfulimprovement if the cytokine is administered frequently, when pegylatedIFN-β is used, or when IFN-β gene therapy is used. Therefore, IFN-βgene therapy studies are now underway.

35PPARγγ ligands inhibit catabolic and inflammatoryresponses in articular joint cellsH Fahmi, J-P Pelletier, F Mineau, J Martel-PelletierUniversity of Montreal Hospital Research Center, Notre-DameHospital, Montreal, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):35 (DOI 10.1186/ar836)

Overproduction of inflammatory and catabolic mediators in articularjoint tissues is a hallmark of many rheumatic diseases such asosteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor gamma (PPARγ) is a ligand-activated transcription factorbelonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. In addition totheir roles in lipid and glucid metabolism, PPARγ ligands have alsobeen shown to modulate inflammatory responses in many cell types.We examined the expression of PPARγ and the effect of its ligands oninflammatory and catabolic responses in articular joint cells.We showed that PPARγ is expressed and transcriptionally active inhuman chondrocytes and synoviocytes. Pretreatment of human chon-drocytes with PPARγ ligands (15d-PGJ2 and BRL 49653) inhibited IL-1-induced nitric oxide and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13production. The induction of both inducible nitric oxide synthase andMMP-13 mRNA was inhibited in the presence of 15d-PGJ2. Theinhibitory effect of PPARγ ligands was not restricted to IL-1, sincetumor necrosis factor alpha and IL-17-induced nitric oxide and MMP-13 production were also inhibited by 15d-PGJ2. Similarly, pretreatmentof synoviocytes with PPARγ ligands inhibited IL-1-induced MMP-1 atthe protein and mRNA levels. The inhibitory effect of 15d-PGJ2occurred at least in part through a PPARγ-dependent pathway, proba-bly by interfering with the transcriptional activity of AP-1 and NF-κB.We also examined the effect of 15d-PGJ2 on cyclooxygenase-2expression and prostaglandin E2 production, which are key players inthe physiopathology of arthritis. We found that 15d-PGJ2 inhibits IL-1-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 productionin both cell types. Taken together, our data indicate that PPARγ activa-tors may be useful in the development of new anti-arthritic agents.

36The role of mPGES-1 for prostaglandin E2production in primary human synovial cellsL Crofford1, M Qian1, A Sampey1, V Lath1, S Guo1, M Peters-Golden2, M Goldring3

1Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; 2Department of InternalMedicine, Divison of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; 3Rheumatology Division, TheBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Institute of Medicine,Boston, Massachusetts, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):36 (DOI 10.1186/ar837)

The effectiveness of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and specificcyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors for treatment of arthritis providesclinical evidence that increased local prostaglandin (PG) production injoint tissues contributes to symptoms of pain, swelling, and stiffness.Despite improved gastrointestinal safety of specific COX-2 inhibitors,unwanted effects associated with inhibition of COX-2 continue tooccur in patients treated with these agents. Since production of stablePGs requires synthase enzymes that function downstream of COX,there are other potential targets for therapeutic intervention in arthritispatients.PGE2 is the most abundant prostanoid in synovial fluid and tissues, andits biosynthesis is catalyzed by the coordinate action of COX enzymesand PGE synthases (PGES). There are constitutive forms (COX-1,microsomal PGES-2 [mPGES-2] and cytosolic PGES) and inducible

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forms (COX-2 and mPGES-1) of both biosynthetic enzymes, all ofwhich are expressed in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). Forthis reason, FLS are ideal for the study of PGE2 biosynthetic pathwaysin a clinically relevant cell.Both COX-2 and mPGES-1 are increased by the proinflammatorycytokines IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor. However, we have shown thatthe time frame of their stimulated expression is distinctly different.mPGES-1 mRNA expression lags COX-2 by 2 hours and is sustainedup to 48 hours, while mPGES-1 protein lags COX-2 by 4 hours and issustained to 72 hours. Upregulation of mPGES-1 protein is requiredfor high-level PGE2 production as measured by enzyme immunoassayand HPLC, and PGE2 biosynthetic capacity remains robust at48 hours. At the 48 hour time point, PGE2 production is blocked by theselective COX-1 inhibitor, suggesting that mPGES-1 is capable of effi-ciently generating PGE2 from COX-1-derived substrate.In contrast to COX-2, IL-induced transcription of mPGES-1 is blockedby the protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexamide, suggesting a require-ment for new protein synthesis. It was recently reported that the tran-scription factor early growth response gene 1 (Egr-1) binds to themurine mPGES-1 promoter and regulates transcription. Total andnuclear Egr-1 expression is upregulated by IL-1 in FLS. This expressionis blocked by the inhibitors of MAPK, as is upregulation of mPGES-1.Two tandem GC boxes are present in the mPGES-1 promoter region,with the proximal GC box overlapping a potential Egr-1 binding site.Under basal conditions, at least three complexes (CI, CII and CIII) bindto this region of the mPGES-1 promoter (–125 to –98) by elec-trophoretic mobility shift assay. We identified the induced CII complexas Egr-1 by supershift assay. Egr-1 binds to the proximal GC box asdetermined by competition assays using mutated oligonucleotides. CIand CIII contain Sp3 by supershift assay. It is not yet clear that Sp3 isdisplaced by Egr-1. We confirmed the functional significance of Egr-1binding for induced endogenous mPGES-1 expression using plasmidscontaining wild-type and mutant Egr-1.In summary, mPGES-1 is a cytokine-inducible enzyme required for pro-duction of PGE2 in FLS. mPGES-1 deficiency in null mice completelyblocks PGE2 production and susceptibility to collagen-induced arthri-tis. mPGES-1 represents a novel therapeutic target for treatment of theinflammation associated with arthritis.

Topics Symposium (6) Cytokines &Inflammation (2)

37IL-21R mRNA is overexpressed in systemicsclerosis and contributes to the epidermal/dermalcross-talkO Distler1, J Distler1, A Hirth1, U Müller-Ladner2, M Matucci-Cerinic3, H Lorenz4, S Gay1

1Center of Experimental Rheumatology, Department of Rheumatology,University of Zurich, Switzerland; 2Department of InternationalMedicine I, University of Regensburg, Germany; 3Department ofMedicine, Section of Rheumatology, University Hospital, Florence,Italy; 4Institute for Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, MedicalDepartment, University of Erlangen, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):37 (DOI 10.1186/ar838)

Objectives IL-21R is a class I cytokine receptor associated with thecommon γ-chain. In mice, IL-21R was detected in fibrotic lungs but notin healthy lungs, suggesting a possible role for IL-21R in fibrotic disor-ders.Methods Skin biopsies were obtained from 12 patients with sys-temic sclerosis (SSc) and 11 healthy controls. Total RNA was iso-lated from these tissues, reverse transcribed, and IL-21/IL-21RmRNA was quantified using real-time PCR. The expression patternsof IL-21/IL-21R were analyzed by in situ hybridization. Stimulationexperiments were performed with cultured dermal fibroblasts fromSSc patients and healthy controls as well as keratinocytes using IL-1β, platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), monocytechemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), transforming growth factor

(TGF)-β and IL-21. Human skin biopsies from SSc patients weretransplanted onto SCID mice. After 60 days, the expression of IL-21Rwas determined by in situ hybridization. Cultured keratinocytes werestimulated with IL-21 and assessed for differential expression com-pared with nonstimulated controls using a human Atlas cDNA expres-sion array (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA, USA).Results IL-21R was detected in all biopsies from SSc patients andcontrols with a 4.7-fold increase in SSc samples (threshold cycle: SScpatients, 17.9 ± 1.1; healthy, 20.1 ± 1.4). In situ hybridization showedan upregulation of IL-21R in the epidermis of SSc patients, whereas nosignal was detected in healthy skin specimens. These results were con-firmed in vitro, in that cultured keratinocytes expressed significantlevels of IL-21R, whereas no signal was found in fibroblasts. Interest-ingly, mRNA for IL-21, the proposed ligand for IL-21R, was notdetected by real-time PCR and in situ hybridization. Various concentra-tions of IL-1β, PDGF-BB, MCP-1, TGF-β and IL-21 did not stimulatethe expression of IL-21R in cultured keratinocytes and dermal fibrob-lasts. In the SCID mouse transplantation model, the overexpression ofIL-21R in SSc keratinocytes remained unchanged as long as 60 daysafter transplantation, whereas no signals for IL-21R were detected infibroblasts. Differentially expressed genes confirmed by SYBR Greenreal-time PCR after stimulation with IL-21 included vascular endothelialgrowth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-C and integrin a6.Conclusion This is the first human disease-related report regarding IL-21R in vivo. These results indicate that, in addition to fibroblasts andendothelial cells, the expression pattern of keratinocytes is altered inpatients with SSc. Interestingly, the expression of IL-21R appears to beindependent of inflammatory cytokines in vitro and independent of bothhumoral and cellular factors circulating in SSc patients, because theexpression of IL-21R mRNA in human epidermal keratinocytes did notchange after implantation onto SCID mice.

38Variability of pro-apoptotic properties ofcyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in rheumatoidsynovial fibroblasts and cancer cell linesS Kawai1, N Kusunoki1, R Yamazaki21Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Yakult Central Institute for MicrobiologicalResearch, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):38 (DOI 10.1186/ar839)

Recent attention has been focused on selective cyclooxygenase(COX)-2 inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) thatinhibit COX-2 without inhibition of COX-1, resulting in fewer inci-dences of adverse reactions. Various clinical studies have confirmedthat the efficacy of selective COX-2 inhibitors for the patients withrheumatoid arthritis (RA) is similar to that of conventional NSAIDs;however, they cause fewer severe gastrointestinal complications.Recently, we found that some conventional NSAIDs such asindometacin and diclofenac induced apoptosis in association with acti-vation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) inrheumatoid synovial fibroblasts (RSF). We also found that celecoxib, aselective COX-2 inhibitor, specifically induced apoptosis and inhibitedproliferation of RSF in COX-2-independent and PPARγ-independentmanners. Other selective COX-2 inhibitors such as etodolac, meloxi-cam, nimesulide, NS-398, and rofecoxib, even in very high concentra-tions, did not induce apoptosis in RSF at all. These results suggestedthat some NSAIDs including a selective COX-2 inhibitor might be usedas disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs if they could be deliveredwith good efficiency to the affected synovia of patients with RA. It iswell known that administration of celecoxib decreases the number ofcolon polyps in patients with familiar adenomatous polyposis. The pro-apoptotic effect of celecoxib was also observed in several kinds of celllines derived from colon cancer and ovarian cancer, suggesting acommon mechanism of action of celecoxib-induced apotosis amongRSF and cancer cell lines. Inactivation of Akt might explain the pro-apoptotic effect of celecoxib on at least colon cancer cell lines.

Acknowledgement This work is supported in part by the JapaneseMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

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39Complement, its role in innate immunity andautoimmunityM DahaDepartment of Nephrology, Leiden University Medical Center, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):39 (DOI 10.1186/ar840)The innate immune system provides essential host defense against awide variety of microbial pathogens. In addition, the innate immunesystem is responsible for the recognition of necrotic and apoptoticcells and self-antigens that are released from the large number of cellsthat undergo apoptosis for the maintenance of physiologic homeosta-sis. The complement system is essential to initiate and drive theacquired immune response.Until recently, two pathways for complement activation were recog-nized, namely the classical pathway and the alternative pathway.Recent studies from a large number of laboratories indicate the exis-tence of a third pathway of complement activation, namely the lectinpathway. This third pathway is initiated by the interaction of, forexample, mannan binding lectin and a number of other pattern recogni-tion molecules called ficolins, with carbohydrate domains on a widevariety of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.Studies in complement-deficient individuals have indicated a strongassociation between complement deficiencies and infections or withimmune complex disease and autoimmunity. Deficiencies in the lectinpathway are associated with serious bacterial infections in immunocom-promised individuals, while deficiencies in the early classical pathwaycomponents are associated with immune complex disease and autoim-munity. Especially, deficiencies in C1q, the recognition unit of the classi-cal pathway, are associated strongly with systemic lupus erythematosus.Studies in C1q knockout mice also implicate C1q with autoimmunity.Various studies indicate that C1q, but also a number of other moleculesof innate immunity, such as C-reactive protein, serum amyloid P-compo-nent, pentraxin-3, and possibly mannan binding lectin and ficolins, all inconcert, may be involved in the recognition and clearance of harmfullpotentially pathogenic apoptotic and necrotic cells. It is thought that thedeficient removal or the mode of presentation of self-antigens maydetermine whether autoimmune responses take place or whether toler-ance is induced. In this scenario, it is suggested that the method ofengagement and subsequent signal induction may ultimately determinethe final outcome of the ensuring immune response.

Acknowledgement These studies were supported in part by the Euro-pean Union, grant number QLG1-CT-2001-01039.

40Activation of synovial fibroblasts via Toll-likereceptor signalingD Kyburz1, M Pierer1, J Rethage1, R Seibl1, RE Gay1, DA Carson2,S Gay1

1Center of Experimental Rheumatology, Department of Rheumatology,University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland 2Department of Medicine,UCSD, La Jolla, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):40 (DOI 10.1186/ar841)

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition receptors of theinnate immune system. TLR activation has a profound influence on thesubsequent adaptive immune responses by influencing T-cell differenti-ation towards a Th1 phenotype. Whether TLR signaling is involved inautoimmune phenomena is not known. The presence of TLR ligands inthe joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the fact that directinjection of bacterial peptidoglycan, a TLR2 agonist, and bacterialDNA, a TLR9 agonist, results in a transient arthritis in mice suggeststhat TLR signaling is of importance in the development of arthritis. Fur-thermore, recent evidence indicates that stimulation of TLR9 on B lym-phocytes by immune complexes containing chromatin drivesproduction of autoantibodies. We have detected TLR2 expression onsynovial fibroblasts of patients with rheumatoid arthritis by immunohis-tochemistry. Cultured human synovial fibroblasts expressed functionalTLR2 in vitro. Stimulation of synovial fibroblasts with the TLR2 ligandpeptidoglycan induced a significant upregulation of the expression of

matrix metalloproteinases and the cytokine IL-6. Furthermore,chemokine secretion by rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts wassignificantly increased. These results argue that the local presence ofbacterial products may induce a local inflammatory response by signal-ing via TLR2. Blockade of TLR signaling pathways may therefore repre-sent a promising new therapeutic option for rheumatoid arthritis.

41TNF dependency of IL-17-induced joint pathologycan be circumvented by Toll-like receptor-2 signalingW Van den Berg, M Koenders, P van Lent, L Joosten, E LubbertsRheumatology Research Laboratory, University Medical CenterNijmegen, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):41 (DOI 10.1186/ar842)Background T-cell IL-17 is a proinflammatory cytokine present in thesynovium of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Through the binding of IL-17to its receptor (IL-17R) and the subsequent activation of a signalingpathway through TRAF-6 and NF-κB, IL-17 can induce other cytokinessuch as IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). IL-17 can have both addi-tive and synergistic effects on cytokine induction and tissue destructionwith these cytokines, but may have direct pathological effects as well.Purpose In the present study, we examined the relative dependency ofTNF in the IL-17-induced joint inflammation and cartilage damageunder naive and various arthritis conditions in vivo, including Toll-likereceptor-2 (TLR-2)-dependent inflammation.Methods An adenoviral vector expressing murine IL-17 was used tointra-articularly overexpress IL-17 in the knee joints of control mice ormice deficient for IL-1 or TNF. Experiments were performed under naiveconditions and during TLR-2-dependent streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis (SCW) and passive immune complex-mediated arthri-tis (ICA) with lysozyme as an antigen.Results IL-17 overexpression in the knee joint of naive mice resulted injoint inflammation and cartilage proteoglycan depletion, which graduallyincreased over time. No effects were noted with the same dose of controlvector. IL-17 strongly upregulated IL-1 mRNA and protein levels in thesynovium compared with the control group. However, no difference in IL-17-induced joint pathology was noted in IL-1-deficient mice (P=0.39).Interestingly, when TNF-deficient mice were used, the IL-17-induced jointinflammation and cartilage damage were almost completely absent(P<0.005). This indicates that, under naive conditions in vivo, the IL-17-induced joint inflammation and cartilage destruction are mediated by syn-ergism with TNF and not with IL-1. Similar experiments were performedunder SCW and ICA conditions. SCW arthritis runs through TLR-2,since arthritis was highly reduced in TLR-2-deficient mice, but not in TLR-4–/– mice. In addition, SCW arthritis is fully suppressed in mice deficientin the crucial Toll-like receptor signaling molecule Myd88. Overexpres-sion of the T-cell cytokine IL-17 in the macrophage-mediated SCWmodel resulted in an elevation of joint inflammation and cartilage proteo-glycan depletion compared with the control vector group (P<0.005).Furthermore, IL-17 turned this acute model into a more chronic one.Remarkably, IL-17-enhanced SCW arthritis was not reduced in TNF–/–

mice, identifying circumvention of TNF dependency in the presence ofTLR-2 activation. Intriguingly, IL-17-induced enhancement of FcγR-medi-ated ICA still remained TNF dependent, since joint swelling was signifi-cantly reduced in TNF-deficient mice.Conclusions These data show TNF dependency of IL-17-induced jointpathology under naïve conditions and during ICA. However, this is lostduring SCW arthritis. TLR-2 shares the same signaling pathwaythrough TRAF-6 and NF-κB as the IL-17R. It suggests that TNF depen-dency can be bypassed by IL-17 in combination with TLR-2 triggers.

42Candidate targets for antibody therapy ofrheumatoid arthritis: CD64 and IL-15J van de WinkelDepartment of Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):42 (DOI 10.1186/ar843)

At present, blockade of cytokines represents one approach to treatrheumatoid arthritis (RA). Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α therapy

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results in impressive protection against joint inflammation and jointdamage in RA patients, although a significant number of patients donot respond. We evaluated blockade of targets more upstream in theinflammation cascade, of activated macrophages and of IL-15.Inflammatory macrophages exhibit enhanced expression of FcγRI(CD64), the high-affinity receptor for IgG. We observed the pres-ence of CD64 on activated macrophages in RA patients, and their invitro elimination using a CD64-targed immunotoxin. In addition, wedemonstrated in vivo elimination of CD64-expressing activatedmacrophages, resulting in significant inhibition of disease activity inan adjuvant arthritis model, in newly generated human CD64 trans-genic rats. IL-15 triggers inflammatory cell recruitment, angiogenesisand production of other inflammatory cytokines, including IFN-γ,TNF-α and IL-17, which are all upregulated in inflammation. We gen-erated monoclonal antibodies using human immunoglobulin-trans-genic mice. One of the IL-15-specific antibodies, HuMax IL-15, didnot compete with IL-15 for binding to its receptor, but potently inter-fered with the assembly of the IL-15 receptor α,β,γ complex. Thisantibody blocked IL-15-induced T-cell proliferation, and monocyteTNF-α release in vitro. HuMax IL-15 effectively inhibited inflamma-tion in SCID-RA models and is currently clinically evaluated inhuman RA.

Topics Symposium (7) Cell Biology

43Mechanisms of resistance against Fas-inducedapoptosis in rheumatoid arthritis synovialfibroblastsT Pap1, A Baier2, I Meinecke2, A Drynda1, R Gay3, W Neumann2,S Gay3

1Division of Experimental Rheumatology, Otto-von-Guericke-University,Magdeburg, Germany; 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany; 3Center of ExperimentalRheumatology, Department of Rheumatology, University HospitalZürich, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):43 (DOI 10.1186/ar844)

The activation of synovial fibroblasts (SF) is a hallmark of rheumatoidarthritis, and the resistance of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-SF againstFas-induced cell death is one of their characteristic features.However, the mechanisms that are responsible for the low susceptibil-ity of RA-SF to programmed cell death and, specifically, the pathwaysthat link altered apoptosis to their aggressive behavior are only incom-pletely understood. In our present studies, we have compared the sus-ceptibility of synovial fibroblasts from RA and osteoarthritis (OA)patients to Fas-induced apoptosis, and have studied mechanisms thatcontribute to both the invasiveness of RA-SF and their resistanceagainst apoptosis.As determined by different techniques (measurement of cytoplasmaticmononucleosomes and oligonucleosomes, FACS analysis), RA-SFwere significantly less susceptible to Fas-induced cell death than OA-SF despite their abundant expression of Fas. Stimulation of RA-SF withtumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) did not induce apoptosis, but in adose-dependent manner reduced Fas-mediated cell death. This wasaccompanied by the activation of NF-κB and the upregulation ofdisease-relevant matrix metalloproteinases. Of interest, adenoviral genetransfer of TIMP-3 reduced the invasiveness of RA-SF in the SCID-mouse in vivo model of RA, and completely reversed the apoptosis-inhibiting effect of TNF-α, in part by reducing the activation of NF-κB.The effects of TNF-α on apoptosis were similar in OA-SF. However,RA-SF differed from OA-SF by their elevated expression of the smallubiquitin-like modifier sentrin-1/SUMO-1. Retroviral gene transfer ofantisense and expression constructs of sentrin-1/SUMO-1 confirmedits involvement in the altered susceptibility of RA-SF to apoptosis.Analysis of the subcellular localization of sentrin-1/SUMO-1 and genetransfer of SUMO-1-specific proteases revealed that modifications oftranscriptionally active nuclear proteins by sentrin-1/SUMO-1 con-tribute to the regulation of apoptosis and the production of matrix-degrading enzymes.

Collectively, our data suggest that in RA-SF there is a close functionalassociation between pathways that confer the resistance against apop-tosis and that mediate the progressive destruction of cartilage. Bothcytokine-dependent and cytokine-independent mechanisms contributeto these processes. While TNF-α-mediated prevention of cell death isnot specific for RA and is seen in a variety of fibroblast-like cells, activa-tion of signaling pathways involving sentrin-1/SUMO-1 appears to be acharacteristic feature of RA-SF.

44Immunologic reactants in the pathogenesis ofatherosclerosis in rheumatic diseasesB Cronstein, A ReissNew York University School of Medicine, New York, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):44 (DOI 10.1186/ar845)

It is increasingly clear that patients suffering from systemic lupus ery-thematosus and rheumatoid arthritis are at significantly greater risk ofdeveloping atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease than otherwise unaf-fected individuals. Recent studies in our laboratory demonstrate thatimmunologic reactants such as immune complexes that have fixed C1qand IFN-γ diminish the capacity of macrophages to appropriatelymetabolize and transport lipoproteins. The effect of these agents onmacrophage function suggests a role for these reactants in the prema-ture development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease inrheumatic diseases. It was recently observed that methotrexate, unlikeany other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs studied, diminished therisk for development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.Although the explanation for this phenomenon may be that methotrex-ate is simply a more effective anti-inflammatory agent, recent work inour laboratory suggests an alternative explanation. We have demon-strated that many, if not most, of the anti-inflammatory effects ofmethotrexate are due its capacity to increase release of adenosine,which interacts with its receptors on the cell surface to modulateinflammation. Adenosine, acting at its receptors on the surface ofmacrophages, increases the expression of enzymes involved in metab-olizing cholesterol and of transporters involved in export of cholesterolfrom the vessel wall to the liver for elimination. The adenosine receptor-mediated effect on expression of these molecules is associated withdiminished foam cell formation in an in vitro assay. These resultssuggest an explanation for the effect of methotrexate therapy on thedevelopment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and, moreimportantly, indicates a novel target for the development of new anti-atherosclerotic agents.

45Cell biology of synovial inflammation andsecondary osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritisY Tanaka, Y Okada, S Nakayamada, K Nakano, K Fujii, K SaitoFirst Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational andEnvironmental Health, Japan, Kitakyushu, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):45 (DOI 10.1186/ar846)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a representative autoimmune disease char-acterized by lymphocyte accumulation and synovial proliferation, whichare induced by inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules.Although periarticular as well as systemic osteoporosis and subse-quent joint destruction are major complications of RA, the precisemechanisms remain unclear. Osteoblasts not only play a central role inbone formation by synthesizing bone matrix proteins, but they regulateosteoclast maturation by cognate interaction, resulting in bone resorp-tion. RANKL expressed on osteoblasts provides essential signals toosteoclast progenitors for their maturation. We have proposed that theLFA-1/ICAM-1-mediated adhesive pathway of osteoblasts is requiredfor juxtacrine stimulation of osteoclast maturation by membrane-boundRANKL on osteoblasts. Moreover, proinflammatory cytokines such asIL-1 produced abundantly in rheumatoid synovium induce both RANKLand ICAM-1 on osteoblasts, leading to an efficient juxtacrine stimula-tion for the osteoclastogenesis. However, ICAM-1-positive osteoblasts,induced by IL-1, arrest at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, which isinvolved by upregulation of p21 and reduced activities of cdk6. IL-1-

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induced ICAM-1-positive osteoblasts can bias bone turnover to boneresorption, committing their growth arrest, in the context of the balancebetween survival and apoptosis of the cells. Such a regulation of thecell cycle is regulated by H-Ras, a small G-protein. H-Ras signals fol-lowed by Raf-1/MAPK induce cell-cycle arrest of osteoblasts via Fasupregulation and bcl-2 downregulation, whereas H-Ras followed byPI3K induces their proliferation. Taken together, during bone remodel-ling processes, proinflammatory cytokines cause an imbalance in bonemetabolism by favouring bone resorption via the expression of RANKLand ICAM-1, as well as apoptosis of osteoblasts, which are differen-tially regulated by intracellular signals via H-Ras. Such osteoclast matu-ration mediated by the adhesion with osteoblasts is coordinated withimmune signaling, and thereby is relevant to pathological events suchas secondary osteoporosis observed in RA.

46New strategies for the in vivo regulation ofmetalloprotease gene expression in osteoarthritischondrocytes by inflammatory mediatorsJP Pelletier1, C Boileau1, D Schrier2, C Flory2, J Brunet1, F Mineau1, G Tardif1, M Boily1, J Martel-Pelletier1

1Osteoarthritis Research Unit, University of Montreal Hospital Centre,Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Pfizer GlobalResearch and Development, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):46 (DOI 10.1186/ar847)Objective To study the effect of oral treatment with PD200347, agabapentinoid (GBP), on osteoarthritis (OA) progression and OA medi-ators, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and the inducible form of nitricoxide synthase (iNOS) expression in a dog experimental model of OA.Methods OA was surgically induced in dogs by sectioning the anteriorcruciate ligament. OA dogs were divided into three groups aftersurgery: group 1, placebo-treated (OA); group 2, oral treatment with15 mg/kg/day GBP; and group 3, oral treatment with 90 mg/kg/dayGBP. Dogs were killed 8 weeks after surgery. The severity of lesionswas scored macroscopically and histologically. Cartilage specimensfrom femoral condyles and tibial plateaus were processed for RNAextraction and quantitative RT-PCR or immunohistochemistry. Specificprobes and specific antibodies were used to study IL-1β, iNOS, MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-13 mRNA and protein levels, respectively.Results GBP treatment at both dosages tested (15 or 90 mg/kg/day)dose-dependently reduced the development of cartilage lesions. Quan-titative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis showed that GBPtreatment also significantly reduced key OA mediator (IL-1β, iNOS,MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-13) gene expression and synthesis.Conclusion This study demonstrated for the first time the effectivenessof a GBP on the reduction of the development of structural changes inthe dog OA model. The effect of GBP is mediated through the inhibi-tion, at the transcriptional level, of major mediators of pathophysiologi-cal pathways.

47Regulation of collagenase-3 (MMP-13) gene andprotein expression in human cartilage: whensimple things get complicatedJ Martel-Pelletier, G Tardif, JP PelletierOsteoarthritis Research Centre, University of Montreal Hospital Centre,Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):47 (DOI 10.1186/ar848)

In cartilage, collagen type II is of particular importance as its breakdownresults in the irreversible loss of structural integrity of the tissue. Withinthe protease, the collagenases have a major involvement in this colla-gen network degradation. Evidence demonstrates that collagenase-3 isthe major enzyme accounting for collagen degradation in osteoarthritic(OA) cartilage.Collagenase-3 has a greater effect (five to 10 times) on type II collagenthan collagenase-1, and, in OA, is localized predominantly in the lowerintermediate and deep layers of the cartilage, where type II collagenfibers are of the largest size and chondrocytes possess the most effi-cient capacity to reconstitute the extracellular matrix. Collagenase is

upregulated in OA cartilage and is suggested to be implicated in carti-lage remodeling in pathological conditions. Various factors induce itstranscription, including proinflammatory cytokines and growth factorssuch as IL-1β, IL-17, tumor necrosis factor alpha, transforming growthfactor beta and hepatocyte growth factor. Interestingly, we recentlyreported that transforming growth factor beta, but not IL-1β, treatmentof normal cartilage mimicked the in situ collagenase-3 distribution inOA cartilage.The proximal promoter sequence contains a TATA box, as well as AP-1, Ets/PEA-3, and OSE-2 binding sites. The AP-1 site is essential forboth basal and proinflammatory cytokine inducible transcription, andthe PEA-3 site exerts a cooperative effect. We also demonstrated thatsome AP-1 proteins play a different role in terms of collagenase-3 pro-duction according to the stimulator. Indeed, IL-17-induced collage-nase-3 resulted in FosB activation, whereas IL-1β stimulated c-Fos,which may explain the different capacities of these cytokines in produc-ing this enzyme. Our data also suggest that JunB protein plays a rate-limiting step in cytokine-induced collagenase-3 production in OAchondrocytes. Moreover, we recently identified a novel protein-bindingsite on the collagenase-3 promoter that appears to be directly impli-cated in the repression of its basal transcription. This site was desig-nated AGRE for AG-rich element. This site was not found in otherhuman metalloprotease genes or in the mouse collagenase.Contrary to the other human collagenase genes that are transcribedinto one mature mRNA, human cells expressed collagenase-3 tran-scripts of 3.0, 2.5 and 2.2/2.0 kb as demonstrated by northern blot.We recently identified five different collagenase-3 RNA species inhumans; each could be translated in a cellular environment, indicatingthat they could be synthesized in response to specific cellular events.For two of the RNA species, the enzyme synthesized would differ fromthe original collagenase-3 and will have potentially differentfunction/activity. Moreover, one of the transcripts appears to be analternative transcription start site. Start sites are known to regulategene expression by affecting the level of transcription initiation, thetranslation efficiency of the mRNA produced, and the generation ofprotein isoforms differing at their amino termini, or may respond differ-ently to the cellular environment.At present, a therapeutic intervention based on the inhibition of metallo-proteases is under intensive investigation, and collagenase-3 appearsto be an attractive target for the development of disease-modifying OAdrugs. However, the human collagenase-3 is subjected to differentlevels of regulation and constitutes a more complex system than origi-nally thought. It would be interesting to verify whether compounds thatblock only one pathway, such as the synthesis/activity of the originalcollagenase-3, are sufficient to block all the effects of this enzyme, orwhether all the enzyme transcripts should rather be targeted in order toachieve maximum therapeutic efficacy.

48TIMP-3 inhibits aggrecan breakdown in pigarticular cartilage stimulated with IL-1H Nagase, C Gendron, M KashiwagiMatrix Biology Department, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology,Imperial College London, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):48 (DOI 10.1186/ar849)

Degradation of articular cartilage seriously impairs the function of jointsand it is a hallmark of various types of arthritides. The primary cause ofthis process is due to elevated proteolytic enzyme activities thatdegrade aggrecan proteoglycan and type II collagen fibrils, major com-ponents of the extracellular matrix in cartilage. While the network of col-lagen fibrils is degraded primarily by collagenases and possibly byother matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), such as MMP-2 and MMP-14,aggrecan is degraded by MMPs and the more recently discovered‘aggrecanases’ that belong to the ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metallo-proteinase with thrombospondin motifs) family.To investigate the relative contribution of MMPs and ADAMTSs in carti-lage aggrecan degradation during the progression of joint destruction,we have used the pig articular cartilage explants treated with IL-1 as anin vitro cartilage degradation model and have tested the ability of tissueinhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and TIMP-3,to block the release of aggrecan. MMPs are inhibited by all three

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TIMPs, but aggrecanases (ADAMTS-1, ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5)are inhibited only by TIMP-3.Treatment of pig articular cartilage in culture with IL-1 for 3 daysresulted in approximately 70% of aggrecan degradation, and the frag-ments were released into the medium. The degradation of aggrecanwas completely inhibited by the addition of recombinant N-terminalinhibitory domain of TIMP-3 (N-TIMP-3) at the concentration of 0.1 mM,but not by TIMP-1 or TIMP-2. This indicates that aggrecan degradationin this model is due to aggrecanases, but not due to MMPs. TIMP-3 isknown to cause apoptosis of several cell types. N-TIMP-3 causedapoptosis of pig chondrocytes only at concentrations above 0.75 µM.Our mutagenesis studies of N-TIMP-3 also revealed that N-TIMP-3contains the metalloproteinase reactive site common among TIMPsand the unique sites that interact with aggrecanases, suggesting that itmay be possible to design TIMP variants that selectively inhibit aggre-canases.Our studies suggest that TIMP-3 and the related molecules may bepotential therapeutics to prevent articular cartilage from degradationduring the progression of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from theWellcome Trust and the National Institutes of Health.

Poster Discussion (1) Bone & Cartilage Group

49Bone cell differentiation and the role of Fos/AP-1proteinsE Wagner1, R Eferl1, A Hoebertz1, L Kenner1, K Matsuo2

1IMP, Vienna, Austria; 2Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):49 (DOI 10.1186/ar850)

Fos proteins such as Fos, FosB, Fra-1 and Fra-2 are key regulators ofbone development. Transgenic mice expressing Fos developosteoblastic bone tumors, whereas mice lacking Fos (Fos–/–) areosteopetrotic and lack bone-resorbing osteoclasts [1]. The Fos-relatedprotein Fra-1, itself a Fos target gene, is essential for mouse develop-ment, whereas transgenic mice overexpressing Fra-1 develop anosteoblastic bone disease, osteosclerosis [2]. Interestingly, genereplacement of Fos by Fra-1 showed functional equivalence of thesetwo proteins [3]. To better understand how Fos and Fra-1 controlosteoblast and osteoclast differentiation, we generated conditionalalleles of Fos and Fra-1. The embryonic lethality of the Fra-1 knockoutmice was rescued with a conditional allele of Fra-1 using MORE-cremice. The mutant mice are viable but are osteopenic. Interestingly, con-ditional deletion of JunB with the same MORE-cre line also rescued thelethality, and the mutant mice developed severe osteoporosis. Finally,inactivation of Fra-2 gives rise to pups that also exhibit severe osteo-porosis and die at birth, probably due to heart failure. The signal trans-duction pathways operating in osteoclastogenesis have beenextensively studied and the events downstream of RANKL signallingare well described [1]. Positive and negative regulatory loops are inplace, which involve the activation NF-κB and JNK, eventually leadingto the expression of Fos, an essential gene for osteoclast differentiation[1]. Micro-array analysis revealed that the expression of NFATc1 isabolished in Fos–/– precursors [4]. However, introduction of an acti-vated form of NFATc into Fos–/– precursor cells rescued the boneresorptive function and restored transcription of osteoclast markergenes. Recent experiments addressing the molecular events duringosteoclast formation will be discussed.

References1. Karsenty G, Wagner EF: Reaching a genetic and molecular

understanding of skeletal development. Dev Cell 2002, 2:389-406.

2. Jochum W, David JP, Elliot C, Wutz A, Plenk H, Matsuo K,Wagner EF: Increased bone formation in transgenic miceexpressing the transcription factor Fra-1. Nat Med 2000, 6:980-984.

3. Fleischmann A, Hafezi F, Elliott C, Remé CE, Rüther U, WagnerEF: Fra-1 replaces c-Fos-dependent functions in mice. GenesDev 2000, 14:2695-2700.

4. Takayanagi H, Kim S, Koga T, Nishina H, Isshiki M, Yoshida H,Saiura A, Isobe M, Yokochi T, Inoue J-i, Wagner EF, Mak TW,Kodama T, Taniguchi T: Induction and activation of the transcrip-tion factor NFATc1 (NFAT2) integrate RANKL signaling in termi-nal differentiation of osteoclasts. Dev Cell 2002, 3:889-901.

50Bone sparing effect of osteoprotegerin and anti-inflammatory cytokines in collagen-inducedarthritisM de Vernejoul1, N Saidenberg2, M Boissier2, M Cohen-Solal11INSERM U349 Lariboisière Hospital, Paris, France; 2UPRES EA-3408 Avicenne Hospital, Bobigny, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):50 (DOI 10.1186/ar851)Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with focal and systemic boneloss involving RANKL, which is secreted by both osteoblasts and acti-vated lymphocytes, whereas osteoprotegerin (OPG) inhibits boneresorption in osteoclast precursors. RANKL expression is increased byinflammatory cytokines. The aim of our studies is to evaluate the respec-tive effect of OPG, on one hand, and either IL-4 or antibody, on the other,on inflammation and on bone tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) remod-elling. Indeed, we hypothesised that inhibiting inflammation could be suf-ficient to inhibit bone loss. Moreover, we tested whether the combinationof OPG with either IL-4 or TNF-α antibody had an additive effect on boneloss. IL-4 and TNF-α antibodies were tested in two independent experi-ments. We used a model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in DBA/1mice by immunisation (bovine type II collagen). Bone mineral density(BMD) was measured at the total body (Piximus Lunar) at baseline beforeimmunization and at sacrifice, allowing one to measure the bone gain(∆BMD). Deoxypyridinolin changes (∆D-Pyr) were measured in urine. His-tomorphometric parameters were measured at the femur metaphysis.OPG had no effect on clinical arthritis score in any experiment. By con-trast, OPG was able to increase the ∆BMD and to decrease the ∆D-Pyrand trabecular spacing evaluated by histomorphometry. By contrast, bothIL-4 and TNF-α antibody decreased the arthritis score but did not inducea change in ∆BMD and decrease in bone resorption evaluated by ∆D-Pyrand trabecular spacing. There was no additive effect of OPG and TNF-αantibody on any parameter related to bone, whereas we observed a sig-nificant additive effect of IL-4 and OPG on the inhibition of bone resorp-tion and the increase in ∆BMD.In conclusion, these data show that, in this model of inflammatory arthri-tis, systemic bone loss is prevented only by treatment directly decreas-ing osteoclast differentiation. Furthermore, treatment with oneanti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-4, but not with TNF-α antibody had anadditive bone-sparing effect with OPG.

51The JAK/STAT pathway but not the Erk1/2pathway mediates IL-6/sIL-6R downregulation oftype II collagen, aggrecan core and link proteintranscription in articular chondrocytesP Bogdanowicz1, F Legendre1, J Dudhia2, J-P Pujol11Laboratoire de Biochimie du Tissu Conjonctif, Faculté de Médecine,Caen, France; 2Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences, RoyalVeterinary College, London, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):51 (DOI 10.1186/ar852)

Introduction IL-6 regulates several functions, including immunologicalreactions in host defense or inflammation. Accumulating evidence sug-gests that IL-6 is implicated in rheumatoid arthritis and in osteoarthritis.IL-6 may contribute to the destructive changes of cartilage accompany-ing joint diseases, but its mechanism of action on the cartilage and thepathways whereby it controls their gene expression are unknown.However, until recently, the IL-6 signaling pathway for these cells hasnot been identified nor has the functional significance of their effectson the major extracellular matrix components been investigated.Objectives The aim of this study was to analyze the signaling pathwaysof IL-6/sIL-6R in articular chondrocytes, and their involvement in thecontrol of matrix gene expression.Methods Bovine articular chondrocytes were treated by IL-6(100–500ng/ml) with or without IL-6sR (200–500ng/ml) for increasing

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periods. Western blotting and gel retardation assays were performedwith or without mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor (PD 98059)and STAT inhibitor (parthenolide). Collagen type II and aggrecan coreand link protein mRNA levels were determined by northern blots.Results In the absence of sIL-6R, IL-6 (500 ng/ml) had a slight effecton JAK-1 and JAK-2 phosphorylation. Addition of sIL-6R at 500 ng/mldramatically increased these effects, with a peak at 15 min. STAT1 andSTAT3 were also found to be phosphorylated and translocated to thenucleus. Increased binding of protein factors to specific STAT respon-sive elements was observed. ERK1 and ERK2 were activated by IL-6/sIL-6R treatment, with a maximum at 30 min. Exposure of cells toIL-6/sIL-6R induced an inhibition of collagen type II, aggrecan core andlink protein expression. This downregulation was abolished in the pres-ence of STAT inhibitor but not in the presence of mitogen-activatedprotein kinase inhibitor, indicating that the STAT signaling pathway isimplicated in the control of these two cartilage-specific matrix genes.Conclusions To exert a significant effect on chondrocytes, IL-6requires the presence of its soluble receptor. The cytokine plays a rolein the cartilage breakdown through a STAT-induced inhibition of colla-gen type II, aggrecan core and link protein expression.

52Induction of heme oxygenase-1 inhibits IL-1bnitrite oxide production in articular chondrocytesF RannouDivision of Biomedical Sciences, University of California, Riverside,California, USA and Division of Rehabilitation, Cochin Hospital,University of Paris V, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):52 (DOI 10.1186/ar853)IL-1b is one of the main cytokines leading to the degradation of articu-lar cartilage. One mechanism through which this cytokine exerts itseffects is by articular chondrocytes being induced to produce nitriteoxide (NO). These findings are supported by clinical studies revealing asignificant increase of NO production in the synovial fluid of patientswith rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Modulating IL-1b-inducedNO in articular chondrocytes appears to be an interesting challenge forreducing or inhibiting the cartilage destruction.Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an inducible enzyme catalyzing thedegradation of heme. The beneficial effects of HO-1 have beendescribed for several diseases. This enzyme confers protection mainlythrough its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions.The objectives of this work were to investigate the expression andactivity of HO-1 in IL-1b-treated articular chondrocytes, and the corre-sponding molecular mechanism.We used high-density primary cultures of rabbit articular chondrocytes.HO-1 expression was evaluated by Western blotting. HO-1 activity onIL-1b-induced NO was evaluated with use of the Griess reaction. Tran-sient transfection of and Western blotting for IkBa, NF-κB, induciblenitrite oxide synthase and HO-1 elucidated the molecular mechanismof the HO-1 activity on IL-1b-induced NO.We found evidence, for the first time, of the inducible expression ofHO-1 in articular chondrocytes. Overproduction or overexpression ofHO-1 is able to decrease dramatically in a dose-dependent manner theIL-1b-induced NO release in the culture medium from articular chon-drocyte culture. The inhibition of NO production occurs at the tran-scriptional level through an NF-κB-dependent pathway.These results demonstrate the critical role of HO-1 in inhibiting the IL-1b-induced NO. In vivo experiments are under investigation.

53Overexpression and induction of heat shock protein70 protect chondrocytes from cell death in vitro andin vivoL Grossin, C Cournil-Henrionnet, A Watrin-Pinzano, B Terlain,JY Jouzeau, P Netter, P GilletUMR 7561, CNRS Nancy-I, Faculté de Médecine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):53 (DOI 10.1186/ar854)

Introduction Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by fibrillation anderosion of hyaline cartilage, subchondral bone sclerosis and osteophyte

formation at the joint margins. These changes, resulting from poorlyunderstood events, lead to both cartilage matrix degradation and inhibi-tion of matrix component synthesis. Moreover, cartilage hypocellularitydue to cell death (apoptosis or necrosis) contributes to the developmentof OA. Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) plays a protective role as a mole-cular chaperone in cells by facilitating the folding, intracellular transport,assembly, and disassembly of proteins. An increase in the expression ofHsp70 in chondrocytes has been associated with the severity of OAlesions and could be an indicator of the early stages of OA. Someexperiments recently demonstrated that Hsp70 protects cells fromdeath induced by stresses, mechanical and biological factors.Objectives To determine whether Hsp70 overexpression is able toprotect rat chondrocytes towards mono-iodoacetate (MIA) cytotoxicity,in vitro and in vivo.Methods Induction of Hsp70 was performed with MG132, a protea-some inhibitor, and overexpression of Hsp70 was realized by the non-viral gene transfer method. The chondroprotective effect of Hsp70 wasassessed in vitro by exposing cells to MIA and the protection wasdetermined by MTT/lactate dehydrogenase analyses. An antisensestrategy was used to confirm that Hsp70 played the major role in pro-tecting chondrocytes from MIA toxicity. In a second step, the relevanceof a preventive induction or overexpression of Hsp70 was assessed invivo, during experimental OA in the rat induced by intra-articular injec-tion of MIA.Results In vitro, the increase of Hsp70 by proteasome inhibitor expo-sure or by gene transfer was able to efficiently protect chondrocytesfrom MIA toxicity. The antisense strategy confirmed that Hsp70 mainlymediated this chondroprotective effect. In vivo, the induction (intra-articular injection of MG132) or overexpression of Hsp70 (electricgene transfer) was sufficient to decrease the severity of the OA-lesionsinduced by MIA exposure, as demonstrated by histological and bio-chemical analyses.Conclusions Overexpression of Hsp70 in cartilage could be an inter-esting way to protect in vitro chondrocytes from cell death and toreduce in vivo the progression of OA-related chondral erosions.

54Role of HC-gp39 in chondrogenesis: upregulationof SOX-9 expression by HC-gp39 in mousechondrocytesC Jacques1, A Recklies2, A Levy1, A Labat1, F Berenbaum1

1Department of Physiology and Physiopathology, UMR 7079 CNRS,University of Paris, France; 2Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal,PQ, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):54 (DOI 10.1186/ar855)

Introduction Increased levels of the chitinase 3-like protein human car-tilage glycoprotein 39 (HC-gp39) have been demonstrated in synovialfluids of patients with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Recently, thisprotein has emerged as a potential growth factor for synovial cells andchondrocytes, but little is known about its role in differentiation. Thetranscription factor SOX-9 has been demonstrated to be a master reg-ulator of the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into chondrocytes.Aim We investigate the effects of two growth factors, insulin-like growthfactor-I (IGF-I) and HC-gp39, on SOX-9 expression, and we sought toidentify transduction signalling pathways involved in SOX-9 expression.Methods Expressions of SOX-9 and type II collagen were analysed inprimary culture of mouse costochondral chondrocytes using Westernblot analysis. Chondrocytes were stimulated by IGF-I and/or HC-gp39during 24 hours. The kinetics with IGF-I and/or HC-gp39 (up to60 min) was assessed with different antibodies against phosphorylatedand nonphosphorylated forms of p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 MAPK,SAPK/JNK and AKT.Results IGF-I (25 ng/ml) and HC-gp39 (1 µg/ml) were found tomarkedly upregulate SOX-9 protein expression at 24 hours, which wasin parallel with an increased expression of type II collagen protein. AnIGF-I and HC-gp39 cotreatment showed an additive effect on SOX-9protein expression. IGF-I and HC-gp39 were found to rapidly activatethe phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAPK and AKT (peak at 2 min),whereas p38 MAPK and SAPK/JNK pathways were not involved.Conclusions These results indicate that the expression of the gene forthe master chondrogenic factor SOX-9 is stimulated by IGF-I and HC-

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gp39 in chondrocytes, and strongly suggest that this regulation ismediated by the ERK1/2 MAPK and AKT pathways. Because SOX-9 isessential for chondrocyte differentiation, we propose that HC-gp39could be considered a novel actor involved in chondrogenesis.

55Evidence that rosiglitazone acts as anantidegradative agent on cartilage cells in vitroM Francois1, L Tsagris 1, C Forest1, P Richette1, M Raymondjean2, MT Corvol11UMR-S 530, Inserm-Universite Paris V, Paris, France; 2UMR 7079,CNRS-Paris VI, Paris, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):55 (DOI 10.1186/ar856)Recent studies have documented the role of the natural ligand (15d-PGJ2) of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) asan anti-inflammatory agent in IL-1-treated cartilage cells and synovialfibroblasts in culture. Similar but less pronounced effects have beenreported with pharmacological concentrations of synthetic PPARγligands, such as thiazolidinediones. These anti-IL-1 effects were attrib-uted to the transcriptional inhibition of NF-κB and/or AP-1-dependentgenes, while PPARγ implication remained questionable. We studied theeffects of rosiglitazone, a thiazolidinedione with high affinity for PPARγ,in IL-1-treated rabbit articular chondrocytes (ARC) in culture. Whenused at 10 µM, rosiglitazone inhibited IL-1-induced nitric oxide produc-tion, COX-2 mRNA, decreased the degradative effect of IL-1 on 35S-sul-fated proteoglycans and the 55kDa gelatinolytic activity secreted byARC, and downregulated MMP-1 mRNA. By contrast, when used at0.1–1 µM, rosiglitazone decreased proteoglycan degradation and MMP-1 gene expression, whereas it did not modify chondrocyte nitric oxideproduction nor COX-2 mRNA expression. Transient transfection of ARCwith MMP-1-Luc showed that IL-1 stimulation was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by rosiglitazone from 0.1 µM to 1 µM, indicating thatrosiglitazone was acting at the transcriptional level. The electrophoreticmobility shift assay showed that IL-1-induced NF-κB binding activity wasnot changed by rosiglitazone, while IL-1-induced AP-1 binding activitywas reduced. We analysed rosiglitazone’s effect on MMP-1 promoteractivation in cells transiently cotransfected with MMP-1-Luc vector. Weshowed that the inhibitory effect of rosiglitazone was significantly morepronounced in cells cotransfected with wild-type PPARγ than without,while this effect was completely suppressed by cotransfecting cells withthe dominant-negative PPARγ. Altogether, these data show for the firsttime that rosiglitazone has a selective inhibitory effect on IL-1-inducedMMP-1 in chondrocytes, which involves a mechanism whereby PPARγand AP-1 are implicated.

56The effect of cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitorson the proliferation and apoptosis of humanarticular chondrocytesYW Song, EB Lee, EM Park, JC Lee, YJ LeeDepartment of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College ofMedicine, Seoul, KoreaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):56 (DOI 10.1186/ar857)Aim Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective inhibitors are being widelyused in the treatment of osteoarthritis, with their favorable efficacy andsafe profiles. The proliferative role of COX-2 has been recognized inseveral human cancers and its inhibitors were found to induce apopto-sis in these cancer cells. Since the apoptosis of chondrocytes is animportant contributor to the development of the osteoarthritis, wedetermined to investigate the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitors onthe proliferation and apoptosis of human chondrocytes.Methods Human chondrocytes from osteoarthritis patients were treatedwith selective COX-2 inhibitors (celecoxib, MF-tricyclic) and nonselec-tive inhibitors (sulindac and indomethacin) under various conditions. Cellproliferation was assessed by MTT assay and the apoptosis was quanti-fied by flow cytometry analysis after propidium iodide staining.Results The COX-2 selective inhibitor celecoxib strongly inhibited theproliferation of chondrocytes in a dose-dependent and time-dependentmanner. When compared with dimethylsulfoxide controls, chondro-cytes proliferated 49.1 ± 9.7% under 40 µg/ml celecoxib, 80.4 ± 28.3%under 40 µ/ml sulindac sulfide, 93.1 ± 13.3% under 40 µg/ml

indomethacin and 113.7 ± 8.9% under another COX-2 selectiveinhibitor, MF-tricyclic. Incubation with 80 µg/ml celecoxib for 12 hourslead to apoptosis in 6.6% of the chondrocytes, while incubation with80 µg/ml MF-tricyclic lead to apoptosis in 4.8% of the cells.Conclusions In this study, we found that the COX-2 selective inhibitorcelecoxib could inhibit proliferation of chondrocytes from osteoarthritispatients, while another COX-2 selective inhibitor, MF-tricyclic, does notaffect the proliferation of the cells. Further study will be warranted onthe clinical effects of different COX-2 selective inhibitors in osteoarthri-tis patients. Furthermore, our results suggest that celecoxib may induceapoptosis of chondrocytes via other pathways than COX-2 inhibition.

57The role of IL-4 in the control of mechanical stress-induced inflammatory mediators by ratchondrocytesK Nishida1, H Doi1, A Shimizu3, M Yorimitsu1, M Takigawa2, H Inoue1

1Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction, Department ofOrthopaedic Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School ofMedicine, Okayama, Japan; 2Department of Biochemistry andMolecular Dentistry, Okayama University Graduate School ofMedicine, Okayama, Japan; 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,Ehime University Medical School, Ehime, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):57 (DOI 10.1186/ar858)A complex environment controls the metabolism of chondrocytes in theinflammatory joint. Although mechanical stimuli are essential for thechondrocyte metabolism, excessive mechanical force contributes tothe release of inflammatory mediators leading the cartilage destructionunder the arthritic condition. IL-4 is a chondroprotective cytokine,which is also involved in the integrin-mediated chondrocyte mechano-transduction. We examined the effects of cyclic mechanical stress onthe gene expression profile of rat chondrocytes, and tested the in vitroeffects of recombinant IL-4. Chondrocytes were obtained from theknee joints of 7-day-old Wister rats. Cyclic mechanical stress wasapplied on the cultured chondrocytes for 24 hours using Flexercellstrain unit (Flexcell International Co., Hillsboro, NC, USA) with 0.5 Hz,7% elongation, with or without treatment by recombinant IL-4. ThecDNA microarray analysis revealed that, of 1080 genes, 37 geneswere upregulated and 46 genes were downregulated after mechanicalstress. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis confirmed that treatment byIL-4 resulted in the significant downregulation of mRNA expression ofcysteine proteinase cathepsin B, and the inducible form of nitric oxidesynthase. Next, an osteoarthritis model was created in the knee jointsof Wistar rats (200 g) with anterior cruciate ligament and medial collat-eral ligament transection. The rats were killed 2, 4, or 6 weeks after thesurgery, and the gross morphology and histology of the knee joint carti-lage were examined. The preliminary results showed that intra-articularadministration of IL-4 exerted a protective effect on the development ofosteophytes, and cartilage lesions in this model of osteoarthritis. Theseresults suggested the possible role of IL-4 in the control of mechanicalstress-induced inflammatory mediators in vitro and in vivo.

58TNF-alpha induced chondrocyte apoptosis inNF-κκB suppression is augmented by inhibition ofp38 mitogen-activated protein kinase orphosphatidylinositol 3-kinaseH KimInternal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine, Chunchun,KoreaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):58 (DOI 10.1186/ar859)

Background Therapeutics employing knowledge on various signalingpathway are being developed, with NF-κB one of the most promisingtargets. NF-κB has been suggested to play a role not only in the induc-tion of inflammatory mediators, but also in the protection of apoptosis.Objectives This study pursued the role of the NF-κB pathway in theregulation of chondrocyte death induced by tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-α) and the pertinent target molecules involved.

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Methods NF-κB activation was specifically inhibited using an adenovi-ral vector encoding the transgene for IκB super-repressor (ad-IκB-SR).The human juvenile costal chondrocyte cell line (C28/I2) was used forthe experiment. Infection with ad-IκB-SR was performed for 360 minusing a multiple of infection of 1:200, after which the cells were incu-bated for 18 hours in medium containing 10% FCS. The cultures werethen changed to serum-free medium, and treated with 10 ng/ml TNF-α.The proportion of cell death was analyzed by MTT assay. Activation ofp38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and phosphatidylinositol3-kinase (PI3K) was inhibited by preincubation for 1 hour withSB202190 and Ly 294002, respectively. The expression of apoptosis-related protein was analyzed with Western blot assay. The activation ofc-JUN N-terminal kinase was analyzed by gel kinase assay.Results Despite complete inhibition of NF-κB activation, treatment withTNF-α led to cell death in only about 23% of ad-IκB-SR-infected chon-drocytes after 24 hours. Preincubation with SB202190 and Ly 294002led to a significant increase in cell death, resulting in 53% and 30%cell death after 24 hours, respectively. The expression of Bcl-XL andXIAP significantly decreased, and activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinasewas prolonged up to 4 hours in infected cells treated with TNF-α.Conclusion In our experimental system, specific inhibition of NF-κBactivation rendered chondrocytes susceptible to cell death induced byTNF-α. However, completion of cell death required inhibition of anothersignaling pathway such as p38 MAP kinase and PI3K. The expressionof Bcl-XL and XIAP, and activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase wasaffected by ad-IκB-SR transduction, implying its role in the NF-κB-regu-lated cell survival signaling in human chondrocytes.

59Cell biology and functional genomics ofosteoarthritic chondrocytesT Aigner1, E Bartnik2, R Zimmer3

1Department of Pathology, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany;2Aventis Pharma Deutschland, Disease Group Osteoarthritis, Frankfurt,Germany; 3Practical Informatics and Bioinformatics, Computer ScienceDepartment, University of Munich, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):59 (DOI 10.1186/ar860)Introduction Functional genomics represents a new challengingapproach in order to analyze complex diseases such as osteoarthritison a molecular level. In particular, the identification and characterizationof new target molecules for therapeutic intervention is of interest. Also,potential molecular markers for diagnosis and monitoring of osteoarthri-tis will contribute to a more appropriate patient management.Objectives In our analyses, we attempt to establish a broader geneexpression profile of osteoarthritic chondrocytes by modern screeningtechnologies in order to characterize more properly the cellular eventsand regulatory pathways directly involved in cartilage destruction.Methods Cartilage from human femoral condyles of the normal kneejoints were obtained from donors at autopsy. Late-stage osteoarthriticcartilage was obtained from patients undergoing total knee replace-ment surgery. Gene expression analysis was performed by variousarray technologies and by quantitative PCR. For normalization weapplied a novel computational normalization method [1].Results Our first focus in looking at chondrocyte gene expression isalways linked to the main function of this cell type, the preservation andturnover of the cartilage matrix. Thus, for a start, matrix components andmatrix-degrading proteases were the focus of our interest [2]; the analy-sis of the extracellular matrix proteins showed the largely absent expres-sion of cartilage collagens in normal cartilage and very much increasedmRNA levels of several collagen genes in advanced osteoarthritis. Withregard to the cartilage-matrix-degrading metalloproteinases, a character-istic pattern was observed in osteoarthritic cartilage versus normal articu-lar cartilage. Future studies will focus on the investigation of pathogeneticpathways based on bioinformatic modelling of their involved genes.Conclusions Overall, cDNA technology offers cartilage research apowerful tool for investigating gene expression patterns of a highnumber of different genes simultaneously. Despite constitutive draw-backs of gene expression technologies, still existing technical prob-lems, and the lack of broadly applicable tools in biostatistics andbioinformatics, even now gene arraying and subsequent technologiesinitiate new research strategies for understanding pathogenesis anddevelopment of drug targets.

References1. Zien A, Aigner T, Zimmer R, Lengauer T: Centralization: a new

paradigm for the normalization of gene expression data.Bioinformatics 2001, 17:S323-S331.

2. Aigner T, Zien A, Gehrsitz A, Gebhard PM, McKenna LA: Ana-bolic and catabolic gene expression pattern analysis innormal versus osteoarthritic cartilage using complementaryDNA-array technology. Arthritis Rheum 2001, 44:2777-2789.

Acknowledgement The German Ministry of Research provided finan-cial support (grants IZKF-D4 and 01GG9824).

60CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins mediate therepression of transcription of cartilage-derivedretinoic acid-sensitive protein induced by IL-1ββK Okazaki1, Y Iwamoto1, L Sandell21Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of MedicalSciences, Kyushu University, f*ckuoka, Japan; 2Department ofOrthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):60 (DOI 10.1186/ar861)

Introduction IL-1β is one of the major proinflammatory cytokinesinvolved in arthritis joints. IL-1β promotes the arachidonic acid cascade,resulting in production of prostaglandin. In addition, IL-1β represses theexpression of matrix proteins in cartilage, such as type II, type IX andtype XI collagen and cartilage-derived retinoic acid-sensitive protein(CD-RAP), leading to degradation of the cartilage structures.Objective To investigate the transcriptional mechanism by which CD-RAP expression is repressed by IL-1β.Methods and results Deletion constructs of the CD-RAP promoterwere transfected into rat chondrocytes and incubated in the absenceor presence of IL-1β. The results revealed an IL-1β-responsive elementlocated between –2138 and –2068 bp. As this element contains theCCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) motif, the function ofC/EBP-β was examined. IL-1β stimulated the expression of C/EBP-β.The direct binding of C/EBP-β to the C/EBP motif was confirmed byelectrophoretic mobility shift assay. Expression of the –2251 bp CD-RAP promoter construct was downregulated by cotransfection withC/EBP-β expression vectors in a dose-dependent manner. Mutation ofthe C/EBP motif within the –2251 bp construct abolished the inhibitoryresponse to IL-1β. These results suggest that C/EBP-β is a criticalfactor mediating IL-1β-induced repression of CD-RAP transcription.C/EBP-β expression vectors were also found to downregulate thereporter construct containing the promoter and enhancer of the type IIcollagen gene. The IL-1β-induced repression of CD-RAP and type IIcollagen genes via stimulation of C/EBP-β were confirmed in chondro-cytes from normal human articular cartilage. Finally, the enhancerfactor, Sox9, known to be downregulated by IL-1, was shown to bindadjacent to the C/EBP site competing with C/EBP binding.Discussion C/EBP-β is known to mediate the arachidonic acidcascade induced by IL-1β. These results suggest that C/EBP-β play animportant role in the distinct effects of IL-1β: the promotion of inflam-matory reaction and the repression of cartilage-specific proteins in jointdisease. Expression of matrix proteins are influenced by availability ofboth positive and negative trans-acting factors.

61Tissue-engineered cartilage using thermoresponsivegelatin as an in situ forming and moldable scaffoldwith chondrocytes: in vitro and in vivo performancesS Ibusuki1, T Matsuda2, Y Iwamoto1

1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine,University of Kyushu, f*ckuoka, Japan; 2Department of BiomedicalEngineering, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Kyushu,f*ckuoka, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):61 (DOI 10.1186/ar862)

We devised a tissue-engineered cartilage using thermoresponsivegelatin, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted gelatin (PNIPAAm-gelatin).

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An aqueous solution of the PNIPAAm-gelatin can spontaneously gelabove 34°C. This character of the PNIPAAm-gelatin might fit a gel to agiven shaped chondral defect.For in vitro study, chondrocytes isolated from the articular cartilage ofJapanese White Rabbits were three-dimensionally cultured inPNIPAAm-gelatin gel for up to 12 weeks. The chondrocyte–PNIPAAm-gelatin constructs were evaluated at cell and tissue levels. At the celllevel, cellular viability and the degree of cellular differentiation wereassessed. At the tissue level, the appearance of the tissue, the amountof extracellular matrices (ECMs), and the mechanical properties wereassessed by comparison with those of native hyaline cartilage. During3 weeks of culture, the cellular viability was more than 95%. Confocallaser scanning microscopic images demonstrated that round-shapedcells, which are found in hyaline cartilage, were predominant in the con-struct. With an increase in culture time, the population of the cellsarrested in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle in a three-dimensionalcondition was significantly higher than that in a monolayer condition. Astype II collagen and sulfated-glycosaminoglycan specific to hyaline car-tilage were detected in sections of the construct, little type I collagen,which is a marker of dedifferentiated chondrocytes, was detected.These results indicate that the inoculated cells could express their dif-ferentiated phenotype. Moreover, the amounts of ECMs increased andclosed to that of native hyaline cartilage with time. Mechanical proper-ties of the constructs tended to close towards those of native cartilagewith culture time. These results indicate that cartilaginous tissue usingPNIPAAm-gelatin can be reconstructed in in vitro conditions.In animal studies, the combination of chondrocyte–PNIPAAm-gelatinconstructs precultured for 2 weeks and the cell-incorporatedPNIPAAm-gelatin solution were used as implants for chondral defectsin the patellae of rabbits. Macroscopic evaluation of the implant har-vested at 24 weeks postoperatively showed that, at the rough surfaceof the implants, tissue continuity to adjacent cartilage with minimalconcave deformation was acquired. Tissue sections showed a hom*o-geneous distribution of ECMs in the implanted tissue and no inflamma-tory cells. Moreover, mechanical properties of the constructs becamecloser to those of native cartilage.These results indicate that PNIPAAm-gelatin should serve as an ade-quate scaffold for articular cartilage regeneration.

Poster Discussion (2) Cytokines, GrowthFactors & Mediators Group

62Cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-1 andcartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-2 arepresent in ligament fibroblasts and lead tochondrogenic differentiationK Bobacz, L Erlacher, J Smolen, W GraningerDepartment of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine III, University ofVienna, AustriaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):62 (DOI 10.1186/ar863)

Objective The enhancement of tissue repair by growth factor stimula-tion is of potential therapeutic interest. Given the importance of carti-lage-derived morphogenetic protein (CDMP)-1 and CDMP-2 inligament formation and repair, we studied the effects of these growthfactors on the proliferation and metabolism of ligament fibroblasts aswell as their osteogenic/chondrogenic differentiation potential.Methods Ligament fibroblasts were obtained from 3-month-old calves,plated as monolayers or micromass cultures and stimulated withCDMPs. The expression of the indicated growth factors was assessedeither by RT-PCR or by Western immunoblotting. The presence of theirrespective type I and type II receptors, as well as lineage-relatedmarkers were investigated in stimulated and unstimulated cells by RT-PCR and by northern blotting. The biosynthesis of matrix proteoglycanswas assessed by [35S]sulfate incorporation in monolayers. Alcian-bluestaining as well as toluidin-blue was performed in micromass cultures.The cell proliferation rate was measured by the use of [3H]thymidineincorporation.

Results The presence of CDMP-1 and CDMP-2 was detected onmRNA as well as on the protein level. Type I and type II receptors wereendogenously expressed in unstimulated ligament fibroblasts. Thegrowth factors stimulated cell proliferation as measured by [3H]thymidineincorporation and total proteoglycan synthesis as assessed by [35S]incorporation. Alcian-blue and toluidin-blue staining showed the differ-entiation into chondrocytes in the growth-factor-treated ligament fibro-blasts. Moreover, transcription analysis of stimulated ligament fibroblastsdemonstrated an upregulation of chondrogenic markers (aggrecan,collagen type II, type IX and type X) but not of osteogenic markers.Conclusion CDMP-1 and CDMP-2 induce matrix synthesis and cellproliferation in cells derived from bovine ligament. The expression ofchondrocyte markers suggests that adult cells from ligaments andtendons have the capability of differentiation into chondrocytes underthe influence of CDMPs. Given our current dilemma in the treatment ofosteoarthritis, CDMP-1 and CDMP-2 could therefore contribute aninteresting therapeutic molecule for osteoarthritis.

63Altered phosphorylation of Syp may beresponsible for abnormal insulin-like growthfactor-1 signaling in human osteoarthriticosteoblastsD Lajeunesse, F Massicotte, I Aubry, J Martel-Pelletier, J PelletierRheumatic Disease Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université deMontréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal, Québec, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):63 (DOI 10.1186/ar864)

Introduction The subchondral bone plays a prominent role in thepathophysiology of osteoarthritis (OA), possibly related to abnormalosteoblast metabolism. In particular, abnormal responses to insulin-likegrowth factor-1 (IGF-1) were noted in OA osteoblasts.Objectives To investigate whether IGF-1 signaling is abnormal in OAosteoblasts compared with normal osteoblasts.Methods We used primary human subchondral osteoblasts fromnormal and OA individuals. Cells were stimulated, or not, with100 ng/ml IGF-1 for up to 5 min. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE or immunoprecipitated with anti-insulin receptor substrate-1(anti-IRS-1) antibodies followed by SDS-PAGE, and detected withselective antibodies.Results Upon binding to its receptor (IGF-1R), IGF-1 activates thep42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway using SHCor phosphorylation of IRS-1 via Grb2. The interaction of IRS-1 withIGF-1R is also modulated via the binding of a tyrosine phosphatase,Syp. IGF-1R α-subunits, SHC, IRS-1, Syp, Grb2 and p42/44 MAPKlevels, by Western blot analysis, were similar in normal and OAosteoblasts under basal condition and following IGF-1 treatment. IGF-1stimulated IGF-1R autophosphorylation in normal and OA osteoblastssimilarly. However, IRS-1 phosphorylation was reduced whereasp42/44 MAPK phosphorylation was higher in OA osteoblasts thannormal osteoblasts in response to IGF-1. In normal osteoblasts, Sypwas poorly phosphorylated under basal conditions and rapidly becamephosphorylated upon IGF-1 stimulation, while Syp was already highlyphosphorylated under basal conditions in OA osteoblasts and wasdephosphorylated upon IGF-1 stimulation. Co-immunoprecipitation ofSyp using IRS-1 antibodies showed that this interaction is poor underbasal conditions in normal cells yet increases following IGF-1 treat-ment, while in OA osteoblasts this interaction was very strong andrapidly dropped with IGF-1 treatments, indicating that phospho-Syp isthe trigger. Co-immunoprecipitation of Grb2 using IRS-1 antibodiesshowed that Grb2 interaction with IRS-1 was increased in OAosteoblasts compared with normal osteoblasts under basal conditionsand following IGF-1 stimulation.Conclusion These results suggest that an abnormal interaction ofphospho-Syp with IRS-1 in OA osteoblasts leads to a reduced activityof IRS-1-dependent pathways. In addition, the increased interaction ofGrb2 with IRS-1 suggests that the SHC–Grb2 interaction is reducedin OA osteoblasts, and hence could not explain the stimulation ofp42/44 MAPK.

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6415-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 inducesapoptosis in human articular chondrocytesK Masuko-Hongo, Z-Z Shang, T Kato, H Nakamura, K NishiokaDepartment of Bioregulation, Institute of Medical Science, St MariannaUniversity Shool of Medicine, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):64 (DOI 10.1186/ar865)

A derivative of prostaglandin D2, 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2(15d-PGJ2) is one of the cyclooxygenase (COX) products in the arachi-donic acid cascade. PGJ2 series have been reported to exert variousbioactivities, including modulation of viability of a wide array of cells, andare known to act as an active ligand for the nuclear receptor peroxisomeproliferator-activated proteins gamma. 15d-PGJ2 is also suggested toplay a role in cartilage metabolism; however, this issue is still not fullyunderstood. We investigated the potential role of the 15d-PGJ2 in theinduction of apoptotic death in human articular chondrocytes. Cartilagesamples were obtained from patients who underwent joint surgery.Articular chondrocytes were isolated from the cartilage by mincing andenzymatic treatment, and the cells were further cultured in a monolayersystem in vitro. Confluent cells at the first passage were stimulated withthe 15d-PGJ2, and the effect of the 15d-PGJ2 in the viability of chondro-cytes were assessed using Hoechst staining, flow cytometric analysisand the caspase-3 activity assay. The results showed that the 15d-PGJ2was potent to induce chondrocyte apoptosis characterized by cellularshrinkage and nuclear condensation, along with an increased activity ofcaspase-3 in the treated cells. Involvement of the 15d-PGJ2 in chondro-cyte apoptosis may have an important implication in the pathogenesis ofinflammatory and degenerative joint diseases.

65Prostaglandin E2 is an enhancer for IL-1ββ-inducedexpression of membrane-associated prostaglandinE synthase in rheumatoid synovial fibroblastsF Kojima1, H Naraba2, S Kawai11Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2National Cardiovascular Center ResearchInstitute, Osaka, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):65 (DOI 10.1186/ar866)

Introduction Membrane-associated prostaglandin E synthase (mPGES)is a recently identified terminal enzyme of arachidonic acid cascade thatcatalyzes prostaglandin (PG)H2 to PGE2. We recently reported thatexpression of mPGES in rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts (RSF) wasupregulated by IL-1β, and that the time-course of its expression wasdelayed and prolonged when compared with that of cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2).Objective To identify the regulating factors of mPGES expression inRSF.Methods RSF from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on surgery,who gave written consent to the use of tissues for this research, weretreated with IL-1β, rofecoxib, NS-398, and meloxicam (selective COX-2inhibitors). The effects of PGE2 and selective EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4receptor agonists (DI-004, AE1-259-01, AE-243, and AE1-329, respec-tively; Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Osaka, Japan) were also studied invarious conditions. Expression of the mRNA and protein of mPGES andCOX-2 were analyzed by northern and Western blot analyses, respec-tively. Expression of PGE2 receptor mRNA in RSF was determined byRT-PCR. PGE2 and cAMP production was measured by an ELISA.Results Enhanced expression of mPGES mRNA and protein in IL-1β-stimulated RSF was attenuated by rofecoxib, NS-398, or meloxicam.This attenuation was restored by addition of PGE2. Exogenous PGE2only (without IL-1β stimulation) did not induce expression of mPGES inRSF, indicating that PGE2 was an enhancer of mPGES expression inthe IL-1β-stimulated condition.We then examined which PGE2 receptor was important in the enhanc-ing action of PGE2 in RSF. EP2 and EP4 receptor mRNA wasdetected in RSF; however, EP1 and EP3 were negative. Addition ofAE1-259-01 (EP2 agonist) or AE1-329 (EP4 agonist) as well as PGE2restored the inhibitory effects of mPGES expression by rofecoxib. Inaddition, the restoration by PGE2 was mimicked by forskolin, a direct

activator of adenylate cyclase. Intracellular cAMP was increased by IL-1β and it was inhibited by rofecoxib.Conclusions The enhancing property of PGE2 via EP2/EP4 receptorson mPGES expression may play an important role in the cytokine-stimu-lated articular inflammation in RA patients. It also seems that COX-2inhibitors effectively decrease PGE2 production not only by COX-2inhibition, but also by reduction of mPGES expression.

Acknowledgement This work was supported in part by grants fromthe Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ofthe Japanese Government.

66IL-1 but not IL-18 induces osteoprotegerin andTRAIL in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblastsJ Morel, R Audo, B CombeService d’Immuno-Rhumatologie, CHU Lapeyronie, Montpellier,France and Inserm U454, Montpellier, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):66 (DOI 10.1186/ar867)

Introduction IL-18, a member of the IL-1 family, seems to be involved inbone destruction observed in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Synovial prolifer-ation secondary to an apoptosis defect and the RANK/RANKL systemmay be implicated in IL-18-induced bone destruction. Therefore, weexamined IL-18, IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α effects onRANKL, the pro-apoptic factor TRAIL, and osteoprotegerin (OPG), thesoluble receptor of RANKL and TRAIL in synovial fibroblasts.Materials and methods Synovial fibroblasts (SFB) isolated from RApatients were stimulated with IL-18, IL-1β or TNF-α for 24 hours. Con-ditioned media was collected and mRNA was then extracted. Expres-sion of OPG and soluble RANKL (RANKLs) were assessed byquantitative RT-PCR (Sybr Green) and by ELISA. IL-18, IL-1β and TNF-α did not induce RANKLs mRNA and protein expression. TRAILexpression was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR.Results Unstimulated fibroblasts constitutively expressed OPG2 ± 0.364 ng/ml. IL-18 did not increase mRNA and protein OPGexpression. IL-1β induces OPG mRNA expression and a 14-foldincrease of OPG protein (P < 0.05; n = 4). TNF-α also increases OPGmRNA and protein levels, but not significantly as compared withunstimulated RA SFBs (P = 0.21; n = 4). For TRAIL, IL-18 again doesnot induce TRAIL mRNA, whereas TNF-α-stimulated and IL-1β-stimu-lated synovial fibroblasts produce TRAIL mRNA.Conclusion IL-18 does not regulate the RANKL/OPG system andTRAIL in RA SFBs. IL-1β and TNF-α induce expression of OPG andTRAIL but not of RANKL. These results contrast with the known impli-cation of these cytokines in bone destruction. Since OPG can alsobind to TRAIL, a cytokine involved in apoptosis, OPG may block thepro-apoptotic function of TRAIL.

67Negative regulation of the hypoxia-inducibletranscription factors by IPAS defines a novel anti-angiogenesis therapeutic strategyY Makino1, L Poellinger2, H Nakamura1, C Morimoto1, H Tanaka1,3

1Division of Clinical Immunology, Advanced Clinical Research Center,Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan;2Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet,Stockholm, Sweden; 3Rheumatology Clinic, Research Hospital,Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):67 (DOI 10.1186/ar868)Angiogenesis is an essential component of proliferative synovitisleading to joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Recent studieshave demonstrated the presence of hypoxia and the accumulation ofpro-angiogenic growth factors, including vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF), in the synovium from patients with RA, indicating a pos-sible involvement of those factors in synovial angiogenesis. Thehypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1α (HIF-1α) is a key regulator ofVEGF gene expression and angiogenesis under hypoxic conditions [1].We have recently demonstrated abnormal expression of HIF-1α and

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VEGF in the synovium from patients with RA, indicating a potential con-tribution of the HIF-1α–VEGF system to angiogenic processes of syn-ovitis in RA. The precise mechanism of HIF-1α-mediated control ofVEGF expression and angiogenesis, however, is largely unknown.Given this background, we aimed to elucidate the molecular mecha-nism underlying hypoxia-inducible VEGF expression via HIF-1α, andidentified a novel basic helix–loop–helix/Per, Arnt, Sim protein(inhibitory Per, Arnt, Sim domain protein [IPAS]) that has high structuralsimilarity to HIF-1α [2]. In sharp contrast to HIF-1α, IPAS was notcapable of activating hypoxia-inducible gene expression. Co-expressionof IPAS and HIF-1α resulted in repression of hypoxia-inducible VEGFgene expression, demonstrating a dominant-negative regulatory activityof IPAS on HIF-1α-mediated control of gene expression. In situhybridization analysis of various mouse tissues showed predominantIPAS expression in the avascular corneal epithelium, correlating withlow levels of VEGF gene expression under hypoxic conditions. Strik-ingly, application of an IPAS antisense oligonucleotide to the mousecornea induced angiogenesis under normoxic conditions, andunmasked hypoxia-dependent induction of VEGF gene expression inhypoxic cornea cells. Moreover, ectopic expression of IPAS inhepatoma cells impaired induction of genes involved in adaptation to ahypoxic environment, and resulted in retarded tumor growth and tumorvascular density in vivo. Taken together, IPAS, a dominant-negativeregulator of HIF-1α function, would define a novel anti-angiogenicmechanism under hypoxic conditions, providing a possible therapeuticstrategy for angiogenic diseases including RA.References1. Pugh CW, Ratcliffe PJ: Regulation of angiogenesis by hypoxia:

role of the HIF system. Nat Med 2003, 9:677-684.2. Makino Y, et al.: Inhibitory PAS domain protein is a negative

regulator of hypoxia-inducible gene expression. Nature 414:550-554.

68Innate response cytokines in inflammatorysynovitis: novel targets and strategiesI McInnes1, BP Leung2, JAG Gracie1, D Xu2, XQ Wei2, J Brewer2,FY Liew2

1Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, University of Glasgow, UK; 2Divisionof Immunology, Infection and Inflammation, University of Glasgow, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):68 (DOI 10.1186/ar869)

Host immune and inflammatory factors contribute to progression ofinflammatory synovitis — targeting specific factors such as tumournecrosis factor brings about substantial clinical benefit. We havefocused on the effector function of innate immune response cytokinesin synovitis including IL-15 and members of the IL-1/IL-1 receptorsuperfamily, particularly IL-18. Our strategy has been to identify media-tors with plausible bioactivity, to establish that they or their targetligands are present in inflammatory synovial tissues and, thereafter, totarget them in vivo using appropriate inflammatory rodent models.Thus, IL-15 is a 4a-helix inflammatory cytokine with plausible biologiceffects on synovial cell subsets, expressed in synovial tissues inrheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis, and when targeted invivo leads to suppression of collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1 mice.A recent phase I/II study in patients with RA in which HuMaxIL-15 wasadministered weekly for 4 weeks suggested that IL-15 blockade waswell tolerated and provided preliminary evidence for efficacy, suggest-ing our approach is valid. We recently gathered a similar evidence basefor IL-18, demonstrating widespread IL-18 expression in synovialtissues in RA and psoriatic arthritis effector function in T cells,macrophages, fibroblasts and neutrophils in synovial tissues, and finallyproviding in vivo evidence that IL-18 has an effector function in vivo byshowing that IL-18-deficient mice have reduced the severity of colla-gen-induced arthritis. A striking feature is the synergy exhibited by IL-18 with IL-12 and IL-15. Studies in which IL-18 is targeted in humaninflammatory arthropathies are now awaited. Finally, since IL-15 and IL-18 are both key mediators of dendritic cell (DC) effector function, andare expressed in synovial DCs, we have focused on the meanswhereby DCs could promote or sustain inflammatory synovitis. To thisend, we have shown that collagen-pulsed DCs adoptively transferredinto naïve DBA/1 recipients initiate a remitting relapsing arthritis, medi-

ated in part via innate response cytokines, including tumour necrosisfactor. By facilitating transfer of gene-targeted cell donors, or adminis-tration of cytokine inhibitors, this model provides a novel system inwhich to test the relative role of innate response cytokines during initia-tion of but also during chronic phases of inflammatory arthritis.

69Role of lipoxins, antiflammins and serum amyloidA signaling via the common ALXR receptor in jointtissue inflammationS Fiore1, S Sodin-Semrl1, G Antico2, A Spagnolo1, B Barbaro1, J Varga1, L Miele2

1Section of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University ofIllinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 2BiopharmaceuticalSciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):69 (DOI 10.1186/ar870)Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute-phase protein and inflammatorymarker of rheumatoid arthritis, which has recently become recognizedas a cytokine-like reactant. SAA has been shown to bind to the ALXR(FPRL1/LXA4R) receptor and to elicit proinflammatory activities. Indeed,we have determined that SAA elicits the proinflammatory activation ofhuman fibroblast-like synoviocytes, with a profile of activity similar to thatof IL-1β. Uteroglobin is a ubiquitously expressed secretory protein withanti-inflammatory properties that shares specific sequence motifs withannexin-1, a steroid-induced anti-inflammatory peptide that is alsocapable of interacting with ALXR. Data obtained by flow cytometry,ELISA and plasmon resonance, using ALXR stably transfected CHOcells, suggest that uteroglobin can downmodulate SAA proinflammatoryeffects by specifically interfering at the ALXR receptor level. In agree-ment with the ability to bind to the same receptor used by SAA, a func-tional antagonism between uteroglobin and SAA was observed, withuteroglobin causing inhibition of SAA-induced release of both IL-8 andIL-6, and blockage of SAA-induced PLA2 activation. Beside the receptorantagonism between proinflammatory ALXR ligands (SAA, urokinaseproteolytic plasminogen peptides [uPA], MK1, etc.) and anti-inflamma-tory ALXR ligands (LXA4, annexin-1, uteroglobin) so far identified,results also suggest that each of these mediators can modify ALXRexpression levels as well as other genes. In fact, present studiessuggest that SAA acts in a positive autoregulatory feedback mechanismby increasing SAA 1+2 expression, while maintaining unchanged levelsof its constitutively expressed isoform SAA4, as demonstrated by RT-PCR. Following SAA treatment, upregulation is extended to the expres-sion of the ALXR mRNA, a response common to LXA4 and IL-1β. Theantagonistic activities of SAA, uPA, uteroglobin, annexin-1 and LXA4might constitute a novel complex signaling mechanism by which thesemediators sharing a common receptor could achieve opposing roles inthe regulation of the joint inflammatory processes.

70IL-6 as a therapeutic target in systemic-onsetjuvenile idiopathic arthritisS Yokota, T Miyamae, T Imagawa, M MoriDepartment of Pediatrics, Yokohama City University, Yokohama, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):70 (DOI 10.1186/ar871)

Background To investigate the safety and efficacy of a recombinanthuman anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibody (MRA) for children with sys-temic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (So-JIA), a long-term administra-tion of MRA was performed in three children with So-JIA.Case report Two boys and one girl with recurrent spiking fever, rash, andarthritis diagnosed as So-JIA (case 1, 7 years old; case 2, 8 years old;case 3, 13 years old) have been treated for 2.6 years, 2.5 years, and1.9 years, respectively, with MRA after long-term treatment with pred-nisone and cyclosporin A, being complicated with macrophage activationsyndrome during the course of the disease, and resulting in short stature,obesity and destruction of vertebrae. Serum levels of C-reactive proteinwere persistently high, The white blood cell count was over 15,000/µlwith marked neutrophilia, and increased levels of IL-6 were detected. Intra-venous administration of MRA was initiated, and prompt responses wereobtained in both clinical and laboratory findings. Before accumulation of

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MRA in serum, fluctuations of C-reactive protein, the erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate and serum amyloid A levels were observed, but the clinicalstatus of spiking fever, rash, and arthritis became stable. MRA was admin-istered once every other week, and therapeutic effects were persistedduring the observation period in all three cases. Around 100 days after theinitiation of therapy, the white blood cell count was decreased to a normalnumber, and they started to grow in height (+18cm, +13cm, and+11cm, respectively). Cyclosporin A was discontinued, and prednisonewas tapered and ceased. Increased bone density was demonstrated, andan uptake of the marker isotope in an epiphyseal plate by Ga-scintigramgradually emerged, suggesting that IL-6 or IL-6/sIL-6R complexes hadpreviously interrupted the bone growth at epiphysis. Three episodes ofinfection were clearly assessed by increased serum IL-6 levels. JIA coreset and C-HAQ scores were remarkably improved. No definite findings oftuberculosis was determined.Conclusion For patients with So-JIA, administration of MRA dramaticallyimproved inflammatory disease within 1 week, which indicated a patho-genic role of serum IL-6 and IL-6/sIL-6R complexes in So-JIA. This demon-strated MRA to be the first-line drug for the treatment of the disease.

71Synergistic interactions of proinflammatorycytokines with oncostatin M: implications for jointdestructionT Cawston1, H Wang1, C Richards2, A Rowan1

1Rheumatology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK;2Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMasterUniversity, Ontario, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):71 (DOI 10.1186/ar872)

Oncostatin M (OSM) is an IL-6 family cytokine that we have previouslyshown to synergise with IL-1 to induce cartilage proteoglycan and colla-gen degradation in a cartilage explant culture system, and these observa-tions now extend to IL-6 [1,2]. A significant finding of these studies wasthe synergistic induction of the collagenase, matrix metalloproteinase(MMP)-1, which occurs via interplay between the JAK/STAT, AP-1 andMAPK pathways [3]. These studies have important implications for inflam-matory joint disease since OSM (and, indeed, IL-6) have been proposedto be protective in rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, we also demonstratedthat OSM can exacerbate the effects of another important proinflamma-tory mediator, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α [4]. In order to assess theeffects of these cytokine combinations in vivo, we have assessed theeffects of intra-articular gene transfer of OSM in combination with eitherIL-1 or TNF-α on murine knee joints using recombinant adenovirus.Engineered adenoviruses were administered for only 7 days, afterwhich time joints were fixed, decalcified and sectioned. Histologicalanalyses indicated marked synovial hyperplasia and inflammatory cellinfiltration for IL-1-treated, TNF-α-treated and OSM-treated joints, butnot in controls (joints treated with an ‘empty’ adenovirus). The inflam-mation was more pronounced for both the OSM + IL-1 andOSM + TNF-α combinations with evidence of cartilage and bonedestruction. Significant loss of both proteoglycan and collagen wasalso seen for these combinations, and immunohistochemistry revealedan increased expression of MMPs with decreased tissue inhibitors ofmetalloproteinases in both articular cartilage and synovium. The effectsof these combinations were significantly greater than those seen withany of the cytokines alone. Taken together, these data confirm that, invivo, OSM can significantly exacerbate the effects of both IL-1 andTNF-α, resulting in inflammation and tissue destruction characteristic ofthat seen in rheumatoid arthritis. This study provides further evidence toimplicate the upregulation of MMPs as a key factor in joint pathology,and further supports the concept of combinatorial therapeuticapproaches for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases.References1. Cawston TE, Curry VA, Summers CA, Clark IM, Riley GP, Life PF,

Spaull JR, Goldring MB, Koshy PJT, Rowan AD, Shingleton WD:The role of oncostatin M in animal and human connectivetissue collagen turnover and its localization within therheumatoid joint. Arthritis Rheum 1998, 41:1760-1771.

2. Rowan AD, Koshy PJT, Shingleton WD, Degnan BA, Heath J, Ver-nallis AB, Spaull JR, Life PF, Hudson K, Cawston TE: Synergisticeffects of gp130 binding cytokines in combination with inter-

leukin-1 on cartilage collagen breakdown. Arthritis Rheum2001, 44:1620-1632.

3. Catterall JB, Carrere S, Koshy PJT, Degnan BA, Shingleton WD,Brinckerhoff CE, Rutter J, Cawston TE, Rowan AD: Synergisticinduction of matrix metalloproteinase 1 by interleukin-1alphaand oncostatin M in human chondrocytes involves signaltransducer and activator of transcription and activator protein1 transcription factors via a novel mechanism. Arthritis Rheum2001, 44:2296-2310.

4. Hui W, Cawston TE, Rowan AD: Transforming growth factor ββ1and insulin-like growth factor 1 block collagen degradationinduced by oncostatin M in combination with tumour necrosisfactor αα from bovine cartilage. Ann Rheum Dis 2003, 62:172-174.

72Novel intracellular function of IL-1 receptorantagonist type 1 in endothelial cellsC Gabay, F Soussi, M BertiDivision of Rheumatology, University Hospital of Geneva, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):72 (DOI 10.1186/ar873)

IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is a member of the IL-1 family that com-petitively inhibits the binding of IL-1 to its cell surface receptors, and thusacts as a natural IL-1 inhibitor. Four different IL-1Ra peptides are pro-duced from the same gene by the use of alternative first exons, mRNAsplicing, and alternative translation. One isoform is secreted (sIL-1Ra),while the three other isoforms remain intracellular (icIL-1Ra1, icIL-1Ra2,icIL-1Ra3). In a previous study, we observed that icIL-1Ra1 is producedin high amounts in the joints of mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA)and that the expression of icIL-1Ra1 coincided with the resolution ofarticular inflammation. Recently, we showed that mice transgenic for icIL-1Ra1 were protected from CIA in a similar manner to sIL-1Ra transgenicmice. However, as icIL-1Ra1 was also detected in the circulation, it wasimpossible to determine whether icIL-1Ra1 exerted its anti-inflammatoryeffect inside cells or through its interaction with cell surface receptors. Toaddress this question, we examined the intracellular effects of icIL-1Ra1on endothelial cell migration. IL-1a is produced as a 31kDa protein (pre-IL-1a) that is cleaved to generate C-terminal mature IL-1a. The N-terminalregion of pre-IL-1a contains a nuclear localization domain, and both pre-IL-1a and the 16kDa N-terminal IL-1a are able to migrate into the nucleiand to modulate endothelial cell migration. The migration of the endothe-lial cell line ECV was significantly increased in cells transfected with pre-IL-1a or N-terminal IL-1a propiece. In contrast, the addition of matureIL-1a in culture medium was devoid of any effect on cell migration, indi-cating that the effect of pre-IL-1a and 16kDa N-terminal IL-1a was inde-pendent of their interaction with cell surface receptors. Most interestingly,expression of icIL-1Ra1 in ECV cells completely reversed the effects ofpre-IL-1a and N-terminal IL-1a. Immunofluorescence studies indicatedthat the N-terminal IL-1a was located in the nuclei. icIL-1Ra1 was locatedboth in the cytoplasm and in the nuclei, and co-expression of icIL-1Ra1modified the intracellular localization of the N-terminal IL-1a. In conclu-sion, this study demonstrates for the first time that icIL-1Ra1 may carryout important intracellular regulatory functions in endothelial cells.

73Unbalanced levels of bone resorption promotingfactors in bone marrow from patients withrheumatoid arthritis in comparison toosteoarthritisW Maslinski1, J Jaworski3, M Ziolkowska1, J Kowalczewski2, J Pazdur3

1Department of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Institute ofRheumatology, Warsaw, Poland; 2Clinic of Orthopaedy, Institute ofRheumatology, Warsaw, Poland; 3Clinic of Rheumatic Diseases,Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, PolandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):73 (DOI 10.1186/ar874)

Introduction RANKL and IL-6 participate in osteoclast differentiationand activation, and therefore regulate bone resorption. The biologicalactivity of RANKL is inhibited by its natural decoy receptor osteoprote-

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gerin (OPG), while IL-6 activity is either enhanced by soluble IL-6receptor (sIL-6R) or inhibited by soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130), anextracellular domain of the signaling chain of the IL-6 receptor complex.Objectives To compare the levels of RANKL, OPG, IL-6, sIL-6R andsgp130 in bone marrow plasma isolated from rheumatoid arthritis (RA)and osteoarthritis (OA) patients.Methods Bone marrow samples isolated from 29 RA patients and12 OA patients (mean age 51 ± 14.3 years and 56.3 ± 10.5 years,respectively) undergoing hip replacement surgery were diluted twice inheparinized PBS. The levels of cytokines were measured using specificELISAs.Results The levels of tested cytokines, the ratio of respective ligandsto their receptors and the statistical significance of the data are pre-sented in Table 1.The levels of RANKL in RA patients were elevated by 53% in compari-son with those in OA patients. In contrast, the levels of OPG werediminished by 20%. Thus, the ratio of OPG/RANKL, thought to betterreflect environmental signals promoting bone resorption than levels ofindividual cytokines, is diminished in RA patients in comparison withOA patients. Similarly, the 115% increase of IL-6 and the 102%increase of sIL-6R is not compensated for by only the 59% increase ofsgp130 in RA patients in comparison with OA patients.Conclusion The present data indicate that the bone marrow microenvi-ronment of RA patients in comparison with OA patients is enriched infactors promoting osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast activation and boneresorption. At the same time, the levels of corresponding natural decoyreceptors is diminished. Thus, RA-associated osteoporosis and boneerosions may, at least partially, be related to unbalanced production ofRANKL, IL-6 and sIL-6R in the bone marrow.

74Molecular pain signalling in jointsH Sprott1, H Shen1, RE Gay1, BA Michel1, S Gay1, A Aeschlimann2

1Center for Experimental Rheumatology, Department of Rheumatologyand Physical Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland;2RehaClinic Zurzach, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):74 (DOI 10.1186/ar875)

Joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis(OA) is only in part explained by inflammatory processes. Neuropep-tides and opioids play an important role in the pathogenesis of painbesides proinflammatory cytokines. Molecules like serotonin, histamin,bradykinin and prostaglandins and their receptors are of particularinterest. Several research groups have found that these mediators canalso be produced from non-neuronal cells. Nerve fibers in RA appear toundergo degenerative processes that lead to a reduction of thesefibers [1]. Our group reported the expression of secretoneurin in syn-ovial tissue of patients with RA and OA [2]. In a randomized, double-blind trial, Stein and colleagues demonstrated the efficacy ofintra-articular opioid application in chronic arthritis [3]. Other investiga-tors confirmed the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect ofopioids [4]. Other neuropeptides, such as the pituitary adenylyl cyclaseactivating polypeptide, also show anti-inflammatory actions [5]. Evalu-ated by Taqman real-time PCR, we found a significant reduction of the

δ-opioid receptor and the κ-opioid receptor mRNA in synovial fibro-blasts in seven patients with RA (κ-opioid receptor, 0.09-fold ± 0.0276,P = 0.037; δ-opioid receptor, 0.05-fold ± 0.0134, P = 0.040) and inseven patients with OA (κ-opioid receptor, 0.15-fold ± 0.0315,P = 0.040; δ-opioid receptor, 0.18-fold ± 0.0561, P = 0.040) comparedwith in healthy controls.The investigation of pain-modulating molecules is an important task inpain research. The search for novel pathogenetic mechanisms involvingneuropeptides and opioids/opioid receptors should improve the man-agement of pain in patients with RA and OA.References1 Miller et al.: FASEB 2001, 15:2554.2 Sprott H et al.: J Rheumatol 2000, 27:2347-2350.3 Stein et al.: Pain 1999, 83:525-532.4 Takeba et al.: J Rheumatol 2001, 28:2176-2183.5 Abad et al.: J Immunol 2001, 167:3182-3189.

Acknowledgement Dr Shen was supported by the Zurzach founda-tion.

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75Functional haplotypes in citrullinating enzymepeptidylarginine deiminase 4 are associated withrheumatoid arthritisK Yamamoto1, A Suzuki2, X Chang2, S Tokuhiro2, T Sawada1, Y Nakamura2, R Yamada2

1Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, University of Tokyo, Japan;2Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Kanagawa, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):75 (DOI 10.1186/ar876)

Introduction Previous studies of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) indicatedthat the risk of disease in the siblings of affected individuals (lsib) isincreased twofold to 17-fold, suggesting that genetic factors are impor-tant. Recently, five sib-paid linkage studies from Europe, North Americaand Japan were published. Although there was no locus suggested byall the studies in common, some loci were suggested by multiplestudies. Chromosome 1p36 was one such loci. Within 10 Mb cen-tromeric from these microsatellite markers, there was a region contain-ing clusters of enzymes that were very likely to be functionally relevantto RA-specific autoantibody production. These enzymes were peptidyl-arginine deiminases (PADIs). PADIs are enzymes that post-translation-ally convert arginine residues to citrulline. Citrullination and citrullinatedpeptides have been recognized to be one of the most RA-specific phe-nomena because citrullination was revealed to be related to the mostRA-specific autoantibodies. The clinical importance of the measure-ment of anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies and the specificity of theautoantibodies suggest a specific role of citrullination and PADIs in RApathophysiology.Methods and results We performed a case–control association study,using single nucleotide polymorphisms discovered by the Japanese

Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol 5 Suppl 3 Abstracts of the 3rd World Congress of the Global Arthritis Research Network

Table 1

Levels of RANKL, osteoprotegerin (OPG), IL-6, soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R), and soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) in the bone marrow ofrheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients

RANKL OPG OPG:RANKL IL-6 sIL-6R sgp130 sgp130:sIL-6R sIL-6R:IL-6 Patients (pg/ml) (ng/ml) ratio (pg/ml) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) ratio ratio

Rheumatoid arthritis 61 ± 50 9.9 ± 3.3 163:1 284 ± 370 33.7 ± 19 195 ± 111 5.8:1 118:1

Osteoarthritis 40 ± 34 12.4 ± 3.2 311:1 132 ± 76 16.7 ± 6.9 123 ± 55 7.3:1 126:1

Rheumatoid arthritis NS P < 0.05 Not significant P < 0.0002 P < 0.009vs osteoarthritis

NS, not significant.

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Millennium Genome Project in the 1p36 region, containing the genesfor PADI1, PADI2, PADI3 and PADI4. We identified a RA-susceptibilityhaplotype in the PADI4 gene, but no RA association in the neighboringPADI genes. Expression of the PADI4 gene was confirmed in hemato-logical cells by northern blot hybridization and in synovial tissue of RApatients by in situ RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Moreover, thesusceptibility haplotype of PADI4 was related to anticitrullinated filag-grin antibody levels in sera of RA patients. We then found a differencein mRNA stability between nonsusceptibility and susceptibility variants.Conclusions Our results imply that the RA-susceptibility haplotype ofPADI4 increases production of the citrullinated peptides that act asautoantigens, resulting in an increase of the risk of developing RA.

Acknowledgement This work is performed with the collaboration ofseveral hospitals and Sankyo Co. Ltd, Japan.

76Analysis of IL-10 gene variants in rheumatoidarthritisT Huizinga, J Schonkeren, F Kureeman, F van Gaalen, R Westendorp, FC Breedveld, R ToesDepartment of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):76 (DOI 10.1186/ar877)

IL-10 is known for its anti-inflammatory and regulatory function on dif-ferent cell types involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.Taking advantage of a stable intermediate phenotype (IL-10 induced bylipopolysaccharide-stimulated blood cultures), large interindividual dif-ferences in IL-10 production were found. In two separate large studiesincluding a total of > 50 twins, 70% of the variation between individualscould be explained by genetic factors. Differences in IL-10 protein pro-duction were present at the level of mRNA production, and analysis ofthe half-life of mRNA indicated that differences in transcriptionaccounted for the interindividual differences. To test whether the differ-ent haplotypes were transcribed at a different rate, allele-specific tran-script quantification was performed, and preliminary data indicated thatsome donors exhibited a 1:1 region of the respective mRNA species,and some donors a 1:1.2 ratio. To determine the length of the genomicregion associated with different production of IL-10, eight singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and two CA repeats in the IL-10gene, and six SNPs in the IL-10 hom*ologues IL-19, IL-20 and IL-24were analysed in 53 families in relation to IL-10 production. The prelimi-nary data suggest that the region associated with differences in IL-10production is a region of limited size around the IL-10 gene. Transienttransfection assays of the –1413 to +31 fragments of the differenthaplotypes of the 5′ region of the IL-10 gene in the myeloid cell linesU937 and Monomac6, in the B-cell line RAJI and in the T-cell line Jurkatshowed no difference in promoter activity in response to stimulation forany of the haplotypes. However, a SNP outside this region, the–A2849G SNP, was associated with differences in IL-10 production.Next, a higher rate of joint destruction was observed in patients withthe genotype associated with high IL-10 production (mean jointdamage score of 20 vs 7; P < 0.001), most probably due to higherautoantibody titers in patients with the high IL-10 genotype.

77OLF1/EBF-associated zinc finger protein gene: a novel lupus susceptibility locus on chromosome16q identified in a Chinese cohortN Shen1, XB Fong 1, SL Chen 1, Y Wang1, BH Hahn2, BP Tsao2

1Department of Rheumatology, Renji Hospital, Shanghai SecondMedical University, Shanghai, China; 2Division of Rheumatology,University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):77 (DOI 10.1186/ar878)

Objective Three independent genome scans have established thepresence of a significant systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-linkedlocus on chromosome 16q12, which overlaps with the intervals identi-fied in several other autoimmune diseases. To identify the putative SLEsusceptibility gene within this interval, we fine-mapped a 10 cM interval

of 16q12 containing nine densely spaced microsatellite markers(D16S419, D16S3044, D16S409, D16S540, D16S517, D16S3136,D16S416, D16S3034, and D16S415) using a cohort of 240 ChineseSLE patients and their parents.Methods Evidence for linkage disequilibrium was assessed using theETDT and GeneHunter programs. TaqMan real-time quantitative PCRwas used for detecting mRNA expression of a positional candidategene. Five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within thecandidate gene were genotyped by allelic discrimination-PCR using a5′-nuclease assay.Results Our data showed overall skewing of the transmission (t) of allelesof maker D16S517 (P=0.000008, Pc=0.00001) from heterozygousparents to affected offspring, and showed preferential transmission of oneof the alleles of D16S517 to affected offspring (transmission:nontransmis-sion=68:21, P=0.000001, Pc=0.00001). The marker D16S517 islocated within an intron of a positional candidate gene, OLF1/EBF-associ-ated zinc finger protein (OAZ), which may be involved in lymphocyte earlydevelopment and regulation. Elevated levels of the OAZ gene expressionwere found in SLE patients (mean ∆CT ±SEM=5.21±0.85, n=42) com-pared with in normal controls (mean ∆CT ±SEM=6.22±0.95, n=36;P<0.001). The gene expression level of OAZ was not correlated withSLE disease activity index scores and the treatment status. Genotyping offive SNPs within OAZ gene introns in an extended Chinese cohort of 325families also indicated preferential transmission of a certain four SNPhaplotypes (haplotype T-A-G-G, transmission:nontransmission=43:26,P=0.04). Haplotypes combining SNPs and the SLE-associatedD16S517 allele showed significant association with SLE susceptibility(transmission:nontransmission=58:15, P=0.000001; transmission:non-transmission=54:15, P=0.000003; transmission:nontransmission= 41:13,P=0.000139, respectively).Conclusion These data suggest the presence of a SLE susceptibilitygene physically close to marker D16S517 in a Chinese cohort. Thehigh expression of OAZ and the significant association of OAZ haplo-types with SLE susceptibility suggested OAZ might be a novel candi-date susceptibility gene within the 16q interval.

78Transcriptional co-activator CBP/p300 regulateschondrocyte-specific gene expression viaassociation with Sox9S Takahashi, M Tsuda, Y Takahashi, H AsaharaScripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):78 (DOI 10.1186/ar879)

Chondrocytes are critical components for the precise patterning of adeveloping skeletal framework and articular joint formation. Sox9 is akey transcription factor that is essential for chondrocyte differentiationand chondrocyte-specific gene expressions; however, the precise tran-scriptional activation mechanism of Sox9 is not fully understood. Herewe demonstrate that Sox9 utilizes CBP/p300 to exert its effects. Sox9associates with CBP/p300 in chondrocyte cell line SW1353 via itscarboxyl termini activation domain in a cell type-specific manner. In pro-moter assays, CBP/p300 enhances Col2a1, which encodes cartilage-specific type II collagen gene, the promoter activity via Sox9. Chromatinimmunoprecipitation shows that p300 is bound to the Col2a1 pro-moter region. Furthermore, the CBP/Sox9 complex disrupter peptidesuppresses Col2a1 gene expression and chondrogenesis from mes-enchymal stem cells. These data demonstrate CBP/p300 functions asa coactivator of Sox9 for cartilage tissue-specific gene expression andchondrocyte differentiation.

79Sox9 represses gene expression via histonedeacetylase activityM Tsuda, S Takahashi, N Taniguchi, T Furumatsu, H AsaharaScripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):79 (DOI 10.1186/ar880)

Sox9 is a transcription factor that is essential for chondrocyte development.Previously we have shown that p300, a ubiquitously expressed co-acti-vator, interacted with Sox9 to activate gene expression. Even though

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both Sox9 and p300 are expressed in some other tissue, it is onlychondrocyte that expresses type II collagen.To clarify the mechanism that prevents Sox9 from activating chondro-cyte-specific gene expression in those tissues, we examined the inter-action between co-repressors and Sox9. Among the co-repressors,some HDACs interacted with Sox9 both in vitro and in vivo. Over-expression of those HDACs reduced the transcriptional activity ofGal4-fused Sox9. TSA, but not TPX-B, caused de-repression oftranscription regulated by Sox9. These data identify Sox9 as the firsttranscription factor to interact with HDACs, and suggest that HDACmay bind to Sox9 to regulate tissue-specific gene expression.

80Novel function of GATA-3, revealed by conditionaldeficient miceIC Ho1, SY Pai2, ML Truitt3

1Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy, Department ofMedicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts,USA; 2Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;3Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):80 (DOI 10.1186/ar881)

GATA-3 is a zinc finger protein that is preferentially expressed inT cells in adult animals. Previous studies have shown that GATA-3 isessential for the transition from common lymphoid precursors to themost immature thymocytes. In addition, GATA-3 is selectivelyexpressed in Th2 cells. Overexpression of GATA-3 forced developingTh1 cells to produce Th2 cytokines, including IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13.However, it remains unclear whether GATA-3 is also important at thelater stages of T-cell development. Nor do we understand whetherGATA-3 is essential for the differentiation of Th2 cells or for the main-tenance of the Th2 phenotype. The lack of GATA-3-deficient mice orT cells has precluded further studies to address these important ques-tions. We have recently generated conditional GATA-3-deficient mice.Studies on the conditional GATA-3-deficient mice has uncoveredseveral novel roles of GATA-3 in regulating the development and func-tion of T cells.

81Novel tools for molecular analysis in synoviumU Mueller-Ladner1, E Neumann1, I Tarner1, J Grifka2, O Distler3,A Wunder4, S Gay3

1Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Regensburg,Germany; 2Department of Orthopedics, University of Regensburg,Germany; 3Center for Experimental Rheumatology, Department ofRheumatology, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland; 4Center forMolecular Imaging, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):81 (DOI 10.1186/ar882)

Objective Current approaches to analyze and track disease-relatedgenes and proteins in synovium or in animal models for arthritis includ-ing gene transfer models are based on RNA isolated either from cul-tured synovial cells or from synovial biopsies. This strategy does neitherallow one to distinguish between specific gene expression of cells orig-inating from different synovial compartments due to a potential mixtureof different expression profiles nor to track these genes or gene prod-ucts in the synovium. Therefore, we established laser-mediatedmicrodissection (LMM) and differential display for analysis of geneexpression profiles of histologically defined areas in rheumatoid syn-ovium, and established novel molecular imaging techniques to track themolecules associated with pathogenic synovial processes.Methods Synovial cryosections derived from different human arthri-tides were used to obtain cell samples from distinct synovial areasusing LMM. RNA was isolated and analyzed using differential displayfingerprinting. Differential expression of identified sequences was con-firmed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Molecularimaging using different fluorescence-based techniques was per-formed to track molecules of interest such as human serum albumin-coupled molecules and circulating cells such as T-cell hybridomasand dendritic cells following adoptive cellular gene transfer within thesynovium.

Results Microdissected synovial tissue sections containing about 600cells yield enough RNA for a stable, reproducible RNA fingerprint.Several genes — known and unknown ones with regard to rheumatoidarthritis pathophysiology — could be identified as being expressed dif-ferentially between the synovial lining, the sublining, and the microvas-culature (e.g. thrombospondin-4 in the lining layer, ciz-1 in thesublining, and CD82 around the microvasculature). In addition, molecu-lar bioluminescence-based imaging revealed that T-cell hybridomasand dendritic cells home to the synovium. It was found that the arthriticjoint is the primary target of adoptive cellular gene transfer and that thesynovial fibroblasts are the target of albumin-coupled molecules.Conclusion High-sensitivity molecular analysis methods such as LMMand differential display, in combination with molecular imaging of‘vehicle’ cells, genes and proteins of interest, present a valuable tool toobtain novel insights into compartment-dependent synovial pathways.In addition, the results also demonstrate the potential of these novelanalytic strategies in a nonmalignant multifactorial inflammatorydisease.

Acknowledgement Supported by the German Research Society(DFG; Mu 1383/3-1, Mu 1383/3-3, Ta 297/2-1).

82Modulation of the gene expression pattern inperipheral blood mononuclear cells by biologicalsin rheumatoid arthritisJ Kekow1, D Koczan2, S Drynda1, A Drynda1, H Thiesen2

1Clinic of Rheumatology at Vogelsang, University of Magdeburg,Germany 2Institute for Immunology, University of Rostock, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):82 (DOI 10.1186/ar883)

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-1β belong to the key mediators inthe pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Neutralization of thesecytokines with biologicals like anti-TNF (etanercept) and IL-1 receptorantagonist (IL-1ra) (anakinra) induces a rapid and sustained decline indisease activity in RA patients. However, about 30% of patients receiv-ing these therapies are nonresponders.Here we report the application of DNA array technology (Affymetrix) inmonitoring the modulation of gene expression of cells from peripheralblood under anti-TNF (etanercept) and IL-1ra (anakinra) treatment.Blood samples were taken from 14 RA patients before and 72 hoursafter initiation of etanercept (n = 10) or anakinra (n = 4) therapy. TotalRNA from mononuclear cells (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) wasprepared with the RNeasy kit (Qiagen). Affymetrix chip technology wasused to analyse the expression levels. The therapy response was deter-mined by changes in the disease activity score (DAS28) 3 months afterthe start of treatment.Under anti-TNF therapy, the expression of genes for cytokines such asTNF-α, IL-1β, IL-1ra and PBEF, and for chemokines like IL-8, MIP-1αand MIP-1β, as well as for other disease-associated proteins likecyclooxygenase-2, intracellular adhesion molecule-1 and manganesesuperoxide dismutase, changed differentially. Interestingly, changes inthe expression profile detected 3 days after the start of treatment werefound to be closely associated with the outcome of therapy asreflected 3 months later by the disease activity score. Using real-timePCR, Affymetrix data were confirmed and expression of low abundanttranscripts, which were not detected on microarrays such as IL-6, wereobserved. The application of anakinra influenced the expression levelsof L-1β, IL-8, and cyclooxygenase-2 in a similar fashion, this being incontrast to anti-TNF treatment expression levels of TNF-α, MIP-1α andMIP-1β, which remained unchanged.Our data give new insights into the effects of biologicals used in RAtreatment on the transcriptional level. Early expression profiling of bio-logical treatment can be a useful tool for monitoring changes at themRNA level after neutralization of TNF-α and IL-1β, and thus for thepredicting the outcome of therapy at an early stage of treatment. Thedata indicate the presence of genetic heterogeneities within the groupof RA patients, suggesting the presence of genetic polymorphisms inthe identified genes.

Acknowledgement Supported by BMBF (FZK 01GG0201).

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83The new application of chip technology totranscriptome and proteome analysis ofrheumatoid diseaseT Nakanishi1, K Nishida2, K Ohyama1, M Takigawa1, H Inoue2

1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Dentistry, OkayamaUniversity Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama,Japan; 2Department of Orthopedics, Okayama University GraduateSchool of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):83 (DOI 10.1186/ar884)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the complex diseases that showedmultiple progression stages. At first, inflammatory response occurs byself-antibodies, and then the proliferation of synoviocytes is abnormallypromoted. These synoviocytes invade into articular structures and,finally, articular cartilage is destroyed. To analyze growth-promotingfactors in synovial cells from articular tissues of RA, we performed DNAchip analysis and compared the expression pattern of mRNA with thatof synoviocytes from osteoarthritis (OA) tissue or normal tissue. Theresults showed that the expression of many genes, including somenovel genes, was upregulated in RA synoviocytes compared with OAsynoviocytes or normal synoviocytes. RT-PCR analysis and immunohis-tochemical analysis showed that some genes and their products werehighly distributed in active synoviocytes of articular tissues of RA. Fur-thermore, we compared the protein chip patterns of RA and OA, andfound several markers of RA. These results show the utility of chiptechnology for analysis of rheumatoid disease.

84Gene hunting in primary osteoarthritisJ LoughlinInstitute of Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):84 (DOI 10.1186/ar885)

Primary osteoarthritis (OA) has a large genetic component, with heri-tability estimates of at least 50% for most joint sites. Identifying thegenes encoding for OA susceptibility will shed considerable light onthe causes of this common debilitating disease and will suggest newavenues for the development of novel therapeutics. My group is activelyhunting for OA susceptibility genes. We conducted the first and so farthe largest OA genome-wide linkage scan, on over 500 affected siblingpairs ascertained by large-joint replacement surgery. We identified anumber of regions of the human genome that harbour OA susceptibil-ity. We have been conducting extensive gene-based associationstudies within these linkage intervals on a case–control cohort contain-ing more than 2000 individuals, using single nucleotide polymorphismsand microsatellite repeats. We are now beginning to identify the genesthat are mutated in OA. Mutations include common missense changesand effects on gene expression. Some of the mutated genes are regu-lators of chondrocyte development, which implies that an inability of thearticular chondrocyte to maintain a prehypertrophic phenotype may bea critical factor in the disease. I report our latest findings within thecontext of the results from other OA genetic studies.

85New approach to chemical biology for drugdiscovery: construction of new affinity beads andtheir applicationH HandaDepartment of Biological Information, Graduate School of Bioscienceand Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kanagawa, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):85 (DOI 10.1186/ar886)

Affinity purification is an established technique used to identify ligand-binding proteins; however, its widespread use has been limited by theinefficiency and instability of conventional matrices. The unstable natureof conventional matrices narrows the spectrum of ligands that can beused. Moreover, nonspecific binding of proteins to the solid support hascomplicated identification of target proteins. Another difficulty is fre-quent low purification efficiency, which requires partial purification of thesource material prior to affinity chromatography to improve results.

The present article describes the preparation and use of affinity beadsfor identification of drug receptors. The drugs of interest are immobi-lized to the matrix, which consists of latex beads covalently coupledwith spacers. The latex beads are composed of glycidylmethacrylate-covered glycidylmethacrylate–styrene copolymer cores (SG beads)that were developed originally for the affinity purification of DNA-binding proteins. To reduce steric hindrance, divalent epoxide, ethyl-eneglycol diglycidylether molecules are introduced to the SG beads(SGE beads) as spacers after aminolysis of epoxy groups on the sur-faces of the beads.The new SGE beads offer several distinct advantages compared withcommonly used supports such as agarose beads. These advantageshave enabled us to identify drug receptors directly from crude cellextracts within a few hours. Drug derivatives with a reactive group arethen covalently coupled to the SGE beads. Crude cell extracts areincubated with the drug affinity beads. The desired drug-binding pro-teins are then purified in a batchwise manner. The desired drug-bindingproteins bind to the drug on the affinity beads, while other proteins flowthrough the beads. The drug-binding proteins are eluted from the affin-ity beads with a high salt solution or a detergent containing solution fol-lowing brief centrifugation. A typical target protein is purified more than1000-fold with a yield of 70%. If necessary, the batchwise step can berepeated, enabling further purification. This procedure is not only effec-tive, but is also simple and straightforward to perform. Using the affinitybeads, we have identified multiple drug receptors, which could be uti-lized for drug screening, drug design, evaluation of drug efficiency for agiven individual, and so on.

Poster Discussion (4) Immunology Group (1)

86Repertoire analysis of anergic B cells frompatients with systemic lupus erythematosusNS Longo, R Fischer, J Daruwalla, AC Grammer, PE LipskyAutoimmunity Branch, NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):86 (DOI 10.1186/ar887)

Patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have atypicalCD19loIgD+ peripheral blood B cells that require 100-fold more anti-immunoglobulin or recombinant CD154 to induce in vitro proliferation.Additional phenotypic and in vitro functional analyses strongly sug-gested that the CD19loIgD+ cells are anergic. Since anergy is one ofthe mechanisms by which the function of autoreactive B cells can bedownregulated, a comparison of the productive B-cell repertoires ofCD19loIgD+ and CD19hiIgD+ subsets from the same lupus patientwas undertaken to determine whether the anergic B cells were oligo-clonal or otherwise enriched in cells expressing genes known toencode autoantibodies. To accomplish this, the usage of VHDJH, VkJkand VλJλ gene elements by individual B cells was determined for eachsubset. The two subsets exhibited low mutational frequencies(CD19hiIgD+, VH = 0.6%, Vk = 0.05%, Vλ = 0.1%; CD19loIgD+,VH = 0.2%, Vk = 0.05%, Vλ = 0.2%) and involved substitutions thatrarely increased the basic amino acid content. The immunoglobulinheavy and light chain repertoires of each subset were polyclonal andvery similar. However, some differences from the normal repertoirewere noted. For example, the Vk1 family was under-represented andVk4 B3 and Vk5 B2 were over-represented in both subsets. Multiplesmall clones (average size 3.5) were present in the VH, Vk and Vλ reper-toires of both subsets. A large (n = 32) clone using VH 4-34, D3-22 andJH 6 gene elements, containing FR mutations, was found. Notably, itwas split two-thirds within the CD19hiIgD+ subset and one-third withinthe CD19loIgD+ subset. In spite of the overwhelming similaritiesbetween subsets, there were three distinct differences. The VH4 familywas significantly (37% versus 17%) more abundant in the CD19loIgD+

subset. Second, CD19loIgD+ VλJλ clones were two-fold more numer-ous and more diverse in gene utilization than the CD19hiIgD+ subset.Third, B cells utilizing Vk5 B2 genes were significantly (16% versus7%) more abundant in the CD19hiIgD+ subset. Because of the poly-clonal distribution of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes, andthe overall similarity between the two subsets, it is likely that anergy inthe CD19loIgD+ subset is not antigen specific.

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87Transplant-tolerance induction by CTLA-4Ig inliver-transplanted rats: a lesson for the treatmentof autoimmune diseases?U Fischer, S Boas-Knoop, U NeumannDepartment of General and Transplantation Surgery, Charite,Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):87 (DOI 10.1186/ar888)

Introduction The immunology of transplantation is of general interest,because “it offers one of the few negotiable pathways into the centralregions of biology” (Medawar, 1957). The holy grail of transplantationimmunology is tolerance induction. This might be achieved in the clinicby blocking the T-cell costimulation using CTLA-4Ig, a fusion proteinconsisting of the extracellular domain of CTLA-4 linked to the constantregion of IgG1. CTLA-4Ig proved to be effective in prolonging the trans-plant survival in various transplantation models [1] and in the treatmentof autoimmune diseases. CTLA-4Ig is currently under investigation in aclinical trial to determine its safety and efficacy for patients sufferingfrom rheumatoid arthritis [2].Experiment CTLA-4Ig was administered on days 3 and 4 after rat livertransplantation in a MHC-mismatched donor–recipient combination.We also studied the therapeutic effect of donor-specific splenocytetransfusions on day 4 alone and in combination with CTLA-4Ig ondays 3 and 4. We achieved a prolonged transplant acceptance in theanimals receiving the combination of cells and CTLA-4Ig, and investi-gated whether a Th1/Th2 immune deviation might be responsible forthis phenomenon.Methods A rat liver transplantation model in a high-responder rat straincombination was used. The Th1 cytokines IL-2 and IFN-γ and the Th2cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 were analysed by RT-PCR.Results CTLA-4Ig prolonged the survival of the recipients from10 days median in the untreated control group to 30 days median.Donor-specific splenocytes alone had no influence on the survival, butthe combination of CTLA-4Ig and donor-specific splenocytes resultedin a survival of > 150 days in all animals. A Th1/Th2 immune deviationwas not observed in the animals with long-term graft acceptance. TheTh1 cytokines IL-2 and IFN-γ and the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-10were equally expressed in the control group and in the group with pro-longed transplant acceptance.Conclusions The combination of CTLA-4Ig and donor-specific spleno-cytes results in a long-term transplant acceptance (> 150 days), whichcannot be achieved by CTLA-4Ig or a splenocyte transfusion alone.The Th2 cytokines are not dominant protective in preventing the trans-plant rejection.References1. Turka LA, et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992, 89:11102-11105.2. Moreland LW, et al.: Arthritis Rheum 2002, 46:1470-1479.

88The Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 are internalcontrollers of human Th1-biased immunity in vivoA Skapenko1, GU Niedobitek2, JR Kalden1, PE Lipsky3, H Schulze-Koops1

1Nikolaus Fiebiger Center for Molecular Medicine, Clinical ResearchGroup III, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany;2Department of Pathology, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen,Germany; 3NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):88 (DOI 10.1186/ar889)

Chronic inflammation in several human autoimmune diseases, such asrheumatoid arthritis, is driven by activated Th1 cells. The delineation ofthe mechanisms controlling the evolution of Th1-mediated immuneresponses in autodestructive immune reactions is therefore crucial forthe understanding of the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases.However, analysis of such mechanisms in humans is hampered by theinability to address these questions directly in vivo. We developed anovel in vivo model for human Th1-mediated inflammation and analyzedthe regulation of human Th1 inflammation in vivo. Peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy human individuals were trans-ferred by intraperitoneal injection into female NOD/SCID mice that lack

T cells and B cells and that express reduced natural killer cell activity.At different time points, human PBMC were recovered from theintraperitoneal cavity and analyzed phenotypically and functionally.Human PBMC developed a stongly Th1-biased immune response, asindicated by spontaneous proliferation of CD4 and CD8 T cells, byincreased expression of the T-cell activation markers HLA-DR andCD25, and by massive expansion of IFN-γ-producing T cells. In con-trast, Th2 cells were absent in the recovered human T cells.Histopathological analysis revealed infiltration of activated human lym-phocytes into the portal tracts of the liver and into the perigastrointesti-nal and perirenal fatty tissues, which was frequently organized ingranuloma-like structures resembling Th1-mediated granulomas insarkoidosis or Wegener’s disease. The development of the human Th1-biased immune response in the mice could be blocked by cyclosporineand was dependent on antigen-presenting cells. Further analysis of theregulation of the human Th1 immune response in vivo revealed that thedevelopment of the Th1 immune response was tightly controlled by theendogenously produced cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, as neutralization ofthese cytokines markedly exaggerated the Th1 response. Interestingly,treatment of established inflammation with daily intraperitoneal injec-tions of recombinant IL-4 or IL-10 markedly decreased T-cell activationand IFN-γ production, indicating that the anti-inflammatory cytokinesIL-4 and IL-10 are able to interrupt established human Th1-mediatedinflammation. These data suggest that potent regulatory mechanismsinvolving IL-4 and/or IL-10 control the development of Th1-mediatedhuman inflammation in vivo, which might have an important implicationfor future therapies of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases.

89Post-translational modification of type II collageninfluences T-cell tolerance to self-type II collagenH Yamada1, R Holmdahl2, T Shuto1, Y Nakajima1, J Shida1, T Mawatari1, Y Iwamoto2

1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyushu University, f*ckuoka,Japan; 2Section for Medical Inflammation research, BMC, Lund, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):89 (DOI 10.1186/ar890)

T-cell response to type II collagen (CII) is essential in collagen-inducedarthritis, a murine model of autoimmune arthritis. Collagen-inducedarthritis is induced in mice by immunization with heterologous CII.However, T cells in these animals respond only to heterologous CII butnot to hom*ologous CII, suggesting T-cell tolerance to self-CII. In addi-tion, we have found that the T-cell response to heterologous CII is alsoreduced in heterologous CII transgenic mice. In this study, we crossedthe heterologous CII transgenic mice with anti-heterologous CII-specific TCR transgenic mice to verify the mechanism of T-cell toler-ance to self-CII. Surprisingly, T cells in the TCR and heterologous CIIdouble transgenic mice showed no evidence of tolerance. We foundthat the transgenic TCR recognizes the heterologous CII epitope onlywhen lysine at position 266 is post-translationally hydroxylated. Wealso found CII prepared from the joint cartilage is dominated by the gly-cosylated form of lysine at position 266, which may result in the lack ofT-cell tolerance in the TCR and heterologous CII double transgenicmice. These data imply the importance of post-translational modifica-tion of CII in the induction of T-cell tolerance to self-CII.

90Does sustained downregulation of the TCRzetachain define the transition from antigen mode toinflammation mode in effector T lymphocytes?A Cope, Z Zhang, J Clark, N Panesar, P AmjadiThe Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Division, Faculty of Medicine,Imperial College London, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):90 (DOI 10.1186/ar891)

The molecular events that define the early phase of activation and differ-entiation of effector T cells have been well characterized. Those eventspromoting the effector function of chronically activated T cells at sites ofinflammation are less well understood. Using in vitro and in vivo models,we have explored the effects of the chronic inflammatory process on T-cell differentiation by studying the effects of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

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on T-cell activation and effector responses. These studies have revealedthat TNF-stimulated T cells resemble rheumatoid arthritis synovial T cellssince they express cell surface activation antigens, but are profoundlyhyporesponsive to T-cell receptor (TCR) engagement. This may beexplained, at least in part, by the observation that TNF selectively targetsthe expression of the TCRzeta chain. Loss of TCRzeta expression per-turbs the assembly, expression and stability of the TCR/CD3 complex,leading to attenuation of membrane proximal tyrosine phosphorylation,intracellular calcium mobilisation and the transcription of cytokine genesupon TCR engagement, when compared with untreated T cells.We set out to explore whether TCRzeta expression could be used toidentify chronically activated, hyporesponsive T cells in vivo. Using aFACS-based assay, we have identified subsets of CD3+ T cellsexpressing low levels of TCRzeta (hereafter termed TCRzetadim cells)in the peripheral blood of healthy donors, as well as patients withinflammatory arthritis. Subsequent experiments revealed that, whencompared with TCRzetabright cells, the TCRzetadim population isenriched for cells expressing effector memory cell surface markers. Bystaining with HLA class I/peptide tetramer complexes, CD8+TCR-zetadim cells are enriched for antigen-specific T cells after stimulationin vitro with specific peptide. While TCRzetadim cells are hyporespon-sive to TCR engagement, they retain effector potential, since a signifi-cant proportion are TNF-α and IFN-γ producers upon stimulation withphorbol ester and calcium ionophore. In contrast, fewer produce IL-10when compared with the TCRzetabright subset. These data suggestthat TCRzetadim T cells, which are abundant at sites of inflammation,may represent a subset of circulating antigen experienced effectormemory cells. Sustained downregulation of TCRzeta may define acheckpoint where the intracellular signals driving T-cell differentiationswitch from antigen mode to inflammation mode.

Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust UK,and the Arthritis Research Campaign.

91Role of ββ1 integrin and its signaling molecule,Cas-L, in pathophysiology and therapeuticinterventigens of rheumatoid arthritisC MorimotoDivision of Clinical Immunology, Advanced Clinical Research Center,Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):91 (DOI 10.1186/ar892)

Accumulating evidences suggest that β1 integrin-dependent cell acti-vation and migration pathways are critical points of intervention inseveral inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoidarthritis (RA). Indeed, in RA patients, increased expression of β1-inte-grins and their ligands have been reported on the surface of synovialfluid lymphocytes and synovium cells, respectively, suggesting that β1integrins play an important role in triggering and maintaining the inflam-matory response of the disease.It is reported that tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins is anearly obligatory event in cell activation and signal transduction. Ourstudy showed that PLC-γ, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), paxillin, Fyn,Lck, ERK1/2, and pp105 are phosphorylated on their tyrosine residuesupon engagement of β1 integrins in T cells. Moreover, we have demon-strated that the pp105 has been shown to associate with FAK that isautophosphorylated and activated upon the engagement of β1 inte-grins. In addition, isolation of cDNA encoding pp105 has revealed thatthis protein belongs to the Crk-associated substrate (Cas) family,hence designated the Cas-lymphocyte type (Cas-L). Cas-L is a 105kDa docking protein that is heavily tyrosine phosphorylated by FAK andSrc family kinases upon the engagement of β1 integrins in T cells.Transfection of Cas-L into Jurkat T cells markedly enhances cell motilityand IL-2 production upon the engagement of β1 integrins through itstyrosine phosphorylation. These results clearly indicate the involvementof Cas-L in β1 integrin-mediated costimulation of signal transductionand cell migration. Our current study on Yeast-Two-hybrid analysisidentified HTLV-I Tax and Smad-7 as new candidates for the Cas-Lbinding partner. I would now like to review β1 integrin-mediated signaltransduction through Cas-L, a novel docking protein, and its role in thepathophysiology and therapeutic intervention of RA.

92Human cartilage glycoprotein-39 directed T-cellresponses in health and arthritic diseasesR Toes1, J Van Bilsen1, L Lard1, A Miltenburg2, F Breedveld1, T Huizinga1, R De Vries3

1Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center,Leiden, The Netherlands; 2Organon B.V., Oss, The Netherlands;3Department of Immunohematology and Bloodtransfusion, LeidenUniversity Medical Center, Leiden, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):92 (DOI 10.1186/ar893)

Objective Although (self)antigen-directed T cells are thought to be keymediators of many autoimmune diseases, a functionally distinct popula-tion of CD4+ T cells, T regulatory (Treg) cells, dominantly inhibit induc-tion and progression of autoimmunity as shown in several autoimmunemodels. In humans, the presence of Treg cells has been shown, buttheir role in autoimmune disease is not known. Likewise, no (auto)anti-gens recognized by Treg cells have yet been identified at the molecularlevel. The aim of these studies is to gain a better understanding of theidentity of (auto)antigens recognized by Treg cells.Results When analyzing the natural T-cell response against a candi-date autoantigen in rheumatoid arthritis, human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39), we found that healthy donors, although displaying atypical Th1 reaction against a mixture of recall antigens, reactedagainst HC gp-39 by production of IL-10. The IL-10 production wasmediated by CD4+ T cells. When HC gp-39-directed immunity of RApatients was analyzed, a marked contrast was observed as Th1-likereactivity was observed in a substantial number of patients as deter-mined by the production of IFN-γ. More importantly, we found that HCgp-39-directed immunity in healthy donors inhibits the T-cell responseagainst a mixture of recall antigens. Likewise, HC gp-39-specificimmunity as well as HC gp-39-directed, IL-10-producing CD4+ T-celllines were able to suppress MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic Tlymphocyte reactivity.Conclusion Together, these data point to a disease-associated biasin the type of T-cell response against HC Gp-39, and identify HCgp-39 as a naturally occurring autoantigen recognised by Treg cellsin humans.

93IL-12 priming during initial antigen contactincreases generation of effector and memory CD8T cells by changing propertiesJ Chang, J-H Cho, S-Y Choi, S-J Ha, Y-C SungDepartment of Life Science, Pohang University of Science andTechnology, Pohang, Republic of KoreaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):93 (DOI 10.1186/ar894)

Initial antigen contact is known to trigger an instructive developmen-tal program by which naive CD8 T cells differentiate into effectorand memory cells. However, it remains to be determined how initialcytokine signals act on the generation of effector and memory CD8T cells. Here, we demonstrate that IL-12 treatment during initialantigen contact results in the significant increase of both primaryand memory CD8 T-cell populations. These quantitative differenceswere associated with qualitative changes in CD8 T cells directlycaused by IL-12. Initial IL-12 priming also improved the intrinsicproperties of memory CD8 T cells, leading to better protectiveimmunity and vaccine-induced memory CD8 T-cell responses. Ourresults suggest that IL-12 is an important regulatory factor for devel-opmental programming of CD8 T cells. Future application of IL-12priming will be discussed.

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94Establishment of juvenile and tolerant immunesystems in patients with autoimmune diseasestreated with immunoablation and autologous stemcell therapyA Radbruch1, A Thiel1, S Kimmig1, T Alexander1, E Gromnica-Ihle2, F Hiepe3, R Arnold4

1Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ), Berlin,Germany; 2Rheumaklinik Berlin-Buch, Berlin, Germany; 3Departmentof Rheumatology, Osteology and Clinical Immunology, Charite,Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; 4Department of Hematologyand Oncology, Charite, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):94 (DOI 10.1186/ar895)Immunoablation (i.e. complete destruction of a patient’s autoreactiveimmune system) in combination with autologous stem cell transplanta-tion (ASCT) is used for treatment of severe autoimmune diseases. Ifsuccessful, the patients will undergo long-term remission. We haveanalysed reconstitution of the immune system in such patients, to deter-mine whether it recovers by expansion of surviving lymphocytes ordevelops from stem cells de novo. During a follow-up period of up to60 months after ASCT, one polychondritis patient and two systemiclupus erythematosus patients in clinical remission were analysed forreappearance of naïve, activated and memory B lymphocytes and T lym-phocytes, for reactivity against pathogens and autoantigens, and forpresence of autoantibodies. Titers of disease-specific autoantibodiesdecreased after ASCT with the half-life of secreted antibodies, and didnot reappear. Naive T cells and naive B cells reappeared and reachednormal levels within several months after ASCT. The repertoire of thenaive T cells was not restricted. The numbers and frequencies of recentthymic emigrants (CD31+/CD45RA+/CD4+), marked by expression ofT-cell receptor recombination excision circles, equalled those of cordblood and were considerably higher than in normal probands of the ageof the patients. Thus, the thymus is reactivated and the reconstitutedimmune system rejuvenated and tolerized in those patients. Theimmunological memory has to be and is indeed generated de novo.

95The physiological immunosuppressive networkand its putative role in the pathogenesis ofautoimmunity: inhibition through signaling,cellular contact, anergy, apoptosisH Lorenz, N Blank, M Kriegel, M Schiller, E Scherb, S Winkler,JR KaldenDepartment of Medicine III, Institute for Clinical Immunology,University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):95 (DOI 10.1186/ar896)

A complex cellular system like the human immune system only functionsin a tightly regulated balance between activation and inhibition. We there-fore hypothesise that defects in immunosuppression might contribute tothe pathogenesis of autoimmunity in man. In our work we established abroad basis for testing the function of various immunosuppressive mech-anisms in health and autoimmune disease. Signals through certain CD45epitopes are strongly immunosuppressive in vitro. We therefore hypothe-sised that we will be able to induce anergy in CD45-treated lymphocytes.As control we used a human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA DR) antibodywith equal inhibitory capacities on cell proliferation. We found that HLADR signals, but not CD45 signals, could induce lymphocytic anergy,which was monocyte dependent. Moreover, these anergic lymphocyteswere extremely sensitive for protein kinase C-mediated apoptosis, indi-cating that immunosuppressive mechanisms are inter-related. We arecurrently studying the exact prerequisites for this new mode of anergyand apoptosis in cells from normal donors and autoimmune patients. Thisis especially interesting as we have shown in our previous work that regu-lation of apoptosis might be disturbed, especially in systemic lupus ery-thematosus. Shedding of activating surface molecules representsanother physiological way to prevent hyperactivation. We have recentlyidentified a family with a mutation close to the protease docking site oftumor necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme in the tumor necrosisfactor receptor p55 molecule, leading to a periodic fever syndrome with

autoimmune phenomena. Based on our working hypothesis, we postu-lated that chronically activated lymphocytes need to acquire modulatedsignaling complexes with proinhibitory capacities. To test this hypothesiswe purified lipid microdomains of chronically superantigen-activated lym-phocytes. First data seem to confirm this as we have found alteredprotein composition of raft-associated proteins with inhibitory capacity.Depletion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) in mice leads to apolyglandular autoimmune syndrome (PGAIS). We have tested the func-tion of Treg in normal donors, and in patients with PGAIS or only type Idiabetes mellitus. The data suggest that the function of Treg might becompromised in patients with PGAIS. This is currently being furtheranalysed in more detail. In conclusion, these data clearly provide evi-dence that a disturbance of physiological immunosuppressive mecha-nisms might contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases.

96Circulating anergic B cells in the periphery ofactive systemic lupus erythematosus patients:functional and phenotypic characterizationA Grammer1, R Fischer1, R Slota1, N Longo2, H Sohn3, C Yarboro2, G Illei2, S Pierce3, P Lipsky2

1B cell Biology Group, Autoimmunity Branch, NIAMS, NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; 2Repertoire AnalysisGroup/Autoimmunity Branch and Office of the Clinical Director,NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA;3Laboratory of Immunogenetics, NIAID, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):96 (DOI 10.1186/ar897)

A CD19lowIgD+ B-cell population that was observed in the periphery ofactive systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, but not in nonauto-immune normal individuals, was examined to determine its functional andphenotypic characteristics. Whereas CD19lowIgD– cells in the peripheryof SLE patients are intracytoplasmic (IC) Ig+ plasma cells, CD19lowIgD+

cells are IC Ig–. In contrast to CD19highIgD+ B cells, CD19lowIgD+ B cellsare small, in the G0/G1 phase with very few cells in the S/G2/M phase orundergoing apoptosis, remain viable in the G0/G1 phase in short-termculture without additional stimulation, and are positive for the anti-apop-totic gene A20. Additionally, in contrast to CD19highIgD+ B cells,CD19lowIgD+ B cells are less activated, as assessed by lower expressionof activation markers such as CD69, CD154, CD38, CD27, CD86 andCD11c. Moreover, CD19lowIgD+ B cells express a higher level of CD5,CD21 and CD23 when compared with CD19highIgD+ B cells. Further-more, CD19lowIgD+ B cells have less mutated heavy chain Ig genes asassessed by single-cell PCR of genomic DNA, and do not express AIDwhen compared with CD19highIgD+ B cells. Whereas CD19highIgD+

B cells were rescued from apoptosis and driven into the S/G2/M phasefollowing stimulation with a low amount of anti-IgM antibody or rCD154,CD19lowIgD+ B cells required 100-fold more stimulation to rescue themfrom apoptosis and drive them into cell cycle. Of interest, CD19lowIgD+

B cells exhibit higher amounts of BCR, phosphorylated CD19 and phos-phorylated lyn in cytoskeletal-associated membrane fractions comparedwith CD19highIgD+ B cells. Clinically, the number of circulatingCD19lowIgD+ B cells in SLE patients is greater in those with normal com-plement levels. Treatment of SLE patients with a blocking anti-CD154antibody diminishes the presence of circulating CD19lowIgD+ B cells.Together, these results indicate that CD19lowIgD+ cells in the periphery ofSLE patients may be a functionally anergic population of in vivo stimulatedB cells that disappear when the disease becomes quiescent.

97Novel B-lymphocyte-deleting agents for thetreatment of autoimmune diseases: induction ofthe mitochondrial pathway of apoptosisG Silverman, CS GoodyearDepartment of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):97 (DOI 10.1186/ar898)

Background To develop new approaches for the targeted deletion ofpathogenic autoimmune B lymphocytes, we have studied a bacterial

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product, protein A of Staphylococcus aureus (SpA). We have previ-ously discovered that SpA has the properties of a B-cell superantigen,enabling interactions with conserved variable region framework sub-domains of the antigen receptors of lymphocytes rather than the com-plementarity determining region involved in the binding of conventionalantigens [1]. Exposure to SpA can induce immune tolerance affecting asupraclonal set of lymphocytes [2].Objective To evaluate the outcome of in vivo SpA treatment.Results Within hours, a sequence of events is initiated only in targetedB cells, with rapid downregulation of B-cell antigen receptor and thecoreceptors CD19 and CD21, the induction of an activation pheno-type, and limited rounds of proliferation. Massive B-cell-specific apop-tosis then occurs through a process heralded by the dissipation ofmitochondrial membrane potential, followed later by the induction ofthe caspase pathway and DNA fragmentation. Post exposure, B-cellapoptotic bodies are deposited in the spleen, the lymph nodes andPeyers patches. While in vivo apoptosis does not require a deathreceptor, such as Fas, recent studies have demonstrated that apopto-sis is linked to an induced imbalance in the members of the Bcl-2family. By microfluorimetry and deconvoluted confocal microscopy,SpA induced a rapid depletion of Bcl-XL. There was also increasedexpression and translocation of a pro-apoptotic BH3-only member,which can form heterodimers resulting in Bax/Bak-mediated death.References1 Graille M, et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000, 97:5399-5404.2. Silverman GJ, et al.: J Exp Med 2000, 192:87-98.

98Impact of altered peptide derived from collagen IIon T-cell activation and collagen-induced arthritisZ Li, Q Zhou, Y Cheng, H LuDepartment of Rheumatology and Immunology, People’s Hospital, ArthritisInstitute, Beijing University Medical School, Beijing 100044, ChinaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):98 (DOI 10.1186/ar899)

Background It has been shown that collagen II (CII) peptides com-plexed with human leukocyte antigen-DR4/1 and recognized by a spe-cific αβ T-cell receptor (TCR) lead to T-cell activation. This is probablythe initial event in pathogenesis of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA).Substitution of the TCR binding residues of CII peptides gives rise toaltered peptides that were unable to bind to the TCR. The altered pep-tides may abolish CII-mediated T-cell activation and CIA.Objective To evaluate the inhibitory effect of a panel of seven peptideswith single or combined substitutions of TCR binding residues (Glu267-Lys270) of CII on T-cell activation, and to examine the role of the alteredCII peptides in CIA.Methods IL-2 production by T cells cocultured with native CII peptideand the seven altered peptides was measured and analyzed. One ofthe altered peptides (P268–270) with the best inhibitory effect on IL-2secretion was injected subcutaneously (50 µg, 3 day interval) into theCIA Wistar rats after onset of arthritis. Subsequently the swollen jointscore and severity of arthritis were evaluated.Results All seven altered peptides significantly inhibited IL-2 produc-tion to a different extent, compared with control peptide (P < 0.05 orP < 0.001, respectively). In the CIA model study, the swollen jointsscore was much lower in rats receiving the altered P268–270 peptide,compared with control rats (P < 0.01). The swollen joints of CIA ratswaned 1–3 days earlier in the altered peptide group than in thecontrol rats.Conclusion Altered CII peptide with substitution of TCR bindingresidues inhibited T-cell activation and CIA. This might potentially be anovel therapeutic approach in rheumatoid arthritis.

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99Multiplex autoantibody profiling using ‘synovialproteome’ microarrays identifies citrulline-modified peptides as major targets of theautoimmune response in rheumatoid arthritisW Hueber1, BJ Lee1, M Genovese1, W van Venrooij2, L Steinman3, PJ Utz1, WH Robinson1

1Division of Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford University Schoolof Medicine, Stanford, California, USA; 2Department of Biochemistry,University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands; 3Department of Neurology,Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):99 (DOI 10.1186/ar900)

Introduction Proteomics approaches to comprehensively characterizethe spectrum of B-cell autoreactivity in autoimmune diseases are anexciting new area of research. We have developed autoantigen micro-arrays for multiplex autoantibody profiling, and have previously demon-strated specific and sensitive detection of autoantibodies in a variety ofautoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus,Sjögren’s disease and mixed connective tissue disease [1]. Rheumatoidarthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease affecting 0.8% of the world pop-ulation, driven by as yet unidentified autoantigens. Recent research sug-gests that deimination of certain proteins gives rise to immunogenicepitopes that may play a key role in RA autoimmunity. This post-transla-tional modification is characterized by the conversion of the amino acidarginine to citrulline, catalyzed by peptidyl arginine deiminase.Objective We use our 1344-feature ‘synovial proteome’ antigenmicroarrays to test the hypothesis that microarray-based specificdetection of autoantibodies against candidate antigens enables diag-nosis and classification of RA.Methods Our 1472-feature synovial proteome microarrays containmore than 300 distinct proteins and peptides, representing putativeautoantigens in RA. Antigens include native and citrullinated fibrinogen,vimentin and keratin, citrulline-modified filaggrin and fibrinogen peptides,heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP)-B1, hnRNP-D, andoverlapping hnRNP-A2 peptides, collagen type I, type II, type III, type IVand type V, overlapping human cartilage glycoprotein-39 peptides,several heat shock proteins and the endoplasmic reticulum molecularchaperone BiP, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, acetyl-calpastatin, andmany other antigens.Results Statistical algorithms demonstrated specific reactivity in RAsera against combinations of citrulline-modified filaggrin and fibrinogenpeptides as well as deiminated proteins, but not against correspondingcontrol peptides and proteins containing native arginine residues. Arrayanalysis of two separate cohorts of RA patients and control patients forreactivity against panels of deiminated proteins and peptides provideda sensitivity of 45% at a specificity level of 95% for the diagnosis ofRA. Reactivity against other antigens was observed but not specific.Summary The data suggest that multiplex autoantibody profiling allowsfor the specific and sensitive detection of autoantibodies directed againstcitrulline-modified filaggrin peptides and other deiminated polypeptides inRA. Array-based studies are underway to determine the fine specificity ofautoimmune responses against panels of citrulline-modified peptides.Reference1. Robinson WH, et al.: Nat Med 2002, 8:295-305.

100Antileukoproteinase: modulation of neutrophilfunction and therapeutic effects in anticollagen IIantibody-induced arthritisH Burkhardt1, B Sehnert1, A Cavcic1, B Boehm1, K Nandakumar2,R Holmdahl21Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Erlangen–Nuernberg,Germany; 2Section for Medical Inflammation Research,CMB, LundUniversity, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):100 (DOI 10.1186/ar901)Background Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, or antileukopro-teinase (ALP), is a physiological inhibitor of granulocytic serine proteases.

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Objectives The aim of the present study was to investigate the thera-peutic effects of ALP in an arthritis model induced by the transfer ofmonoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to collagen type II (CII). Upon binding tothe intact cartilage matrix, the intraperitoneally injected CII-specificmAbs provoke a massive infiltration of neutrophils into the joints andinduce the development of an acute polyarthritis, leading to cartilageand bone destruction.Methods For arthritis induction, the combination of two mAbs to CII(CIIC1 and J1) were injected intraperitoneally into QB mice. After3–4 days, untreated mice developed a polyarthritic disease. Arthritisseverity was quantified by clinical scoring. The therapeutic effects ofALP upon systemic therapy with recombinant ALP (daily doses of0.1 mg for 1 week, starting immediately after disease induction) wereanalyzed in a cohort of 12 mice in comparison with in untreated con-trols (n = 12).Results First, ALP treatment resulted in a 50% reduction of arthritisincidence. Also, a marked amelioration of arthritis severity resulting inthe reduction of clinical scores below 50% of untreated controls wasobserved in ALP-treated mice (P < 0.05). Finally, histopathologicalanalysis of the joints revealed a protective effect of ALP treatment oncartilage and bone.A concomitant functional analysis was performed in an in vitro system ofFc-receptor-stimulated neutrophils to elucidate immune-complex-depen-dent pathways that might be modulated by ALP treatment. In this model ofneutrophil stimulation by IgG-coated Latex beads, a marked inhibitoryeffect of ALP on the induction of the conformational change of the leuko-cyte integrin LFA-1 into its active form could be demonstrated. Beyondthis modulatory effect of ALP, affecting neutrophil adhesion to cytokine-activated endothelium, additional inhibitory effects could be demonstratedon the phagocytosis of immune complexes and the oxidative burst.Conclusions Taken together, the data indicate the therapeutic poten-tial of ALP in the model of CII mAb-induced arthritis. Besides itsantiprotease activity ALP seems to exert a variety of additional blockingeffects on neutrophil functions such as adhesion, phagocytosis andrespiratory burst, suggesting that it might be an important multifunc-tional regulator of inflammatory responses.

101Natural antibodies and antiphospholipidantibodies bind to injured tissues, activatecomplement and cause tissue damageG Tsokos, S FlemingDepartment of Cell Injury, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research andDepartment of Internal Medicine, Uniformed Services University,Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):101 (DOI 10.1186/ar902)

Complement traditionally represents the first line of defense againstinfections. More recently, complement was shown to play a role inshaping the repertoire of the immune response. However, it is wellestablished that uncontrolled and excessive complement activation sig-nificantly contributes to diverse pathologies ranging from inflammationto autoimmune tissue injury and injury that follows ischemia, hypoperfu-sion and reperfusion. In addressing the role of complement in tissueinjury, two central questions arise: how complement is activated ineach type of injury, and to what extent is complement activationresponsible for tissue injury? To obtain insight into these questions, wehave adopted a mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion (IR) model of tissueinjury because the local intestinal damage is associated with comple-ment activation and recruitment and activation of neutrophils. Becauseimmunoglobulin-deficient, RAG-1–/– mice are protected from IR injury,and because some Cr2–/– mice have limited numbers of B1 B cells, weasked whether Cr2–/– mice have an altered response to IR injury.Cr2–/– mice are protected from IR injury that is completely restoredafter injection of normal IgG and IgM. In addition, antibodies with speci-ficities against negatively charged phospholipids and DNA attach toinjured tissue and activate complement, resulting in damage. Finally,transfer of normal B cells into the Cr2–/– mouse also restores IR-induced tissue damage. We propose that certain autoantibodies, pro-duced by B1 cells and constituting part of the natural antibodyrepertoire, bind to cryptic antigens expressed by injured cells andtissues, activate complement and effect tissue damage.

102Search for the precursor of ectopic folliculardendritic cellsC de Groot1, C de Groot1, F Muller1, J Haringman2, P Tak2

1Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academic Medical Center,University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of ClinicalImmunology and Rheumatology, Academic Medical Center, Universityof Amsterdam, The NetherlandsArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):102 (DOI 10.1186/ar903)

Introduction Chronic inflammation is often accompanied by the forma-tion of ectopic lymphoid tissue, including infiltrations of T lymphocytesand B lymphocytes, and formation of follicular structures around anetwork of follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). Ectopic follicular structuresmay serve as survival niches for undesirable B-cell clones, and FDCsprovide powerful survival signals to B lymphocytes [1]. There is broadconsensus that FDCs show phenotypic overlap with fibroblasts and areof mesenchymal origin, but the formation of FDCs is poorly understoodand a FDC-precursor cell has not been identified [2]. It has beenshown in mice that the expression of members of the tumor necrosisfactor receptor family, especially of the receptor for lymphotoxin-beta(LTβR), on FDC precursors is a condition for FDC maturation.Objectives This study aims to identify precursor cells for FDCs, and toelucidate the crucial steps that induce FDC networks both under physi-ological and pathological conditions.Materials and methods Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) derivedfrom synovial biopsies of the knee joint of patients with rheumatoidarthritis (RA) or control arthritides, and fibroblasts from human skin andtonsils were cultured in vitro as described previously [1]. Mesenchymalstem cells (MSC) were cultured from human bone marrow biopsies.The expression of LTβR (as a minimal characteristic of FDC precur-sors), and of DRC-1 and CD21L (FDC-specific markers) was studiedwith both immunocytochemical staining (LTβR and DRC-1) and RT-PCR (CD21L).Results None of the FLS or fibroblasts expressed LTβR, DRC-1, orCD21L, either spontaneously or after coculture with IFN-γ, IL1-β, tumornecrosis factor alpha, LTα1β2 (gift from Dr Jeff Browning), or combina-tions thereof. These data suggest that resident tissue fibroblasts or FLSdo not contain significant numbers of FDC precursors. In contrast, pre-liminary experiments with cultured MSC indicate that these cells expressthe LTβR. Further studies are underway to see whether and under whatconditions MSC can be induced to develop the FDC phenotype.Conclusions Precursors of FDCs could neither be found in residenttonsillar or dermal fibroblasts, nor in FLS cultured from patients with RAor other types of arthritis. Of interest, in vitro cultured MSC do expressthe LTβR, and hence fulfill a basic criterion of a putative FDC precursor.References1. Lindhout E, van Eijk M, van Pel M, Lindeman J, Dinant HJ, de

Groot C: Fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arhritispatients have intrinsic properties of follicular dendritic cells.J Immunol 1999, 162:5949-5956.

2. Van Nierop K, de Groot C: Human follicular dendritic cells:their function, origin and development. Semin Immunol 2002,14:251-257.

103Dendritic cells present a tissue-specificautoantigen under steady state and autoimmuneconditions in the draining lymph nodeC Scheinecker1, R McHugh2, E Shevach2, R Germain3

1Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine III, University ofVienna, Austria; 2Cellular Immunology Section, Laboratory ofImmunology, NIAID, National Insitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,USA; 3Lymphocyte Biology Section, Laboratory of Immunology, NIAID,National Insitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):103 (DOI 10.1186/ar904)

The MHC-dependent presentation of processed tissue-specific self-antigens maintains peripheral (extra-thymic) tolerance but also can leadto activation of autoreactive T cells. Although hematopoietic antigen-presenting cells have been shown to participate in these processes,

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the isolation and characterization of the specific cells responsible formediating such diverse events has not yet been accomplished. Wehave analyzed the presentation of an endogenous, gastric-specificH+/K+-ATPase peptide by dendritic cells (DC) in the context of theMHC class II molecule I-Ad. DC (CD11c+, MHC class IIbright,CD80low, CD86+/–, CD40+/–) were isolated from the draining gastriclymph node (gDC) and from the peripheral lymph node (pDC) ormesenteric lymph node (mDC) of unmanipulated healthy BALB/c mice.Isolated DC were then assessed for their capacity to induce IFN-γ syn-thesis by the H+/K+-ATPase-specific CD4+ T-cell clone TXA-23. Incontrast to pDC or mDC, gDC significantly increased IFN-γ productionby TXA-23. Visual evidence for the uptake of H+/K+-ATPase by DC inthe stomach and their apparent migration to the draining lymph node(LN) was obtained by immunofluoresence staining and confocalmicroscopy analysis. Using a monoclonal antibody (2G11) against theH+/K+-ATPase beta-subunit, H+/K+-ATPase was consistently detectedwithin CD11c+ DC in gastric LN sections but not in peripheral LN sec-tions. In addition, we were able to detect CD11c+ DC in close proxim-ity to H+/K+-ATPase-positive parietal cells in the stomach mucosa.Upon the induction of experimental autoimmune gastritis, DC werefound among the first cells to infiltrate the stomach mucosa. Moreover,proportions as well as absolute numbers of DC, along with B cells,were found to be substantially increased in the gastric LN but not in theperipheral LN at later timepoints. In line with this, the frequency ofH+/K+-ATPase staining in CD11c+ cells selectively increased in thegLN. Analysis of DC function further suggests that overall gDC presen-tation of H+/K+-ATPase increases in diseased animals. These resultsprovide the first clear identification of DC as the cells involved in theuptake and presentation of a tissue-specific antigen in normal animals,and the augmentation of such presentation during the development ofovert autoimmune disease.

104Induction of type II collagen-reactive IL-10-producing CD11b+ dendritic cells in Payer’s patchof orally tolerized animalsH Kim1, M So-Youn1, C Mi-La2, L Jung-Eun2, P Sung-Hwan2, L Kang-Eun2, P Kyung-Soo2

1Rheumatism Research Center, Department of Internal Medicine,School of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Kang-Nam St Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea; 2The Catholic University of Korea,Cathololic Research Institutes of Medical Science, Seoul, KoreaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):104 (DOI 10.1186/ar905)To further understand the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in the immunetolerance mechanism, we examined the phenotypic distribution andcytokine profiles of DCs in Payer’s patch, separate from an orally toler-ized collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model.Oral tolerance was successfully generated at 5 weeks after first immu-nization with type II collagen (CII), showing that the joint inflammationswere significantly subdued in the CIA mice model after six timesrepeated administration of soluble CII (100 µg) at 2 day intervals. Thedistribution of DC subtypes was evaluated by confocal microscopy,labeled with fluorescent-tagged antibodies of CD8α (lymphoid DC)and CD11b (myeloid DC) markers. The production and expression ofIL-10 and IL-12 cytokines in each DC subsets were examined by FACSanalysis and confocal microscopy.In tolerized mice, CD11c(pan DC)+CD11b DCs were clearly presentwithin the subepitherial dome region of Peyer’s patch andCD11c+CD8α DCs were not significantly localized in the interfollicularregion. These finding is quite comparable with normal controls or CIAanimals.When the DCs were cocultured with T cells for 3 days in the presenceof CII, IL-10-producing CD11b+ DCs were increased and IL-12-pro-ducing DCs were decreased in tolerized mice. CD4+CD25+ T cells inPeyer’s patch were also induced by consecutive CII stimulation in toler-ized mice, not in control and CIA model mice. We found that the IL-10-producing DCs and CD4+CD25+ T cells in tolerized mice weresuccessfully generated by in vitro culture with CII antigen stimulation.In conclusion, the data suggest that induction of antigen-specificmyeloid DCs and CD4+CD25+ T cells in Peyer’s patch plays a veryimportant role in initiation of the oral tolerance mechanism.

105Immunosuppressive effect of mesenchymal stemcells in collagen-induced arthritisC Jorgensen, F Djaoud, F Apparilly, J Sany, D NoelLapeyronie Hospital, Immunorheumatology Department, Inserm,University of Montpellier 1, Montpellier, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):105 (DOI 10.1186/ar906)

Background and objective Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are bonemarrow-derived progenitor cells, widely investigated for their potentialfor differentiation towards multiple lineages, such as osteocytes andchondrocytes. Recently, we and other workers showed that MSCsexhibit immunosuppressive properties inducing in vivo tolerance ofT lymphocytes towards allogeneic cells. Moreover, these cells can beeasily genetically modified to express ectopic molecules, such as anti-inflammatory cytokines. Here, we investigate whether naive and IL-10-expressing MSCs could display an inhibitory effect towardsself-reactive T lymphocytes in vitro, and could have a biological effectin the murine model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA).Methods We used the murine C3H10T1/2 cell line (C3 MSCs) andwe derived cell clones stably expressing vIL10 (C3-IL10 MSCs).Secretion of IL-10 was measured in cell culture supernatants by ELISA,and its immunosuppressive effect was evaluated on the proliferation ofT lymphocytes in a mixed lymphocyte reaction. In the CIA model, C3MSCs or C3-IL10 MSCs (106 cells) were intravenously injected on theday of immunization with collagen, and secretion of vIL10 was moni-tored in the mouse sera during the overall experimental period.Results First, we tested in vitro the functionality of C3-IL10 MSC clones.Secretion of vIL10 by C3-IL10 MSCs was up to 500pg/106 cells per24 hours, and the antiproliferative activity of these MSCs on alloreactiveT lymphocytes was twofold higher than C3-MSCs. Second, we evaluatedthe potential immunosuppressive role of MSCs in the CIA murine model.Using both clinical, radiological and histological analysis, we showed thatdisease progression was reduced when MSCs were injected.Conclusion In this study, we demonstrate that the immunosuppressiverole of MSCs might be of therapeutic value in CIA, and that MSCs maybe used to systemically express anti-inflammatory cytokines

106Immunosuppression and immunological toleranceinduction: lessons from a transplant modelA Filatenkov, S Tullius, H Schmidt, A Selke, H VolkDepartment of Surgery, Charite Virchow Klinikum, HumboldtUniversity, Berlin, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):106 (DOI 10.1186/ar907)

Introduction Patients who receive organ transplants need life-longimmunosuppression to prevent rejection of their grafts. Induction ofimmunological tolerance to the transplanted organs can solve thisproblem. However, according to the current opinion in clinicalimmunosuppression, administration of cyclosporin A (CyA) preventstolerance induction.In our study, we attempted to find out whether immunosuppressionwith CyA is really so harmful for tolerance induction.Methods We established a high-responder (DA-Lew) kidney transplantmodel in rats.DA kidneys were grafted into unilaterally nephrectomized LEW receiv-ing no immunosuppression or low (1.5 mg/kg), medium (3.0 mg/kg) orhigh (15 mg/kg) CyA for 10 days.To rule out nephrotoxic effect of CyA, the original DA grafts werereplaced by secondary DA kidneys 30 days after first transplantation;secondary grafts were followed for 90 days. During the second engraft-ment, no immunosuppression was administered.Results Surprisingly, we observed a dramatic difference in secondarygraft survival depending on the dose of immunosuppression. Animals thathad received an initial graft with low-dose CyA survived indefinitely.Almost no alloantibodies were detectable. By contrast, increased(3.0mg/kg×10 days) or high-dose (15mg/kg×10 days) immunosup-pression after first engraftment did not result in acceptance of secondarygrafts. Animals in those groups developed acute rejection of secondarygrafts. High levels of alloreactive antibodies were also detected.

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Discussion Immunosuppression with CyA does not prevent immunologi-cal tolerance by itself. Rather, higher doses of CyA have a detrimentaleffect on tolerance induction. CyA in low doses acts as tolerance inducer.Whether this sharp dose-dependent effect of CyA on tolerance induc-tion is a general effect of immunosuppressive agents or is restrictedonly to CyA is still to be examined.

107Antigen-specific suppression of inflammatoryarthritis by dendritic cellsR Thomas, E Martin, B O’SullivanCentre for Immunology and Cancer Research, University ofQueensland, Brisbane, AustraliaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):107 (DOI 10.1186/ar908)

Purpose Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immuneresponse is a major challenge for immunotherapy of autoimmunedisease. We have shown that NF-κB inactivation in dendritic cells(modified DC) converts them into cells that tolerize rather than immu-nize to specific antigen [1]. Antigen-exposed modified DC preventpriming of immunity, and they suppress previously primed immuneresponses. Regulatory CD4+ T cells, which can transfer antigen-spe-cific tolerance in an IL-10-dependent fashion, mediate the tolerance.We hypothesized that modified DC exposed to arthritogenic antigenwould suppress clinical arthritis after disease onset.Methods Antigen-induced arthritis was induced in C57/Bl6 mice bypriming to methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) antigen followedby challenge injection of mBSA to one knee. Knee swelling was appar-ent within 2 days, with peak clinical signs apparent at 5 days. Micewere treated with antigen-exposed modified DC between 2 and 6 daysafter mBSA challenge to the knee joint.Results Clinical arthritis was suppressed in each group receivingmBSA-exposed modified DC within 4 days compared with mice thatreceived either no DC or keyhole limpet hemocyanin-exposed modifiedDC. Clinical improvement was associated with mBSA-specific toler-ance in mice receiving mBSA-exposed modified DC. Tolerance induc-tion was not impaired by concomitant administration of anti-tumornecrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody. Subsequent rechallengewith intra-articular IL-1 induced flare of arthritis in all groups, whichcould be effectively suppressed by a second administration of mBSA-exposed modified DC.Conclusions The data indicate that modified DC induce antigen-spe-cific immune suppression in this model of inflammatory arthritis, evenafter full clinical expression of the disease. These observations haveimportant implications for antigen-specific therapy of autoimmunity.Reference1. Martin et al.: Immunity 2003, 18:155.

108Cell death and immune regulation: in vivoapplication of a novel agonistic monoclonalantibody for death receptor FasS YoneharaGraduate School of Biostudies and Institute for Virus Research, KyotoUniversity, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):108 (DOI 10.1186/ar909)

Fas (CD95/Apo-1) is a cell surface death receptor belonging to thetumor necrosis factor receptor super family. Fas can transduce anapoptosis-inducing signal in cells when stimulated by Fas ligand (FasL)or by agonistic anti-Fas monoclonal antibodies. Mice with Fas-defectivelymphoproliferation and with FasL-defective generalized lymphoprolifer-ative disease (gld) mutations develop autoimmune disease and lym-phoadenopathy, indicating that the death receptor Fas is a functionalmolecule in eliminating either autoreactive peripheral T lymphocytesand B lymphocytes or tumor cells. On the contrary, Fas has been alsoregarded to work as an inducer of tissue damage in fulminant hepatitis,graft-versus-host disease and tissue-specific autoimmune disease. Invivo stimulation of Fas by administration of different agonistic anti-mouse Fas monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) also induces opposite bio-logical effects in mice. Administration of antimouse Fas mAb Jo2 killed

mice within 5 hours by causing fulminant hepatitis with hemorrhage,while administration of antimouse Fas mAb RK8 to FasL-deficient MRL-gld/gld mice, which never kills mice, not only reduced the autoimmunesymptoms including nephritis, arthritis and vasculitis, but also reducedlymphoadenopathy.I shall propose a strategy for therapeutic use of a novel agonistic anti-Fas monoclonal antibody HFE-7A for autoimmune disease includingrheumatoid arthritis and other diseases including cancer. AntihumanFas mAb HFE7A, which cross-reacts with Fas of various mammals,ranging from humans to mice, can induce apoptosis in vitro both inhuman and mouse Fas-expressing T-cell lines. Moreover, HFE7Ashows very interesting in vivo effects of inducing Fas-mediated apopto-sis in lymphocytes including mouse thymocytes and abnormal gldT cells and for inhibiting Fas-mediated fulminant hepatitis induced byJo2. Not only mice, but also monkeys given a high dose of HFE7Anever showed liver injury. In vivo therapeutic effects of humanized anti-Fas mAb HFE7A against human rheumatoid arthritis and human adultT-cell leukemia in SCID mice will be also summarized.

109C5a controls the FcγγR activation in inflammatoryprocessesR SchmidtDepartment of Clinical Immunology, Hannover Medical School, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):109 (DOI 10.1186/ar910)

The role of Fcγ receptors and complement in various immune complex-mediated diseases has been debated for a long time. The advent ofgene knockout technology as well as the characterization of differentFc and complement receptors as well as new cytokines have nowallowed one to dissect the different pathogenetic elements of innateimmunity in the autoimmune inflammatory response.Using various murine knockout models, in particular Fcγ receptor-defi-cient, mast cell-defective animals as well as complement-deficientanimals, during the past years we have demonstrated that FcγRIII andthe C5a receptor are both critical for induction of immune complex-mediated vasculitis. In several studies it became clear that mast cellshave a critical role in initiation in some of the inflammatory processes.This has also been demonstrated for rheumatoid arthritis meanwhile.On these mast cells, again, FcγRIII is the critical activating receptorused by immune complexes. When examining the effects of immunecomplexes in glomerular mesangial cells as well as glomerular base-ment membrane nephritis, we could show that IgG immune complexeshad opposing regulatory effects on FcγRII and FcγRIII receptors inglomerular mesangial cells. Whereas activation by tumor necrosisfactor alpha/IL-1β induces substantial FcγRII expression, IFN-γ showeda complete downregulation of FcγRII. At the same time, IFN-γ inducedthe Fc receptor γ-chain as well as the low-affinity IgG receptor FcγRIII.Triggering of FcγRIII again induced chemoattractant protein 1, MCP-1,MCP-5 and RANTES. Examining the regulatory role in the cooperationof Fcγ receptors and complement in interstitial pneumonitis, we coulddemonstrate that C5a is critical in amplifying the inflammatory responseto IgG. On one hand, C5a is important in downregulating the inhibitoryFcγRII; on the other, inducing the activating FcγRIII. Altogether, the dis-section of the different innate components of pathogenesis allows fornew strategies to intervene in this inflammatory process.

110Cas-L associates with human T-lymphotropic virustype I Tax and regulates its transactivation ofNF-κκB: possible role of Cas-L in pathophysiologyof rheumatoid arthritisS Iwata, A Souta-Kuribara, R Miyake-Nishijima, T Sasaki, H Kobayashi, H Tanaka, C MorimotoDivision of Clinical Immunology, Advanced Clinical Research Center,Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):110 (DOI 10.1186/ar911)

The Crk-associated substrate lymphocyte type (Cas-L) is a dockingprotein that is heavily tyrosine phosphorylated by FAK and Src family

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kinases upon the engagement of β1 integrins in T cells. Transfection ofCas-L into Jurkat cells markedly enhances cell motility and IL-2 produc-tion by engagement of β1 integrins through its tyrosine phosphoryla-tion. These results clearly indicate the involvement of Cas-L inβ1-integrin-mediated costimulation of signal transduction and cellmigration. We have recently reported that expression of Cas-L ismarkedly elevated in human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) taxtransgenic mouse, a murine model for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as inrheumatoid arthritis patients.In the present study, we show the interaction of Cas-L and Tax, and itsbiological significance in detail.We initially found that tyrosine phosphorylation as well as the expres-sion of Cas-L was markedly elevated through the induction of HTLV-ITax protein in JPX-9 cells, in which Tax is induced under the control ofmetallothionein promoter. Biochemical study showed that autophos-phorylation of Src family PTKs, fyn and lck, were significantly enhancedin correlation to tyrosine phosphorylation of Cas-L. Consistent with ourprevious result, it was revealed that those cells had remarkablyincreased motile behavior on a fibronectin-coated Transwell insert.A two-hybrid screen for Cas-L binding proteins resulted in identificationof Tax as one of the candidates for Cas-L binding partners. We subse-quently confirmed protein–protein interaction of Cas-L and Tax usingan overexpression experiment and HTLV-I transformed T-cell lines.Finally, expression of Cas-L was found to inhibit Tax-mediated trans-activation of NF-κB, whereas it has virtually no effects on Tax-mediatedtrans-activation of HTLV-I LTR.To date, HTLV-I has been associated with a variety of diseases affect-ing organs other than malignancies arising from the lymphoid system.Those chronic inflammatory diseases involve the nervous system inHTLV-I-associated myelopathy, the eyes in HTLV-I-associated uveitis,the salivary glands in Sjögren’s syndrome, and the articular joints in thecase of HTLV-I-associated arthropathy.These results may present the basis for a pathological role as well as fortherapeutic application of Cas-L in HTLV-I-related inflammatory diseases.

111The impact of exogenous and endogenous nucleicacids on the development of joint inflammationA Tarkowski, J Bjersing, M Bokarewa, LV Collins, GM Deng, S Haji*zadeh, F ZareDepartment of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, GöteborgUniversity, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):111 (DOI 10.1186/ar912)

Introduction Chronic joint inflammation, as in the case of rheumatoidarthritis (RA), is characterized by an aseptic disease course. Nonethe-less, free nucleic acids of bacterial origin are readily found in theinflamed synovial fluid of RA patients. The aim of the present study wasto assess the potential of exogenous and endogenous nucleic acids totrigger joint inflammation in a healthy joint.Materials and methods Isolated and highly purified bacterial DNA,viral dsRNA, and endogenous mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear DNA, aswell as synthetically produced hom*ologues of these molecules, were allassessed for their in vitro and in vivo inflammatogenic potential. Inaddition, the intracellular pathways involved in the resulting inflamma-tory cascades were investigated.Results Bacterial DNA-triggered inflammatory joint responses wereprimarily mediated by macrophages and their products (tumour necro-sis factor). This inflammation was due to the cytidine phosphate guano-sine content of DNA, which, as we have previously shown, promotesboth macrophage and polymorphonuclear leukocyte activation and pro-duction of proinflammatory cytokines. Endogenous mtDNA but notnuclear DNA also gave rise to joint inflammation. However, in this casewe have shown that the additional driving force for the inflammation isthe oxidation status of the DNA. Importantly, mtDNA was readilydetected in synovial fluid of a great majority of patients with RA. Finally,dsRNA of both synthetic and viral origin gave rise to joint inflammation,characterized by influx of both macrophages and T lymphocytes. Invitro, dsRNA induced NF-κB activation and production of chemokinesand cytokines.Conclusion The capacities of endogenous and exogenous nucleicacids to promote joint inflammation depend on the occurrence of cyti-

dine phosphate guanosine moieties, on the oxidation status of theDNA, and on the double stranded configuration of RNA. These findingindicate the regulation of inflammatory responses in the joint by specificinteractions between certain exogenous as well as endogenous nucleicacids and host cells expressing Toll-like receptor 3 and Toll-likereceptor 9.

Poster Discussion (6) RA Group (1)

112Serum activity of joint destruction proteinases inmanagement of juvenile rheumatoid arthritisE Yarygina1, A Bogatyreva3, S Zhanaeva1, M Soboleva2, T Korolenko1

1Laboratory of Cell Biochemistry and Physiology, Institute ofPhysiology, Russian Academy of Medical Science, Novosibirsk,Russia; 2Pediatric Department, Novosibirsk Medical Academy,Novosibirsk, Russia; 3Cardiorheumatological Department, The FirstNovosibirsk Children Clinical Hospital, Novosibirsk, RussiaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):112 (DOI 10.1186/ar913)

Background At the onset of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), itscommon features including joint damage and cartilage destruction areabsent. Therefore the onset of JRA is often assessed as an event ofarthritis associated with infections (AAI), which precludes an early initi-ation of aggressive treatment with disease-modifying antirheumaticdrugs to have an impact on the formation of joint destruction mediatedby cathepsins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs).Objectives To determine the differences in serum activity of jointdestruction enzymes between different types of inflammatory arthritisfor differential diagnosis and management of JRA.Methods The activity of some kinds of cathepsins (B and L) by theBarrett and Kirschke method, using L-Arg-Arg-MCA and L-Phe-Arg-MCA as substrates and CA-074 as a selective inhibitor of cathepsin B,and the general activity of MMPs by the method of Nagase, usingMCA-Pro-Leu-Gly-DPA-Ala-Arg-NH2 as substrate, was measured inserum of 45 established JRA cases including relapses of disease com-pared with 23 AAI cases, two cases of lupus-associated arthritis, twocases of arthritis associated with ankylosing spondilitis, and 10 healthychildren.Results On admittance to the hospital, all investigated enzyme serumactivity was higher in the group of children with JRA compared with thehealthy controls (P < 0.001) and the AAI group (P > 0.05) and had nodifferences from cases of lupus-associated arthritis and of arthritisassociated with ankylosing spondilitis. But in advanced JRA cases withmarked proliferative changes in the joint tissues, the initial enzymeactivity was lower and increased under the treatment (P < 0.001 forcathepsin L, P > 0.05 for MMP).Conclusion Determining the activity of joint destructive proteinases inserum could be useful for differential diagnosis between JRA and AAIcases. Unreliable differences between these groups in our study maybe explained by finding debut JRA cases in the AAI group that could besolved under follow-up study. Low initial activity with following increas-ing activity under the treatment has to be suspected to the predisposi-tion to the proliferative changes in the joint tissues required moreintensive treatment.

Acknowledgement Prof N Katunuma kindly presented CA-074.

113Comparison of the nodule and synovial lesions ofrheumatoid arthritisJ Highton1, P Hessian2

1Medicine, Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Otago,Dunedin, New Zealand; 2Physiology, Health Sciences, University ofOtago, Dunedin, New ZealandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):113 (DOI 10.1186/ar914)

We have undertaken a number of investigations of the rheumatoidnodule. The infiltrating cell populations are activated macrophagesmigrating centrally to the palisade, and a diffuse infiltrate of T cells that

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tend to cluster outside the palisade. In this area we have also demon-strated the presence of putative dendritic cells, suggesting the poten-tial for presentation of local antigen within the nodule. Macrophageswithin the nodule stain positively for tumour necrosis factor and IL-1.We have recently used RT-PCR to demonstrate the presence of mRNAfor INF-γ but not IL-4 or IL-5. Monokines included IL-12, IL-15 and IL-18 as well as tumour necrosis factor alpha and IL-1β. We interpretedthis as best fitting a Th1 profile.As well as similarities, there are significant differences between thenodule and the synovial lesions of rheumatoid arthritis. A notable differ-ence is the lack of B cells and lymphoid follicles in the rheumatoidnodule. Thus, we were able to demonstrate expression of the folliculardendritic cell-specific gene CD 21L in synovial membranes but not inthe nodule. However, the chemokine SLC was present in both lesions,as was BCA-1, despite the absence of B cells in the nodule. Similarly,lymphotoxin alpha and lymphotoxin beta, which are important in follicleformation, were present in both lesions. Expression of the SLC recep-tor CCR7 was rare, but an alternative receptor, CCBP2, was present inboth lesions. CXCR5, the BCA-1 receptor expressed by B cells, waspresent in the synovium. Thus, expression of chemokines for B cellsand key cytokines important to follicle formation are present in both thenodule and synovial membrane. Therefore, other differences mustexplain the lack of B cells and follicles in the nodule.The data suggest that the destructive inflammatory processes in thenodule and the synovial membrane may be essentially similar T-cell-driven lesions. Discovering the basis of differences such as the lack ofB cells and follicles in the nodule may help the definition of importantaspects of the inflammatory process in rheumatoid arthritis.

114Collagenous colitis and rheumatoid arthritis: isthere a connection?F Wollheim1, A Domargård2, J Bohr3, C Tysk3, T Skogh4

1Department of Rheumatology, Lund University Hospital, Lund,Sweden; 2Department of Rheumatology, Örebro University Hospital,Örebro, Sweden; 3Department of Medicine, Örebro UniversityHospital, Örebro, Sweden; 4Department of Rheumatology, LinköpingUniversity Hospital, Linköping, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):114 (DOI 10.1186/ar915)

Background Collagenous colitis (CC), discovered by the Swedishpathologist Claes Lindström in 1976 [1], is characterised clinically bychronic watery diarrhoea, and a macroscopic normal colonic mucosa,where characteristic changes are found microscopically. CC is mostprevalent in middle-aged women and has frequently been associatedwith connective tissue diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [2].Objectives To confirm the occurrence of RA in a large series of CC,and to search for distinguishing clinical features and possible clues tothe connection.Method Retrospective chart review and follow-up examination ofpatients a large referral center.Results A registry of CC at the Örebro University Hospital contains163 patients [3]. Sixteen of these patients had a previous diagnosis ofRA. Fifty-three of the patients were residents of the immediate catch-ment area, and among them eight patients with RA have been identi-fied, all women. The onset of RA preceded that of CC in seven out ofeight patients by between 1 and 34 years. In the remaining case, CCstarted 14 years before RA. Radiographic erosions were present in sixout of eight patients, rheumatoid factor in three out of eight patients,and seven out of eight patients fulfilled the ACR criteria for RA. Fourout of eight patients had first-degree relatives with RA. Four out ofeight patients had extra-articular manifestations, and three out of eightpatients had monoclonal IgG components in the blood. Three out ofeight patients had Sicca syndrome or full-blown Sjögren’s syndrome.Conclusions We confirm the occurrence of RA in at least 10% of alarge series of CC, usually present before the onset of CC. This isfurther evidence for a real correlation rather than mere coincidence.We were not able to find any distinguishing features of RA, but it issuggested that familial RA and extra-articular manifestations arecommon. RA as such, or remedies used to treat RA, may contribute tothe pathogenesis of CC

References1. Lindström CG: ‘Collagenous colitis’ with watery diarrhoea — a

new entity? Pathol Eur 1976, 11:87-89.2. Wollheim FA: Collagenous colitis and rheumatology. Curr

Rheumatol Rep 2000, 2:183-184.3. Bohr J, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Abrahamsson H, Järnerot G: Collage-

nous colitis: a retrospective study of clinical presentation andtreatment in 163 patients. Gut 1996, 39:846-851.

115Evidence for functional variation of the deathreceptor 3 gene predisposing rheumatoid arthritisS Shiozawa1, K Komai1, K Osaka1, Y Miura1, A Hashiramoto1, K Shiozawa2

1Department of Rheumatology, Faculty of Health Science, KobeUniversity School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan; 2Department ofRheumatology, Konan Kakogawa Hospital, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):115 (DOI 10.1186/ar916)

Apoptosis of the cell is important for the pathogenesis of autoimmune dis-eases. We identified the death receptor 3 (DR3) gene, a family of apopto-sis-inducing Fas gene6, containing four single nucleotide polymorphismsand one locus of a 14-nucleotide deletion within exon 5 and intron 5. Thishaplotype resulted in insertion of a portion of intron 5 into the codingsequence or deletion of exon 6, and generated premature stop codons.The thus generated mutant DR3 lacking death domain assembled with awild-type DR3 molecule to inhibit apoptosis, and apoptosis induction byanti-DR3 antibody was impaired in the lymphocytes of individuals withmutation. We also found that experimental collagen-induced arthritis wasameliorated by anti-DR3 antibody treatment, and the haplotype was clini-cally found in increased frequency in familial patients with RA and thepatients who underwent joint surgery as compared with controls(P<0.0006). We surmise that this mutation is responsible for impairmentof apoptosis induction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, which may pre-dispose to arthritic joint destruction and autoimmunity.

116Lymphoid neogenesis in chronic inflammationC Pitzalis1, A Manzo2, S Paoletti3, F Barone1, R Caporali2, CM Montecucco2, M Uguccioni31Rheumatology Department, GKT School of Medicine, Guy’s Hospital,London, UK; 2Cattedra di Reumatologia, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo,Italy; 3Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Bellinzona, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):116 (DOI 10.1186/ar917)

Aims To investigate the relationship between ‘lymphoid chemokines’CXCL13 and CCL21 and the developmental dynamics of organized lym-phoid tissue in rheumatoid synovitis, by determining their local productionsites in the context of progressively enlarging perivascular cell aggregates.Materials and methods Forty synovial samples from 20 rheumatoidarthritis patients were studied. The organizational features of cell aggre-gates were analysed by staining serial sections for T cell, B cell and follicu-lar dendritic cell (FDC) markers and peripheral node addressin (a group ofvascular adhesion molecules constitutively expressed by high endothelialvenules in secondary lymphoid tissues). The dimensional grading analysiswas performed according to the radial cell count from the central bloodvessel to the point of widest infiltration: Grade 1 (two to five cells), grade 2(six to 10 cells) and grade 3 (>10 cells). CXCL13 and CCL21 expressionwas analysed by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization with radi-olabelled CXCL13-specific and CCL21-specific RNA probes.Results In 17 patients grade 2 and/or grade 3 aggregates were demon-strated. Fully formed follicular-like aggregates, with detectable centrallylocated CD21+ dendritic cell clusters and T/B segregation, were identi-fied exclusively in 7/20 patients (35%) of grade 3 aggregates. CXCL13was observed in 7.66% grade 1, 39.9% grade 2 and 82.6% grade 3aggregates, while CCL21 expressing cells were observed in 3.06%grade 1, 15.93% grade 2 and 43.55% grade 3. CXCL13 and CCL21were expressed within lymphocytic clusters in 18/20 and 15/20patients, respectively, both at protein level and mRNA level, in matureCD21+ FDC containing T/B cell follicular-like structures as well as in notorganized T cell/B cell aggregates devoid of CD21+ FDC networks.

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Conclusions This study demonstrates for the first time, by in situhybridization, the site of production of CXCL13 and CCL21 in thecontext of synovial ectopic lymphoid tissue. The morphological andgrading analysis provides evidence of the independence, in the syn-ovial inflammatory microenvironment, between the ectopic productionof lymphoid chemokines and the presence of a mature CD21+ FDC-rich/germinal centre lymphoid-like structures. This supports the hypoth-esis, similar to that shown in animal models, of a potential role of thesefactors in prefollicular stages of synovial lymphoid neogenesis.

117T-cell regulation in the pathogenesis ofautoimmune diseasesH Schulze-Koops1, PE Lipsky2, JR Kalden1, A Skapenko1

1Nikolaus Fiebiger Center for Molecular Medicine, Clinical ResearchGroup III, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany;2NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):117 (DOI 10.1186/ar918)

Evidence suggests that chronic inflammation in several human auto-immune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is mediated byactivated Th1 cells. Delineation of the regulatory mechanisms control-ling a Th1-biased human immune reaction and its pathologic potentialis, therefore, a critical step in the understanding of chronic autoimmuneinflammation. We analyzed T-cell subsets from patients with RA withregard to their regulatory capacity for Th1 inflammation. Flow cytomet-ric analysis of freshly isolated peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid(SF) T cells revealed that rheumatoid inflammation is characterized bythe absence of Th2 cells and their cytokines. Moreover, resting T cellsfrom patients with RA expressed an impaired ability to differentiate intoTh2 effectors with a potential to downmodulate Th1 inflammation.Thus, altered Th2 cell differentiation might contribute to the imbalancein favor of inflammatory Th1 cells in RA. Whereas Th2 cytokines, suchas IL-4, play essential roles in regulating the development and perpetu-ation of Th1-mediated autoimmune responses, a novel subset of regu-latory CD4 T cells that express CD25 on their surface and performtheir suppressor function on the development of autoimmune inflamma-tion by cytokine-independent mechanisms has recently been describedin animals and humans. However, their in vivo role in human inflamma-tion is largely elusive. We identified CD4CD25pos T cells in the PB andthe SF of patients with active RA. Importantly, CD4CD25pos T cellsfrom both RA PB and RA SF exerted potent suppressive activity asproliferation of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells was sig-nificantly inhibited by the presence of CD4CD25pos T cells comparedwith proliferation in the presence of CD4CD25neg T cells. CD4CD25regulatory T-cell-mediated inhibition of the proliferation was abrogatedby addition of exogenous IL-2, a characteristic of CD4CD25 regulatoryT cells in animals. Moreover, RA CD4CD25 T cells had a markedlydecreased proliferative capacity in response to anti-CD3 monoclonalantibody, suggesting an anergic phenotype typical for CD4CD25 regu-latory T cells. Together, the data indicate that, in contrast toimmunomodulatory Th2 effectors, CD4CD25pos T cells with potentsuppressive potential are present in rheumatoid inflammation. The datafurther suggest that CD4CD25pos regulatory T cells are involved in thecontinuous regulation of the developing human Th1 inflammation invivo. However, their activity appears to be insufficient to silence thechronic immune response in RA.

118Autoantibodies in very early rheumatoid arthritis:diagnostic tools or pathogenic players?G Steiner1, V Nell1, G Eberl2, S Hayer 1, K Machold1, E Hoefler2, J Smolen1

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine III,University of Vienna, Austria; 2Department of Internal Medicine II,Lainz Hospital, ViennaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):118 (DOI 10.1186/ar919)

Background Among the autoantibodies (autoAb) described to occurin patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), autoAb to citrullinated anti-gens (anti-CCP) have proven to be highly specific for RA. Other

autoAb such as anti-RA33 are less specific but may still have somediagnostic value.Objectives To assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of RF, anti-CCP and anti-RA33 autoAb in patients with very early arthritis, and toinvestigate the role of autoAb in the pathogenesis of RA.Methods Patients with very early arthritis of less than 3 months’ dura-tion were included in this prospective study. So far, a final diagnosis ofRA could be made in 100 patients, while 80 patients developed otherdiseases. To investigate pathogenetic involvement of autoAb, tumournecrosis factor transgenic (TNFtg) mice were used as an animal modelof RA.Results At first visit, rheumatoid factor (RF) was present in 54% of RApatients, anti-CCP in 42% and anti-RA33 in 26%, respectively. Speci-ficity was 89% for RF, 98% for anti-CCP and 90% for anti-RA33,respectively (Table 1). However, while 46% of RA patients showed RF> 50 U/ml, only two non-RA patients were above this value. Thus, RF> 50 U/ml and anti-CCP both showed a high positive predictive value> 95%. Although anti-RA33 was less specific, the combined occur-rence of (low) RF and anti-RA33 was also highly predictive of RA sinceit was exclusively observed in 15% of RA patients. Concerning theprognostic value, we found a significant correlation between anti-CCPor RF positivity and radiological outcome. To investigate the patho-genetic involvement of anti-RA33 autoimmunity, TNFtg mice (whichspontaneously develop anti-RA33 autoAb) were immunized with theantigen or two antigen-derived peptides. Treatment with a peptide har-bouring a major epitope or the complete antigen enhanced arthritis sig-nificantly. On the contrary, treatment with osteoprotegerin not onlyinhibited bone erosion, but also led to a significant reduction in anti-RA33 autoAb; a similar observation was made in c-fos-deficient TNFtgmice that lack osteoclasts.

Table 1

Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of RF, anti-CCP andanti-RA33 autoantibodies in patients with very early RA

Positive RA Non-RA Sensitivity Specificity predictive

(n = 100) (n = 80) (%) (%) value (%)

RF (≥ 20 U/ml) 54 9 54 89 86

RF (≥ 50 U/ml) 46 2 46 97 96

Anti-CCP 42 1 42 98 97

Anti-RA33 26 8 26 90 76

RF + anti-CCP 32 0 32 100 100

RF + RA33 15 0 15 100 100

Conclusion Determination of anti-CCP and also anti-A2/RA33 in additionto RF may be very helpful in the early diagnosis of RA. The data obtainedin TNFtg mice suggest a molecular link between inflammation, tissuedestruction and the generation of a pathogenic autoimmune response.

119Expression of IgVH mRNAs in plasma cells derivedfrom rheumatoid arthritis synovium detected bysingle-cell RT-PCRJ Vencovský1, Z Cimburek1, J Niederlová1, O Horvath2, O Kryštùfková1, T Dörner3, Š Rùzicková4

1Institute of Rheumatology, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Institute ofMicrobiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic;3Department of Rheumatology/Immunology, Medical Faculty, Charite,Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; 4Laboratory of GeneExpression, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech RepublicArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):119 (DOI 10.1186/ar920)Introduction The synovial membrane in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) con-tains large lymphocytic infiltrates, sometimes organized in germinal-likecentres. The presence of plasma cells within the synovium and the pro-

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duction of clonally related immunoglobulin transcripts have beenobserved. The exact nature of clonal expansion and its role in genera-tion of specific, mutated antibodies in RA is not known. Somatic muta-tions and isotype switching in synovial B lymphocytes might suggestthe antigen-driven process. This would be supported by the expressionof recombination-activating genes 1 and 2 (Rag1 and Rag2).Objectives To calculate mutational frequencies of immunoglobulinheavy-chain transcripts in the single plasma cells generated from RAsynovium. To analyze the frequency of isotype-switched plasma cellsand Rag1 and Rag2 gene expression in inflamed RA synovial tissue.Methods Individual CD19+CD38+ plasma cells were isolated fromdigested synovium of two Caucasian RA patients using single-celldeposition. The cDNA from each single plasma cell was generated anda nested PCR specific for VH genes and Rag1 and Rag2 genes wasperformed. After sequencing, the VBASE database was used to assignVH, DH and JH gene segments and somatic mutations.Results Three different subsets of CD19+CD38+ plasma cells weredetected. The first subset represents cells expressing only IgM tran-scripts (IgM+, 13.5%), cells in the second subset expressed only IgGtranscripts (IgG+, 48.7%), and the cells in the third subset expressedboth IgM and IgG mRNAs (IgM+IgG+, 37.8%). All of these detectedIgVH mRNAs contained mutated sequences, indicating their memorycell origin. Significant differences in mutational frequencies were foundbetween the subsets (IgM+ plasma cells, 3.8%; IgG+ plasma cells,11.2%; and IgM+IgG+ cells, 6.3%). Interestingly, either Rag1 or Rag2mRNA was observed in 83.3% of all analyzed CD19+CD38+ plasmacells, with the highest frequency in the IgM+IgG+ subset (71.4%).Conclusions The population of CD19+CD38+ plasma cells differen-tially expressing mutated IgVH mRNAs and reinducing Rag1 and Rag2genes was observed in RA synovium. The IgM+IgG+ cells might repre-sent cells switching from the IgM to the IgG isotype, and IgG+ plasmacells might correspond to post-switched cells producing high-affinity(auto)antibodies. The high mutational rate and reinduction of Raggenes suggest an antigen-driven process.

Acknowledgement This work was supported by grant NK/7273-3from the Ministry of Health in the Czech Republic.

120T cell contact-mediated induction of tumornecrosis factor alpha in peripheral bloodmonocytes is inhibited by autologous serum inrheumatoid arthritisU Wagner1, M Rossol1, S Kaltenhäuser1, S Hauschild2, H Häntzschel11Department of Medicine IV, University of Leipzig, Germany;2Department of Immunobiology, University of Leipzig, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):120 (DOI 10.1186/ar921)

Background and objective Cell contact of monocytes with preacti-vated T cells is one of the strongest known stimuli of monocyticcytokine production and has been implied in the pathogenesis ofrheumatoid arthritis (RA). T cells from the synovial membrane of RApatients have been found to induce high levels of tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-α) production in synovial macrophages, and monocytesfrom healthy individuals react similarly to preactivated T cells. Theresponse of peripheral monocytes from RA patients to T-cell contact,however, has not been analyzed previously, and was therefore investi-gated in the study presented here.Methods Peripheral blood monocytes from 20 patients with RA andfrom age-matched healthy donors were isolated by immunomagneticseparation and used in a coculture system with T lymphocytes fromunrelated donors. T cells were stimulated with immobilized CD3 andCD28 antibodies, subsequently fixed with glutaraldehyde, and thenused in the coculture system at a T cell:monocyte ratio of 7:1. In controlexperiments, unstimulated fixed T cells or lipopolysaccharide were used.Results Lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α production of monocytesfrom RA patients did not differ from the controls. Upon coincubationwith preactivated T cells, however, monocytes from RA patients pro-duced significantly lower amounts of TNF-α. This difference was inde-pendent of previous or current disease-modifying antirheumatic drug

therapy, since it was also found in patients with recent onset RA whohad not received immunosuppressive therapy prior to study inclusion.Serum transfer experiments showed the presence of inhibitory factorsin sera from RA patients to be one mechanism contributing to thediminished response of RA monocytes, since those sera were also ableto inhibit T-cell-dependent TNF-α production in healthy monocytes.Conclusion The suppressed response of peripheral blood monocytesfrom RA patients to preactivated T cells shows that they are not likelyto contribute significantly to the excessive levels of TNF-α that areassociated with this disease. The inhibitory activity of sera from RApatients in the cell contact-dependent system suggests a counter-regulatory mechanism in the systemic circulation that prevents exces-sive activation of circulating monocytes in this disease.

121The declining incidence of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastropathy in rheumatoidarthritis patients: rates and reasonsJ Fries, K Murtaugh, M Bennett, E Zatarain, B Lingala, B BruceDepartment of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine,Stanford, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):121 (DOI 10.1186/ar922)

Background Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) gastropathyis recognized as a major cause of hospitalizations and deaths, withmore than 100,000 annual hospitalizations and more than 10,000annual deaths in the United States alone. Trends in this epidemic overtime have not been examined.Objective We studied the possibility that new preventive approaches toNSAID gastropathy may have reduced the magnitude of this epidemic.Methods We studied 5598 patients with rheumatoid arthritis from lon-gitudinal data banks previously employed to help establish the epidemi-ology of NSAID gastropathy. Consecutively enrolled patients werefollowed with bi-annual Health Assessment Questionnaire assessmentsand medical record audits between 1981 and 2000. Annual rates ofhospitalization involving gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, obstruction, orperforation were calculated and curves fitted using spline regression.Results Annual GI hospitalization rates rose from 0.6% in 1981 to apeak of 1.5% in 1992, then declined again to 0.6% again in 2000. Theperiod of rising incidence was associated with an increase in patientage and GI risk propensity score. The period of declining incidencewas correlated with use of lower doses of aspirin and ibuprofen, adecline in use of ‘more toxic’ NSAIDs from 52% to 42%, a rise in useof ‘safer’ NSAIDs from 19% to 48%, and increasing use of protonpump inhibitors. The decline was not associated with changes in age,NSAID exposure, or GI risk.Conclusions The risk of GI hospitalization for NSAID gastropathy hasdeclined by 60% in these cohorts since 1992. We estimate a 16%decline attributable to dose reductions, 10% to use of proton pumpinhibitors, and 10% to use of less toxic NSAIDs. Given continuedtrends in these three factors, these declines are likely to continue.

Acknowledgement This study was supported by a grant from theNational Institutes of Health to ARAMIS (AR43584).

122Significance of fatigue in patients with rheumatoidarthritisG Singh1, M Bennett1, B Lingala1, A Singh2

1Department of Medicine, Division of Immunology and Rheumatology,Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA; 2Wyeth Research, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):122 (DOI 10.1186/ar923)

Background Fatigue is a frequent and debilitating problem in peoplewith rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there are few prospectivestudies evaluating the economic impact of fatigue in people with RA.Objectives To study the economic correlates of fatigue in patients withRA, and to evaluate the impact of fatigue on costs of medical care andmissed days of work.Patients and methods A total of 6551 consecutively diagnosed RApatients with 35,371 person years of follow-up are currently enrolled in

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the ARAMIS postmarketing surveillance program. Patients completesemi-annual Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaires on theirdisease symptoms, severity, medication use (including over-the-countermedications), adverse events and healthcare resource utilization includ-ing hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Patients also report onmeasures of indirect costs such as missed days of work and dayswhen they were unable to do nonemployment-related activities. All self-reported hospitalizations are audited, and discharge summaries arereviewed by a physician. Complete ascertainment of all deaths isobtained from regular searches of the US National Death Index data-base. Since 1987, all patients were asked to report on the presence oftiredness or fatigue in their semi-annual assessment. Medical costs ofcare are estimated based on 2002 Medicare reimbursem*nt rates andon 2002 average wholesale medication costs. Statistical comparisonswere made between periods when patients reported fatigue and thosewhen no fatigue was reported.Results A total of 2699 patients (mean age, 58.3 years; 78% female)with 12,458 person-years of follow-up answered the fatigue question.The point prevalence of fatigue varied from 57.5% in 1987 to 67.2% in2000 (average, 56.9%). For comparison, the point prevalence offatigue in 1916 patients with osteoarthritis (mean age, 66 years; 76%female) was 49.6% (P < 0.001, after adjustment for confoundingdemographic variables). Patients with fatigue reported significantlyhigher annual direct medical costs of care compared with those whowere not fatigued ($4621.70 ± 241.66 vs $2131.42 ± 265.68 respec-tively, P < 0.001). During the 6-month periods when they reportedfatigue, patients missed an average of 1.93 days (standard error of themean [SEM], 0.11) of work, and were unable to do nonemployment-related activities for 12.31 days (SEM, 0.34). In the 6-month timeperiods when no fatigue was reported, patients only missed an averageof 0.98 days (SEM, 0.10) of work and were unable to do nonemploy-ment-related activities for 5.44 days (SEM, 0.34) (P < 0.001 for bothcomparisons). Mutivariate analysis showed that the costs of medicalcare were strongly correlated with the presence of fatigue (P < 0.02),after adjusting for age, gender, duration of RA and education level.Conclusions Fatigue is a common symptom in patients with RA.Patients with fatigue have significantly higher costs of medical care andmiss more days of work compared with those who do not have fatigue.It is important to measure fatigue in clinical trials of innovative therapiessince this is an important reason for poor quality of life, and is stronglycorrelated with disease severity and direct and indirect medical costs.

Acknowledgement The study was funded by a grant from Wyeth.

123Skewed T-cell receptor BV14 and BV16 expression,and shared complementarity-determining region 3sequence and common sequence motifs insynovial T cells of rheumatoid arthritisW Sun1,2, H Nie1,3, N Li1,4, Y Zang2,5, D Zhang1,3, G Feng1,6, L Ni1,6,R Xu1,6, E Sercarz4, JZ Zhang1,2,3,5,6

1Shanghai Institute of Immunology and Immunology Division, E-Institutes of Shanghai Universities, People’s Republic of China;2Department of Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,Texas, USA; 3Health Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai Second Medical University, People’s Republic of China;4Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, San Diego, California,USA; 5Hong Kong Chinese University, People’s Republic of China;6Guanghua Rheumatology Hospital, Shanghai, People’s Republic ofChinaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):123 (DOI 10.1186/ar924)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of thejoints, in which T cells are thought to play an important role in therheumatoid synovium. We hypothesized that if the T-cell receptor(TCR) repertoire of infiltrating T cells is shaped by interaction withcommon self-antigens or microbial antigens in the context of suscepti-ble human leukocyte antigen genes, these synovial T cells may sharesome TCR structural features in different patients. In this study, syn-

ovial lesion tissue, synovial fluid and blood specimens from 37 RApatients and seven control patients were analyzed for TCR repertoire.The results indicated highly skewed BV14 and BV16 in the synoviallesion tissue and BV16 in synovial fluid of RA, while control synovialmaterial had diverse BV distribution. A trend for correlation betweenthe skewed BV16 but not BV14 and the expression of DRB1*0405was found in this cohort of Chinese RA patients. Immunoscope analy-sis of the V–D–J region showed oligoclonal expansion of BV14+ andBV16+ T cells in some cases, while polyclonal patterns were frequentlyseen in other specimens. Refinement of the V–D–J region profile bydetailed immunoscope analysis using BV and BJ primers revealedcommon clonotypes that utilized the same BV14 or BV16 and thesame BJ, and had similar complementarity-determining region 3(CDR3) length. DNA cloning and sequence analysis of the clonotypesconfirmed identical CDR3 sequences and common CDR3 sequencemotifs among different RA patients. The findings are important in theunderstanding of BV gene skewing and the CDR3 structural character-istics in synovial infiltrating T cells of RA, and have implications in novelimmunotherapy.

124Changes in the synovial cell proteome induced byhypoxiaH El-Gabalawy1, J Wilkins1, K Dasuri1, D Duggan2

1Arthritis Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;2NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):124 (DOI 10.1186/ar925)

Purpose Fibroblast-like synovial cells (FLS) have provided consider-able insight into the mechanisms underlying joint inflammation anddestruction. There is currently an incomplete knowledge of the globalFLS proteome and of how this compares with the proteome of otherfibroblasts. The rheumatoid arthritis synovial microenvironment isknown to be chronically hypoxic. We studied the FLS proteome usingtwo-dimensional gels and mass spectrometry to evaluate the effects ofhypoxia on the synovial proteome, comparing this with the expressedgenome.Methods FLS were isolated from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritissynovia obtained at the time of joint arthroplasty. Cells from passages2–4 were cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions for variabletime points prior to analysis. Total proteins found in whole-cell FLSlysates were separated on immobilized pH-gradient two-dimensional(2D) PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue. To date, the in-geldigests of > 300 protein spots have been analyzed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry.Spectra were analyzed using the Knexus automation client and the Pro-found search engine (Proteometrics Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada). 2D gels from hypoxic and normoxic FLS were superimposedusing image analysis software and were compared. Differences wereidentified, and were related to differences in the expressed genomedemonstrated in a microarray experiment using the same cell lines andconditions.Results Under normoxic conditions, more than 300 proteins were fullycharacterized in the FLS lines. Of particular note, FLS intenselyexpressed uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase, which is anenzyme needed for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Other proteinsidentified fell into the following groups: enzymatic, transcription andcell-cycle regulation, protein binding, cytoskeletal, extracellular matrix,heat shock, protein synthesis and assembly, and membrane channel. Incomparing the proteome expressed under hypoxic conditions, most ofthe apparent differences were quantitative, with shifts in position sug-gestive of phosphorylation and glycosylation. The microarray datademonstrated a spectrum of known, as well as novel, hypothetical pro-teins that were regulated by hypoxia. Identification of these proteins inthe 2D gels is currently underway.Conclusions We demonstrate techniques used in the detailed explo-ration of the synovial proteome. These techniques are applied to theexamination of the effects of hypoxic stimulation on FLS. Comparisonsbetween the expressed proteome and genome provide novel insightsinto the response of FLS to hypoxia

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Poster Discussion (7) RA Group (2)

125CD44 regulates bone erosion andosteoclastogenesis in arthritisG Schett1, S Hayer1, K Redlich1, EF Wagner2, G Kollias3, G Steiner1, JS Smolen1

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine III,University of Vienna, Austria; 2Research Institute for MolecularPathology, Vienna, Austria; 3Institute of Immunology, AlexanderFleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center, Vari, GreeceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):125 (DOI 10.1186/ar926)

Objective CD44 mediates cell–matrix interaction and is thought to playa role in cell adhesion, fusion and migration. Blocking of CD44 is con-sidered a potential target in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis.Methods To elucidate the role of CD44 in arthritis, human tumournecrosis factor transgenic (hTNFtg) mice were crossed with CD44knockout mice.Results Clinical evaluation revealed a significantly increased severity ofarthritis in CD44–/– hTNFtg mice than in hTNFtg mice. Wild-type miceand CD44–/– mice were normal. Histologically, bone destruction wasdramatically increased in the arthritic paws of CD44–/– hTNFtg mice.Changes were based on a significant increase of size and number ofosteoclasts in the synovial inflammatory tissue. Ex vivo analysis of osteo-clastogenesis revealed that osteoclasts differentiated more rapidly andwere increased in size and number in CD44–/– hTNFtg mice comparedwith in hTNFtg controls. In addition, a bone resorption assay showedincreased ‘pit’ formation by osteoclasts of CD44–/– hTNFtg mice.Conclusion CD44 deficiency does not block, but rather increases theseverity of TNF-mediated arthritis. This was due to increased bonedamage caused by deregulation of osteoclastogenesis. We concludethat CD44 is of benefit for TNF-mediated arthritis due to its regulatoryrole on osteoclasts.

126Repair of local bone erosions by combinedtreatment with parathyroid hormone,osteoprotegerin and anti-tumor necrosis factor intumor necrosis factor-transgenic miceK Redlich1, B Goertz1, N Doerr2, G Kollias3, G Steiner4, J Smolen1, G Schett1

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine III,University of Vienna, Austria; 2Department of Pathology, Amgen, Inc.,Thousand Oaks, California, USA; 3Molecular Genetics Laboratory,Institute of Immunology, Alexander Fleming Biomedical SciencesResearch Center, Vari, Greece; 4Center of Molecular Medicine,Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, AustriaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):126 (DOI 10.1186/ar927)

Local bone erosions and systemic bone loss are hallmarks of rheuma-toid arthritis and cause progressive disability. Tumor necrosis factor(TNF) is a key mediator of arthritis and acts catabolically on bone bystimulating bone resorption and inhibiting bone formation. We hypothe-sized that the concerted action of parathyroid hormone (PTH), whichstimulates bone formation, osteoprotegerin (OPG), which blocks boneresorption, and anti-TNF, which reduces inflammation, could lead torepair of local bone erosions and to inhibition of systemic bone loss. Totest this, human TNF-transgenic mice with erosive arthritis and estab-lished systemic bone loss were treated with PTH, OPG and anti-TNF.Local bone erosions almost fully regressed, suggesting repair of inflam-matory skeletal lesions. In contrast, OPG or anti-TNF alone led to arrestof bone erosions but did not achieve repair. Treatment with PTH alonehad no influence on the progression of bone erosions. Local bone ero-sions showed all signs of new bone formation such as the presence ofosteoblasts, osteoid formation and mineralization. Systemic bone losswas completely reversed upon combined treatment, and this effect wasmediated by osteoblast stimulation and osteoclast blockade. In con-trast to local and systemic bone loss, joint inflammation was onlyaffected by anti-TNF. In summary, we conclude that local and systemic

inflammatory bone loss due to TNF can regress, and that repairrequires a combined approach by reducing inflammation, blockingbone resorption and stimulating bone formation.

127Essential role for migration inhibitory factor in IL-1activation of mitogen-activated protein kinasesE Morand, D Lacey, Y Yang, M Leech, M TohCentre for Inflammatory Diseases, Monash University, Melbourne,AustraliaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):127 (DOI 10.1186/ar928)

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pluripotential proin-flammatory cytokine with a possible role in the pathogenesis of rheuma-toid arthritis (RA). MIF is expressed in RA synovium, and directlyactivates RA synoviocyte gene expression and proliferation, as well asexerting anti-apoptotic effects via inhibition of p53. MIF activates ERKand p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, but evidence fordirect activation of NF-κB by MIF is lacking.Anti-MIF monoclonal antibodies prevent IL-1 activation of fibroblast-likesynoviocytes in vitro, implicating MIF in the activation of cells by IL-1. Themechanism of this action of MIF has not been adduced. We studied theactivation of signal transduction pathways by IL-1 in cells deficient in MIF.Dermal fibroblasts were cultured from MIF–/– and WT mice, and wereexposed to IL-1. MAP kinase and NF-κB activation were studied byWestern blotting, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), andreporter gene assays.IL-1 rapidly induced phosphorylation of p38, JNK, and ERK MAPkinases in WT cells. In contrast, MIF–/– cell p38, JNK, and ERK activa-tion in response to IL-1 was reduced. Consistent with this observation,MIF–/– cells were hyporesponsive to IL-1-induced AP-1 DNA binding asmeasured by EMSA (P = 0.03). IL-1-induced activation of an AP-1luciferase reporter gene system was also reduced in MIF–/– cells (P =0.037). Confirming the functional significance of these results, MIF–/–

cells were hyporesponsive to IL-1-induced proliferation. In contrast,MIF–/– cells were normally responsive to IL-1-induced MKK3 and MKK7phosphorylation. No significant difference in NF-κB activation wasdetected between MIF–/– and WT cells, as measured by cellular IκBcontent, NF-κB EMSA, or NF-κB luciferase reporter gene assay.These data demonstrate that MIF is required for cellular MAP kinaseresponses to IL-1. This represents a novel mechanism of action of MIFin the support of the inflammatory response. The absence of an effecton MKK3/MKK7 or NF-κB suggests the effects may be mediated dis-tally in the signal transduction cascade. Therapeutic MIF antagonismmay limit the cellular effects of IL-1.

128Regulatory T cells in experimental arthritisR Bräuer1, O Frey1, PK Petrow1, A Scheffold2, A Radbruch2

1Institute of Pathology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany;2German Rheumatism Research Centre, Berlin, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):128 (DOI 10.1186/ar929)

Background It is now generally accepted that central and peripheralimmune tolerance is in part mediated by the action of suppressor cells.In particular, CD4+ T cells coexpressing CD25 (CD4+CD25+ regula-tory T cells [Treg]) have been shown crucial for the prevention of autoim-munity in several animal models. We investigated the role of this cellpopulation in murine antigen-induced arthritis, a well-characterizedexperimental model of human rheumatoid arthritis.Methods For this purpose, we used two different approaches. First,the depletion of CD25-expressing cells in vivo using a monoclonal anti-body against this molecule, and second, the transfer of purifiedCD4+CD25+ Treg from naive donors into arthritic mice.Results Depletion of CD25-expressing cells resulted in a clinical andhistological aggravation of arthritis. The increased severity of arthritiswas due to a lack of Treg cells, since transfer of purified CD4+CD25+

cells from naive donors into depleted animals ameliorated the clinicalsigns of arthritis. The aggravated arthritis in depleted mice was accom-panied by exaggerated humoral (serum IgG) and cellular (ELISPOT)immune responses against the inducing antigen (methylated bovine

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serum albumin) and to cartilage matrix constituents (collagen type I,collagen type II, proteoglycans). Thus, CD4+CD25+ Treg cells may reg-ulate the severity of arthritis by adjusting the systemic immune respon-siveness to arthritis-related antigens. Furthermore, adoptive transfer ofpurified CD4+CD25+ Treg cells, isolated from naive mice, into arthriticanimals resulted invariably in a marked decrease of the severity ofarthritis. Especially with use of in vitro preactivated Treg cells, this effectcould be achieved with very low cell numbers (1 × 105 cells peranimal). Analysis of cellular and humoral immune responses in therecipients did not shown signs of systemic immunosuppression. Localimmunoregulatory effects of these cells are possibly involved, but theirexact mechanism of action is hitherto unknown.Conclusions Taken together, these data implicate a pivotal role ofCD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells in experimental arthritis, and itcan be hypothesized that they are a new diagnostic or prognostic toolfor rheumatoid arthritis patients. Hopefully, enhancement of their func-tion may be beneficial for these patients and represents a new thera-peutic strategy in autoimmune diseases.

129Antirheumatic effects of humanized anti-Fasmonoclonal antibody in human rheumatoidarthritis/SCID mouse chimeraH Matsuno1, K Yudoh2, K Nishioka2

1Bioengineering Research Center, Toin-Yokohama University,Yokohama, Japan; 2Institute of Medical Science, St MariannaUniversity School of Medicine, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):129 (DOI 10.1186/ar930)

Objective Anti-Fas monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are considered apotential therapeutic agent for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, Fas-mediated liver and chondrocyte damage is a serious problem in its clin-ical application. m-HFE7A, a novel anti-Fas mAb, selectively inducesapoptosis in inflammatory cells. We succeeded in humanizing m-HFE7A to obtain h-HFE7A. We investigated the therapeutic effects ofh-HFE7A mAb in RA.Methods We investigated the apoptosis-inducing activities of h-HFE7A on human Fas ligand transfected cells and cultured human acti-vated lymphocytes (human peripheral blood mononuclear cells andisolated human RA synovial lymphocytes), synoviocytes, and chondro-cytes. We then examined the effects of h-HFE7A mAb in vivo usingSCID-HuRAg mice implanted with human RA tissue.Results Administration of h-HFE7A mAb alone did not induce apopto-sis in cultured human Fas ligand transfected cells and activated lym-phocytes. However, apoptosis-inducing activities were noted by thismAb crosslinking with a secondary antibody or Fcγ receptor-positivecells. In contrast, no apoptosis induction by h-HFE7A was observed oncultured synoviocytes and chondrocytes with or without crosslinking.Thus, the crosslinking with Fcγ receptor-positive cells is essential forthe efficacy of this mAb in vivo. In the implanted tissue of the SCID-HuRAg mice, the number of inflammatory cells was significantlydecreased in the h-HFE7A mAb-treated group compared with the IgG-treated control group. Moreover, there were only negligible effects insynoviocytes and chondrocytes with the h-HFE7A mAb.Conclusion Administration of this novel humanized anti-Fas mAb mayprovide a new treatment for RA by inducing Fas-mediated apoptosis ininflammatory cells.

130TNF-alpha blockade by nonviral gene therapy incollagen-induced arthritisMC Boissier1, C Bloquel1, P Bigey2, V Deleuze2, D Scherman2, N Bessis1

1UPRES EA-3408 and Department of Rheumatology, University ofParis 13 and Avicenne Hospital, Bobigny, France; 2Laboratoire dePharmacologie clinique et génétique, U266 INSERM, FRE2463CNRS, University of Paris 5, FranceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):130 (DOI 10.1186/ar931)

Objectives Gene therapy using electrotransfer (ET) is a safe methodfor transferring therapeutic transgenes in vivo. We have used this

method to administer transgenes encoding three human tumour necro-sis factor alpha soluble receptor I (hTNFRIs) variants engineered inScherman’s research unit. The ET parameters and therapeutic effectsin collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice were studied.Methods The following three plasmids were used: pCOR(hTNFRIs)1,pCORhTNFRIs/mIgG1, and pCOR(hTNFRIs)2. These encode, respec-tively, the monomeric (hTNFRIs)1 form, the chimeric hTNFRIs/mIgG1form or the dimeric (hTNFRIs)2 form of hTNFRIs. They were electro-transferred in the tibial cranial muscle. The hTNFRIs concentrationswere determined by ELISA. Biological activity (tumour necrosis factoralpha neutralization) of the fusion protein encoded by each of the plas-mids was determined using L929 cells. Detection of the plasmidgenome was determined by PCR. CIA was induced in DBA/1 micewith bovine type II collagen in complete Freund adjuvant.Results ET of the three plasmids allowed dose-dependent hTNFRIs pro-duction in sera and muscle after 10 days. Local expression in the musclelasted for at least 6 months. Systemic expression in the serum lasted forat least 6 months for the hTNFRIs/mIgG1 form, while it was shorter forthe two other forms (about 3 weeks). After intramuscular ET of any of thethree plasmids, muscle lysates were able to inhibit tumour necrosis factoralpha cytotoxicity on L929 cells ex vivo. No plasmid DNA was found inthe organs distant from the injected muscle (liver, spleen, kidney, gonads,heart, lung, brain and distant muscle). ET of 50µg pCOR/sTNFRI/IgG1plasmid at the onset of clinical disease induced a clear-cut decrease ofclinical and histological signs of arthritis. The dimeric (hTNFRIs)2 formwas also efficient, although the effect was weaker than with the fusionprotein. The monomeric form had no effect on arthritides.Conclusion Intramuscular ET of plasmids encoding the three forms ofhTNFRIs (monomeric, dimeric and the IgG chimera) leads to a produc-tion of biologically active protein and, most importantly, is followed by along-term secretion of hTNFRIs in the serum. CIA is efficiently inhibitedwhen ET of plasmids encoding either the chimera or the dimeric formof the hTNFRIs was performed at the onset of the clinical signs.

131Therapeutic inhibition of tumour necrosis factoralpha reduces oligoclonality in the selected T-cellreceptor BV families in rheumatoid arthritisM Pierer, U Wagner, S Kaltenhäuser, S Arnold, H HäntzschelDepartment of Medicine IV, University of Leipzig, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):131 (DOI 10.1186/ar932)

Background Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with the recombi-nant p75 tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor fusion protein etaner-cept is clinically highly effective. Clonally expanded, autoreactiveCD4+CD28 null T cells can be found in the peripheral blood of patientswith RA, and have been shown to use distinct BV–BJ combinations intheir T-cell receptor (TCR).Objective This study was undertaken to investigate the influence ofanti-TNF-α treatment on expanded clonotypes in the peripheral CD4+

T-cell compartment.Methods We investigated the size of the CD4+CD28 null compart-ment and the TCR β-chain repertoire of expanded CD4+ clonotypes in19 patients with RA, before the initiation of treatment with etanerceptand after 2, 4 and 18 months of TNF-α blocking therapy by comple-mentarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) length analysis (spectrotyping)in the BV6 and BV14 TCR families. This was done with primers spe-cific for three arbitrarily chosen β-chain joining elements (BJ1S2,BJ2S3 and BJ2S7).Results TNF-α inhibition significantly reduced the total number ofexpanded clonotypes found in the TCR BV6 family after 4 months oftreatment, and was even more pronounced after 18 months. In con-trast, however, the number of detected BV14 clones was not affected.The percentage of CD4+CD28 null cells, which has been shown tocorrelate with expanded clonotypes using BV14–BJ1S2 andBV14–BJ2S3 combinations, but not with the number of BV6 clones,remained unchanged under therapy.Conclusion Therapeutic blockade of the proinflammatory cytokineTNF-α, which leads to a profound decrease of disease activity intreated patients, was also found to influence the size of expandedCD4+ clonotypes in the peripheral circulation in RA patients. Thiseffect was dependent on the TCR BV–BJ combinations used in the

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clonotypes, however, and was restricted to the BV6 family in our study,while BV14 clonotypes were not affected.

132Pathogenic roles of IL-6 and IL-6 blocking therapyon rheumatoid arthritisK Yoshizaki1, N Nishimoto1, N Miyasaka2, K Yamamoto3, S Kawai4, T Takeuchi5, T Kishimoto6

1Department of Medical Science I, School of Health and SportSciences, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; 2School of Medicine, TokyoMedical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan; 3Graduate School ofMedicine, University of Tokyo, Japan; 4St Marianna University ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 5Saitama Medical Center/School,Kawagoe, Japan; 6Osaka University, Suita, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):132 (DOI 10.1186/ar933)

Background In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), chronic inflammation fol-lowed by the destruction of joints and systemic symptoms is con-structed and progressed with a continuous inflammatory andimmunological hyperactivity. IL-6 is considered a proinflammatorycytokine produced in inflammatory synovium in RA, and to participate inthe lymphocyte activation, synovial cell growth, angiogenesis, cartilageand bone destruction, and generation of AA amyloidosis. However,precise functions of IL-6 in RA are still unknown.Objective To know the actual pathogenic roles of IL-6 in RA and todevelop IL-6 blocking therapy on RA, a humanized anti-IL-6 receptorantibody (MRA) has been used for the treatment of RA as a specificblockade of IL-6 function.Method To evaluate the therapeutic effects of MRA to patients withRA, three clinical studies have so far been performed in Japan: a pilotstudy of 11 severe patients, an open-labeled, dose-escalating, multi-dose clinical study of 15 patients, and a randomized, placebo-con-trolled trial of a multidose study on 163 patients. In most clinical trials inJapan, 2–8 mg/kg MRA was administered intravenously every 4 weeks.Results The treatment was well tolerated at all doses. The clinical effi-cacy of MRA evaluated by ACR criteria seems to be same as or morethan those of tumor necrosis factor alpha blockades. MRA treatmentalso improved the abnormal laboratory findings observed in active RApatients. In most MRA-treated patients, elevated levels of acute phaseproteins, such as C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and SAA, were rapidlynormalized after first administration, and thrombocytosis, anemia andhypoalbuminemia were improved within 2 months. Rheumatoid factorlevels were gradually decreased.Conclusion These therapeutic effects and improvements of abnormalfindings by MRA treatment confirm that IL-6 is one of the key cytokinesin the pathogenesis of RA arthritis, and IL-6 blocking therapy is acytokine-specific, safe and effective therapy for patients with RA.

133Repeated B-cell depletion with rituximab inrheumatoid arthritisJ Edwards, M LeandroCentre for Rheumatology, University College, London, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):133 (DOI 10.1186/ar934)

Thirty-seven patients have been recruited to a programme of repeatedB-cell depletion therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Protocols have beenbased on rituximab, combined with cyclophosphamide initially. Sixty-twotreatments have been given over 4.5 years. Patients were withdrawn forinadequate response (<ACR20), for successful reintroduction ofdisease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) or for toxicity.Twenty-five patients continue on the programme with evidence ofresponse, and a further three patients have regained control on reintro-duction of DMARD (methotrexate, sulphasalazine). All four IgM rheuma-toid factor-negative patients failed to respond. One seropositive patientachieved no benefit, and two achieved benefit of 5 months or less. Twopatients have been lost to follow-up. The mean period of benefit(> ACR20) was 15 months, with a maximum of 35 months. One patientshowed inadequate depletion. Secondary failure of clinical response ordepletion was not observed in up to four repeat treatments. Coexistentpsoriasis on three patients showed no change.

B-cell depletion protocols were well tolerated. Eight febrile episodeswith pulmonary symptoms occurred in 85 patient-years of follow-up. Allsettled rapidly on antibiotic. Although most were assumed infective, atleast four may have been late reactions to therapy or been diseaseassociated. One suspected joint prosthesis infection was sterile onculture. Three patients who received rituximab in combination withcyclophosphamide have developed breast carcinoma (two patients) orcarcinoma in situ (one patient), although in one case there was evi-dence that this predated therapy. (No increase in the incidence of car-cinoma has been reported in surveillance of rituximab usageelsewhere.) In three cases who have received three courses of therapyin rapid succession, serum IgM levels have fallen to undetectableduring the period of depletion. Falls in IgG levels have been modestand antibacterial antibody levels well maintained.In summary, experience with repeated B-cell depletion therapy inrheumatoid arthritis suggests that approximately 80% of seropositivepatients may become susceptible to continuing control of disease, butseronegative disease appears unresponsive. Secondary resistanceappears not to be a problem over 2–4 years. Susceptibility to chestinfection may be increased. Cumulative effects on immunoglobulinlevels may occur with frequently repeated usage.

134Gene transfer of p21Cip1 exerts multiple moleculareffects in the treatment of arthritisH Kohsaka, Y Nonomura, K Nagasaka, N MiyasakaDepartment of Bioregulatory Medicine and Rheumatology, GraduateSchool, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):134 (DOI 10.1186/ar935)

Forced expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p21cip1 inthe synovial tissues was effective in treating animal models of rheumatoidarthritis (RA). Synovial hyperplasia in the treated joints was suppressed,reflecting the inhibitory effect of p21cip1 on cell-cycle progression. Addi-tionally, lymphocyte infiltration, expression of inflammatory cytokines, anddestruction of the bone and cartilage were inhibited. To determine why thecell-cycle regulator gene exerted such anti-inflammatory effects, we inves-tigated gene expression by rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts with or withoutthe p21cip1 gene transferred. We have found that p21cip1 gene transferdownregulates the expression of various inflammatory mediators andtissue-degrading proteinases that are critically involved in the pathology ofRA. These molecules included IL-6, IL-8, type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1R1),monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-3a, cathepsins B and K, and matrix metalloproteinase-1 and matrix metal-loproteinase-3. Downregulation of IL-1R1 by p21cip1 resulted inattenuated responsiveness to IL-1. Inhibition of the inflammatory geneexpression by p21cip1 was seen even when IL-1 is absent. This IL-1R1-independent suppression was accompanied by reduced activity of c-JunN-terminal kinase, which was associated with p21cip1, and by inactivationof NF-κB and AP-1. These multiple regulatory effects should work inconcert with the primary effect of inhibiting the cell cycle in amelioratingthe arthritis, and suggest a heretofore unexplored relationship betweencyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and inflammatory molecules.

135The innate immune system as a therapeutic targetin arthritisM Corr, JY Choe, K PeknyDepartment of Medicine and The Sam and Rose Stein Institute forResearch on Aging, University of California San Diego, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):135 (DOI 10.1186/ar936)

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that may be char-acterized by several phases. In the initial induction phase of the diseasethere may be a breech in the normal mechanisms that protect the hostfrom destruction. In the later phase, pathways that are independent ofthe adaptive immune system may perpetuate inflammation. These path-ways may be active in patients who are refractory to biologic therapiesthat target key cytokines, IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor alpha. The Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are an integral part of the innate immune system,and are present on synovial lining cells, as well as the cells of the

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immune system, which may amplify their contribution to the inflammatorycascade. We have found that TLR-4 and its coreceptor CD14 can mod-ulate arthritis and can modulate inflammatory joint disease in murinemodels of arthritis. In particular, exposure to a TLR-4 ligand stimulatesrelease of IL-6 from synovial fibroblast-like cells in culture, and circum-vents the requirement for IL-1 receptor signaling in a serum transfermodel of arthritis. These data suggest that triggering the innate immuneresponse through the TLRs with either microbial or autologous ligandsplays a role in the initiation or perpetuation of rheumatoid arthritis.

Poster Discussion (8) RA Group (3)

136Soluble 4A11 antigen: a novel mediator ofleukocyte–endothelial adhesion and monocyterecruitment in rheumatoid arthritisA Koch, K Zhu, M Amin, Y Zha, M Kim, C Park, H Ruth, H Castro-Rueda, C HaasNorthwestern University Medical School and V.A. Chicago Healthcare,Lakeside Divsion, Chicago, Illinois, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):136 (DOI 10.1186/ar937)

The rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovial pannus is characterized by anumber of processes, including monocyte recruitment, leukocyte–endothelial adhesion, and angiogenesis. We have generated a novelmonoclonal antibody (mAb) (mAb 4A11), which detects the bloodgroup antigens Lewis y and H-5-2 (collectively termed the 4A11antigen). We have shown that this antigen, in soluble form, as well as aglucose analog of H-5-2 (H-2g), are potent mediators of angiogenesis.The 4A11 antigen is selectively expressed in skin, lymphoid organs, thethymus and synovium, and is upregulated on RA synovium comparedwith normal synovium, suggesting a role in leukocyte recruitment andhoming. We have also shown that H-2g significantly upregulates cellsurface expression of the adhesion molecule intercellular adhesion mol-ecule-1 (ICAM-1) on human dermal microvascular endothelial cells(HMVECs), but not vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 or E-selectin.In accord with this, H-2g induces ICAM-1-mediated leukocyte–endothelial adhesion. Moreover, H-2g or the 4A11 antigen activate theendothelial janus kinase 2 (JAK2)/STAT3 pathway, as demonstrated byinhibition by chemical inhibitors of these pathways as well as antisenseoligodeoxynucleotides directed against these signaling intermediates.H-2g may also signal via the Erk1/2 and PI3kinase-Akt pathways.Moreover, H-2g induced endothelial NF-κB activation, and blockade ofPI3kinase or JAK2 inhibited H-2g-induced endothelial NF-κB activation.These results suggest that the H-2g and the 4A11 antigen are media-tors of leukocyte–endothelial adhesion via ICAM-1.We next sought to determine whether H-2g could induce monocyterecruitment. We performed monocyte chemotaxis in vitro in modifiedBoyden chambers. H-2g induced monocyte chemotaxis in the picomolaror greater range. In vivo, injection of H-2g intraperitoneally into the peri-otoneum of mice resulted in monocyte recruitment. The migration ofmonocytes in vitro, as with induction of HMVEC ICAM-1 expression,appeared to occur via the mitogen-activated kinase and PI3kinase path-ways, but also via the Src pathway. These results suggest that H-2g andthe 4A11 antigen are potent mediators of leukocyte–endothelial adhe-sion and monocyte recruitment, and that efforts aimed at targeting thisantigen or its signaling pathways may be useful in the treatment of RA.

137Galectin-3 and galectin-3 binding protein inrheumatoid arthritisS Ohshima1,2, S Kuchen2, C Seemayer2, FT Liu3, M Neidhart2, RE Gay2, S Gay2

1Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka University GraduateSchool of Medicine, Japan; 2Center of Experimental Rheumatology,University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland; 3Department of Dermatology,University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):137 (DOI 10.1186/ar938)

Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is one of the soluble lectins that has key functions ininflammation, chemotaxis, cell adhesion and apoptosis. We examined

the role of Gal-3 and Gal-3 binding protein (Gal-3BP) in rheumatoidarthritis (RA). Localization of Gal-3 and Gal-3BP in rheumatoid syn-ovium was examined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisa-tion. Gal-3 and Gal-3BP concentrations in plasma and synovial fluidwere measured by ELISA. Gal-3 protein and mRNA stained throughoutthe synovial membrane, and Gal-3BP expressed at the site of erosionin RA. Lower and scattered expression of both Gal-3 and Gal-3BPwere detected in osteoarthritis synovium and normal synovium. ELISArevealed a marked increase of Gal-3 and Gal-3BP in synovial fluid ofpatients with RA compared with osteoarthritis patients and normal con-trols. Furthermore, the level of Gal-3 in serum correlated with the levelof C-reactive protein in RA. In vitro, Gal-3 can induce the production ofmatrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9 in synovialfibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner. Our data indicate that Gal-3and Gal-3BP represent novel markers of disease activity in RA. More-over, Gal-3 might contribute to the destruction of bone/cartilage in RAby the induction of MMPs.

138Enumeration and phenotypic characterization ofsynovial fluid multipotential mesenchymalprogenitor cells in inflammatory and degenerativearthritisD McGonagle, E Jones, A English, P EmeryUniversity of Leeds, Academic Unit of Musculoskeletal Disease,Department of Rheumatology, Leeds, UKArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):138 (DOI 10.1186/ar939)

Objectives Synovial fluid (SF) contains rare clonogenic fibroblasticcells, but it is unknown whether these are true mesenchymal progenitorcells (MPCs) capable of trilineage differentiation or whether they partic-ipate in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The present workevaluated SF for the presence of MPCs, to characterize these cells inrelationship to bone marrow (BM) MPCs and to enumerate them inearly and established RA, other inflammatory arthropathies andosteoarthritis (OA).Methods One hundred SF samples were evaluated (53 RA samples,20 OA samples, 27 other samples). To investigate multipotentiality, cul-tures of SF-derived fibroblasts were subjected to chondrogenic,osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation assays, with BM-derived andskin-derived cultures used as positive and negative controls of differen-tiation. Trilineage differentiation of the individual clonogenic fibroblastspresent was determined by direct measurements of produced Ca2+,sulphated glycosaminoglycan and lipid. Having established the MPCnature of individual SF clonogenic fibroblasts, fibroblast-colony formingunit assays were then used for enumeration of SF MPCs in early andlate RA, OA and other arthropathies. The immunophenotype of SFMPCs before and after expansion was determined by multiparameterflow cytometry.Results Regardless of the nature of arthritis, polyclonal cultures of SF-derived fibroblastic cells possessed trilineage mesenchymal differentia-tion potentials. Individual clonogenic SF fibroblasts were alsotripotential, confirming the MPC nature of SF cells. The number ofMPCs in 1 ml SF was significantly higher in OA (median, 37) comparedwith RA (median, 2; P < 0.00001), corresponding to an average fre-quency of 2000 and 2 cells per 106 of total cells, respectively. Thesedifferences were independent of SF volumes and inflammatory cellinflux. No significant differences in MPC numbers were found betweenearly and late RA (median, 3 and 2 cells/ml, respectively). Culture-expanded SF and BM MPCs had a similar phenotype (CD45negD7-FIBposCD13posCD105posCD55posCD10pos) but rare SF MPCsexpressed low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor prior to expansion,a distinct marker of in vivo BM MPCs.Conclusion This work shows the presence of rare clonogenic tripoten-tial MPCs in the SF, and is the first study to demonstrate that MPCsfrom two different anatomic sites have the same distinctive phenotypein vivo. The relative absence of SF MPCs in early and late RA does notsupport the concept of significant involvement in disease pathogene-sis, but the relative abundance of these in OA provides the first directevidence for MPC involvement in attempted joint repair in adults.

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139IL-15 and its role in rheumatoid arthritisM Kurowska-Stolarska1, O Distler1, W Rudnicka2, J Distler1, RE Gay1, W Maslinski2, S Gay1

1Center of Experimental Rheumatology, University Hospital, Zurich,Switzerland; 2Department of Pathophysiology and Immunology,Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, PolandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):139 (DOI 10.1186/ar940)

Background IL-15 is involved in all phases of rheumatoid arthritis.Recently we have shown that rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts(RASF) express both IL-15 and functional IL-15 receptor [1].Objective The aim of present study was to identify pathways that areregulated by autocrine IL-15 (IL-15R) in RASF.Methods RASF were transfected with plasmid encoding IL-15R antago-nist (CRB-15, Cardion AG) or control constructs. RNA from transienttransfectants were used for Microarray analysis. The differential expres-sion of genes obtained by microarray analysis was verified by SYBRGreen real-time PCR. The expression of IL-15Rα, cell proliferation andthe expression of p16 and p21 were evaluated in stably transfected cells.Results The IL-15R antagonist produced by transfected RASFblocked the endogenous IL-15/IL-15Rα interaction, which resulted inan inhibition of cell proliferation (45 ± 10%) via an increase of theexpression of p16. In addition, we found that inhibition of IL-15Rαinduced the expression of mRNA for FGFR-3. Since two isoforms ofFGFR-3 have been identified (FGFR-3b and FGFR-3c) [2], we testedthe effect of IL-15Rα inhibition on their expression. In contrast toFGFR-3b, the level of mRNA for FGFR-3c was strongly increased incells transfected with the IL-15R antagonist (4.71 ± 2.5 in transienttransfectants and 6.1 ± 1 fold in stable transfectants). FGFR-3c isoformbinds specifically FGF-9, but also FGF-2 [2]. Besides FGFR-3, FGF-2that is abundant in RA joints binds to FGFR-1. In vitro studies revealedthat FGFR-1 transmits a potent mitogenic signal, whereas FGFR-3usually has no stimulatory effect or inhibits cell proliferation. In contrastto FGFR-3c, blocking of IL-15Rα did not change the mRNA expressionfor FGFR-1 in RASF. Moreover, we checked whether FGF-2 affects theexpression of IL-15Rα. Indeed, FGF-2 strongly decreased the sponta-neous and tumor necrosis factor alpha-triggered expression of IL-15Rαat the mRNA and protein levels.Conclusion Our findings raise the possibility of a negative loop betweenFGF-2/FGFR-3c and IL-15/IL-15R signaling in RASF. Moreover, the acti-vation of RASF by FGFs could depend on the ratio of FGFR-1/FGFR-3expression, which is controlled by the endogenous IL-15/IL-15R system.References1. Kurowska M, et al.: J Immunol 2002, 169:1760.2. Powers CJ, et al.: Endocr Relat Cancer 2000, 7:165.

140Floating anchorage-independent fibroblast-likecells mediate cartilage destruction independentlyfrom the hyperplastic synovial tissueM Neidhart, CA Seemayer, BA Michel, RE Gay, S GayCenter of Experimental Rheumatology, Zurich, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):140 (DOI 10.1186/ar941)

We characterized the morphological and immunological features ofadherent synovial fluid cells derived from patients with rheumatoid arthri-tis (RA), and explored their potential function in vitro and in vivo by focus-ing on cartilage destruction. Synovial fluid adherent cells were obtainedfrom patients with RA and from controls, and were characterized byimmunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. In vitro, these cells were cul-tured in the presence of cartilage particles. Cartilage destruction wasmonitored by the release of sulphated glycosaminoglycans (sGAG) intothe medium, and the level of MMP-1 in the cell culture supernatant wasmeasured by ELISA. To inhibit cartilage destruction in vitro, the matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor Marimastat was tested in this system.In vivo, in the SCID mouse coimplantation model, RA synovial fluidadherent cells and RA synovial fibroblasts (as positive controls) werecoimplanted with human cartilage under the kidney capsule, and weremaintained there for 60 days. Synovial fluid adherent cells in vitro consistof two subpopulations, large round-shaped macrophage-like cells

(CD68+) and spindle-shaped fibroblast-like cells (Thy-1+). When pas-saged, the latter cells proliferate and organize themselves in three-dimen-sional formations. The majority (>90%) of passaged RA synovial fluidadherent cells expressed the Thy-1+, CD68–, CD86– phenotype. Com-pared with synovial tissue fibroblasts, synovial fluid adherent cellsexpressed lower levels of adhesion molecules, including CD54 andgalectin-3. Using RA synovial fluid adherent cells, the in vitro release ofsGAG associated with cell activity was 2.5-fold higher compared withnegative controls. The release of sGAG correlated with the concentrationof MMP-1 and was inhibited by the broad range MMP inhibitor Marimas-tat in a dose-dependent manner. RA synovial fluid adherent cells coim-planted with cartilage in SCID mice showed the same invasive behaviouras tissue-derived RA synovial fibroblasts. Taken together, our datashowed that RA synovial fluid adherent contains ‘floating’ anchorage-independent fibroblast-like cells similar to tissue-derived RA synovialfibroblasts, contributing to cartilage destruction independently of theprocess mediated by the hyperplastic synovial tissue.

141Pathogenetic roles of Synoviolin in synovialhyperplasia of rheumatoid arthritisS Yamasaki1, N Yagish*ta1, T Amano1, K Tsuchimochi1, I Maruyama2, K Nishioka3, T Nakajima1

1Department of Genome Science, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan;2Department of Dermatology and Laboratory of Molecular Medicine,Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima, Japan;3Rheumatology, Immunology and Genetics Program, Institute of MedicalScience, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):141 (DOI 10.1186/ar942)

Background Synovial hyperplasia is a pathological hallmark of rheuma-toid arthritis (RA). However, the mechanisms that regulate synovial celloutgrowth are not fully understood. We recently isolated a novel mem-brane-type molecule named ‘Synoviolin’. This molecule was clonedfrom the cDNA library of RA synovial cells by immunoscreening usingantirheumatoid synovial cell antibody. It is thus expected that the mole-cule plays important roles in synovial hyperplasia of RA. We examinethe pathogenetic role of Synoviolin in RA in vivo and in vitro.Methods We examined the protein expression of Synoviolin in RAsynovia by immunohistochemistry. We also examined the proteinexpression of the molecule in cultured synovial cells by Western blot-ting. To examine the effects of this molecule on synovial cell prolifera-tion, the expression of Synoviolin in cultured synovial cells was knockeddown using the RNAi technique.Results Synoviolin is highly expressed in synovia of RA compared withsynovia of osteoarthritis. Correspondingly, the protein expressions ofSynoviolin in cultured RA synovial cells are higher than that inosteoarthritis synovial cells. The proliferation of synovial cells is signifi-cantly inhibited by downregulation of Synoviolin mediated by RNAi.Conclusion Our results implicate the important roles of Synoviolin insynovial hyperplasia of RA. These findings will provide a novel patho-genetic mechanism in RA, and suggest that further research on Synovi-olin will provide new therapeutic strategies for RA.

142Transcriptional regulation of Synoviolin isimportant for the proliferation of rhumatoidsynovial cellsK Tsuchimochi1, S Yamasaki1, N Yagish*ta1, T Amano1, S Komiya2, I Maruyama2, K Nishioka1, T Nakajima1

1Department of Genome Science and Rheumatology, Immunology andGenetics Program, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna UniversitySchool of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Department of OrthopedicSurgery and Department of Dermatology and Laboratory of MolecularMedicine, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):142 (DOI 10.1186/ar943)We recently cloned Synoviolin, a transmembrane protein, by immuno-screening from the human cDNA library of rheumatiod synovial cells(RSCs) using anti-RSC antibodies.

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Synoviolin was highly expressed in rhuematioid synovial fibroblastcells. The mice overexpressing Synoviolin developed spontaneousarthropathy. Conversely, synoviolin+/– mice were resistant to collagen-induced arthritis.These results indicate that it is important for the prevention of arthritisto reduce the amount of Synoviolin.We thus analyzed the transcriptional regulation of Synoviolin promoterand identified that an Ets binding site (EBS) was crucial for the tran-scription of Synoviolin in vitro and in vivo.Furthermore, to investigate the effect of downregulation of Synoviolin inRSCs, we transfected the EBS decoy oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) orSynoviolin antisense ODN into RSCs and carried out a proliferationassay using Alamar blue reagent, which resulted in the repression ofproliferation activity through the suppression of Synoviolin expression.Our results suggest that the EBS decoy ODN provides a new thera-peutic approach for the treatment of arthritis.

143The importance of Synoviolin in embryogenesisN Yagish*ta1, T Amano1, S Yamasaki1, T Tsuchimochi1, K Nishioka2, I Maruyama3, A f*ckamizu4, T Nakajima1

1Department of Genome Science, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan;2Rheumatology, Immunology and Genetics Program, Institute ofMedical Science, St Marianna University School of Medicine,Kawasaki, Japan; 3Department of Laboratory of Molecular Medicine,Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima, Japan;4Institute of Applied Biochemistry and Center for Tsukuba AdvancedResearch Alliance, University of Tsukuba, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):143 (DOI 10.1186/ar944)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most critical articular diseaseswith synovial hyperplasia followed by impairment of quality of life.However, the mechanism(s) that regulates synovial cell outgrowth isnot fully understood.To clarify its mechanism(s), we carried out immunoscreening usingantirheumatoid synovial cell antibody, and cloned ‘Synoviolin’. Synoviolinwas highly expressed in the rheumatoid synovium, and mice over-expressing this molecule developed spontaneous arthropathy. Thus, itwas demonstrated that Synoviolin is a novel pathogenic factor forarthropathy.In this study, to understand the physiological role of Synoviolin in vivo,we generated synoviolin-deficient (syno–/–) mice by gene-targeted dis-ruption. Surprisingly, all fetuses lacking synoviolin died in utero byembryonic day 12.5–13.5. Histologically, syno–/– embryos showedgeneralized low cellular density and aberrant apoptosis. In thehematopoietic system, apoptosis, nuclear fragmentation of erythro-blasts, Howell–Jolly body formation and hemophagocytosis wereobserved. These results indicate that lack of Synoviolin is associatedwith abnormal erythroid differentiation caused by augmentation ofapoptosis, and it was probable that syno–/– embryos died of anemia asa result of a reduced number of circulating erythroblasts.In conclusion, Synoviolin has an anti-apoptotic effect, and is essentialfor embryogenesis. For further study, clearing the molecular mecha-nism of Synoviolin in apoptosis could lead to cure of RA.

144Synoviolin as a novel pathogenic factor forarthropathyT Amano1, S Yamasaki1, N Yagish*ta1, K Tsuchimochi1, A f*ckamizu2, I Maruyama3, K Nishioka1, T Nakajima1

1Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Institute of Applied Biochemistry andCenter for Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance, University ofTsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; 3Department of Dermatology and Laboratoryof Molecular Medicine, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine,Kagoshima, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):144 (DOI 10.1186/ar945)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most critical articular diseaseswith synovial hyperplasia followed by impairment of quality of life.

However, the mechanism(s) that regulate synovial cell outgrowth is notfully understood. To clarify its mechanism(s), we carried out immuno-screening using antirheumatoid synovial cell antibody, and identifiedand cloned Synoviolin. Synoviolin was highly expressed in the rheuma-toid synovium, and mice overexpressing this protein developed sponta-neous arthropathy. Conversely, synoviolin+/– mice were resistant tocollagen-induced arthritis by enhanced apoptosis of synovial cells. Weconclude that Synoviolin is a novel causative factor for arthropathy bytriggering synovial cell outgrowth through its anti-apoptotic effects. Ourfindings provide a new pathogenetic model of RA, and suggest thatSynoviolin could be targeted as a therapeutic strategy for RA.

145Laminin, but not lipopolysaccharide, IL-1 or tumornecrosis factor alpha, induces IL-16 gene activity insynovial fibroblastsW Aicher1, D Alexander1, T Pap2, S Gay3

1Basic Science Research Laboratory, Department of OrthopaedicSurgery, UKT University Tuebingen, Germany; 2Medical School,University of Magdeburg, Germany; 3WHO Rheumatology Centre,University Hospital Zurich, SwitzerlandArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):145 (DOI 10.1186/ar946)

In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), synovial fibroblast-like cells (SF) contributesignificantly to articular inflammation. They express elevated levels ofcytokines and chemoattractant factors, including IL-16. We analyzedthe induction pathways for IL-16 mRNA expression in synovial fibro-blasts from eight RA patients in comparison with SF from sixosteoarthritis (OA) patients and dermal fibroblasts (DF) (n = 6) by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Stimulation of cAMP-dependent signal trans-duction by forskolin induced a twofold and 2.5-fold enhancement ofIL-16 RT-PCR signals in DF and OA-SF, respectively, whereas thekinase inhibitor staurosporine induced IL-16 transcripts to a lesserextent in DF and OA-SF. In contrast, in RA-SF, staurosporine signifi-cantly augmented IL-16 RT-PCR signals (2.7-fold, P < 0.022), butforskolin failed to do so (1.3-fold, P < 0.15). Phorbol ester induced IL-16 mRNA only in RA-SF (1.5-fold) but not in OA-SF, and reduced IL-16 signals in DF (0.6-fold). Most interestingly, growth of cells onlaminin significantly induced the expression of IL-16 mRNA (1.88-fold,P < 0.001). Collagen and other matrix proteins had no such effects.Induction of IL-16 mRNA by laminin was more pronounced in RA-SFthan in OA-SF. Addition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to SF induced dif-ferent cytokines including IL-1a, IL-1b, IL-6 and IL-8, but not IL-16, indi-cating that induction of IL-16 mRNA by laminin was not a LPS artifact.Addition of IL-1b or tumor necrosis factor alpha did not upregulate IL-16 mRNA, indicating that the NF-κB and p38 pathways are not themain activators of the IL-16 gene. We conclude that OA-SF and RA-SFdiffer in their IL-16 mRNA responses, in that OA-SF respond primarilyto adenylate cyclase-dependent pathways while RA-SF respond promi-nently to protein kinase pathways. Laminin activates the IL-16 gene insynovial fibroblasts but this activation is not dependent on NF-κB orp38 signal transduction.

Acknowledgement The project was supported by DFG grantAi 16/14-1

146Triptolide, an active compound identified in atraditional Chinese herb, induces apoptosis ofrheumatoid synovial fibroblastsN Kusunoki1, R Yamazaki2, S Kawai11Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Yakult Central Institute for MicrobiologicalResearch, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):146 (DOI 10.1186/ar947)

Introduction Extracts of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (TWHF), a tradi-tional Chinese herb, have been reported to show efficacy in patientswith rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It was also reported that TWHF extractssuppress inflammation in animal models of RA, and inhibit the produc-tion of proinflammatory cytokines by several kinds of cells in vitro.

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Objectives Since RA is not only characterized by inflammation, butalso by synovial proliferation in the joints, we examined whether trip-tolide (a constituent of TWHF) could influence the proliferation ofrheumatoid synovial fibroblasts (RSF) by induction of apoptosis.Methods RSF were obtained from RA patients during surgery and weretreated with triptolide or other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugsunder various conditions. The viability and proliferation of RSF weremeasured by the 4-[3-(4-iodophenyl)-2-(4-nitrophenyl)-2H-5-tetrazolio]-1,3-benzene disulfonate assay and by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorpo-ration, respectively. Apoptosis was identified by detection of DNAfragmentation using an ELISA and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling. The role of caspases in apoptosis ofRSF was analyzed by measuring caspase-3 activity, and we also studiedDNA fragmentation with or without caspase inhibitors. Activation of theperoxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) wasassessed by a luciferase reporter gene assay using RSF transfectedwith a plasmid containing the peroxisome proliferator response element.Results Triptolide decreased viability, inhibited proliferation, andinduced apoptosis of RSF in a concentration-dependent manner atvery low (nanomolar) concentrations, whereas bucillamine, D-penicil-lamine and methotrexate did not affect cell proliferation at all. AlthoughPPARã activation was induced by 15-deoxy-∆12,14-prostaglandin J2,triptolide did not induce it under the same experimental conditions.Caspase-3 activity was increased by treatment with triptolide and wassuppressed by a pan-caspase inhibitor. Triptolide-induced DNA frag-mentation was inhibited by inhibitors of caspase-3, caspase-8 andcaspase-9.Conclusions Although the mechanism of action remains to be studied,triptolide may possibly have a disease-modifying effect in patients withRA.

Acknowledgement This work was supported in part by grants fromthe Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ofthe Japanese Government.

147The fibrinolytic pattern of rheumatoid synoviocytesis invasive like neoplastic cellsM Matucci-Cerinic, S Guiducci, A Del Rosso, M Cinelli, G Fibbi,M Del RossoDepartment of Medicine, Section of Rheumatology, Univesity ofFlorence, ItalyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):147 (DOI 10.1186/ar948)

Background In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the synovial membrane prolif-erates and invades the underlying tissues. The fibrinolytic cascade isinvolved both in the genesis and maintenance of synovial inflammation,and is pivotal in cell invasion and proliferation.Aim To evaluate the fibrinolytic pattern and the proliferative potential ofurokinase-plasminogen activator (u-PA) on RA synoviocytes (SY), inorder to establish the role of each component of the fibrinolyticcascade in the genesis and progression of the RA synovitis.Materials and methods The levels of plasminogen activators andinhibitors, and the u-PA-dependent proliferation were studied in vitroon SY from four controls and four RA patients undergoing joint surgery.SY monolayers were used within the seventh passage in culture: u-PAand plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were assayed on super-natants, and urokinase-plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) wasdetermined on cell lysates. Levels of u-PA, u-PAR and PAI-1 wereassayed by specific ELISA and by RT-PCR of mRNAs. To evaluate theSY proliferative potential, cells were seeded on to multiwell plates withRPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FCS and were incubated for48 hours. The FCS concentration was then reduced to 0.1% for anadditional 48 hours. SY were then treated with 500 ng/ml u-PA and/orantibodies to anti u-PA (5B4) and anti-u-PAR (R3) for 48 hours, andwere counted. Cell invasion was measured with the Boyden chamber.Results RA SY showed significantly higher levels of PAI-1(6.3 µg/million cells±1.1 standard deviation [SD] versus 2.9 µg/millioncells±0.7 SD for controls, P=0.01), lower levels of u-PA (2.6ng/millioncells±1.4 SD versus 10.9ng/million cells±2.1 SD for controls,P=0.01), and higher u-PAR on their surface (28.5ng/million cells±4.8SD versus 13ng/million cells±3.0 SD for controls, P<0.05). Treatment

of RA SY with u-PA provided a proliferative effect similar to 10% FCS(P<0.05), blocked by 5B4 and R3, and different in RA patients withrespect to controls (P<0.05). RA SY are more prone than controls tospontaneous and u-PA-challenged invasion and proliferation, which arecounteracted by antagonists of the fibrinolytic system.Conclusions RA SY present the typical fibrinolytic pattern of the inva-sive tumor-like cells. RA SY proliferation is stimulated by u-PA. The fib-rinolytic system thus provides the extracellular proteolysis required forthe synovial invasion of articular tissues and for the first steps of synovi-tis. Antagonists of the fibrinolytic system may revert growth and inva-sion of RA SY. The components of this system may be a future targetfor new RA therapies.

148The synovial cadherin (cadherin-11) mediatestissue formation and promotes invasion offibroblast-like synoviocytesH Kiener, J Higgins, X Valencia, M BrennerDepartment of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Immunology andAllergy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):148 (DOI 10.1186/ar949)

Cadherins are integral membrane hom*ophilic adhesion proteins thatmediate adhesion between cells of the same type within a tissue. Cad-herins mediate tissue morphogenesis during development and mainte-nance of tissue architecture in adults. We recently found thatcadherin-11 is expressed in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Wedemonstrate that the expression of the synovial cadherin promotes cellinvasion and confers on cells the ability to become organized into syn-ovial lining-like architecture in vitro.We generated cadherin-11-expressing fibroblast L-cell clones and emptyvector transfected L-cell controls. Phase-contrast microscopy analysisdemonstrated that cadherin-11-transfected L-cells form extensive andintimate contacts along their surfaces, and condense together at highercell density to form a continuous sheet of cells in vitro. In contrast, L-cellstransfected with control empty vector are loosely organized and do notform a tissue-like structure. We have established an in vitro model forsynovial lining formation. Interestingly, at the edge of fibronectin-coatedculture areas, the cadherin-11-expressing L-cells piled up and formed acontinuous lining layer-like architecture after 2 days in culture, whereasthe control L-cells failed to form this lining morphology.Matrigel invasion assays revealed a twofold to threefold increased inva-sive capacity of the cadherin-11-transfected L-cells when compared withL-cells transfected with control vector. To determine the molecular mech-anisms of cadherin-11-dependent cell invasion, we generated cadherin-11 constructs of the cytoplasmic tail that delete domains implicated inbinding critical intracellular molecules that control cadherin function.Strikingly, deletion of the juxtamembrane domain, known to bind p120-catenin, profoundly altered the invasive capacity of these cells.These in vitro studies suggest a role for cadherin-11 in tissue andlining layer formation in the synovium and the invasive nature of fibro-blast-like synoviocytes in chronic synovitis and in rheumatoid arthritis.

Poster Discussion (9) SLE, Vascuolitis Group

149Antiphospholipid antibodies harness innateeffectors, neutrophils and an alternative pathwayof complement, to induce fetal damageJ Salmon1, G Girardi1, J Berman1, J Thurman2, VM Holers2

1Department of Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery–Weill MedicalCollege of Cornell University, New York, USA; 2Departments ofMedicine and Immunology, University of Colorado Health SciencesCenter, Denver, Colorado, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):149 (DOI 10.1186/ar950)

In a murine model of antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-induced preg-nancy loss, we have demonstrated that activation of complement,specifically C5a–C5a receptor interactions, leads to fetal loss andgrowth restriction. Yet, the effectors of tissue injury, the role of individ-

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ual complement activation pathways and the precise targets for treat-ment remain unknown. Because C5a recruits and activates polymor-phonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and because PMN infiltration is evidentat sites of fetal resorption, we considered the possibility that PMN arecritical cellular effectors of fetal damage. To assess the effects of aPLantibodies in mice depleted of granulocytes, we treated pregnant micewith anti-mouse Ly-6G (α-Gr) or control murine IgG2K prior to adminis-tration of human IgG containing aPL (aPL-IgG). In the absence of gran-ulocytes, mice did not develop aPL-induced pregnancy complications.The frequency of fetal resorptions was similar to that of mice treatedwith IgG from healthy controls (NH-IgG), while treatment with controlIgG2bK was not protective (% fetal resorption, aPL-IgG + α-Gr,8.5 ± 1.5%; NH-IgG, 10 ± 2; aPL + IgG2bK, 39 ± 5%*; fetal weight(mg), aPL + α-Gr, 352 ± 48; NH-IgG, 370 ± 56; aPL + IgG2bK,187 ± 28*; * aPL vs NH-IgG, P < 0.01).Immunohistochemical analysis of decidual tissues showed that, in theabsence of neutrophil infiltration, either as a consequence of neutrophildepletion or due to blockade of the C5a–C5aR interaction, there waslimited C3 deposition coincident with improved pregnancy outcomes. Ithas been suggested that neutrophils promote complement activation bysecreting C3 and/or properdin at sites of inflammation, and therebyamplify complement activation via the alternative pathway. To examine thecontribution of the alternative pathway to aPL-induced pregnancy loss, weperformed studies in mice deficient in factor B (fB). In the absence of fB,mice were protected from aPL-induced fetal resorption and growth restric-tion (% fetal resorption fB–/– mice, aPL-IgG vs NH-IgG, 9.5±2.4 vs10.9±2.1), indicating a role for the alternative pathway in fetal damage.This report, taken together with our previous work, shows that fB, C5 andC5aR are required for pregnancy complications triggered by aPL antibod-ies. Specifically, we identified the proinflammatory sequelae of C5a–C5aRinteractions and the recruitment of neutrophils as the critical intermediateslinking pathogenic aPL antibodies to fetal damage. Our findings identifythe key innate immune effectors engaged by aPL antibodies that mediatepoor pregnancy outcomes and provide novel and important targets for theprevention of pregnancy loss in antiphospholipid syndrome.

Acknowledgements Supported by the Alliance for Lupus Research,Mary Kirkland Center for Lupus Research, and SLE Foundation Inc.

150The systemic lupus erythematosus VλλJλλ repertoireharbors characteristics of the natural antibodyrepertoireJ Lee1, PE Lipsky2

1Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University Collegeof Medicine, Seoul, Korea; 2NIAMS, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):150 (DOI 10.1186/ar951)

The molecular mechanisms that lead to autoantibody production in sys-temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are poorly understood. There is evi-dence that pathogenic IgG autoantibodies characteristic of human SLEmay arise from the physiologically autoreactive natural antibody reper-toire of fetal or CD5+ B cells. To address this hypothesis, the SLE Vλrepertoire obtained from B cells of three SLE patients was analyzedand compared in detail with the Vλ repertoire obtained from IgM+

B cells of three human fetal spleens and IgM+CD5+/CD5– B cells oftwo normal adults. VλJλ rearrangements were amplified from genomicDNA of individual B cells by PCR. The expressed Vλ repertoire of SLEpatients contained several similarities with the expressed repertoire ofthe fetal and adult CD5+ B cells. The Vλ gene, 1G, was a major com-ponent of the SLE, fetal and adult CD5+ B-cell repertoire, but not in theadult CD5– B-cell population. The restriction of junctional diversity byutilization of hom*ology-directed joining (H-joining) together with theabsence of N-regions was a prominent feature of the fetal and adultCD5+ B-cell repertoires. This restriction was also observed in the SLErepertoire, but was less significant in the adult CD5– B-cell population.Furthermore, profound expansion of Vλ clones employing identicalCDR3s were observed in the adult CD5+ B cells, the fetal cells, andthe SLE repertoire, whereas the frequency of the Vλ clones were muchlower in the adult CD5– B-cell population. Notably, significant numbersof expanded adult CD5+ B cells, and fetus and SLE Vλ clones utilized

H-joining at the junctions. These data demonstrate that the SLE VλJλrepertoire harbors characteristics of the natural antibody repertoire.These observations imply that the fetal antibody repertoire withrestricted antigen specificities can be conserved through developmentvia CD5+ B cells, and during abnormal immune responses can poten-tially give rise to SLE-associated pathogenic autoantibodies.

151Enhanced proliferative response of CD4+ T cellsfrom patients with systemic lupus erythematosusby T-cell receptor stimulationS Park1, I Kang2, H Kim1, J Craft2

1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 2Section ofRheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale UniversityMedical School, New Haven, Connecticutt, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):151 (DOI 10.1186/ar952)

Objective To investigate the expression of the chemokine receptorCCR7, which defines distinct subsets of naive and memory T lympho-cytes with different homing and effector capacities, and the proliferativecapacity of CD4+ T cells by T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation inpatients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)Methods Heparinized venous blood from SLE patients (23–53 yearsold; mean, 36.7 years) and age-matched and sex-matched healthy con-trols (HC) was collected. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)were freshly isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque. We stained 106 PBMC withanti-human CCR7 antibody, anti-CD45RA, anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 tocharacterize the phenotype of T-cell subsets. PBMC were stimulatedwith anti-CD3 + anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody, and cell division wasanalyzed by carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester labelingand flow cytometry in different subsets of CD4+ T cells. Data wasacquired on a FACS caliber system, and analyzed using Flow-Jo soft-ware (Tree Star Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA).Results SLE patients (n=27) had fewer CD45RA+CCR7+CD4+

naive T cells (32.2±13.2 vs 43.5 ± 12.3, P<0.05) and higherCD45RA–CCR7–CD4+ effector memory T cells (20.1±12.2 vs12.9±5.6, P<0.05) as compared with the HC (n=27). No significantdifferences were found in the CD45RA–CCR7+ central memory CD4+

T cells and the CD8+ T-cell compartment of SLE patients as comparedwith HC. The appearance of cell division was more rapid in the popula-tion of CD45RA–CCR7–CD4+ T cells, and the frequency ofCD45RA–CCR7–CD4+ effector memory T cells did not correlate withdisease activity, disease duration, age, or treatment within the SLE group.Enhanced cell division was observed in SLE CD4+ T cells by TCR stim-ulation as compared with HC, but there are no significant correlationsbetween frequency of effector CD4+ T cells and proliferative capacitywithin the SLE group. Furthermore, naive CD4+ T cells from SLEpatients showed increased proliferative capacity compared with that ofHC, but the difference was no so significant.Conclusion These results suggest that enhanced proliferativeresponse of CD4+ T cells of SLE by TCR stimulation may be caused byincreased distribution of the effector memory population and intrinsicdefects of SLE CD4+ T cells.

152Evidence for an IFN-inducible gene, Ifi202, in thesusceptibility to systemic lupusS Rozzo1, D Choubey2, T Vyse3, S Izui4, J Allard5, G Peltz5, B Kotzin1

1Departments of Medicine and Immunology, The University ofColorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, USA;2Department of Radiation Oncology, Stritch School of Medicine,Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois, USA;3Rheumatology Section, Imperial College School of Medicine. London,UK; 4Department of Pathology, Centre Medical Universitaire, Universityof Geneva, Switzerland; 5Roche Bioscience, Palo Alto, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):152 (DOI 10.1186/ar953)

The Nba2 locus is a major genetic contribution to disease susceptibilityin the (NZB × NZW)F1 mouse model of systemic lupus. We generated

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C57BL/6 mice congenic for this NZB locus, and these mice producedantinuclear autoantibodies characteristic of lupus. F1 offspring of con-genic and NZW mice developed high autoantibody levels and severelupus nephritis similar to (NZB × NZW)F1 mice. Expression profilingwith oligonucleotide microarrays revealed only two differentiallyexpressed genes, IFN-inducible genes Ifi202 and Ifi203, in congenicmice versus control mice, and both were within the Nba2 interval.Quantitative PCR localized increased Ifi202 expression to splenicB cells and non-T cells/non-B cells. Moreover, recent results showIfi202 shows inducible expression in NZB mice in response to bothtype I and type II IFNs, both in vivo and in vitro. Other experimentsusing mice with a targeted mutation of the type I IFN receptor showthat this pathway is required for type I interferon-mediated responsive-ness. Studies using splenic cells demonstrate that multiple subpopula-tions show enhanced Ifi202 expression in response to type I IFN, andindicate that dendritic cells show the greatest increased expression ofIfi202. These results together with analyses of promoter region poly-morphisms, strain distribution of expression, effects on cell proliferationand apoptosis, in addition to recent results characterizing responsive-ness to type I and type II IFNs, implicate Ifi202 as a candidate gene forlupus.

153IgM and C1q function in the same pathway topromote the clearance of apoptotic cells in vivoK Elkon1, R Kowaleski1, V Montenegro1, SJ Kim2

1Departments of Medicine and Immunology, University of Washington,Seattle, Washington, USA; 2Department of Immunology, Weill MedicalCollege of Cornell University, New York, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):153 (DOI 10.1186/ar954)

Background Dying cells may be the source of the autoantigens thatinitiate and/or perpetuate systemic autoimmunity. C1q-deficient micedevelop a lupus-like disease and accumulate apoptotic cells in theirkidneys, and our studies [1] suggested that classical complement com-ponents facilitate the clearance of apoptotic cells. Mice deficient inserum IgM (sIgM) also develop a lupus-like disease.Objective Since IgM binds to apoptotic cells and activates the classi-cal complement on the apoptotic cells in vitro [2], we asked whethersIgM was required for complement activation and rapid removal ofdying cells by phagocytic cells in vivo.Methods Apoptotic thymocytes were injected into the peritoneum ofmice that had received thioglycollate 3 days previously. Thirty minutesafter intraperitoneal injection, apoptotic cell uptake by elicited peri-toneal macrophages was determined by light microscopy.Results The percentages of peritoneal macrophages that ingestedapoptotic cells were (mean ± standard error): wild type (WT) (n = 12),31.2 ± 4.7%; C1q–/– (n = 4), 9.4 ± 1.8%; sIgM–/– (n = 16), 8.5 ± 0.9%.The differences between C1q-deficient and WT mice as well asbetween sIgM deficient and WT mice were highly significant(P = 0.0036 and P = 0.0003, respectively). Mice heterozygous for sIgMshowed an intermediate result (17.9 ± 1.8%). To determine whetherthe clearance defect in the sIgM-deficient mice could solely be attrib-uted to IgM deficiency, apoptotic thymocytes were preincubated withpurified murine IgM prior to intraperitoneal injection into sIgM-deficientmice. IgM completely restored the ability of sIgM-deficient mice toingest apoptotic cells. Finally, to prove that IgM and C1q function in thesame pathway to facilitate clearance of apoptotic cells, we createdC1q/IgM double knockout mice. In contrast to the IgM single knockoutmice, addition of IgM to the double knockout mice failed to restorephagocytosis of apoptotic cells.Conclusions These findings indicate that IgM plays a pivotal role inclearance of apoptotic cells, and that this occurs through activation ofthe classical pathway of complement. IgM upstream of complement-mediated opsonization of dying cells provides a unifying mechanismexplaining why mice with either early complement component or sIgMdeficiency develop lupus-like diseases. These findings have importantimplications for understanding the pathogenesis of lupus in humans.References1. Mevorach D, Mascarenhas J, Gershov DA, Elkon KB: Comple-

ment-dependent clearance of apoptotic cells by humanmacrophages. J Exp Med 1998, 188:2313-2320.

2. Kim SJ, Gershov D, Ma X, Brot N, Elkon KB: I-PLA(2) activationduring apoptosis promotes the exposure of membranelysophosphatidylcholine leading to binding by naturalimmunoglobulin M antibodies and complement activation.J Exp Med 2002, 196:655-665.

154New aspects of the etiopathogenesis of systemiclupus erythematosusUS Gaipl, TD Beyer, RE Voll, S Franz, JR Kalden, M HerrmannInstitute for Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Erlangen, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):154 (DOI 10.1186/ar955)

Introduction Impaired clearance of apoptotic cells has been supposedto be involved in the etiopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE). Furthermore, antibodies against retroviral proteins can frequentlybe detected in sera of SLE patients without overt retroviral infections.Decreased levels of serum DNase I activities as well as deficiencies incomponents of the classical complement pathway are well establishedto predispose to SLE.Objectives We analysed the role of serum factors that could beresponsible for the degradation and clearance of human chromatin,and followed up the processing of the HERV-K-10gag polyproteinduring apoptosis of Tera-1 cells. Furthermore, we investigated theclearance of apoptotic cells in the germinal centers of patients withSLE and controls.Methods The chromatin degradation and uptake was monitored bymeasuring the residual DNA content by flow cytometry. The HERV-K-10gag polyprotein was used to investigate the processing of viral pro-teins during apoptosis. Lymph node biopsies obtained from SLEpatients and non-SLE patients with benign follicular hyperplasia werestained with monoclonal antibodies against macrophages (CD68) andfollicular dendritic cells (CR2/CD21). Terminal deoxynucleotidyl trans-ferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) staining was per-formed to detect apoptotic nuclei.Results Whereas an excess of recombinant DNase I degraded humannecrotic cell-derived chromatin in the absence of C1q, an efficientuptake of the predigested material by monocyte-derived phagocytesrequired the presence of C1q. During apoptotic cell death, Tera-1 cellsshowed an altered HERV-K-10gag processing compared with viablecells. In addition, granzyme B was able to cleave HERV-K-10gag iso-lated from viable Tera-1 cells. Regarding the fate of dying cells in ger-minal centers of SLE patients, we found that the numbers of tingiblebody macrophages were significantly reduced in a subgroup ofpatients with SLE. TUNEL-positive apoptotic material was observed tobe associated with the surfaces of follicular dendritic cells.Conclusions We conclude that C1q or DNase I deficiencies may pre-cipitate human autoimmunity. Furthermore, the immunogenicity of retro-viral antigens in SLE patients may result from a similar mechanism asdescribed for nuclear autoantigens. In general, nuclear autoantigensbound to follicular dendritic cells may provide a survival signal forautoreactive B cells, thereby over-riding an important initial controlmechanism of B-cell tolerance.

155C-reactive protein is an importantimmunoregulatory molecule that decreasessystemic inflammatory response and amelioratesautoimmune diseaseT Du ClosDepartment of Internal Medicine, The University of New Mexico,Albuquerque, New Mexico, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):155 (DOI 10.1186/ar956)

C-reactive protein (CRP) is an ancient member of the innate immunesystem. CRP is also a member of the pentraxin family of proteins and isa strong acute phase reactant in man. CRP has been shown to bind tophagocytes through interaction with Fcγ receptors, to affect the produc-tion of cytokines, and to enhance phagocytosis. CRP has been shown

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to protect mice from infection, to bind to nuclear antigens and to delaythe onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in autoimmune mice.The mechanism for these diverse effects has remained obscure. BothCRP and serum amyloid P (SAP) have been shown to bind to nuclearantigens that are targets of autoantibodies in patients with SLE. Addi-tional studies have shown that CRP and SAP can mediate the uptakeand clearance of apoptotic cells. These studies suggested that the pen-traxins might prevent exposure and reactivity of the immune system toself-antigens. Our studies have shown that CRP and SAP can delay theonset of autoimmune disease accelerated by the injection of chromatininto autoimmune mice. More recently, it has been demonstrated thatexpression of human CRP as a transgene on autoimmune disease candelay the onset of autoimmune disease. We report now that a singleinjection of CRP can delay the onset of proteinuria in NZB×NZWfemale mice. In all three cases, CRP failed to substantially decrease anti-DNA autoantibodies yet protected mice from glomerular injury anddeath. We suggest that CRP delays the onset of autoimmune diseaseby modulating the effect of immune complexes on inflammatory cells. Aswe have shown recently, the anti-inflammatory effect of CRP in thelipopolysaccharide challenge model requires Fcγ receptor expression. Itis proposed that CRP mediates protection from nephritis in SLE by theinduction of anti-inflammatory cytokines and altering the reactivity ofmacrophages to inflammatory stimuli.

156Infliximab for severe ocular inflammation inpatients with Behcet’s diseaseP Sfikakis1, N Markomichelakis2

1First Department of Propedeutic and Internal Medicine, AthensUniversity Medical School, Athens, Greece; 2OcularInflammation/Immunology Service, General Hospital, Athens, GreeceArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):156 (DOI 10.1186/ar957)

A single infusion of the anti-tumour necrosis factor monoclonal anti-body Infliximab, given in five patients with Behcet’s disease (BD) andsight-threatening panuveitis relapse, resulted in rapid and effective sup-pression of ocular inflammation [1]. Until May 2003, a single Infliximabinfusion (5 mg/kg) has been given in a total of 24 such patients (bilat-eral relapse or unilateral relapse in 18 and six patients, respectively). Atday 1 post-treatment, a significant improvement of visual acuity, a strik-ing decrease of anterior chamber cells, and a 50% decrease of vitre-ous haze was evident in all patients but one. Within 2 weeks, acuteocular inflammation, including retinal lesions and vasculitis, resolvedcompletely in 26 eyes, and by 80–90% in six eyes. Visual acuityreturned to the prerelapse levels (at least) in all.We are currently looking at the safety and efficacy of continuous Inflix-imab infusions (at week 0, weeks 3–4, and every 6–8 weeks thereafter,at 5 mg/kg) in patients who do not respond, or in patients with an inad-equate response to prednisolone (nine patients), combined either withcyclosporin A (six patients) and/or azathioprin (five patients), orcyclophosphamide (one patient). In the 17 affected eyes, visual acuityhas improved by a mean of three lines in the Shnellen chart at 6 monthscompared with at baseline. This effect has been sustained duringfurther follow-up (6 months–2 years). Concomitant immunosuppressivetherapy has been significantly tapered in all. No patient has experi-enced an ocular relapse requiring other than topical treatment, or amajor extra-ocular relapse of the disease. No possible side effects,including opportunistic infections or an exacerbation of previous neuro-logical disease (present in three of nine patients), have been noted.Similar results have been obtained in a parallel study looking at safetyand efficacy of continuous Infliximab infusions as monotherapy in previ-ously untreated patients, which is also underway.Since conventional immunosuppressive treatment BD-associatedacute ocular relapse is often unable to rapidly control ocular inflamma-tion, which is critical to avoid development of chronic lesions, wesuggest that a single infusion of Infliximab with observation for objec-tive improvement is the treatment of choice in these patients, and thatcontinuous treatment of Infliximab is a safe, effective and immunosup-pressive therapy-sparing approach for patients with refractory, relaps-ing ocular disease.Reference1. Sfikakis PP, et al.: Lancet 2001, 358:295-296.

157Identification of kinectin as a novel Behcet’sdisease-related autoantigenY Lu1, P Ye1, X Feng1, S Chen1, EM Tan2, EKL Chan2

1Department of Rheumatology, Shanghai Ren Ji Hospital, Shanghai,China; 2Keck Autoimmune Disease Center, the Scripps ResearchInstitute, La Jolla, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):157 (DOI 10.1186/ar958)

Background Lines of evidence support that an autoantibody reactioncontributes to the immunological abnormalities underlying Behcet’sdisease (BD), yet no specific antibody has been reported in thedisease. In our previous study, common immune reactivities againstunknown cellular proteins were uncovered in 23.1% patient sera fromthat of 39 Chinese BD patients as determined by immunoblotting.Objectives This project set out to identify target antigen(s) in BD inview of the fact that it may provide new inroads into the immunopatho-genesis of the disease, and may have serodiagnostic usefulness.Methods Immnuoscreening of a ZAP cDNA library followed by tran-scription/translation in vitro of candidate clones in a reticulocyte lysatesystem were carried out. The antigenicity of clone product was ana-lyzed by immunoprecipitation using sera from all 39 BD patients in par-allel with normal controls and control sera from Lupus and Sjögrensyndrome patients. Three truncated gene products spanning the fulllength of the target protein were expressed in Escherichia coli, andtheir respective antigenicities in BD were preliminarily analyzed usingan ELISA approach. A full-length gene cloned in the pEGFP vector wastransfected into HEp-2 cells as an overexpression antigen substrate forimmune fluorescent study.Results Six independent candidate clones were isolated from a genelibrary, being identified as overlapping human kinectin cDNA clones. Theantigenic identity of the partial gene product from the largest clone ofthe six was preliminarily verified since nine out of 39 (23.1%) BDpatients’ sera could immunoprecipitate the translation product, whereassera from controls showed no reactivity. The antigenicity of kinectin wasfound to mainly reside in the middle and carboxyl portion of the intactprotein, and the overexpression GFP-kinectin showed distinct perinu-clear cytoplasmic staining and can be recognized by BD patient serabut not normal sera under a confocal fluorescent microscope.Conclusions BD patient sera contain autoantibodies to cellular pro-teins, and one of the related autoantigens was kinectin, as unraveled bygene library screening, the antigenicity of which mainly resides in themiddle and carboxyl portion of the intact protein. Further in-depth workis needed to clarify the significance of kinectin in the disease entity.

Acknowledgement Chinese National Nature Science Foundation(2003–2005).

158Expanded circulating transitional B cells in apatient with systemic lupus erythematosusR Ettinger1, GP Sims1, E Tackey2, C Yarboro2, G Illei2, PE Lipsky1,2

1National Institutes of Health, Autoimmunity Branch, Bethesda,Maryland, USA; 2National Institutes of Health, Office of ClinicalDirector, Bethesda, Maryland, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):158 (DOI 10.1186/ar959)

B-cell development begins in the bone marrow and results in the gener-ation of immature transitional B cells that leave the bone marrow andenter the spleen, where they complete their maturation into matureB cells. Transitional B cells undergo intense selection, resulting in thesurvival and entry of only a small fraction into the mature B-cell pool. Thepossibility that abnormalities in transitional B-cell biology might con-tribute to the development of autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythe-matosus (SLE) stimulated an examination of the phenotype andimmunoglobulin repertoire of transitional B cells in patients with SLE. Ini-tially, we sought to identify human transitional B cells phenotypically, asthis had not previously been done in humans. This was facilitated by theidentification of an unusual patient with SLE and transient hypogamma-globulinemia. This patient had a very large population of IgD+CD27–

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naive B cells, which included an expanded population of what we identi-fied as transitional B cells. These were comparable in phenotype withtransitional B cells that we found in normal human bone marrow. Thesewere small, CD19+ CD20hi IgDlo IgMhi CD21– CD23– CD10+ CD24hi

CD38hi CD44lo cells. This population was expanded in this SLE patientand also in children compared with normal adults. Immunoglobulin heavychain genes were completely unmutated in this population and therepertoire differed significantly from that found in normal adult matureB cells. These results suggest that abnormalities in transitional B-cellbiology may contribute to the development of autoantibodies in SLE.

159Immunological abnormality and regulation inpatients with Sjögren’s syndromeT SumidaDepartment of Internal Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba City,JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):159 (DOI 10.1186/ar960)

The majority of infiltrating cells into labial salivary glands and into lacrimalglands in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is CD4+TCRab T.Analyses of the T-cell receptor on T cells in both glands support thenotion that infiltrating T cells are induced by antigen-driven stimulation.Thus, the identification of autoantigens recognized by T cells in inflamedlesions is important to clarify the pathogenesis of SS. T-cell epitopes onautoantigens in labial salivary glands have been examined using severalstrategies such as T-cell lines, PCR–single-strand conformational poly-morphism, and West–Western methods. Our results showed the follow-ing four autoantigens; Ro/SS-A, heat shock protein, α-amylase, andmuscarine receptor 3. Especially, the common T-cell epitope on α-amylase in HLA-DR B1*0405-positive SS patients was NPFRPWW-ERYQWPV (amino acids 68–80). The analog peptide of α-amylasemight regulate autoimmunity in an antigen-specific fashion.Furthermore, TCRAV24+BV11+ double-negative natural killer T (NKT)cells are thought to be regulatory T cells. In patients with SS, theseNKT cells are significantly decreased in peripheral blood, inducing theautoimmune response. In vitro stimulation by α-galactosylceramide,which is one of the antigens for NKT cells, was able to enrich NKT cellsmore than 10–100 times. These findings suggest that the upregulationof NKT cells by α-galactosylceramide might be a new therapeutic strat-egy in patients with SS.

160Humoral, hormonal and genetic determinants ofcholinergic dysfunction in Sjögren’s syndromeM RischmuellerDepartment of Rheumatology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide,South Australia, AustraliaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):160 (DOI 10.1186/ar961)

Functional anti-muscarinic receptor autoantibodies have been demon-strated in Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) in a mouse bladder contractionassay. Most patients with these antibodies complained of severe lowerurinary tract disturbances, not usually recognised as a feature of SS. Ina cross-sectional study, we evaluated urological, sleep and fatiguesymptoms in female SS patients (n = 76) compared with osteoarthritis(OA) controls (n = 43), utilising the American Urological SymptomIndex (AUA-7), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Facit-Ffatigue instruments. Patients were comparable with respect tohormone-replacement therapy use, bladder operations, urinary tractinfections, parity and diuretic therapy; OA patients were slightly older.Sixty-one percent of SS patients reported severe urological symptomscompared with 40% of OA patients (P = 0.04). This difference wasattributable to urge incontinence and not nocturia. Daytime somno-lence was more severe in SS (P = 0.02), independent of nocturia. Atrend towards increased fatigue was observed in SS that did not reachstatistical significance (P = 0.15). These results suggest that urologicalsymptoms may be an under-recognised feature of SS, and that fatiguein SS may in some cases be secondary to an underlying sleep disordersuch as obstructive sleep apnea due to dry airways, or circadianrhythm disorder. These symptoms are consistent with functional distur-

bances of muscarinic receptors, possibly mediated by muscarinicreceptor autoantibodies.Many features of SS overlap with menopausal symptoms. The T alleleof the IVS1-0401 (T/C) polymorphism in the estrogen receptor alphagene (ER-α) is thought to be associated with decreased responsive-ness to estrogen. IVS1-0401 (T/C) genotyping was performed byPCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism using the restrictionenzyme PvuII. No difference was seen in genotype frequenciesbetween SS patients (n = 154) and controls (n = 163, P = 0.26). Withinfemale SS patients who completed the AUA-7 and ESS (n = 73), theER-α IVS1-0401 T allele was associated, in a dose-dependent manner,with increasing daytime somnolence (P = 0.003) and urological(P = 0.08) symptom severity. This polymorphism appears to influencethe severity of commonly reported symptoms in SS that are also linkedwith estrogen deficiency. We predict that it will be a risk factor forseverity of menopausal symptoms and sleep disturbances in non-SSpatients.

161Apoptosis, loss of B-cell tolerance and lymphoidneogenesis in Sjögren’s syndromeR JonssonBroegelmann Research Laboratory, The Gade Institute, University ofBergen, NorwayArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):161 (DOI 10.1186/ar962)

Background Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune andrheumatic disorder of the mucous membranes caused by lack of properexocrine secretions, with prominent sicca complaints. The molecularmechanisms of the pathogenesis are virtually unknown.Objectives To investigate functional properties of lymphoid aggregatesand its surroundings observed in salivary glands of patients withSjögren’s syndrome and in in vitro systems combined with serologicalanalysis of blood and saliva.Methods Biopsy material from 178 inflamed minor salivary gland biop-sies formed the basis for studies of lymphoid neogenesis. Cell surfacemarkers, proliferation markers, adhesion molecules, chemokines, B-cellactivating factor (BAFF) and local production of autoantibodies wereinvestigated by immunohistochemistry, ELISPOT, ELISA and apoptosisdetermination.Results About every sixth biopsy contained lymphoid aggregationswith germinal center-like morphology. Elevation of autoantibody pro-duction was observed related to inflamed salivary glands. Germinalcenter-positive patients had high expression of the lymphocyte-homingand retention chemokines and adhesion molecules. Induced apoptosisdisclosed subcellular redistribution and cell surface exposure ofautoantigens of high relevance for Sjögren’s syndrome. Attenuatedapoptosis was detected among BAFF+ B cells.Conclusions Ectopic secondary lymphoid follicles in Sjögren’s syn-drome contain all elements of relevance for driving an autoimmuneresponse. BAFF seems to direct the lifespan of infiltrating B cells byenhancing their proliferation and maturation.Altogether, the studies have shed light on factors involved in directinglymphocytes into inflamed tissue and maintaining inflammation inSjögren’s syndrome.

Poster Discussion (10) OA & Other RheumaticDiseases Group

162Hepatocyte growth factor in osteoarthritis: when bone and cartilage decide to have a chatP Reboul1, M Guévremont1, J Martel-Pelletier1, F Massicotte1, P Ranger2, JP Pelletier1, D Lajeunesse1

1Department of Medicine, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada;2Hôpital Sacré-Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, CanadaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):162 (DOI 10.1186/ar963)Recently, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) has been identified byimmunohistochemistry in cartilage and, more particularly, in the deep

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zone of human osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage. By investigating HGFexpression in cartilage, we found that chondrocytes did not expressHGF; however, they express the two truncated isoforms, namelyHGF/NK1 and HGF/NK2. As the only other cells localized near thedeep zone are osteoblasts from the subchondral bone plate, wehypothesized that they were expressing HGF. Indeed, we found thatHGF was synthesized by osteoblasts from the subchondral boneplate. Moreover, OA osteoblasts produced five times more HGF thannormal osteoblasts. Because prostaglandin E2 and proinflammatorycytokines such as IL-1 and IL-6 were involved in OA progression, weinvestigated whether these factors impact HGF produced by normalosteoblasts. Prostaglandin E2 was the only factor able to stimulateHGF synthesis. However, the addition of NS398, a selective inhibitorof cyclooxygenase-2, had no effect on HGF produced by OAosteoblasts. When investigating signaling routes that might be impli-cated in OA osteoblast-produced HGF, we found that proteinkinase A and protein kinase C were involved. In summary, this studyraises the hypothesis that the HGF found in articular cartilage is pro-duced by osteoblasts, diffuses into the cartilage and may be impli-cated in the progression of OA. Furthermore, we investigated joints inHGF transgenic mice. We found that the subchondral bone wasremodeled and that cartilage matrix was qualitatively different from thecontrol mice. These results reinforced the idea of a role played byHGF in the joint.

163Potentiality of mesenchymal stem cells with ex vivo gene therapy for osteochondral defect inarthritisH Inoue1, N Abe1, J Lieberman2

1Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction, Department ofOrthopaedic Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School ofMedicine and Dentistry, Okayama, Japan; 2Department of OrthopaedicSurgery, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):163 (DOI 10.1186/ar964)

Ex vivo gene therapy includes culture-expansion of pluripotent stemcells, genetic manipulations in vitro and reimplantation into a recipi-ent. This cell-mediated gene transfer with adenoviral vectors may besafer than in vivo techniques since it avoids the inoculation of viralparticles into the body. Previous studies have shown that the trans-duced cells can contribute to bone and cartilage regeneration whenosteoprogenitor cells or mesenchymal stem cells were used as thecarrier to transfer the BMP-2 protein. However, these studies did notreveal that these infected cells continue to secrete the transducedprotein. Also, the fate of these cells remained unknown, whether theycould become incorporated into host tissue and differentiated intocartilage and bone. To investigate these parameters, we constructedan adenoviral vector encoding the myc epitope-tagged BMP-2 gene(AdBMP-2Myc). Rat bone marrow cells (rBMCs) transduced withAdBMP-2Myc produced biologically active BMP-2 protein, which wasconfirmed by Western blot analysis and alkaline phosphatase assay.Ex vivo studies using rBMCs infected with AdBMP-2Myc andimplanted into the hindlimbs of SCID mice demonstrated orthotopicbone formation by 1 week and greater consolidation at the later timeperiods. Immunohistological analysis revealed that the Myc-positivecells differentiated into chondrocytes and became introduced intothe bone during the endochondral ossification process. The differentdistribution of BMP-2 and Myc-positive cells suggested that exoge-nous BMP-2 protein, delivered by infected rBMCs, can induceendogenous BMP-2 protein expression and bone formation from hostosteoprogenitor cells. Our study indicated that osteprogenitor cellscan be utilized as the delivery vehicle for therapeutic osteochondralinductive genes, and their transduced cells themselves can developinto terminal differentiated mesenchymal tissues, like cartilage andbone. Therefore, the cell selection is critical when using an ex vivogene therapy strategy, and this adenoviral construct is useful for theevaluation of cell-tracing experiments to determine the distribution ofthe secreted protein.

164Oxidative stress induces chondrocyte telomereinstability and chondrocyte dysfunctions inosteoarthritisK Yudoh1, N van Trieu1, H Matsuno2, K Nishioka1

1Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University School ofMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Bioengineering Research Center, Toin-Yokohama University, Yokohama, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):164 (DOI 10.1186/ar965)

Objective To clarify the implication of oxidative stress in the progres-sion to osteoarthritis (OA) from the point of view of oxygen free radical-induced genomic instability, including telomere instability and resultantreplicative senescence and dysfunction in human chondrocytes.Methods Human chondrocytes and articular cartilage explants wereisolated from knee joints in patients undergoing arthroplastic kneesurgery for OA. The oxidative damage/antioxidative capacity in OA car-tilage was investigated in the donor-matched pairs of the intact anddegenerative region that were isolated from same OA cartilageexplants. The results were histologically confirmed by immunohisto-chemistry for nitrotyrosine, which has been considered a maker ofoxidative damage. Under treatment with reactive oxygen species orantioxidative agent (ascorbic acid), cellular replicative potential, telom-ere instability and production of proteoglycan aggrecan glycosamino-glycan (GAG) were assessed in cultured chondrocytes.Results Lower capacity of antioxidant and stronger staining of nitroty-rosine were observed in the degenerative regions of OA cartilages ascompared with those of intact regions from the same cartilage explants.Immunopositivity for nitrotyrosine was associated with the grade of his-tologic change of OA cartilage, suggesting the correlation of oxidativedamage with articular cartilage degeneration. During continuousculture of chondrocytes, the telomere length, replicative capacity andGAG production were decreased by treatment with reactive oxygenspecies. In contrast, treatment with an antioxidative agent showed atendency to elongate the telomere length and replicative lifespan in cul-tured chondrocytes.Conclusion Our findings clearly showed the presence of oxidativestress that induces telomere genomic instability, replicative senes-cence and dysfunction of chondrocytes in OA cartilage, suggesting theimplication of oxidative stress in the chondrocyte senescence and carti-lage aging responsible for the development of OA. New efforts toprevent the development and progression of OA may include thestrategies and interventions aimed at reducing oxidative damage inarticular cartilage.

165Expression of focal adhesion kinase, Akt/PKB,Elk-1 and p90RSK in rheumatoid arthritis tissuesbut not at sites of cartilage invasionCA Seemayer1,2, S Kuchen1, P Kuenzler1, V Rihosková1, J Schedel3, M Neidhart1, BA Michel1, RE Gay1, S Gay1

1 Centre for Experimental Rheumatology, Department ofRheumatology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland; 2 Institute ofPathology, University Hospital Basle, Switzerland; 3 Department ofInternal Medicine I, University of Regensburg, GermanyArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):165 (DOI 10.1186/ar966)Objective To investigate expression of the focal adhesion kinase(FAK), Akt/PKB and the transcription factors Elk-1 and p90RSK inrheumatoid arthritis (RA).Materials and methods Synovial tissues from eight RA synovia (FAK,Akt/PKB) or six RA synovia (Elk-1, p90RSK), one osteoarthritis (OA)synovia and two normal synovia were investigated by immunohisto-chemistry with antibodies recognizing the phoshorylated of the respec-tive molecules. In addition, cultured rheumatoid arthritis synovialfibroblasts (RASF) and normal (N) synovial fibroblasts were coim-planted with human cartilage for 60 days. The invasion score wasdetermined on H & E stained sections, and sections with strong carti-lage invasion were also stained for the aforementioned molecules byimmunohistochemistry utilizing the avidin–biotin detection system.

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Results In RA tissues, FAK was expressed in the lining, sublining layerand perivascular layer. Limited perivascular FAK expression was detectedin two normal synovia and no staining occurred in one OA tissue. In thelining and sublining, Akt/PKB was present in all investigated RA tissue, butnot in the normal synovia and only in a few cells of the OA sample. Carti-lage invading RASF neither stained for FAK or for Akt/PKB. The transcrip-tion factor Elk-1 was expressed in RA tissues in both the lining andsublining layer. No staining was detected in normal synovium, and onlylimited Elk-1 expression in the lining layer of one OA tissue. In addition,p90RSK was also expressed in RA tissues in the lining and sublininglayer; however, no staining occurred in the normal synovium. In OA tissue,staining was restricted to the lining layer. SCID mice sections with strongcartilage invasion of RASF did not stain positive for Elk-1 or for p90RSK.Conclusions We suggest that expression of the phosphokinases FAK,Akt/PKB and the transcription factors Elk-1 and p90RSK are associ-ated with inflammation, but not with cartilage invasion in RA. Therefore,we assume that these molecules might not be therapeutic targets toinhibit cartilage destruction in RA.

166T cell–chondrocyte interaction in the pathogenesisof osteoarthritisH Nakamura, T Kato, K Masuko-Hongo, M Tanaka, A Shibakawa, K NishiokaDepartment of Bioregulation, St Marianna University, Kawasaki, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):166 (DOI 10.1186/ar967)

Objectives Several lines of evidence have recently suggested thatsome immune responses are involved in the pathogenesis ofosteoarthritis (OA). Aside from humoral immunity, T cells seem relevantto the development of OA. Previously, we showed that T cellsresponded to autologous chondrocytes only in OA, suggesting involve-ment in some role in the pathogenesis of OA. In this study, we investi-gated the response of chondrocytes contacting with autologous T cells.Methods Human chondrocytes are obtained during arthroplasty for OAand fracture. The latter samples served as normals. Enzymatically iso-lated chondrocytes were cultivated and used within the seconndpassage for the following experiments. Both cells were culturedtogether with or without separate wells and the production of matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs) and RANTES were measured using ELISAkits. The contact responses were blocked by antibodies for adhesionmolecules (LFA-4 and VLA-4).Results MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were expressed only in chon-drocytes. The production of all MMPs was enhanced by contact cocul-ture of chondrocytes with autologous T cells, whereas the productionwas not enhanced by separate coculture. Blockade of adhesion mole-cules had no influence on these responses. RANTES was expressedboth in T cells and chondrocytes without stimulation. RANTES produc-tion was enhanced both in contact and in separate conditions only inOA samples, not in normal samples.Conclusions The augmentation of MMP production required T cell–chondrocyte contact mediated by mechanisms different from the adhe-sion molecules tested. As chondrocytes are surrounded by plenty ofextracellular matrix, its contact with other types of cells is extremely rare;however, the chance of contact will appear with the degradation of carti-lage. Thus, T-cell-mediated development of OA is supposed possible.

167Pentosidine in serum and synovial fluid in patientswith knee osteoarthritis and its potential role ofprediction of osteoarthritis progressionK Pavelka, L Senolt, V Vilim, P Spacek, M Braun, S ForejtovaInstitute of Rheumatology, Prague 2, Czech RepublicArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):167 (DOI 10.1186/ar968)

Background The role of molecular markers for prediction of osteoarthri-tis (OA) progression is not yet defined. Pentosidine, one of the well-characterized advanced glycation endproducts, may be a candidate.Objectives To study the role of pentosidine as a marker of knee OA, asa marker of progression of knee OA, and for correlation of pentosidinein serum and synovial fluid and correlation with other markers.

Methods Pentosidine was estimated by our own HLPC method [1],and cartilage digomeric matrix protein (COMP) by an original sandwichELISA with monoclonal antibodies 16-F 12 and 17 C 10 [2]. MMP-9,TIMP and YKL-40 were estimated by commercial ELISA kits. Jointspace width was measured in the narrowest point of the tibiofemoralcompartment by 0.1 caliper and magnifying glass.Results Eighty-nine patients with knee OA were included in the study andwere followed for 2 years. The paired samples of serum and synovial fluidwere obtained from 48 patients in second study. The joint space narrow-ing in 2 years was 0.4±0.79mm. The patients with knee OA had higherinitial serum values of pentosidine than controls (P=0.04) and also ofTIMP (P=0.04), MMP-9 (P=0.02) and COMP (P=0.05). The patientswith initially higher serum levels of pentosidine had more rapid radiologicalprogression than controls (r=0.30), and the same was true for hyaluronicacid (r=0.56). Serum pentosidine levels correlated with synovial fluid pen-tosidine levels (r2 =0.78). Mild correlation occurred between synovial fluidpentosidine and COMP levels (r2 =0.11, P<0.05).Conclusions Serum pentosidine levels may be a new molecular markerfor prediction of OA progression.References1. Špacek P, Adam M: Pentosidin HPLC determination in body

fluids and tissues as a marker glycation and oxidation loadingof the organism in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartil, in press.

2. Vilím V, Obùrka Z, Vytášek R, Šenolt L, Tchetverikov I, Kraus VB,Pavelka K: Monoclonal antibodies to human cartilage oligomericmatrix protein (comp): epitope mapping and characterization ofsandwich ELISA. Clin Chim Acta 2002, 8019:1-11.

Acknowledgement Supported by grant NK/5366-4 IGA from the Min-istry of Health Czech Republic.

168Exercise: medicine for knee cartilage?L Dahlberg1, E Roos2, J Svensson3, P Leander4, CJ Tiderius5

1Department of Orthopedics, Malmö University Hospital, and LundUniversity, Sweden; 2Department of Orthopedics, University Hospital,Lund, and Lund University, Sweden; 3Department of RadiationPhysics, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden; 4Department ofRadiology, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden; 5Departmentof Orthopedics, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, SwedenArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):168 (DOI 10.1186/ar969)

Many of the 10–60% of the working-age population with knee pain willdevelop osteoarthritis (OA), a progressive joint disease with cartilage dete-rioration and increased disability. In knee OA, exercise decreases joint painand improves function. Lack of human in vivo monitoring methods hasmade studies of influence of exercise on cartilage composition impossible.Delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of carti-lage (dGEMRIC) can estimate joint cartilage glycosaminoglycan (GAG)content. It is based on the principle that the negatively charged Gd-DTPA2– ions distribute in the cartilage in an inverse relationship to theGAG content. A high GAG content results in a low contrast mediumdistribution and a long T1 relaxation time that can be measured by mag-netic resonance imaging. We used dGEMRIC in a cross-sectionalstudy in healthy subjects with different exercising levels, and in a longi-tudinal exercise study in patients at risk for OA.Methods Study 1 included healthy, nonexercising individuals (n = 12),moderately exercising individuals (n = 16), and elite male track and fieldathletes (n = 9). Study 2 included medially meniscectomized patientsthat were randomized to exercise three times weekly for 4 months(n = 22) or to a control group (n = 23).T1 measurements were made in sagittal slices in a 1.5T magnetic reso-nance imaging system, using sets of turbo inversion recovery imageswith different inversion times in a region of interest in weight-bearingcartilage 2 hours after intravenous Gd-DTPA2– injection at 0.3 mmol/kgbody weight. T1 (s) was calculated using the mean signal intensity fromeach region of interest as input to a three-parameter fit. In study 2, sub-jects were examined before and after the exercise period.Results In study 1, there was a significant relationship between T1relaxation time and the level of physical exercise, with longer T1 valuesin physically active subjects. In study 2, the exercise group showed asignificant higher mean change in T1 than the control group.

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Conclusions In vivo cartilage monitoring by dGEMRIC indicates, for thefirst time, that human articular cartilage in mature individuals seems toadapt to physical activity levels by increasing its matrix GAG content.This may improve the resistance to mechanical compression, and thusprotect the collagen network and prevent knee OA development.

169Structural and functional changes in the brains offibromyalgia subjects evaluated with singlephoton emission computed spectrometry andmagnetic resonance imagingK Pile1, L Barnden2, S Behin-Ain2, L Yelland2, D Danda3, R Casse2, R Kwiatek3

1University of Adelaide Department of Medicine, Queen ElizabethHospital, Adelaide, Australia; 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, QueenElizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia 3Department of Rheumatology,Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, AustraliaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):169 (DOI 10.1186/ar970)

Fibromyalgia (FM) is the most common chronic pain syndrome in thecommunity. The absence of reproducible peripheral pathology has sup-ported the hypothesis of abnormal central pain sensitisation/process-ing, with both psychological and biological theories invoked. Seminalwork by Mountz et al. identified reduced regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) in the thalamus and caudate nuclei. Our aim was to verify varia-tion in rCBF of subjects with FM, and to refine its anatomical localisa-tion and clinical correlation. Twenty-seven females with ACR criteriaFM were matched with 22 age-matched, gender-matched and educa-tion-matched controls. Detailed physical and psychological inventories,1.5T T1/T2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and triple-headed 99Tcsingle photon emission computed spectrometry (SPECT) scanningwere performed. We have developed a colocalisation of SPECT-mea-sured rCBF with MRI imaging, accurate to 2 mm. This allowed highlydefinable quantitative rCBF analysis using statistical parametricmapping (SPM). Initial studies identified a highly significant 16% reduc-tion in rCBF of the pontine tegmentum/upper medulla, and less robustreduction in the thalamus. Clinical correlates favoured physical ratherthan psychological variables. In a subcohort of 11 FM subjects and11 controls, rCBF has been measured twice over a 5-year period.None of the subjects were cured. rCBF remained significantly reducedin the pontine tegmentum and midbrain of FM subjects with normalisa-tion of caudate and thalamic rCBF. In a novel analysis, SPM has beenuniquely used for the detection of subvisual changes on T1 and T2 MRIscans. The MRI scans of 27 FM subjects were compared with those of19 controls. Analysis of T1 images identified a 6% reduction in signalamong FM subjects within the cerebellar tonsils and midbrain, theformer in keeping with reports of Arnold–Chiari type 1 malformations.T2 analysis identified widespread diffuse reduction in the white matterof FM subjects. Our studies have confirmed and localised objectiveabnormalities of rCBF among FM subjects. These changes probablyreflect altered metabolic demands in pain processing centres, and forthe first time have been shown to persist over time. Canonical and dis-criminant statistical analysis was not able to utilise these findings fordiagnostic purposes. Additionally, subvisual abnormalities on MRI sug-gested structural and functional abnormalities within the brain.

170Clinical feature of fibromyalgia syndrome in Japanand novel strategy in the treatment by bioproduct(Neurotropin)H Nakamura1, K Hoshi1, T Kato1, S Ozaki2, M Nishioka3, K Nishioka1

1Department of Bioregulation, Institute of Medical Science, St Marianna University, Kawasaki, Japan; 2Department ofRheumatology, St Marianna University, Kawasaki, Japan; 3JikeiUniversity School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):170 (DOI 10.1186/ar971)Purpose Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a controversial disorder ofunknown etiology. Because of lack of laboratory and objective findings,

many patients have been ignored, misdiagnosed or referred to a psy-chiatrist. Recently, the number of FMS patients has been increasing inJapan. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the clinical feature ofFMS and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Neurotropin (extracted frominflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbits inoculated with vaccinia virus)for FMS associated with neck or back pain.Methods Subjective complaints, tender points and clinical findingswere assessed and routine laboratory examination was carried out in70 FMS patients. Among them, 23 patients were treated with Neu-rotropin, administered orally and intravenously. Patients’ assessmentand the number of tender points were evaluated after the treatment.Results Subjective complaints were composed of fatigue, sleep distur-bance, depression, anxiety and headache, as well as widespread pain.The mode of pain ranged from cutting pain to touch pain. In seriouscases, patients could not even move the joints nor stand by theirselves. Neurotropin treatment was effective in 16 out of 23 patients.Further investigation will be needed to comprehend the present statusof FMS in Japan and to elucidate its etiology. The effect of Neurotropinon FMS also needs to be evaluated.

171From clinical pharmacology to clinicalrheumatology: bench to bedsideP PispatiRheumatology Division, Jaslok and Bhatia Hospitals, Bombay, IndiaArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):171 (DOI 10.1186/ar972)

The mainstay of management of rheumatic diseases is based on drugtherapy. A number of drugs, from gold salts of yesteryear to methotrex-ate, leflunomide and the biologicals of today, are in vogue. These areused both singly and in permutations and combinations. Patientresponse varies enormously, from impressive results to abysmal failure.Why this great variability of response? The following factors woulddetermine patient response: the choice of drug (factors in the drug andfactors in the patient), the dosage forms, the dose, the pharmaco*kinet-ics, the pharmacodynamics, the drug interactions (synergism, additiveeffects, and antagonism), the adverse reactions, the pharmacoeconom-ics, and the patient education.This presentation highlights nuances in drug therapy that will minimisefailure rate, enhancing the success rate in the realm of rheumatology.

172Celecoxib: a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitorM GandelmanPfizer, Inc., New York, USAArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):172 (DOI 10.1186/ar973)

Selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors were developed to fillan important medical need. The rationale for the development of selec-tive COX-2 inhibitors will be discussed using celecoxib as an example.A brief description of the pharmacology and selective binding to theCOX-2 enzyme will be presented. Both preclinical and clinical data willbe shown to demonstrate important clinical aspects of celecoxib. Theefficacy data will include studies of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,and acute pain conditions. Both gastroenterology and cardiovascularsafety of celecoxib will be discussed. Finally, potential new therapeuticareas for celecoxib will be presented.

173Bioethics and research: scientific autonomy versussocial responsibility. Should we lead or be led?A RubinowRheumatology Unit, Division of Medicine, Hadassah-HebrewUniversity Medical Center, Jerusalem, IsraelArthritis Res Ther 2003, 5(Suppl 3):173 (DOI 10.1186/ar975)

From the dawn of the time, discoveries have been made to improve thehuman condition. Today, science and biotechnology have transcendedto the very essence of life itself. The inexorable urge to extend the fron-tiers of genetics and biology threatens to impinge on the balance

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between the well-being of mankind and its detriment. UNESCO,through the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and HumanRights (1998) and via the International Bioethics Committee, is draftingan international instrument of bioethics based on the principles ofhuman dignity, freedom, autonomy, justice and equity across cultures,values and religions. It emphasizes the noncommercialization of thehuman body, cautions against the pursuit of indiscriminate research inembryonic stem cells and cloning, gives directives in the collection,storage and treatment of genetic material, and outlaws the patenting ofhuman genes. The voice of scientists/physicians in this arena is muffled

and distant. Before binding legislation intended to protect the liberty ofhuman beings is thrust upon us, scientists need to lead the publicdebate. Society, still recovering from the era of eugenics wherescience was heralded as being able to provide solutions for socialdilemmas, wants to be fully informed of its choices. The education ofthe public requires strategic planning so that efforts may not be coun-terproductive and generate mistrust. This presentation to scientists/clinicians who are at the cutting edge of innovative research in our fieldwill highlight bioethical issues of mutual interest, emphasizing the appli-cations and implications of scientific advances.

Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol 5 Suppl 3 Abstracts of the 3rd World Congress of the Global Arthritis Research Network

(PDF) Novel intracellular function of IL-1 receptor antagonist type 1 in endothelial cells - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)
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