The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

A THE APPLETON POST- -CRESCENT Tuesday Evening, June 12, 1945 Page Stand Described in Letter At a recent board meeting of the Appleton League of Women Voters letter was instituted by the new president Mrs. Paul Gilbert, telling of plans and activities of the league, locally, in the state and in the nation, and was sent to the local league members. The news letter summarizes favorable action in the house of representatives on the Bretton Woods agreements. This legislation now goes to the senate. The letter also states that the house passed the Reciprocal Trade Agreement act, extending for three years more the power of the president to negotiate trade agreements with other countries without submitting each agreement to lobbying and debate in congress.

The bill is now before the senate. The Price Control act, or OPA is now before congress for renewal. In conclusion, the letter gives the league's position on these three legislative matters: The league is supporting all three measures and is asking league members to write to their senators and congressman at once requesting them to support them. Priest Observes Silver Jubilee Bear Creek Pastor Marks Anniversary Of His Ordination Bear Creek--The Rev. David S.

Bungleman of St. Mary's church celebrated his silver jubilee Sunday. Solemn high mass was celebrated by Father Bunkleman with the Rev. Peter, Grosnick Rev. Claude of Le Kaukauna, Clair of dea- the cathedral at Green Bay, a cousin of Father Bunkleman, sub-deacon, and the Rev.

Earl Brouchard of Mishicot, master of ceremonies. The sermon was delivered by Father Grosnick. Father Bunkleman was born at Seymour Sept. 26, 1896. He started his studies at Calvary, and then attended St.

Francis seminary. He was ordained June 11, 1920, at Green Bay by. the late Rt. Rev. Bishop Paul Peter Rhode.

On June 13, 1920, he read first solemn high mass in St. John's Catholic church, Seymour. He was assistant to the Rev. Aloys Bastian at St. Vincent's church.

Oshkosh. On May 30, 1926, he became pastor at Aurora, with Pembine as a mission. On April 28, 1928, he was transferred to Institute, Door county, and on June 3, 1942, he came to St. Mary's church, Bear Creek. A procession of all the St.

Mary's school children carrying bouquets of fresh, flowers and silver sprays marched into the church. Dinner and supper were served at the church parlors to all the guests. Relatives of Father Bunkleman who attended included his brother, five sisters and other relatives. They were Edward Bunkleman, Miss Lucy Bunkleman, David Bunkleman. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Henn. Mrs. Clara Andrews, Briarton, Mr. and Mrs.

Roy, Row, Isaar; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jaskolski, Two Rivers: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Le Claire, David Le Claire.

Mrs. Charles Le Claire, Two Rivers. A program was presented, sponsored by the Sisters and children of St. Mary's Attorney Speaks An address was given by Attorney C. C.

Mullarkey, and he presented Father Bunkleman with a purse from the parish. The pastor responded with a short talk. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A.

Embs, Mrs. Fred Yockey of Oshkosh. were Sunday guests at St. Mary's rectory and attended the celebration of the silver jubilee of Father Bunkleman. Mrs.

Charles Dahl and sons of Nieavon, were Saturday visitors at the Theodore Bricco home. Mr. and Mrs. William Sole and son, John. of Detroit.

Mrs. John Hughes of Beaumont, Texas; Mrs. Edwin Ettenhofer and daughter, Audry and son, John Escanaba, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haefs, of the village.

The guests spent the week fishing and visiting relatives. Mrs. T. Schindell. Mrs.

Henry Kroll and daughter Kay of Beaver Dam are visiting at the Mrs. gard Mares home and at the Oliver Neilson home. Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage licenses have been made at the office of John E. Hantschel, county clerk. by Floyd Van Vreede, route 2, Kaukauna, and Catherine Gilbert, route 3, Seymour: Leo Marquette, route 1, Black Creek, and Delores Madison, route 1, Black Creek; Donald Hoffman, A route 1, Appleton, and Mary J.

Heiss, route 1, Menasha; Clifford R. Kappell, Kaukauna, and Eunice M. Mielke, Appleton; Eugene W. Smith, Appleton, Mildred J. Baker, Huntington Park, Calif.

Famed Surgeon Dies Fall River, mon E. Truesdale, 70. famous surgeon, died today His operation restoring health to an Omaha, child suffering from an "upsidedown-stomach" drew nationwide attention in 1935. PALE? WEAK? from loss of BLOOD IRON? Girist Women! It you lose so much durins monthly periods that you feel weak, "dragged may be due to low blood tron. So try Lydia E.

Pinkham's one of the best home ways to help build up red blood in such Pinkham's Tablets are one of the greatest blood-tron tonics you can buy. Follow label directions. a TABLETS UNCLE Sam's NEPHEWS Corporal Alvin Casper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Casper, 1916 N.

Oneida street, has completed a furlough at home en after three years service in Pacific. He left Appleton with Company in 1940 and after being wounded at Buna, New Guinea, was taken out of combat. and sent to Australia, where he served in the quartermaster corps. He came home from Brisbane, Australia, He left Saturday for Miami Beach, for rest and reassignment. His brother, Private First Class Carlton Casper, with the Fifth army in Italy, has been overseas 26 months.

He is a radio operator with the First Armored division. Sergeant Elmer R. Coon spent the last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray E.

Coon, 829 N. Winona way. He has been transferred from McCaw General hospital, Walla Walla, to Percy Jones hospital, Battle Creek, Mich. While en route, Sergeant and Mrs. Coon spent two weeks with his brother, Sergeant Woodrow Coon, at Birmingham General hospital, Van Nuys, Calif.

Private was aboard spending a his parents, man, Brillion. hospital ship by a Japanese Walter mate second day to the 20-day with his and son, reside at N. Me street. In Pacific for months light Callahan action at of the islands by the cans, Guam and Albert Ashmann, who USS Comfort, is furlough at the home of and Mrs. Paul AshThe Comfort is the that was recently hit suicide plane.

Callahahn, machinist's class, returned Saturwest coast after spending leave wife who 1603 a de the 14 on a cruiser, saw each Marianas taken AmeriSaipan, Tin- Callahan Callahan ian, as well as in the Palaus, both battles of Philippines, in the China sea, near Indo-China and on the China coast, Formosa, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. At one time he was only 30 miles off the coast from Yokohama, large Japanese seaport. Callahan's cruiser, with the Franklin when was which. hit, has 12 Japanese planes to its credit and also a Japanese heavy cruiser, which it sank in Leyte gulf. His own ship was damaged twice.

The veteran of eight invasions and six bombardments, Callahan was in the Pacific 14 months. He has been in the serve almost three years. Private Roy D. Schaumann arrived home Tuesday to spend a 60- day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Schaumann, route 1, Menasha. He was a prisoner of war in Germany. A veteran of the Brittany paign against the German submarine bases at St. Nazaire and Lordent and also of the driv through the region, Sergeant Sydney Jacobson, son of A. L.

Jacobson, 815 N. Oneida street, is home on a 30 day furlough. With the 94th Infantry division of the Third army, he Jacobson last August and participated in the holding operations around the nazi U-boat bases until January, when his regiment was called to reenforce the American forces fighting back the German bulge in Belgium. Then he went to southern Luxembourg and the Saar region, where his unit helped clear the Saar-Moselle triangle. At Nenning, Germany, his company was encircled by the enemy after taking the town, and there were couple of days when there was no food except Sergeant Jacobson was evacuated near Trier because he was suffering from trench foot.

He was taken first to an air exacuation hospital near Paris, at the same field where Lindbregh landed on his historic flight, and then he was flown back to England. After about two months there he left for the United States. He will go to Carson Convalescent hospital in Colorado after his furlough. In the service three and a half years and overseas one year, Sergeant Jacobson, a squad leader, wears the combat infantryman's badge, the good conduct ribbon, the American defense ribbon for prePearl Harbor service and the pean theater of operations ribbon with three battle stars. Prize-Winning Books For Juveniles are Available at Library The two juvenile books published last year and recently awarded the Newberry-Caldicott awards for the outstanding volumes in their class both are available for young readers at the Appleton Public library, according to Miss Doris M.

Call, librarian. Winner of the Newberry award for the outstanding story was Robert Lawson for his "Rabbit Hill;" while winners of the prize for the best illustrated book were Rachel Field, writer, and Elizabeth Jones, illustrator, for "Prayer for a Child." You'll get BETTER PERMANENT Cold, Machineless or Regular at Cloudemans Appleton's Leading Beauty Salon DIDERRICH'S FURNITURE CARPETS DRAPERIES 202 EAST Interior Decorations APPLETON COLLEGE AVE. WISCONSIN Can you believe your own eyes when you examine a diamond? So many unseen factors influence the value of a gem, that many wise buyers trust only the reliable eyes of a good jeweler. See CARL F. TENNIE, Jeweler 315 W.

College Ave. APPLETON Phone 3194 OUR GIFT TO YOU! Your Child's Photo Age 2 Mos. FREE of Limit Choice to 6 Yrs. Poses This Offer Good Through June 16th No This Is a Appointment Bema Fide Necessary Offer NO PURCHASE Just Bring NECESSARY Your Child To Receive to Our FREE Store PHOTO We have an expert Kiddie photographer in our store. Just bring the little one in and have him photogtaphedyou will receive FREE beautiful 7 VIGNETTE.

enlargement suitable for framing. Campbell Stores BAsem*nT 214 W. College Ave. Congregational Service Guild Meets Tuesday Talk on Mexico by Mrs. Ara Call Will Follow 6:15 Supper Service Guild of First Congregational church will hold a supper meeting at the church at 6:15 Tues.

day evening. 'Mrs. Ara Call will speak after i the dinner about her travels through Mexico. The Boy Scouts will meet at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. On Thursday evening Circle 5 of the church will have a potluck luncheon at Alicia park, but in case of rain the meeting will be held at the church.

Mrs. John Bowers and Mrs. Lappen will be co-captains. A teachers meeting will be held at 7:15 both Tuesday and Thursday evening at Bethany Evangelical Lutherah church, the Rev. D.

E. Hallemeyer pastor, announced. These will be the last two meetings of the current school year. The Bethany Men's club will meet at 7:30 Wednesday evening. official board meeting of First Methodist church was held Monday evening in the church social room.

This evening the Mother's club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Raymond Chadwick, 403 E. Franklin street for a tea honoring new members. Mrs.

Melvin Ruth will votions and "Papa Was a Preacher," will be reviewed by Alyene Porter. Mrs. Howard Rietz will serve as hostess chairman of the affair. Special music will be provided by MarBenton, Barbara Boon, Mary Schoettler and Lois Whiting. At 5 o'clock Friday evening the Church of the Air will be heard over WHBY.

The Rev. Clifford Pierson of Memorial Presbyterian church will be the main speaker. The church governing session of Memorial Presbyterian church met Monday evening at the home William Ellmaker. The Rev. Mr.

Pierson spoke to the session on the work of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church at Minneapolis, which was held in May. The choir of First Baptist church will practice at 8 o'clock Thursday evening. A prayer meeting will follow with the Baptist Youth Fellowship in charge. The Rev. Gordon E.

Dalton, pastor, will address the Manitowoc Fellowship group at dinner meeting at Manitowoc at 6:30 Thursday evening, given in honor of this year's graduates. On Saturday evening the Men's and Boys' fellowship of the church will hold a 6:30 dinner. Mission society of Zion Lutheran church will meet at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the parish school, the Rev. W. H.

Gammelin has announced. Make Picpio Plans After their successtul picnic Sunday at the Kassilke farm Sunday, the Young people of Junior high, high school and college age of First Methodist church have decided to hold another picnic at High Cliff. About 40 young people attended the Sunday affair. The next gathering at High Cliff will be held Sunday, June 24. The council of deacons of Trinity English Lutheran church met Monday evening at the church, The Women's Missionary society will meet at 6 o'clock this evening at the home of Mrs.

George -Dame, 1815 $. Oneida street. Mrs. Dame will be assisted "by the following hostesses: Mrs. Ray Damm, Mrs.

John Geer and Mrs. Andrew. Marske The Boy Scouts of Trinity church will meet at 7:15 Thursday evening at the church. Luther Lyceum, of college young people, 'attended a dinner to finish up the group's season Sunday evening. The Rev.

Henry Hetland, pastor of the Lutheran chapel on the University of Wisconsin campus, Madison, addressed the over 100 people. Durward Roa, Lawrence V-12 student, president of the group, presided at the meeting. Bible school of Gospel Chapel started Monday. The school will be conducted this year by' Mr. and PLAY CLOTHES for the Young Set CAMPBELL'S BAsem*nT Girls' Slack Suits Size 3-6x.

Sanforized: shrunk. Comes in sport denim bib top 2 29 Girls' Play Shorts Sizes 7-12. Sturdy cotton in light pastel stripes with pleats in front and back. Just he things weather for hot 2.29 Krinkle Crepe Overall Just the thing for little tots who creep. Size 9 mos.

yrs. Pink or Blue stripe. 1.39 Krinkle Grope Sunsuits Size 2-6. Colors Red, Green, Blue or Brown with white stripe. 1.39 Boys' Spun Rayon Sunsuits 1.29 Size 1-4.

Generously sized fast color. Easy to launder. Colors: Blue or Brown. Boys' Slack Suits 3.98 Size 4-12. Sanforized shrunk.

Good quality poplin. Fast vat colors in Tan, Blue and Green. ANKLETS Girls' White Sheer Batiste Blouse 1.39 Sizes Large selection of plain colors or assorted Size 3-6x. Brightly colored stripes. Elastic top or cuff trim with pleated front.

style. Infant's Cap Sweater and Bootie Set wool. Satin ribbon trim. Colors: Pink, White or Blue. A 3.98 Infant's Flannel KIMONAS Sanforized shrunk.

White with Pink or Embroidered sign. 69c Esmond Baby Blankets 2.19 Satin binding. Size 36 50. Assorted colors and patterns. CAMPBELL STORES 214 W.

College Ave. Appleton Neenah New London Waupace Artist Presents Illustrated Talk to End College Series The last meeting of the current Lawrence college faculty lecture se ries was held in Main Hall last evening, when Tom Dietrich, instructor in art at the college, presented an illustrated talk. Mr. Dietrich chose as his subject "What Happens from Nature to Picture." Using realistic charcoal drawing of a familiar campus scene as a model, Dietrich painted an oil version of the same subject, demonstrating the necessity for, slight distortions to make an actual scene into an artistic and well-composed picture, by shortening certain distances, enlarging some elements, and slight turning of planes. In addition to demonstrating the relation of line necessary in good composition, Dietrich showed ways of achieving color relation between areas, to aid in balancing and unitying artistic works.

Questions from the audience brought up informal discussion of the masters and modern painters throughout the lecture demonstration. Mrs. S. Stewart of Grand Rapids, Mich. The Red Cross Sewing period of All Saints Episcopal church has changed its meeting period from Tuesday to Thursdays.

Midweek holy communion, with intercessions for the armed forces will be held at 10 o'clock Thursday mornings. The Women's Prayer and Missionary band will meet at Christian and Missionary Alliance Tabernacle at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon. A prayer meeting and Bible study will be held at 7:45 Thursday evening. A meeting, including testimonies, will be held at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening at Christian Science church. DR.

PAUL PAEPKE Specialist can be consulted at Conway Hotel Appleton, Wis. Monday June 18 Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

returning every 28 days One Day Only TREAT Chronic Constipation, Appendicitis, Stomach and Liver Diseases, tre, High Blood Pressure, Catarrh, Gallstones, Skin, Heart, Lung and Blood Disorders, Diseases of Kidneys, Bladder and Female Organs. PILES FISTULA and Other Rectal Diseases Successfully Treated Milwaukee 3, 152 W. Wisconsin Ave. Write for Free Booklet on Rectal and Chronic Diseases. Student Art Work Shown at College.

A final exhibit of student art work done during the past semester at Lawrence college under the instruction of Tom Dietrich opened yesterday in the college library building and the gallery on the fourth floor of Main Hall. The exhibit will be shown until commencement, June: 24. Work by approximately 50 civilian and V-12 students is shown, including an oil painting by Gloria Enger, E. Franklin street; several water colors by' Roseann Gmeiner, E. Pacific street; crayon selfportrait by Ruby Jersild, Neenah; and a water color by Letty Beguhn, Kaukauna.

Other: media of art work which are displayed are -linoleum block prints and pen and water color drawings. A good way to keep from crowding seeds sown in drills is to put into a package of seeds dry sand to the amount of three times bulk of the seeds, This keeps the seeds apart. Little Chute Band To Present Concert Wednesday Night The Little Chute band will sent its first outdoor concert the season at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at Doyle park, if the weather permits. The band, directed by Harold D. Janssen, will play the following Men of Ohio, march Henry Fillmore Glory of Trumpets, march J.

O. Brockenshire Selection from musical tasy, Woodland Guston Luders Hindustan Popular Independentia, march R. B. Hall Popular Band Medley of Old Time Favorites, No. Semper Fidelis Sousa Viking March K.

King Star Spangled Banner While sugar remains scarce use instead of trosting for cakes one egg white with 1 glass of red, tart jelly. Beat briskly until fluffy and the mixture stands in peaks. THE FULLINWIDER STUDIOS Oddfellows Building 203 College Ave Phone 8448 PIANO VIOLIN VIOLONCeLLO, SUMMER TERM 6 Weeks Opens June 4 REGISTRATION NOW! FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 17th THIS YEAR, GIVE A GRAND GIFT TO A GREAT DAD! FIRST of all, you're. going to rive Dad something he wants, and that's the main thing. But maybe he'd Hike 1 A Watch, or Ring, gift that would give him more than Cigarette Case or these few weeks of pleasure and Cuff Links and dozens of' other brance of your affection.

This year, suggestions are on give him a lasting gift of Jewelry display here from Marx Jewelers, something he whatever price you want to pay. never bought for himself because put your needs ahead of his MARX, JEWELERS Jewelry Since 212 E. College Ave. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC President Harry S.

Truman Bridge opens for rail traffic JUNE 1st, the first trains were rolling and manpower shortages, The Milwaukee across this great new structure over the Road is managing to make other important Missouri River at Kansas City. The Milwau- improvements and additions to its plant. kee Road is providing this vertical lift span Among these are new Diesel and steam power bridge as part of a new, improved line be- heavier rail new passing and yard and Kansas City. Fittingly, tracks new freight handling facilities tween Birmingham named in honor of our first increased mileage under centralized traffic the bridge is Missouri President. control further modernisation of signal With the completion of this new time save systems.

ing entry into Kansas City and the unified This program, continuing through 1945, is operation of freight terminal facilities with expanding The Milwaukee Road's capacity to Southern Railway, The Mil- serve the nation. The fourth year of war finds the Kansas City waukee Road's efficiency at this our plant and personnel ready to handle the operating important gateway will be greatly increased. additional traffic which a further concentration by lack of material of military might in the Pacific will bring us. Although handicapped THE MILWAUKEE ROAD SUPPLY LINE FOR WAR AND HOME FRONTS.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.