The conflict between 'ArrayValued' option in integration and specia... (2024)

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tsukatsuki on 10 Apr 2024

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Edited: Torsten on 11 Apr 2024

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I wrote a function HCDd to batch process some integrals and put them in a matrix, but encountered problems when it came to the special function psi (X) (digamma function).

When the 'ArrayValue' option is set to True, the 'integral' function seems to only accept input of single and double floating-point types. But the integration process involves negative input to the function psi (X) (see my custom function Rnd), and in the case of non-symbolic input, psi (X) will call the built-in function of Matlab instead of the function of the same name in the Symbolic Math Toolbox. But the built-in function psi (X) can only accept non-negative real input, which breaks my calculations.

I want to optimize computational efficiency as much as possible, so I am not inclined to use Arrayfun or for loops. Is there a better solution?


HCDd(4, 0, 1) %for test

function omega_t = omega(t)

omega_t = vpa(3 + ((t - 2)^4 - 8 * (t - 2)^2) / 8);


function eg = Eg(n, a0)

efun = @(egtmp) sqrt(2) * gamma(-egtmp/2 + 3/4) / gamma(-egtmp/2 + 1/4) - 1/a0;

if n~= -1

if a0 ~= 0

smin = 2 * n + 0.5;

smax = 2 * n + 2.5;


eg = vpa(1.5 + 2 * n);




if a0 ~= 0

syms egtmp1;

efun1 = sqrt(2) * gamma(-egtmp1/2 + 3/4) / gamma(-egtmp1/2 + 1/4) - 1/a0 == 0;

eg = vpasolve(efun1,-1);



eg = -inf;




eg = vpa(GlobalSolve(efun,1,smin,smax)); %GlobalSolve is a custom function unrelated to this problem, used for finding roots


function nu0 = nu(n, a0)

nu0 = Eg(n, a0) / 2 - 3/4;


function rnd = Rnd(nu_n_a0, r, t) %here use the fuction psi(X)

rnd = omega(t)^(3/4) .* 2 .^ (nu_n_a0 + 3/2) .* pi .^ (-1/4) ...

.* sqrt(gamma(-2 .* nu_n_a0 - 1) ./ (psi(-nu_n_a0) - psi(-nu_n_a0 - 1/2))) ...

.* exp(-omega(t) / 2 .* r .^ 2) ...

.* kummerU(-nu_n_a0, 3/2, omega(t) .* r .^ 2);


function nuarray = nuArray(M, a0)

nuarray = vpa(zeros(1, M));

for m = 1:M

nuarray(1, m) = nu(m-2, a0);



function hcd = HCDd(M, t, a0) %problem in here

syms nutmp rtmp r nu_mAtmp nu_nAtmp

nu_A = nuArray(M, a0);

nu_mA = double(repmat(nu_A, M, 1));

nu_nA = nu_mA.';

dRnd = matlabFunction(diff(Rnd(nutmp, rtmp, t), rtmp));

func = Rnd(nu_mAtmp, r, t) .* 2 .* r .^3 .* dRnd(nu_nAtmp, r) ...

+ Rnd(nu_mAtmp, r, t) .* 3 .* r .^2 .* Rnd(nu_nAtmp, r, t);

fun = matlabFunction(func, 'vars', {r nu_mAtmp nu_nAtmp} );

hcd = integral(@(r) fun(r, nu_mA, nu_nA), 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', true);



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Torsten on 10 Apr 2024

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If you set "ArrayValued",true in the call to integral, only one numerical value for r is passed to "fun" once at a time. So this has nothing to do with symbolic or numerical evaluation of the "psi" function (as far as I can see).

But in order to help, it would be easiest to include executable code, i.e. supplying "GlobalSolve" and other functions that might be necessary.

tsukatsuki on 10 Apr 2024

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Edited: tsukatsuki on 10 Apr 2024

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@Torsten Please note that the parameters of the integration process come from the two matrices nu_mA and nu_nA, and r is the integration variable here. I have sorted out my two different attempts on the HCDd function and the corresponding error messages, and also attached the content of the GlobalSolve function you mentioned.

First I run the original program above, Matlab says

Error using psi

X must be nonnegative.

Error in


Error in Copy_of_zero3d>@(r)fun(r,nu_mA,nu_nA) (line 61)

hcd = vpa(integral(@(r) fun(r, nu_mA, nu_nA), 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', true));

Error in integralCalc/iterateArrayValued (line 156)

fxj = FUN(t(1)).*w(1);

Error in integralCalc/vadapt (line 130)

[q,errbnd] = iterateArrayValued(u,tinterval,pathlen);

Error in integralCalc (line 83)

[q,errbnd] = vadapt(@AToInfInvTransform,interval);

Error in integral (line 87)

Q = integralCalc(fun,a,b,opstruct);

Error in Copy_of_zero3d>HCDd (line 61)

hcd = vpa(integral(@(r) fun(r, nu_mA, nu_nA), 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', true));

Error in Copy_of_zero3d (line 4)

HCDd(4, 0, 1)

Then I remove the double function on nu_mA and nu_nA to restore them to sym type, like this

function hcd = HCDd(M, t, a0)

syms nutmp rtmp r nu_mAtmp nu_nAtmp

nu_A = nuArray(M, a0);

nu_mA = repmat(nu_A, M, 1);

nu_nA = nu_mA.';

dRnd = matlabFunction(diff(Rnd(nutmp, rtmp, t), rtmp))

func = Rnd(nu_mAtmp, r, t) .* 2 .* r .^3 .* dRnd(nu_nAtmp, r) ...

+ Rnd(nu_mAtmp, r, t) .* 3 .* r .^2 .* Rnd(nu_nAtmp, r, t)

fun = matlabFunction(func, 'vars', {r nu_mAtmp nu_nAtmp} )

hcd = vpa(integral(@(r) fun(r, nu_mA, nu_nA), 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', true));


then Matlab says

Error using superiorfloat

Inputs must be floats, namely single or double.

Error in integralCalc/iterateArrayValued (line 159)

outcls = superiorfloat(x,fxj);

Error in integralCalc/vadapt (line 130)

[q,errbnd] = iterateArrayValued(u,tinterval,pathlen);

Error in integralCalc (line 83)

[q,errbnd] = vadapt(@AToInfInvTransform,interval);

Error in integral (line 87)

Q = integralCalc(fun,a,b,opstruct);

Error in Copy_of_zero3d>HCDd (line 61)

hcd = vpa(integral(@(r) fun(r, nu_mA, nu_nA), 0, inf, 'ArrayValued', true));

Error in Copy_of_zero3d (line 4)

HCDd(4, 0, 1)

So I think the problem occurs as I mentioned at the beginning.

Alternatively, here's what GlobalSolve.m is all about, and you can now try running the program in the question on your own Matlab.

function varargout = GlobalSolve(varargin)

n = varargin{2};

obj_fun = varargin{1};

start_num = 100;


lb = -inf(1,n);

ub = inf(1,n);



lb = varargin{3};

ub = varargin{4};



if isempty(varargin{3})

lb = -inf(1,n);


lb = varargin{3};


if isempty(varargin{4})

ub = inf(1,n);


ub = varargin{4};


start_num = varargin{5};


options = optimoptions('particleswarm','display','off');

x0 = particleswarm(@(x)sum(obj_fun(x).^2),n,lb,ub,options);

opts = optimoptions(@fmincon,'Algorithm','interior-point','Display','off');

problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','x0',x0,'objective',@(x)0,'lb',lb,'ub',ub,'nonlcon',@(x)constrain(x,obj_fun));

gs = MultiStart('FunctionTolerance',1e-2,'XTolerance',1e-2);

[x,~,exitflag,~,allmins] =,start_num);

fval = obj_fun(x);

if n==1

for ii = 1:numel(allmins)

multiSol(ii) = allmins(ii).X;


multiSol = sort(multiSol);

for ii = 1:numel(allmins)

multiFval{ii} = obj_fun(multiSol(ii));



for ii = 1:numel(allmins)

multiSol{ii} = allmins(ii).X;

multiFval{ii} = obj_fun(multiSol{ii});



switch nargout

case 1

varargout{1} = x;

case 2

varargout{1} = x;

varargout{2} = fval;

case 3

varargout{1} = x;

varargout{2} = fval;

varargout{3} = exitflag;

case 4

varargout{1} = x;

varargout{2} = fval;

varargout{3} = exitflag;

varargout{4} = multiSol;

case 5

varargout{1} = x;

varargout{2} = fval;

varargout{3} = exitflag;

varargout{4} = multiSol;

varargout{5} = multiFval;


function [c ceq] = constrain(x,f)

ceq = f(x);

c =[];

tsukatsuki on 10 Apr 2024

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Also, I tried a less efficient one using a for loop. In fact, the following version of the HCDd function can run well, but this does not solve the optimization problem.

function hcd = HCDd(M, t, a0)

syms nutmp rtmp r

nu_A = nuArray(M, a0);

hcd = vpa(zeros(M));

dRnd = matlabFunction(diff(Rnd(nutmp, rtmp, t), rtmp))

for m = 1:M

for n = 1:M

func = Rnd(nu_A(1, m), r, t) .* 2 .* r .^3 .* dRnd(nu_A(1, n), r) ...

+ Rnd(nu_A(1, m), r, t) .* 3 .* r .^2 .* Rnd(nu_A(1, n), r, t)

fun = matlabFunction(func, 'vars', {r} )

hcd(m, n) = vpa(integral(fun, 0, inf));




Torsten on 10 Apr 2024

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Edited: Torsten on 10 Apr 2024

Also, I tried a less efficient one using a for loop. In fact, the following version of the HCDd function can run well, but this does not solve the optimization problem.

What do you mean by "does not solve the optimization problem" ?

Do you mean that the code is not optimized or that the solution you get is wrong in your opinion ?

tsukatsuki on 11 Apr 2024

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@Torsten Sorry I used the wrong words, I'm not a native English speaker. What I'm trying to say is that using a for loop slows down the running of the function, which in the final program may be run thousands of times with a larger matrix order M. So I want to use a vectorization way.

Torsten on 11 Apr 2024

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Edited: Torsten on 11 Apr 2024

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I'd generate the function "fun" once before your "big simulation", write it to file and replace calls to psi(x) by double(psi(vpa(x))) manually.

x = -0.625;


ans = -1.1540


Error using psi
X must be nonnegative.

I don't know if the symbolic psi-function will be drastically slower than the numerical one.

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  • special function
  • psi
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The conflict between 'ArrayValued' option in integration and specia... (2024)
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