THE NEWS AND ORSERVER. RALEIGH, N. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1930 2 PHONE HOURS NO. Society 3:00 ro 1450 8:30 P.M. Dear God, I never learned to pray, But In my awkward sort of way touch Your hand and hear Your I voice And in this perfect day rejoice.
The sun. Your promise of a light That seems to guide my footseps right. And bending in the gentle breeze, The whispering and friendly Hide birds that sing the sweetest SONES, To You, all gratitude belongs. The lake's clear jade, the sky's fierce blue just another gift from You. Are I lie alone, In grasses deep, In my happiness could weep And For joy, of all You give to me! know that everything I see To forever, through all time.
Will live That all this peauty here 13 mine! I never know Italk just to You each day. learned how to pray, But Each day You take me by the hand, I feel Your kiss and understand. The sun is resting my hair And so I know You hear this prayer. Rabon-Prosser, Of interest to A wide, circle of friends is the marriage Miss Alvina Prosser of Raleigh, and ClarHubert Rabon of Creswell, ence which was solemnized yesterday morning the parsonage of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church with the Rev. E.
MacNeill Poteat officiating. fritnessing the ceremony, were and only a few intimate relatives the bridal couple and members of the Sigma Tau Beta of State College, of which Fraternity the bridegroom is a member. The bride was becomingly attired blue chiffon, with, accessories of in Navy. the daughter of Mrs. E.
A. Proszer of Raleigh, and received her education at the North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, and Appalachian State Teachers' College, at Boone. Mr. Rabon son of D. Y.
Rabon of Chadbourn. He was graduated from the North Carolina State with the class of 1930 and affiliated with Sigma Tau Beta Fraternity, After a short bridal tour through Mr. and Mrs. Rabon will Virginia, reside in Creswell, where Mr. Rabon is engaged as agricultural instruetor in the high school.
PAGAN'S PRAYER. Poley. Beasley, Mary McGhee Beasley, of kaleigh, and Wellington A. Poles anpounce their at Lafayette, Indiana, on 1930. Engagement Announcement.
Of widespread interest is the announcement made by Mrs. John, Morrison Wilson of Savannah, the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Nell, to Henry Laton Harris of Galax, formerly of Raleigh and Savannah, Georgia. Miss Wilson is member of the younger set of Savannah and received her education there. Mr. Harris is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. H. Harris of Raleigh. He is a graduate of the class of $26 from North Carolina State College and holds a position with The Galax Manufacturing Company, The wedding will take place during the Fall.
Yates- Tucker Nuptials Autumn's largest wedding, and one interest throughout Southern eircles, is that of Miss Sue Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Scott Tucker, and Ogburn Yates, of Charleston, 8. formerly of Monwhich will be celebrated in roe, Edenton Street Methodist Church here at high noon the ensuing Saturday. The service will be performed by Rev.
Frank Swindell Love, pastor of Edenton Street Church, who will be assisted by Dr. Walter A. Stanbury, of Durham. Miss Annabel Webb will be soloist. Miss Tucker will be attended by her sister, Mrs.
J. Harvey Eason as dame of honor, and another sister, Miss Janet Tucker, as maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Cary Harmon, of Tazewell, Miss Emily Braswell, of Rocky Mount, Miss Eugenia Howard, of Norfolk, and Miss Susanne Tucker, Miss Julia Andrews and Miss Mary Johnof Raleigh. Little Miss Maud Ogburn Hudson will be flower girl, Mr. Yates will be attended by Grier Hudson, of Raleigh, 88 best man.
His groomsmen will be Emmett Underwood, of Charlotte, James Webb, of Hillsboro, J. Betts Simmons, of Charlotte, Scott M. Thomas, of Rockingham, Raeford Laney, of Charlotte, and John M. Redwine, of Monroe. Ushers will ba Dr.
M. C. S. Noble, Yates Laney and Raymond Pearce, of Greensboro. The ceremony will be preceded by numerous entertainments this week at which Miss Tucker will be the central figure.
She will be honored tomorrow afternoon at 8:30 o'clock when Mrs. Harvey Eason and Miss Janet Tucker will entertain at bridge at 490 North Blount Street. Tuesday at 1 o'clock Mrs. J. Crawford Biggs will entertain at luncheon at her country home, Hardimont, and in the afternoon at 5 o'clock Mrs.
C. B. Ayeock, will receive informally at tea at her home on Blount Street. Miss Mary Johnson will give bridge party for Miss Tucker Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, and For this week only Naivette Permanent Waves Special at $5 Phone 2569 for early appointment BONNIE BEAUTY SALON Mezzanine-Boon-Iseley Drug Co. musical program will be rendered and Miss Marsh and Miss Tinner will discuss their work and problems.
Part of the program will be devoted to health discussions and Dr. A. C. Bulla will speak on "Preventitive Measures." Prof. J.
F. Miller will talk on "Recreation and its Relation to Health." There will be supervised care and play for all children attending the meeting with their parents. All members are 10- quested to be present. Miss Bostick Honored. The junior class of Meredith Col.
lege entertained Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the college parlors in honor of Miss Oreon Bostick, bride-elect. Class officers, Misses Margaret Peaco*ck, Lottie Belle Myers and Mary Lee received the guests. Miss Mary Lucille Broughton sang "I Love Truly" and "Sleepy Hollow Tune." class president, Miss Peaco*ck, presented the honoree with a box of gifts tied with class colors. After refreshments were served guests wrote in the bride's book. Miss Bostick was sophom*ore president of the class of 1931.
Important One- of and enjoyable meetings of the year will be held by the women of the Good Shepherd Church at the parish house tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is the occasion not only of the presentation of. their United Thank Offering for the support and work of women missionaries, but of the gathering of the women for meeting new members of the parish. Acting as. custodian of the offering, Mrs.
Carroll 1 Mann has urged every member to make an especial effort to attend. Modern Drama Meeting. The Modern Drama group of the Raleigh branch of the American Association of University Women will hold the first meeting of the year Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. P.
Kolb, 18 Maiden Lane. At the business meeting officers will be elected for the year and plans outlined for the year's work, after which an interesting program will be presented. College women who are interested in this group are invited to be present. Friendly Society Meets. The Girl's Friendly Society of St.
Saviour's Church has begun its fall work under the leadership of Mrs. R. Eden. Officers were elected at a recent meeting and the fall program planned. Girls of any or no denomination are invited to join this society, which meets at the church each day night at 7:30.
Hostesses at Luncheon Misses Leah and Polly Godwin and Margaret Harrington delightfully entertained at luncheon at the home of the Misses Godwin yesterday in honor of Miss Drevon Bostick. Early fall flowers were used about the home and a four course luncheon served. Those enjoying the hospitality were Miss Bostick, guest of honor, and Misses Ruth Kennedy and Margaret and Rose Mae Haynes of Meredith College and Mrs. C. R.
Boone. Garden Groups Meet. A class organied from the Garden Club the studies of annuals and perennials with Mrs. B. Lawrence Wednesday afternoon at o'clock at the Y.
W. C. A. Dr. John B.
Wright will speak on the preparation of soil and seed beds. Another class for garden beginners will meet at the home of Mrs. T. E. Browne Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Miss Isabel Busbee will address this group on "Landscaping the New Garden." U. D. C. Meeting. Johnston Pettigrew Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Wednesday afternoon at 330 o'clock at the Y.
W. A. Group 2, Mrs. R. N.
Simms and Mrs. T. N. Ivey, chairmen, will be hostess group. All members have been requested to attend as reports of the recent State convention will be given and delegates will be elected to the National convention in Asheville.
Miss Webb Hostess. Annabel Webb was hostess at bridge luncheon yesterday morning at her North Dawson street residence Sue Tucker, bridehonoring, Miss, M. C. S. Noble, end Mrs.
Frank A. Daniels, II, Guests, who numbered sixteen joyed bridge during the morning after which prizes were awarded and luncheon was served at the bridge tables. Entertains at Sapper R. W. Penny entertained a group of friends at a supper last evening at 7 o'clock at Vandora Springs.
A feature of the gathering was the quartet singing by Mr. Crocker, Mr. Foole, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Edwards.
Out of town guests were R. H. Poole of Lincoln Heights, R. L. Crocker Sumter, S.
and R. L. Matthews of Cary. Luncheon Reservations. Mrs.
Elise Mulliken, National Field Representative of the American Red Cross, has urgently requested that all persons attending the State Red Cross Conference in Chapel Hill, Oetober 8, notify Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt at Chapel Hill, by the seventh as reservations for the luncheon must be made by that date. Fraternity Entertains. During the past week Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa P1 entertained at 8 smoker theater party. Besides the members of the chapter, guests were members from the freshmen land sophom*ore classes.
The com- WEDDING Announcements ADD AVIATIONS Samples of high grade engraving of all kinds gladly sent upon request. Alfred Williams Co. 119 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C.
BOOKSELLERS OFFICE OUTFITTERS ENGRAVERS ELLISBERGS OPEN FACE HATS That Typify Youth This is the age of YOUTH. There is no one article that so typifies youth as the Hat. These Open Faced or as they are usually named Off the Face Hats are the rage. If you wish to keep your youthful standing you must have Open Faced Hat from Ellisberg's. Millinery Mezzanine Fayetteville Smartest 126 ELLISBERGS Raleigh's Street Shop mittee in charge of the entertainment was E.
S. Beran, W. Sawyer and F. D. Whitehead, Jr.
Mission Study Meeting. Beginning at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, an all-day mission class will be held at Edenton Street Methodist church. Luncheon will be served in the Bessie Brown room. The book to be used in the study is "India Looks To Her Future," by Oscar M. Buck, which will be discussed by Mrs.
John Park, Mrs. Grover Dillon, Mrs. E. Y. Floyd, Mrs.
L. E. Blanchard, Mrs. A. C.
Eatman and Miss Alice Laidlaw. The Wake County Chapter of Meredith Alumnae will meet in the reception room of C. Dormitory, Meredith College, Friday afternoon, at 3:45 o'clock, with Dr. Charles E. Brewer as speaker of the occasion.
A large number of alumnae from all over the county will be present at the chapter's first meeting of the Fall. Honored In Wake Forest. Mrs. E. B.
Earnshaw and Mrs. Easley entertained at Friday afternoon in Wake Forest, honoring Miss Oreon Bostick, bride-elect. The guests were delightfully employed in making useful household articles for the bride. Rainbow ice cream and angel's food cake were served. The bride-elect was presented a ture bridal bouquet.
Cameron Visitors. Miss Mamie Arnold, Miss Lizzie Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
McIver of Cameron, were visitors in Raleigh Friday. Stratford Club Meets. The Stratford Book Club will meet with Mrs. George W. Coggin at her home, 1707 Park Drive, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Tea At St. Mary's. Dr. and Mrs. Warren W.
Way and the faculty of St. Mary's School will be at home Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock in the parlore of the school. Leaves for New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Johnson, R. H. Johnson and Mrs.
left Friday night by motor for Rutherford, N. to be with their brother, Rev. L. F. Johnson, who is seriously ill.
Bridge Tournament. The Association of Fred A. Olds will sponsor Teaches a bridge tournament at the Hotel Sir Walter, Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock. H. A.
Honeycutt is chairman of the reservations committee. Old Rose Inn, Cor. Hargett and McDowell. Sunday Chicken 1 Dinner. 12:00 till Announce Engagement Mr.
and Mrs. George Parke Folk announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth McMorine, to John A. Campbell, of Charlotte, the wedding to take place in November. Return to Florida. After spending a week visiting relatives, Mrs.
Richard F. Giersch, Elizabeth and little Helen Giersch have returned to their home in Coral Gables, Fla. in the evening at 8 o'clock Mrs. W. P.
Van Valkenburgh will have a small bridge party. Miss Susanne Tucker will honor the bridal party at a wedding fast Friday morning at 10 o'clock, and the evening at 6:30 o'clock Mrs. in. M. Rues and Mrs.
J. F. tain, will entertain at a buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Russ. The rehearsal will take place Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock, and at 10 o'clock Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Scott Tucker, parents of the bride-elect, will honor bridal couple, their attendants and out-of-the- city guests at a party at their Blount Street residence. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs.
James Hall Little of Wilson announce the engagement of their Lamm daughter, of Nellie Charles C. formerly of Wilson. Baltimoredata; will take place in November. Mr. Lamm is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. I. W. Lamm of Raleigh. Get- Together Dinner.
The Raleigh Music Club will have its first meeting of the fall season tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Hotel Sir Walter when members will entertain at a get-together dinner. Many prominent musicians of the State have accepted invitations to be present and will be honor guests at dinner. The club will continue to have its meetings at the Woman's Club on the first Monday of each month. Officers the year president, Mrs. F.
W. Staudt; vice Mrs. Roy Dearstyne; second vice-president, Mra. Errol Marshburn; treasurer, Mrs. Arnold; recording Mrs.
Walter Simpson; responding, publicity secretary, Mrs. chairman, Caswell Mrs. Cora S. Breece. Mrs.
Fred B. Wheeler is chair. man of the program committee under her direction the club is anticipating interesting and educational programs during the year. B.Y.P.U. Social A B.Y.P.U.
social was held Thurs- day evening from seven until eleventhirty at the home of Miss Cleo de Weese on Elm street. A color scheme of black, orange and yellow was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Games and a number of contests were enjoyed. Those winning prizes were Mary Branch, Merle Senna, Charlotte Beck, Ernestine Holland and Bennett Straughan. Payne, May, Elizabeth JackThose present, were Misses Ruth son, Clarice House, Mary Branch, Erdie Johnson, Ernestine Holland and Charlotte Beck.
Messrs I. B. Lake, Bennett Straughan, Theodore Constant, Ennis Chappell, Ted Chappell, Merle Senna, Robert Williams, Robert Stell, B. T. Brinkley, A.
T. Taylor, Wayne de Weese and Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
de Weese. T. L. Class Meets. The T.
L. Class of Ephesus E. Baptist Church met Friday evening classroom of the church with the president, Mrs. O. R.
Weaver presiding. Reports were heard from the committees and officers for the past year were elected A8 follows: Mrs. R. L. Jones, president; Mrs.
S. W. Eason, vice-president; Mrs. Jow Powers, seeond vice presidont Mrs. E.
S. Strother, third Mrs. 0. Weaver, secretary and treasurer; Turner Hamilton, associate secretary and Mrs. M.
A. Guess, reporter. The sick committee ineludes Mrs. Frank Strother, Mrs. Ed Franklin and Mrs.
Hatley. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Ed Franklin, hostess. Mrs. Register Honored.
Mrs. F. M. Register Raleigh, was guest of honor at a lovely bridge party given by Miss Marie Farley at her home in Goldsboro on Wednesday evening. The rooms were decorated with a profusion of zinnias, marigolds, spider-lilies and fall roses.
At the conclusion of the games the hostess presented a gift to Mrs. Register and awarded the high score prize to Mrs. William Spicer. A salad course was served. The guests were: Mesdames F.
M. Register, W. R. Crawford, Williams Spicer, William Smith, C. E.
Wilking, J. N. Johnson, John Spicer, H. L. Bizzell, C.
M. Black, C. F. Strosnider, A. Oettinger, Claude Bizzell, M.
E. Robinson, E. T. Sanburst, Walter Denmark, Misses Helen Kirby, Mary De Vane, Ada Gay, and Dorette Oettinger. Celebrates Birthday.
Little Miss Betty Lou Byrd entertained a number of friends in honor of her third birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mre. H. Braxton Byrd, at 221 Forest Road. After enjoying games, the little guesta were invited to the dining room where refresbments were served.
A color scheme of pink and white was used in decorations on the table and in favors presented the guests. Attending the party were Barbara Ann Pope, Jean Bell, Mary Neely Morris, Josephine Doughton, Rose Mary Underwood, Ernestine McCord, Carolyn Hoover, Ned Ruggles, Frank Miller, William Cobb, Marvin Koonce and R. A. Martin, Jr. Delegates Elected.
The following delegates have been appointed to attend the 48th annual convention of Woman's Christian Temperance Union of North Carolina which will be held in the Dilworth Methodist church October 15- 17 at Charlotte: Mrs. J. B. Dereux, Mrs. T.
Wiley Duke, Mrs. John Duckett, Mrs. E. G. Horton, Mrs.
D. H. Dixon, Miss Vara Herring, Mrs. D. L.
Farror, Mrs. J. H. Gosney, Mrs. D.
F. Crinkley, Mrs. J. S. Derrick, Rev.
and Mrs. C. A. Upchurch. The L.
L. L. delegates are Mrs. 1 E. Cook, Miss Dorothy Cook, Miss Alice Laidlaw, Mrs.
Henry Upchurch and Mrs. F. C. DeWeese. P.
T. A. Meeting. The Parent-Teacher Association of Fred A. Olds School will meet nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
A Wedding Invitations and Announcements Edwards Broughton Engravers Genuine Engraving and Correctness in Every Detail Raleigh, North Carolina Samples and Prices on Request. meW design in sterling Che HUNT CLUB TOU ARE INVITED to view this extremely smart new 1931 Sterling by Gorham, now on display. This new design has the dash and smartness associated with the "sport and that most swagger of functions. the Hunt Freakfast. Already Corham'.
"Hunt Club" pattern is being used in the homes of Maters cf the most fashionable Hunts in the country. Some of the smartest women in America are buying this new pattern far entertaining in their town sad country homes. We tavite you to make a selection now. Sold exclusively in Raleigh by JOLLY'S Jewelers Since 1881 Olla Podrida Meeting. The Olla Podrida Book Club will o'clock Mrs.
Gilbert Hay in meet Tuesday, afternoon at 3:30 Cameron Park. Auxiliary Meeting. The Mary Elizabeth Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Hugh Iseley, 1112 Mordecai Drive, at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. On Northern Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Green left last night for a ten-day trip to New York City and Niagara Falls.
UNUSUAL and ORIGINAL Creations in Wedding Stationery Samples of our new styles in Wedding Invitations and Announcements will be sent upon request J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO. 103 Peachtree Street ATLANTA, GEORGIA THE STEVENS IMPRINT MEANS GENUINE ENGRAVING ELLISBERGS Prices Were Quality Was Never So Never So LOW HIGH Coats Dresses Offering the 1930-31 Women who appreciate fur modes that set a fabric quality and at new fashion-history the same time, smart offering savings that es- styles, will make it a tablish a new value- point to visit Ellisberg's. precedent.
The savings are actually more lib- All fashion favored maeral than ever before, terials are included in because of the lower the latest fall creations: prices for fine pelts, and black, navy, green, because of our well- blue, brown, red and timed purchases. wine. At Offering the finest and loveliest Fur Coats in: Presenting the 1930 fa- It is truly remarkable that shions at prices lower than dresses of such fashion, in years. The logical time quality and minute style to buy a coat is in October details could sell at such for prices are lower a wodest price as these are marked. New modilines are more flattering fied than in many a year.
Au- versions of the bolero, silhouettes, several thentic interpretations of deep lace yokes, tunics, the new mode widely leg o'mutton sleeves, newvaried in style and fur ly draped necklines are trimmings. some features that proclaim their Paris origin. Ellisberg's Smartest Shop Raleigh's.