The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Wednesday Evening, January 12, 194 A Poga 21 THE APPLETON POST-CRESCENT REAL ESTATE SALE REAL ESTATE SALE MODEST MAIDENS fntmmk a Mm Film Will be Shown At Vocational School A motion xctur, "Secret 'Weapon, will be shown for the public at the Appleton Vocational school at 3 o'clock afternoon, according to Miss Gladys A. Ly-num, head of the home economics department. The picture was scheduled for the nutrition, classes but the public has been invited, she said. The theme of the film advances the idea that a well-balanced diet is the American fighting man's secret weapon. Officers Installed By Odd Follows ShloctfflaInstallation of officer took place it the regular meating of the Odd Fellows Monday evening.

Elected officers are: Noble grand, Lloyd Brooker; vice grand, Richard Nelson; recording secretary, Cash Twltchell; financial Monroe Manley; treasurer, George Jones; trustees, R. D. Usher, for three years, and Eugene FeuerpfeiL for one year. The. appointed officers: marshal, Joe Duprey; conductor, Ralph Thompson; 'chaplain, the Rev.y Roy Curjess; right supporter to noble grand, William V.

Spoehr; left supporter, to noble grand, Laverne Peebles; right supporter to vice grand, John Hughes; left supporter to vice grand, Charles Larson; inside guardian, Allen Barker; outside guardian, Alex Behrentz; "light scene supporter, LeRoy Tkede. District Deputy Grand Master Sannie A. Laird was the installing officer, assisted by the staff. Mr. Laird has resigned because he moved recently to Appleton, and Ed Vogel has been recommended to the grand lodge for the office of district deputy grand master to replace him.

After the installation supper was served by a Leeman committee, including Fred Ames, Louis Reese and Ward The Friendly Circle of the Congregational church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Harry Allender Thursday afternoon with Mrs. George Jones as assisting hostess. A dessert luncheon will be served at 2:15. Mrs.

Delbert Schwandt will be hostess to her sewing circle at her home Wednesday evening. FARMS AND ACREAGE 69 60-ACRB FARM For sale. Modern buildings; with or without personal. Herbert Witt, R. 2.

"Black Creek, 3 mi. south, of Black. Creek on HI. 47. 95 ACRE FARM For sale with, or without personal property.

On C. S. Highway 10, Vt mil west of Dale. Inquire Mrs, Alma Arnd, Dale, Wis. 120 ACRE FARM In town of Ellington.

Practically all under cultivation and a full line of personal including 20 cows, 1200 bu. grain, 1000 bu. corn. MeCormick Deer-ins tractor on rubber, 25 pigs, wt. 176 lbs.

Price $16,000, will take Appleton home in trade or will sell without personal. Ph. 9610R12. I 0 ACRE FARM for sale. Near Battle Creek, Mich.

Good land. food buildings. Price $8000. Write red Shasky, 147 Kalamasoo Battle Creek Mich. FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres and 80 acres near Seymour.

With or without personal. Good buildings. Write M-61. Post-Crescent. 1 HAVE FARMS and city property for sale and will talk matters over with you any time.

FRED N. TORRET, Real Estate and Loans, Hortonville, Wis. TOWN OF MENASHA 80 acre farm for sale or rent on 60-50 share basis. Avail. April 1.

Write M-66, Post-Crescent office Neenah. WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 'SMALL FARM Wanted to buy. Write M-44, Post-Crescent. SMALL MODERN BUNGALOW Wanted to buy or rent. In desirable neighborhood.

Erb Park Dis-trist pref. Occupancy about May 1. Phone 3597. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY burctor Shares Fail fo Extend Upturns In Day's Trade Many Issues Quoted Lower at Closing On Stock Exchange New York (rTV-The stock market faltered today after failure of early efforts to extend yesterday's upturn and industrial leaders generally retreated fractions to around a point. The decline was attributed to what speculative sources conceived as an impaired technical position rather than news developments, although domestic political events were cited as a reason for some buying caution.

Persistent heaviness of steels and certain popular specialties helped to bring out selling in the late proceedings. Rails were irregular. A few gold mine issues moved up in 4he final hour. Transactions totaled about 700,000 shares. In the minus division were Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, Bethlehem Steel.

Youngstown Sheet, U. S. Rubber, Goodrich, Case, Oliver Farm, Westinghouse, Standard Oil (N.J., Texas company. Southern Pacific and N. Y.

Central. Home-stake climbed more than a point and Dome rose fractionally. Declare and Hudson and United Corporation preferred firmed on a good turnover. Bonds were mixed. Chicago wheat closed unchanged to cent a bushel lower.

Cotton futures in late trades were 15 to 55 cents a bale higher. In the light of recent strength In the rails followers of this department of the market found interest Ln the interstate commerce commission's declaration that, contrary to popular belief, railway earnings were being understated because of large sums charged to expenses as amortization of equipment. Nev Deal Galled Departure From U. S. Tradition Will -be Viewed as Humanitarian Period Professor Says "In the future, when our passions have cooled off, the New Deal will be viewed as a humanitarian period which was sensitive' to the needs of the summarized Dr.

Mandel M. Bober, who was the Initial speaker of the Lawrence college, faculty lecture series held last night at Peabody halL Dr. Bober reviewed the economic highlights between two wars. The speaker preceded this statement with an outline of the economic situation before the advent of the New Deal. The stimuli in the 1920s were automobiles, building, exports, and transforming inventions such as electric refrigerators, airplanes.

Among the "dark shadows" which hovered over this decade, the most prosperous in our history, were weaknesses in investment banking, proliferations of monopolies, undesirable practices from the field of public utilities, unregulated speculation and skyscraping tariffs. "The depression in 1920 was not the fault of the Republican rule, or overule," Dr. Bober said. This period was the most profound, acute and longest depression in this country's history. "At first "Business as Usual was the watchword," he continued.

"But the situation became aggravated by a lack of solution." He maintained that the New Deal reflects an enormous departure from the American tradition in business and politics. Such a deviation is the conception that the state is to take care of the individual, whenever it is necessary, from the cradle to the grave. Other departures mentioned were the interference with business as much as is necessary, reform, experimentation, and lack of sensitivity to deficits and national debts. The New Deal, Dr. Bober commented, upheld the policy of working less and charging more in order to bring about prosperity.

To this point of view the speaker compared ari attempt to get fat by loosening the belt first. He indicated that the "New Deal represents a vast array of legislation" citing some of the major government acts concerning agriculture, labor, industry, investments and taxes. "While some good bits of legislation have been passed by the New Deal, the employment, agricultural and monetary problems have not been solved, "Dr. Bober said. He concluded that if private enterprise can give this country prosperity and full employment, with as little monopoly and as much competition as possible, there should be free enterprise and little government competition.

The meeting was opened for general discussion, and Edwin Schoen-berger, professor of speech at the college, presided. 'if 1 Appleton Motor Co. 127 Applet on 's Largest Service Station I Want Homes For Sale! I Owing to the large volume of homes I have sold in 1 Neenoh and Menasha the past year, I am running out of merchandise. I am soliciting homes of any descrip- tion low prices as well as expensive ones. I have a 1 large list of prospects If I can satisfy them WHAT i I HAVE YOU? I make no charge for listing and, until the home is sold, no commission is asked.

If you wish to sell, buy or ex- change your home in Neenah or Menasha call me at Neenah 3 1 0 or write me a card and I will be glad to call. 1 E. McMURCHIE 1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 223 Spruce St. Neenah Phone 310 Chicago Livestock Chicago OP) Salable hogs total slow, steady on all weights; sows steady to strong; good and choice 200-300 lbs. 13.75 the top; 170-190 lbs.

12.25-13.00; 150-170 lbs. 11.25-12.35; 310-350 lbs. heavies 12.50-90; good and choice 300-550 lb. sows 11.75-12.00; estimated 17.000 unsold. Salable cattle 14.000; salable calves 800; Ted steers and yearlings including yearling heifers steady to 25 lower, mostly steady to weak; largely steer and heifer run top fed steers 17.00; bulk 13.50-16.50; general killing quality steer run improved: best heifers 16.00; bulk 12.25-14.75-, cows steady with cutters at 7.50 down; most canners bringing 8.50-75: good beef sows to 12.50: bulls steady, vealers firm; weighty sausage bulls to 11.75; vealers 15 00 down; stock cattle continued slow, steady, mostly 10.00-11.50 with common thin light offerings down to 9 00 and fleshy, weighty feeders to 13.00.

Salable sheep 8.000: total early sales and bids slaughter lambs strong to 25 higher: two and half load? eood and choice fed wooled westerns to shippers 15.50; deck medium and good lambs 15.00; few good and choice natives 15.25; sheep strong at the week's advance; deck good yearling wethers 13.50; load medium and good fed western ewes 7.50. sorted forty head culls at 6.00. Chicago Grain Table WANTED REAL ESTATE 71 -WE CAN SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR YOU! We) Have Sold Hundreds of Others Tod may want another home, or your house may be too larg or too small. You may have a rood reason to sell. WD HAVE BUYERS WE NEED HOMES Just Phone 441 Without cost, we will appraise the present market value of your property and advise you on selling: it.

LAABS SONS, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE S49 W. College Ava. Phone 441 WILL PAY CASH for I or 4 bed room older home of good construe tion, not necessarily In rood repair but with good furnace with hot water heat and roof. Corner lot preferred. Within 8 or 10 blocks of Lawrence collere.

write m-ib, Post-Crescent. Coming Auctions JAN. 15 Nick Pliska. 4 ml. E.

of Rosholt on 4" Art Doede, auc tioneer. JAN. 15 Ruh and Flnnegan own ers mi. W. of Chilton on the Kioten Rd.

or z1, mi. e. or Kioten Col. A. J.

Thiel, auct. JAN. 19 Geo. Klarner farm, 2 mi. N.

of Black Creek on 47. Cols. A. Fischer and H. F.

McCarthy, auc tioneers. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY GET MOST FROM GAS! Bring your car to us for Carburetor Repairs and Service. To do so, today, is a sort of pleasant, patriotic duty. Gas must be conserved for your economy, for Uncle Sam's! We make Carburetors THRIFTY and efficient! Use MORE Insertion Pay LESS Per Day Gttr RusuUft Little Activity In Grain Pits Rye Advances but Most of Gains are Wiped Out Later Chicago OP) Grains marked time today. Wheat, oats and barley held within narrow limits in a restricted trade.

At one time rye was up a cent on commission house buying, but profit-taking toward the close cancelled about all of the upturn. Traders appeared to be waiting a new incentive before taking in a position. on the market. Receipts were corn 253 cars, wheat 32, oats 29, barley 17, soybeans 8. A tthe close wheat was unchanged to 4 lower.

May $1.72, oats were unchanged to 4 higher, May 794, rye was i lower to 4 higher. May and barley was unchanged, May St. Paul Livestock South St. Paul Cattle: slow on all slaughter cattle; steers and heifers opening steady to weak; cows weak to 25 cents lower; bulls steady; short load choice steers sprinkling medium and good kinds 12.00-14.75 common steers 9.50-11.00; most common and medium heifers 8.50-11.00; few good cows 10.00-11.00; common and medium grades 7.50-9.50; canners and cutters 6.00-7.25; medium and god bulls good heavy bulls 11.00; stockers and feeders in light supply, slow and weak; common and medium stockers 7.25-9.50; medium and good dairy cows 75.00-25.00; choice weighty springers eligible to 150.00. Calves vealers steady; good and choice 13.00-14.50.

Hogs holdover from Tuesday today's trade moderately active, steady on barrows and gilts 170 lbs and up and sows; 180 lbs down 15-25 cents lower; good and choice barrows and gilts 200-300 lbs 13.45; some heavier weights 12.15-12.40; 170-190 lbs 1.65-12.65; 140-160 lbs 10.25-11.25; good and choice sows 11.30-11.40; estimated carryover Sheep nothing done early. Milwaukee Livestock Milwaukee Hogs 3.500; steady; good to choice butchers 200-300 lbs. 13 65; good to choice heavy butchers 325 lbs. and up 12.25-65; good to choice lights 180-190 lbs. 12.25-40; good to choice light lights 150-170 lbs.

11.25-12 00; bulk of packing sows 11.50-75: thin and unfinished 10 00-11 00. stags 11.00-12.00: boars 1 1.00-11. 75. Cattle 700; fully steady; steers and yearlings choice to prime 14.50-19 00: common to good 11.00-14.00; dry fed yearling heifers 12 dairy bred heifers 9 good to choice cows 10.00-11.00; fair to good 8.00-9.00; cutters 7.00-7.50; canners 6.00-6.75; choice weighty bologna bulls 1025-50: bulls, common to good 8.50-10.00. Calves 2.000; steady: fancy selected vealers bulk of vealers 11.00-14.50; throwouts 6.00-800.

Sheep 700; strong; good to choice fed western lambs 15.00-1525; fair to medium 11 00-13 00; ewes and bucks 4.00-6 50 Chicago Potatoes Chicago f.Pi Potatoes. arrivals 95: on track 187: total V. shipments 781; supplies moderate: for best quality demand good, for fair quality demand slow; market slightly stronger for Idaho russets, for offerings other sections firm for best quality: Idaho russet Burbanks S. No. 1.

3 30-35: Colorado red McClures U. S. No. 1. 3.42; Michigan russet rurals LT S.

No. 1, 2.50; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss triumphs commercials 2.90-99: Florida Bliss Triumphs U. S. No. 1.

2 55 per 50 lb. sack. 2.65 per bushel basket. Plymouth Cheese Plymouth OP) Wisconsin Cheese Exchange prices: Twins or Cheddars 231. Owned by oavis 1 Vw M2.W.

f'ty THty UEP THAT THE MOUTH CUU? CLOSE (XfVTl LI 1 1 II r7H It il whose place I'm taking used to do." Chicago Grain Chicago () Wheat none. Barley, malting 1.25-1.44 feed 1.18-1.22 nom. Field seed per 100 ips timothy 5.75-6.00 red top 14.00-15.00 red clover 31.50 sweet clover 10.50 nom. Milwaukee Produce Milwaukee (IP) Eggs Grade A medium 24; Grade A small 19; current receipts 28-30. Other produce prices unchanged.

Chicago Poultry Chicago AJP Poultry, live; steady; 2 cars; 26 trucks; market unchanged. later rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church in Washington, D. C. A Waupaca youth, before he attended West Point several years ago, has just been promoted to the rank of captain.

He is Clarence Ex-trom, son of Mrs. Mathilde Extrom, Los Angeles, but formerly of this city. LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTT COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTT In the Matter of the Estate of Johanna Taege, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 25th day of January. 1944, at 10 o'clock ln the forenoon of said day, at the Court House In the city of Appleton, trrsald County, there will be heard and consld.

ered: The application of Mary Taege and Emma Flestedt for the probata of the will of Johanna Taege, deceased, and for the appointment Of an executor or administrator with the win annexed of the estate Of said Johanna Taege. deceased, late of the Town of Center, ln aaid County; Notice Is further given that all claims against the said Johanna l'aege, deceased, late of the Town of Center, ln OutRgamle County. must be presented to said County Court at the City of Appleton. ln said County on or before the 1st day of May, 1944, or be barred; and that all such claims and demands will be examined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be be held at the Court House ln the City of Appleton. ln said County, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, 1944 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day.

Dated December 28. 1948 By order of the Court. FRED V. HEINEMANN. Judge.


College Avenue. Appleton. Wisconsin. Dec. 29.

Jan. 5-12 STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Hannah Green, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 1st day of February. 1944, at in o'clock in the forenoon of said day.

at the Court House In the City of Appletort. In said County, there will Vie hoard and considered: The application of Charles C. Green and Veronic a Green Johnson for the probHte of the will of Hannah Green, derpaerl, and for the appointment of an exeoutor or administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said Hannah Green, deceased, late of the City of Apple-ton, in said County: Notice is further given that all claims against the said Hannah Green, deceased, late of the City of Appleton. In Outagamie County. Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at the City of Appleton, In said County on or before the 8th day of May.

1944, or be barred, and that all such claims and demands will be examined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be held at the Court House ln the Citv of Appleton. ln sajd County, on Tuesday, the 9th day of May. 1944. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated January 4.

1944. By order of the Court, GERALD JOLIN, Judge. HARRY P. HOEFFEL. Attorney, P.

o. Address- 110 S. Oneida St. Appleton, Wisconsin. Jan.

5-12-19 STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Fischer. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the 1st day of February. 1944, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at the Court House in the City of Appleton, in said County, there will be heard and considered The application of Fred Braun for the probate of the will of Joseph Fischer, deceased, and for the appointment of an executor or administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said Joseph Fischer, deceased, late of the Town of Ellington, In said County; Notice is further given that all claims against the said Joseph Fischer, deceased, late of the Town of Ellington, in Outagamie County.

Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at the City of Appleton, in said County on or before the 5th day of May, 1944, or be barred: and 4hat all such claims and demands will be examined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be held at the Court House in the City of Appleton, ln said County, on Tuesday, the 9th day of May, 1944, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of salt) day. Dated January 4th. 1944. By order of the Court, GERALD JOLIN. Judg EDWARD J.

BYRNE, Attorney. Java. C-12-11 "Nobody seems to know what the man Waupaca Soldier Has Arrived in England Waupaca Private Ffrst Class Robert White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White of this city, has arrived in England, according to letters received this week by hi parents and his wife, the former Mar-jorie Larson, town of Mukwa.

The letters dated Dec. 22 and Dec. 28 say "It's really wonderful, folks The food is different but not bad. The mud is terrible; there's lots of rain and I prefer the snow of Wisconsin." At the time the letters were written no letters or Christmas gifts had been received. Robert took hi6 basic training at Shepherd field, Wichita Falls, Texas.

From there he went to Sioux Falls, S. where he spent a year as a clerk in supplies in the radio air forces. Later he was sent to Jefferson Barracks for his overseas training. Lieutenant Glenn Gilman of the marines arrived Saturday from Camp Murphy, for a short leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Gilman. He was accompanied by his wife and small daughter who will remain here indefinitely. Friends of Captain A. J. DuBois, chaplain, former rector of St.

Mark's church, Waupaca, nave learned that lie has been "on alert" for some time, but is now being transferred from Camp Gordon, to Camp Howze, Texas. Captain Du Bois, a former Neenah youth, was LEGAL NOTICES CITY OF APPLETON NOTICE PITRSUANT TO CITY ORDINANCE SECTION 16i02 FOR STRUCTURAL ALTERATION OF BUILDING IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Notice. Is hereby riven that the application of John F. Lappen to remodel a residence at 424 E. North St.

Cless 114 18 of Lot 18 Block 4, Bateman's 1st ward) to provide for four apartments la to be considered at a meeting- of the Common Council of the City of Appleton. Wisconsin, to be held at o'clock p. m. on January 19, 1944. Dated Jan.

6. 1944. E5w. E. Saarer, City Clerk.

Jan. 7-lz-ig STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT, OUTAGAMIE COUNTT In the Matter of the Estate of Mafdalen Foae, Deceased. Notice Is hereby g-lven that at a term of said Court to be held on Tuesday, the let day ot February, 1944, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the Court House ln the City of Appleton, ln said County, there will be heard and considered; The application of Marr F.

Prleat, for the appointment of an administratrix of the estate of Maa-dalen Fos, deceased, late of the City of Appleton, in said County; Notice Is further given that all claims against the said Magdalen Foie. deceased, late of the city of Appleton. In Outagamie County, Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at Appleton, Wisconsin, in said County, on or before the 8th day of May, 1944, or be barred; and that all such claims and demands will be examined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be held, at the Court House in the City of Appleton, In said County, on Tuesday, the 9th day of May, 1 944. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day. Dated January 4.

1944. Bv order of the Court, GERALD E. JOLIN. Judge. Benton.

Bosser, Becker Parnell, Attorneys. 115 North Appleton Street, Appleton, Wisconsin. Jan. 5-12-19 STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTT COURT. OUTAGAMIE COUNTT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY (sometimes written Marie or Maria) JANSEN.

Deceased IN PROBATE. PURSUANT TO THE ORDER made ln thia matter by the county court for Outagamie County on the 27th day of December, 1943. Notice la hereby given that at a Regular term of sld court to. be held at the court house In the city of Appleton in said county, on the 18th day of January, 1944 at' the opening of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be, will be heard and considered the petition of Johanna Van Gompel for proof and probate of the alleged will and testament of Mary (sometimes written Marie or Maria) Janeen, late of tha village of Kimberly In aaid county, deceased, and for the appointment of an executor or administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said Mary (sometimes written Marie or Maria) Jansen, deceased, late of the village of Kimberly ln said County; NOTICE Is hereby also given that all claims for allowances against said deceased must be presented to said court on or before the 1st day of May, 1944, which la the time limited thfirefor, or be forever barred, and" NOTICE la hereby also given that at a Regular term of said Court to be held at the court house aforesaid, on the 2nd day of May, 1944, at the opening of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as the same can be, will be heard, examined and adjusted all claims against said deceased presented to the court. Dated 12-27-43.

By order of the Court, FRED V. HEINEMANN, County Judge. ADRIAN E. GERRITS, Attorney for tke-Executor, Lock Box 555, Kimberly, Wis. Dee.

St. Jan. IS. How Proposed Labor Draft Would Work All Women Would Be Registered Under Measure in Senate Washington (JPy Take a look if you're a man between 18 and 65 and a woman between 18 and 50 at what labor draft would mean to you. The president yesterday proposed a law to put most Americans under government control as to where they should work and whether they should be forced to work.

The details will have to be worked' out if congress is agreeable but right now a bill introduced by Senator Austin (R-Vt) is the best known and already is in shape. This is what it would mean to you: You come within the bill's scope if you're within the age brackets mentioned above. All women with in that group would have to regis ter. The men already are registered with selective service. Exempt from the measure w'ould be men and women in the military services; a woman with a child or children under 18 living with her; a woman living with one or more persons who, on account of illness or advanced age, need her personal care; pregnant women and state employes.

Liable to Labor Draft Thus men not taken by the armed services, including 4-F's, would be liable to the labor draft. So would women not listed in the exemptions above. The bill if law could freeze workers in their jobs or force them into others. People like house wives who never had had outside jobs, could be compelled to take them. Actually, sueh pressure might not need be exerted except in critical areas.

But that would remain to be seen. The idea Is first to try to recruit workers when and where needed on a voluntary basis in war industries, agriculture or any other occupation which the president from time to time may think essential. To avoid drafting workers, except as a last resort, the president would ask for volunteers by proclamation, specifying the number needed, the purposes for which; they were needed, qualifications, and location of the job. The draft would be used when the volunteer method failed. Senator Austin thinks special appeal and draft boards would have to be set up to carry out such a labor draft.

A drafted worker could appeal his case. Traveling Expenses Workers would not have to take a job if moved into an area lacking suitable housing. They would be given traveling expenses and subsistence allowances on the basis of those given members of the armed forces. When necessary, workers would be given aptitude tests or even special training at government expense. A plant owner would have to accept a worker sent him although he could appeal to have the worker removed.

The bill would not change any existing laws on wages, hours, overtime pay. or collective bargaining arrangements although a worker going into a new job would not have to join a union if he did not wish. Senator Austin says undoubtedly workers moved under the bill might have to work for less pay in some cases than given them in their original jobs but would be paid the prevailing rates in the new one. President Roosevelt said, however, a Job shift would not mean "reduction, in wages." Job security would apply to drafted workers just as to men in the armed forces, no more, no less. The law if it became a law under Austin's measure would carry a penalty for violation of $1,000 fine or 6 months in jail, or both.

George Wolf and Mrs. Jay Bal-dick, who spent the day at the home of Mrs. Arthur Pierce. Another guest at Mrs. Pierce's home was Mrs.

Flora Petre Hirsch of Abbots-ford, a cousin, who' is making an extended visit. Col. A. J. Thiel's Auction Saturday, Jan.

15 -1 p. m. Location. AVz miles west of Chilton on the Kioten Road or miles east of Kioten. 24 head fine cattle, Hol-stem and Guernsey.

Not a suspect or reactor in the en-fire herd. 10 Milk Cows, some close to freshening. 2 springer heifers, 3 Guernsey heifers, 2 9 mos. old registered Holstein sires; 1 2 year old Holstein sire; 3 graded Holstein sires, 6 mos. old.

3 steers coming 2 years old. Also 33 Hampshire sheep all with lambs. Don't miss this big cattle sale. Ruh and Finnegan, owners. Terms: Sums under $10 cash, over that Va cah: balance on your own note.

No endorsers asked. List vour sales with Col. A. J. Thiel, who pays you cash and takes all notes.

COL. A. J. THIEL (AUCTIONEER) Chilton, Wis. Ph.

993 4 Chicago t.iy WHEAT Hieh Low Close May 172 1 711 1-72 Julv 1 70; 170 1.70 Sept. 170J 1.69J 1.69J Dec. 1 70 1 69i 1 693 OATS Mav .79 78i .79 Julv .78 ,77 Sept. .761 .761 .761 RYE Mav 1.331 1.32 1-32J Julv 1.33 1.3U 131 Sept 132J 1.31 1.31 BARLEY May 1.228 1.22 1.224 Julv 1.21 1.21 1.21 Sept. 1 20J 1.191 1-20J Chicago Butter Chicago iJPy Butter, firm: receipts 411.326: market unchanged.

Eggs. receipts about steady; pullet eggs 2lj to 24J; no other changes. Mrs. Harry Anderson Elected President of Hilbert Band Mothers Hilbert The Band Mothers club last week elected the following officers: Mrs. Harry Anderson, president; Mrs.

Arthur Schroeder, vice president; Mrs. Norbert Thomas, secretary and treasurer. A social hour followed the business meet ing which was in charge of Mrs. James Strong and Mrs. Thomas Conners.

The next meeting will be held Feb. 7 Mrs. Fred Bennett was called to Waukesha Sunday because of the illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Duane Bennett. Mrs.

Jay Baldock attended a meeting of the Brillion chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at Brillion Friday evening. A letter from Grand Chapter was read stating inspection was set for Feb. 11. Lieutenant Lyle Sielaff of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, who spent a few days' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Sielaff, received word Friday morning to report for duty at once as his company was leaving for California: Mr. and Mrs. William Loose and Mrs. Milton Loose and baby were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Schrank of Sheboygan Falls. Mr. and Mrs. William Vollmer, entertained their schafskopf club at their home Sunday evening. George Kasper won the prize for high score.

Mrs. Augusta Kasper received a message Sunday from Jake Jaeck-les of Winneconne informing her that his son. Captain Donald Jaeckles, her grandson, who has spent two years overseas and has spent many months in Australia, had arrived in California and would join his wife in Alabama and then come to Hilbert for a visit with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. G.

M. Morrissey was hostess to the Guild of St. Boniface Episcopal church at Chilton at her home the last weekend. Mrs. George Wolf and Mrs.

Jay Baldock of Hilbert attended. Mrs. Arthur Hill will entertain the guild at her home on Feb. 20. Mr.

and Mrs. Edmund Pruess, Earl Pagel, Mrs. Esther Gartzke and daughter Shirley of Chilton were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruess.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nilles and daughter Alice of Chilton, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruess and daughter Janice of Hilbert were among the guests entertained the last weekend at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Nilles of Kiel. Miss Helen Diedrich returned Friday to her home at Oshkosh after two weeks visit here with relatives. She was accompanied to Oshkosh by Mrs. Anna Jacobs, Mrs.

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The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.