Summer Associate Careers | Davis Wright Tremaine (2024)

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“The attorneys and staff at DWT were beyond helpful and eager to support me in whatever way I needed.”

Tanner Harris 2022 Washington D.C. Scholarship Recipient

“I am currently in my 14th year with the firm and I remain friends with many of my summer class.”

Ryan Maughn Partner | Portland

“Summer associates are encouraged to connect and collaborate with each other. We’ve continued to develop those connections as new associates.”

Stasia Skalbania Associate | Seattle

“DWT isn't just a place where you'll work--DWT will be your greatest career cheerleader.”

Alex Cadena Summer Associate | Los Angeles

Alex Cadena

Summer Associate, Los Angeles Joined DWT: 2022

Why DWT?

How would you describe DWT's summer program to law students? DWT's summer program is hands-on! Everyone from the attorneys, professional development team, legal assistants, research librarians, and support staff is there to help you succeed and grow as a legal professional. It is an incredibly welcoming environment, and the firm is invested in your growth even at the early stage of being a summer.

What is one thing that is unique about DWT's Summer Program? DWT's Summer Program is unique because it is not just limited to the summer! The support and mentorship you receive from June to August continues. I am so appreciative of all the support I've been getting from DWT attorneys when it comes to prepping for the bar exam! From making sure I take scheduled breaks to motivating me through the trials and tribulations of becoming an attorney, DWT isn't just a place where you'll work--DWT will be your greatest career cheerleader..

How did DWT’s Summer Program prepare you to become an attorney? When comparing my experience with my peers who summered at other firms, I was surprised to learn that, unlike many other firms, DWT actually gives its summers real, substantive work. You will be challenged, but that's what makes the DWT summer so invaluable in your preparation towards becoming an attorney.

Stasia Skalbania

Associate, Seattle Joined DWT: 2022 (Summer Associate 2021)

Why DWT?

How would you describe DWT's summer program to law students? The Summer Associate Program is an opportunity for law students to get diverse and exciting work experience and to connect with and learn from attorneys at all stages of practice. DWT encourages an entrepreneurial spirit in its summer associates; DWT enables its summer associates to seek out projects and to connect with attorneys from across the firm’s practice groups and offices, creating a unique and memorable experience for each summer associate.

What is one thing that is unique about DWT's Summer Program? Summer associates are encouraged to connect and collaborate with each other. Through weekly meetings and fun social activities, I developed great connections with the summer associates in my cohort. We’ve continued to develop those connections as new associates.

How did DWT’s Summer Program prepare you to become an attorney? Before starting the DWT Summer Program, I was unsure of what area of law I wanted to focus on after law school. Through the exciting projects I worked on and the excellent mentorship I received as a summer associate, I was able to determine what interested me most. I left my summer associate experience confident in my interests and excited to start my career at DWT.

Ryan Maughn

Partner, Portland Joined DWT: 2009 (Summer Associate 2008)

Why DWT?

My summer associate experience provided me with wonderful opportunities to work closely with the lawyers and staff at the firm. My summer class also had a lot of fun getting to know Portland, the firm and each other. Between my summer year and my start date as a new associate, the U.S. economy began to really feel the effects of the Great Recession. I was reading every day about offers at law firms being withdrawn and difficult times across the industry. We were all grateful when we learned that DWT intended to honor our offers and remained committed to investing in us as new associates. I am currently in my 14th year with the firm and I remain friends with many of my summer class. When prospective new associates and lateral attorneys ask me why I have stayed with the firm, my answer is always the same. I enjoy the work and our excellent clients, but I also really like the people I work with. Our culture has always been built on professional excellence as well as collegiality and a real sense of community.

Brent Droze

Associate, Seattle Joined DWT: 2018

Personal goal in 5 years I’d like to be respected as a competent, trustworthy, and effective associate—while maintaining some semblance of a meaningful family life.

How do you describe your work to a child? When someone’s having a problem, I listen, think, and help them find a solution.

If you couldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? I love flying, so I’d probably be an airline pilot!

Why DWT?

I knew within the first few weeks of my first summer associate experience that DWT was a place I wanted to work full-time if given an offer. As a summer associate, I was given the chance to become part of a practice group and really see the culture of the firm. Because of that, it was easy to predict what life will be like at DWT.

I was fortunate to have had the chance to select from a few different firms for my summer associate experience, but I knew through the interview process that DWT was a place where the culture aligned with my values. In my interviews, we had good conversations where I felt more like a person and not just a candidate. There was a genuine interest in getting to know me and finding the right spot for me within the firm, and that carried through both of my summers at DWT. I’m really looking forward to starting at DWT as a first-year associate next fall.

Trinity Madrid

Associate, Portland
Joined DWT: 2020

Personal goal in 5 years To learn more about the process of adoption so my husband and I can become parents.

How do you describe your work to a child? When people or businesses face a challenge, I listen to them carefully and use my creativity to help them.

If you couldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? I’d be an actor.

Why DWT?

The summer associate experience at DWT was one of the most impactful experiences of my career. The knowledge and skills gained during my summer at DWT reflect a rich experience that was a culmination of substantive legal work, relationships that I was able to foster, and a firm culture that values mentorship.

Diego Atencio

Associate, Portland Joined DWT: 2017 (Summer Associate 2016)

Personal goal in 5 years I’d like to be a fifth-year associate at DWT, working with clients that are in the business of sustainability.

How do you describe your work to a child? I help groups of people called businesses do cool stuff in a way that keeps other groups of people, like other businesses or the government, from getting upset with them.

If you couldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? I’d be a novelist or a cartoonist. I really enjoy writing and dreaming up stories.

Why DWT?

My favorite part of the DWT summer associate experience was the opportunity to attend a variety of great social events, not just because they were fun but because they gave us an opportunity to meet the attorneys and really get to know the culture of the firm. It was clear through those events that DWT takes a lot of pride in its friendly culture.

I also appreciated having the freedom to work with all of the firm’s practice groups, which allowed me to discover the areas of law that were exciting to me. Having that experience is great because you can go back to law school after the summer and really tailor your course load based on the interests you identified at DWT. That pays dividends in the rest of your law school experience and career.

I chose DWT because of its culture. Throughout my interview experience as a summer associate, and now as a first-year attorney, everyone has been genuinely nice and supportive.

Shontee Pant

Associate, Seattle Joined DWT: 2022

Personal goal in 5 years I don't have a single, overarching goal for the next five years, but I do have a handful of smaller personal goals. A few of them are to run my first marathon, visit Nepal (half my family is from there and I've never been), and clerk for a judge.

How do you describe your work to a child? When two people can't agree on something, I read a lot and write a lot to help one of them figure how they might be right.

If you couldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? I would own either an artisan ice-cream store or a coffee shop. Cooking is a huge hobby of mine. I love how easily it allows me to experiment and try out new ideas.

Why DWT?

In every way, I felt like DWT went above and beyond anything I could have imagined. DWT ensured that I got meaningful projects and useful feedback and that I was able to grow as a future lawyer.

Kellen Luey

Incoming First-Year Associate, Portland Joining DWT: 2019 (Portland 1L Diversity Scholarship Recipient 2017)

Personal goal in 5 years I’d like to be an attorney with a reputation of being hard-working, honest, and a good listener.

How do you describe your work to a child? When people are nervous and stressed about something, I help them solve their problems.

If you couldn’t be a lawyer, what would you be? Dreaming: Professional athlete. Realistically: Accountant.

Why DWT?

DWT provides a hands-on atmosphere for summer associates. I didn’t just get to attend client meetings or review critical documents, but I was also invited to participate in meetings and complete the final work product on my own. With such a supportive atmosphere, I gained invaluable skills that I will be able to use as I begin my legal career.

Tanner Harris

American University, Washington College of Law Returning Summer Associate: 2023 (2022 Washington D.C. Scholarship Recipient)

Why DWT?

“The 1L Diversity Scholarship provided a summer associate experience that surpassed my most ambitious dreams and expectations. The summer began with a thorough training and orientation program, including a trip to Seattle, WA. In just ten weeks, I was able to work on litigation, transactional, and client development matters in Patent, Financial Services, Media, Technology, Communications, Privacy, and Security law. The attorneys and staff at DWT were beyond helpful and eager to support me in whatever way I needed. As a black female, diversity and inclusion is incredibly important for my success as a student and professional in the legal field. DWT does not just talk the talk. They walk the walk. Diverse members of the DWT community are recognized, respected, and supported in ways that create and sustain equitable practices within the firm and local communities. After experiencing DWT's unmatched culture and incredible professional opportunities, I can only imagine what is in store for me next summer!”

Lekan Sumonu

Seton Hall Law School Joining DWT: 2022 (2020 New York Scholarship Recipient)

Why DWT?

“My summer with DWT was my first real glimpse into what a career at a big law firm entails. While my program was remote due to current world-wide state of affairs, DWT ensured that my summer was as effective as it would have been in-person. I was able to meet and work with various attorneys from all the DWT offices. Through these many interactions, I was able to learn about, and work with, numerous practice groups as well as work on several pro-bono assignments. My summer at DWT is the beginning of a long and successful legal career backed by a team of friendly and driven attorneys.”

We want future colleagues who spend their summers with us to get the full experience of working at DWT. That includes doing complex work for market-leading clients alongside colleagues who care about your interests and who have expertise and insight that can help you learn how to build a practice. It also means joining a community that values excellent work and client service, teamwork, fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture, giving back to our communities, and leading rich personal lives outside the office.

So, what does that actually look like? It’s doing everything from drafting motions and contracts to assisting with pro bono matters to preparing for and attending client meetings, depositions, negotiations, and trials. It’s getting legal and skills training from our practice and industry groups and being paired with mentors based on your particular goals and interests. And it’s getting to know your colleagues at work and beyond, through affinity groups, events like our Summer Associate retreat, and countless conversations over lunch and coffee.

By the end of the summer, you’ll know what it’s like to be a first-year associate at DWT—and a member of our community. Come join us!


Summer Associate Program

  • 2L Patent Prosecution Scholarship
  • 1L Diversity Scholarships

1L Diversity Scholarships

As a 1L Diversity Scholarship recipient, you will receive $15,000 for your second year tuition and expenses and a paid Summer Associate position.

  • Criteria
  • To Apply


Our Diversity Scholarships are open to first-year law students who:

  • Are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive legal profession;
  • Take an entrepreneurial approach to their work and career;
  • Excel in written and oral communication, research, and analysis;
  • Prioritize collaboration, effective use of time, and professional responsibility;
  • Bring creativity and confidence to their work; and
  • Are committed to practicing law after graduating law school in the location for which they are applying.

To Apply

Our online application site for the 1L Diversity Scholarships opens in early December, and the deadline is typically in early January. We will review and interview candidates on a rolling basis. To apply, you must submit your documents online via our application site (we will not accept applications via email). Please make sure your contact information is current and that your voicemail can receive messages. You will need the following documents ready to upload for your application:

  • Current Resume
  • Cover letter (please indicate your connection to the location for which you are applying in the letter and address to Sandra Morriss, Manager, Law Student Talent Acquisition)
  • Legal writing sample, not heavily edited by a third party (generally 5-10 pages)
  • List of three references (one of whom is qualified to comment on your law school work)
  • Complete undergraduate transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)
  • Law school transcript for fall term (unofficial copy is acceptable)**

*Your personal statement should help us learn more about you and should address the requirements of the position, including a commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive legal profession. This includes your personal experiences and information not readily available on your resume. Your personal statement should be no more than one page, single-spaced, and 12-point font. Please include your name in the header but do not address your personal statement to anyone.

**If your transcript is not currently available, please submit your application without it. You will receive a follow-up email by mid-January with a link and instructions for submitting it online.

2L Patent Prosecution Scholarship

As a 2L Patent Prosecution Scholarship recipient, you will receive a $15,000 for your third year tuition and expenses. You will also work in a paid Summer Associate position with the Patent Prosecution team in our Seattle office.

  • Criteria
  • To Apply


Our 2L Patent Prosecution Scholarship position is open to second-year law students who:

  • Have a technical background and an interest in patent prosecution;
  • Are patent bar eligible with an electrical engineering, mathematics, or computer science background;
  • Have work experience with electrical and/or software engineering in the software industry (a plus)
  • Are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive legal profession;
  • Take an entrepreneurial approach to their work and career;
  • Excel in written and oral communication, research, and analysis;
  • Prioritize collaboration, effective use of time, and professional responsibility;
  • Bring creativity and confidence to their work;
  • Are committed to practicing in Seattle after law school;

To Apply

Our 2L Patent Prosecution Summer Associate opportunity opens on May 15. Application review is conducted on a rolling basis and we highly recommend applying as early as you are able. Submissions received before Sunday, July 28, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PT will receive preference but positions will remain listed on our website until they are filled. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see available positions. Click on the “View details” text to access the position listing and application submission site. Emailed applications cannot be accepted. You will need the following documents ready to upload for your application:

  • Current Resume
  • Cover letter (please indicate your connection to the location for which you are applying in the letter and address to Sandra Morriss, Manager, Law Student Talent Acquisition).
  • Legal writing sample, not heavily edited by a third party (generally 5-10 pages)
  • List of three references (one of whom is qualified to comment on your law school work)
  • Complete undergraduate transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)
  • Law school transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable)*
  • *You do not need to have your spring term grades to apply. After submitting your application we will send you a follow up email with instructions for submitting your transcript when you receive your final 1L grades.

2L Opportunities/On-Campus Interviews

DWT accepts applications for 2L Summer Associate opportunities during the summer between 1L and 2L year. We plan to participate in the following OCIs and career fairs but also encourage all OCI and fair applicants to apply directly through our system as well.

  • Schedule
  • Criteria
  • To Apply
  • Practice Group


  • Hispanic National Bar Association Virtual Career Fair – Date TBD
  • Howard University School of Law – July 10, 2024
  • Lavender Law Conference and Career Fair – August 7, 2024
  • Lewis & Clark Law School – Date TBD
  • Patent Interview Law Program – July 19, 2024
  • Seattle University School of Law – Date TBD
  • UC Berkeley School of Law – July 30, 2024
  • University of California, Los Angeles School of Law - July 25, 2024
  • University of Oregon School of Law – Date TBD
  • University of Washington School of Law – Date TBD
  • Willamette University School of Law – Date TBD


Our 2L Summer Associate positions are open to law students who:

  • Are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive legal profession;
  • Take an entrepreneurial approach to their work and career;
  • Excel in written and oral communication, research, and analysis;
  • Prioritize collaboration, effective use of time, and professional responsibility;
  • Bring creativity and confidence to their day-to-day work;
  • Will complete their second year of law school prior to joining us; and
  • Are committed to practicing in the location to which they apply after law school.

To Apply

2L Summer Associate opportunities open on May 15. Application review is conducted on a rolling basis and we highly recommend applying as early as you are able. Submissions received before Sunday, July 28, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PT will receive preference but positions will remain listed on our website until they are filled. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see available positions. Click on the “View details” text to access the position listing and application submission site. Emailed applications cannot be accepted. You will need the following documents ready to upload for your application:

  • Current Resume
  • Cover letter (please indicate your connection to the location for which you are applying in the letter and address to Sandra Morriss, Manager, Law Student Talent Acquisition).
  • Legal writing sample, not heavily edited by a third party (generally 5-10 pages)
  • List of three references (one of whom is qualified to comment on your law school work)
  • Complete undergraduate transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)
  • Law school transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable)*

You do not need to need to have your spring term grades to apply. After submitting your application we will send you a follow up email with instructions for submitting your transcript when you receive your final 1L grades.

Practice Group Information

We seek to provide our summer associates with work that aligns with their interests and that allows them to explore practice areas which are new to them. While we don’t know exactly what work will be available next summer, we do have a general sense of which practice groups will provide the bulk of the work to our Summer Associate Program. For summer 2025, they are:

  • Los Angeles, CA – Employment Services and Litigation
  • Portland, OR – Employment Services and Litigation
  • San Francisco, CA – Corporate and Business Transactions
  • Seattle, WA – Corporate and Business Transactions, Employment Services, Litigation, Patent Prosecution* and Technology

*There is a separate application for our Patent Prosecution Summer Associate opportunity since position has special degree/USPTO licensure eligibility requirements.

To learn more about our practice groups, visit out our Expertise page:

Summer Associate FAQ

Application and Interview Questions

When and how do I apply for a summer associate position?

1Ls: We accept applications for our 1L Diversity Scholarships via our website beginning December 1. Emailed applications are not accepted. The application deadline is usually in early January and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The offices hiring 1Ls vary by year. Check the position listings in late November for availability.

2Ls: We accept applications for 2L Summer Associate positions starting May 15. Positions will remain on the website until they are filled. Submissions received before Sunday, July 28, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PT will receive preference. We also accept applications via career fairs and On-Campus Interview programs at the fairs and schools listed above. If you are applying through a fair or OCI, we ask that you also submit your application via our website. We are not able to visit every law school for OCI so, if DWT seems to be a good fit for you, we encourage you to apply online (emailed applications are not accepted). Typically half of our summer class is made up of students who have sought us out directly.

Which offices participate in the summer associate programs?

We will have summer associates in many of our offices. Check the Careers page for available opportunities.

When will I hear from DWT after I apply?

It depends on the opportunity, but we strive to notify students regarding their status as soon as possible.

1L: Diversity Scholarship applications are reviewed as we receive them in December and early January but candidates may not be contacted for interviews immediately given holiday schedules. We anticipate 1L Diversity Scholarship interviews will take place in January though some initial interviews could be conducted earlier.

2L: Summer Associate applications are reviewed beginning in mid-May and we conduct initial interviews and second round “callback” interviews on a rolling basis until all positions have filled. The Hiring Committee makes every effort to contact candidates soon after the callback interview with an update on their candidacy. The committee meets on a regular basis during the recruitment season, but because we have a high volume of applicants, the wait time can be up to three weeks during interview season. If you have completed the second round of interviews, we welcome periodic check-ins on the status of your candidacy. We strongly encourage you to keep us informed of any timelines for offers you may receive while you are being considered by us.

What are you looking for in a summer associate candidate?

We seek law students who are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive legal profession. Our culture is special, and we want to find the next generation of lawyers who will carry on our commitment to fostering a firm environment that reflects what we value. We want people who will be active in our communities, both inside and outside of the firm. We value the ability to bring creativity and unique ideas to your work while taking an entrepreneurial approach to your career. We believe students who excel in written and oral communication and prioritize collaboration and professional responsibility will be successful. If you are someone who can learn and bounce back from your mistakes and value thoughtful feedback, DWT is the right place for you.

How does the interview process work?

  • Initial: A candidate will meet with one or two people via a video interview. The interview can take up to an hour.
  • Callbacks/Second round: A candidate will meet with 6-8 of our attorneys via a video interview. Interviews may last up to 4 hours in length with a few breaks in between.

What should I wear to my interviews?

The dress code for interviews is business professional though attorneys with whom you meet may be dressed more casually. Once you are a summer associate, we adhere to business casual.

If I am selected for a Diversity Scholarship, when will I receive the award?

Diversity scholarships are issued at the end of your summer commitment with us.

Summer Program Questions

What is the length of the summer program?

The summer program is typically 10 weeks and runs from June to August. Exact start and end dates will be shared with the summer class in the spring.

Can I split my summer with another firm?

In order to give you the best possible summer experience, we do not recommend splitting your summer with another firm.

What kind of work will I receive?

We do not have a rotation system to distribute projects. You are able to take any work that is available in your office. We pride ourselves on offering you opportunities that give a real glimpse of what it is like to practice at DWT. Typical assignments available for pick up through our work allocation system or directly from attorneys include researching legal issues, drafting memoranda containing legal analysis, drafting legal documents (motions, briefs, contracts, etc.), and assisting with pro bono projects. When available, you can also assist with and attend client meetings, hearings, depositions, negotiations, and trials.

Will I have a mentor, legal assistant and an office?

We will assign an associate mentor, a partner mentor, and a legal assistant to you over the summer. You will also have an office or dedicated workspace. Some of our locations are nearing capacity, so we ask for your flexibility as we may need to reserve temporary office space for you during the summer.

What kind of training will there be?

The training you will receive through the Summer Associate Program will be impactful. You will gain exposure to each practice group, attend litigation writing and transactional drafting seminars. In addition to having access to these sessions, your mentors and the attorneys serving as Summer Associate Program Coordinators are available to you. Summer associates are invited to attend various training programs delivered by our Professional Development department and training and meetings hosted by the practice and industry groups. And of course, you will also earn a great deal of on-the-job training by collaborating in small client teams doing real work and getting real feedback.

What kind of summer associate events do you offer?

Each summer, we host all of the firm’s summer associates in Seattle for a Summer Associate Retreat during which we introduce you to firm leaders, give you space to engage with your new colleagues and build community through dinners, receptions and more. Social events outside of the retreat vary by office and have included trivia nights, walking tours, bowling, sailing, baseball games, group dinners, karaoke, concerts, meet & greets, cooking classes, and lots of coffee chats. Many of our events are inspired by our summer associates. We ask for suggestions from the incoming summer class before event planning begins each year.

Job Opportunities

Summer Associate Careers | Davis Wright Tremaine (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.