The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

220 singleton and 556 series. Despite' his efforts his team lost two of three to the Sherwood Wreckers and Orly's tavern, with a triple win over the Holcomb builders, grabbed a share of the lead. Runge Rolls 247, 615 at Sherwood fr lr Floyd Jahnke Hits 607 on Recently Constructed Alleys Sherwood bowlers are beginning If; Appltton Post-Crescent 25- Friday, Oct. 3, 1952 Trampo-Cycle Show Planned as Lyceum Opener at High School Maurice and Minette, tramp-' cyele artists, will appear before Appleton High school students Monday afternoon in the first lyceura program of the year. The program will be given from the stage of the AHS auditorium and promises to be something new and different in entertainment.

Both young people are experts in using the trampoline and both are tops also in their use of the unl-cyclc Their program combining both is educational as well as RogVanderWyst' Paces Keglers in Little Chute Loop Hits 214 Singleton And 61 1 Series to Take Both Honors Professional baseball player continue to set the bowling pace on little Chute alleys. Roger Vander-Wyst, Appleton Papermaker second baseman this past season, is back at the top, leading his Hammen bar team to first place in the Little Chute Businessmen's league at it 1 The high scores: Sportsmen's League Clarence Mueller 571-237. Floyd Jahnke 607-203-206, Wilmer Runge. 534. Floyd Pendleton 203, Don Hal-bach 222.

Businessmen's Tom Lucas 557-201, Gene Geissen 533, Cyril Klein 527-200, Elmer Peters 221, Orlando Loehr 210, John Gloudeman 207. Major League to find the range on their new Miller's Bowling bar alleys. Two series counts of over 600 were turned in there this week. Hi: 'iA 1' TU Highest was Wilmer Runge's 615, which paced the Sherwood Major Fj; tWUh- league Thursday night. Runge, i nero ivrueger doi at, noiana 'Hackbarth 555.

Gordon Lamers Tom Verstegen 530. Henry Schmidt 212. in urn ntmii m'n Malcolm, Jr Earl Swick, Ronnie Stum, Pat Jansen, Dick Walhardt, Ronnie Kunirmon, Dove Polman and Manager Jim Bolwerk. Bock row: Coach Robert Root, Tom Strick, Eddie Mauthe, George Witt-man, Steve Vander Loop, Tom Albers, Jim Van Boogaard, Dave Robinson, Ronnie Dix, Chuck Hagens, Ed Dufrane, Ronnie Ham-men Dick Williams, Dick Hearden, Gene Lamers and Assistant Coach Jim Nirschl. Absent when the picture was taken because of injuries were Frank Gossens, Tom Dupont, and Tom Vander Wielen.

(Post-Crescent Photo) THE KIMBERLY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM which will play host to New London in a Mid-Eaitern Wisconsin conference game tonight is shown below. The gam will highlight Kimberly'j annual homecoming celebration. The players, left to right, front row: Teddy Van Lankveldt, Ken levknecht, Richard Franks, Jerry Lamers, Jim Albrecht, Jerry Bolwerk, Bill Wood, Jim McCormick, Gean Minten, Ronnie Sanderfoot, Allan Harks, and Red Smiti. Second row: Manager Peter Fulcer; Henry Vander Wielen, Joe Wirtman, Don Schuh, Ray McCormick, Jack Vander Zanden, Alex bowling with the second place Sherwood Wreckers team, included a 247 singleton in his set. Paced by those scores the Wreckers won three from the Miller HI Life team but couldn't gain on the first place Pete and Louie's club, which won three from the Cliffs.

Second high series count at Sherwood this week was Floyd Jahn-kes 607 in the Sportsmen's league. Jahnke's paced his Standard Oil crew to two wins over the D-X Oils. Clarence Mueller of Mueller's Farmalls clipped a 237 singleton to share honors with Jahnke. Farrell's tavern with two wins over the Old Timers gained a tie for first place with the Yokeum motors, who lost two of three to the High Cliff park Harry'i arcade alleys. VanderWyst bowled a 214 singleton and a consistent 611 series to take both individual honors.

VanderWyst's team took three straight from the Pabst Blue Ribbon squad to take over first place in the league alone. The Van Zee-land garage, tied with Hammen's last week, lost one of three to the Firemen to drop to second place. "Fatso" Vander Velden paced his Adler Brau team to first place in the Kimberly Village league at Van's alleys with a 23S singleton. The Adler Brau club whipped the hitherto leading Hof ken's Builders In two games and tied the other one to take over first place by a full game. Jest Betters of the Better Brothers garage took series honors Martin Will Never Fill Joe's Shoes but He Uses His Locker Polio Cancels Grid Contests Badgers Have Strong Offense BY JOE BEICHLER v.rk Piiiv Mrtin wasted no time negotiating New York Billy Martin, Irvin Maurer gtarte1 out Ma CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 i North Carolina Won't the New York Yankees" newest "vl home run hero, says he never will 0" relns Yankees.

be able to fill Joe DiMagglo Broke Ankle In March Bi 10's top ground gainer with 774 with a 582. Earl Larson of Ted's Tog shop and Matt Nillea of Wolff's Federated shared honors In the Chilton Major league at the Pla-Mor alleys. Larson clipped a 246 singleton and NiUes a 567 set. John Sanderfoot of the Log cabin a year ago, ready to roll. A Clurlonte ft ia III m.

it. jor league sessions with two 169's and then decided that that was too low an average even to pick up a triplicate and ended with a 175. Roy Ruffing of the first place Miller's Bowling bar team took both Individual honors in the Sher- But Billy's shoes are filling But Stengel feared he wouldn't iiwmvih i up luini win come ncre wilii paaijiomra have much use of Billy this sea '11 same winnins streak, and with Martin -hn hnpH in fnur nm cnapei mil, a. in me I son. Martin broke his ankle In 1 I tVi ftintflflt nH SOU a 4hrif- team with a 223 singleton and Pete University of North i-arouna, the.r; run.

homer as the Yankees evened Marcn dunn practice anaWOod Businessmen's league with a Reybrock of the Riti club with a 548 series shared honors in the Lit-Thursday canceled its football defensive iecondary World Series against Brooklyn wasn 1 unul lalJ ay max ne tie Chute Monday night Business-games of the next two Saturdays more sound and steady than the with a 7-1 triumph, has fver rry men's league. Hammen's service and because four students have been'Badeers' and that a veteran Dass-gio's locker at the Yankee sta- ""a "That boy is a better ball player Gerritts' candies each won three afflicted with infantile paralysis. quarterback like O'Connell will dium. The 24-year-old second base- from the Ritz club and Harry's ar-One is Fullback Harold (Bull) Da-show uo a soohom*ore rookie Hal-man was given that coveted cub- "dn 5f'a lyes Cxomined fuqcitslDald OPTOMETBI81 US B. OeUeffe Ave Apfrtetea cade respectively to maintain theirividson- of Murphy, N.

C. usa, who will be playing his sec-by hole because of his great ad-slensc'' He PJ, 8 double hold on first place with1 The games canceled were college game, his first in Big miration for the Clipper, 1 ear- He as Uie oest second baie-eight wins and four losses each. I with the University of Georgia Sat- competition jamounts almost to hero worship. tne WBfue "10'ft The high scores: iurday at Athens, and with! Encouraging Badger fans is the "I can never hope to fill Joe's 01 tne ea.son- 1 Bnsinessmen's-Utae Chute INorth Carolina state college belief the WUcoosta ruimJnf atto John Sanderfoot 223 533, Pete Raleigh, Oct. 11.

jis more powerful than Illinois', and "id with a happy grin, "they're 7 Reybrock 214-548. Floyd Hammen! University physicians described ihoDe that Haluska will reoeat his much too big." xnncn tne pennant lor us. 209-539, Tom Reider 201-543, Joe Davidson's condition as acute, excellent aerial display of last was suggested to the light-Hanegraf 531, Gene Vanden Heuvel They added, however, that thereee hitting infielder, who never has 530, Cully Hammen 525. was at present no evidence of pa- Plenty of Incentive bragged about his prowess as a Major-Chilton jralysis. Davidson, 21-year-old, 200-1 There is no lack of incentive for slugger, that he ought to get Man- Math Nilles 244, Earl Larson 246, pound sophom*ore, became ill yes-'the players Rivalry always has 8r Casey Stengel to let him bat G.

G. Bloomer 535, Ted Plappert 564. jterday. The poUo diagnosis a been hot and the importance of fourth. Kimberly Village jmade last night.

itM. oarn- mai0r tnnic 8econd Clean Up Man Jess Betters 213-582. Fatso Vander A university announcement list- for months "As a matter of fact," the quick- Veldon 235-559, Joe De Leeuw 542, jed the other three patients as Rob- That showed up in the early de-thmking Martin replied. "I did Fat Gaffney 542. Bay Smits, 535, Nash Higgins of Tampa, (0r tickets.

All 51,000 were. once. I told him he had everybody nennmg no, uci ciaric, iua. jonn Harden of Wew- Snij Tnlv 91 iarliit spllont else in the cleanup spot at one 1 Businessmen's Little Chute ark. N.

and Richard Lee Bos- in loca, history. William AspinwaH t'm9 another. How about me? tian of Raleigh, N. C. director of U.

W. ticket sales, what he answered? He said Dr. E. M. Hedgepeth, university I was his second cleanup man Brewed front the finest Ingredients, te the teste physician, and Dr.

David Garvin, he had enough orders to fill Soldier field in Chicago, which can nark in 102.000. batting eighth." "I'm happy to be playing, district health officer, said the people Mm bee). Yew eeal bey better beer, why pay sweet htoy Pee De Lime esjd tents At eSfferowco ever Mgb-priee1 beef! rf jh, he said sincerely. "I'm condition of all patients "is pro 1 gressing satisfactorily." radio relations at Camp Randall1;" renuests for nressbox accom-i1 Wttin fhttl- 1 toT The cancelation of the two games was decided upon, univer sity authorities announced, as a Roger Vander Wyst 209-214-811, Gordy Brier 204-552, Paul Kostka 541, Joe Vanden Hogen 200-534. Viking Harriers Take on Carleton In Season Opener Coach Art Denney's Lawrence college cross country team, defending Midwest conference champion, will Invade Northfield, Saturday to open its season against Carleton college.

The meet should furnish an excellent individual race between i nidations were the heaviest ever; le twhen "omer' recorded here jnot t0 et one te eats." IlUnois was listed right behind! Mr PPle Stengel's Mirhi.n st.t. thu eye. Old Case fell in love with means of safeguard and precau tion for protecting its opponents' 15 111)1 1 Mil players as well as of its own.1 week's Associated Press rating of;" Tbat'i right, there'i no need to worry when the mercury drop if your car if safe from freezing. And you will tear clear of the trouble! due to freeze-upa if you will drive in now and have yoijr car servioed for winter. Aak for Peak.

the ail-winter all-weather anti-freeze it stays put no matter what the weather or where you drive. One filling is all you need for complete winter protection from freeze, from rust and from boil-away. Don't be a last minute man. I m- tied for the individual conference the nation's football teams. c.

Badgers were placed in the eightht Oakland 1947. Stengel was gpots managing the Acorns He Recent eames between the two championship last year with Team mate Jim Hoel, and Hal Higdon of enis rex iiiwin chicaso, at. i old foes have seen comparatively here before," an awed police of- Carleton, who won the conference mile and half-mile championships ccorine. The Illinl won last, ficial gasped. M.d Bwr Distributj Co 1 1 ma sva sfcsfAtj y- Lawrence's Bob Zimmerman, who in last spring's track meet.

year, 14-10, after a bitter struggle. Spectators were six deep on both Tn- 1050. Wisconsin won. 7-. and dde the parade route and every they battled to a 13-13 tie a year 1 VUCSlls Die rtlVsjefJ WW9 -IJk SSl Fre riehm mm PeHperwt I 1 JJES''1 '1'" Ij' im6im6Ui Wcf.

1 i ift I i i i i if window along it was Jammed with heads when Msrciano reached the business section. 'This is the highlight of my boxing career," Marciano told his admirers. promise you I will defend my title -honorably -and at-. ten." A group of friends bought him a Cadillac. before.

Homecoming Gala Affair For Rocky 9 Brockton, Mses. (IV- It was homecoming few conquering heroes could match the return of new Heavyweight Champion Rocky Mar-ciano to his friends and neighbors in this usually placid industrial city. A crowd estimated by police to number 80,000 to 100.000 roared down the warnings of a fast-gathering thunderstorm Thursday as Rocky modestly accepted its homage while hit motor cavalcade HUNTERS! PLEASE DO NOT SHOOT OUR CATS OR DOGS! inched over a three-mile paradej route. "I never saw anything like thisi i Reg. hi- Kn Octane Gallon at" 824 S.

2010 All Wit. Are. t. i Added Savings Sar Our Stamps ir3TO4W( i 1 I STANDAID SIKVICI I I I I I i I Dial 3-9892 I I I I SP1C1AU 1 1 Persoiieliied ri I LubrieoHen II I I 1 (J (O I A I 5-I-OilClienje I III vjV (ffmo.ub., I QAK 1 I Trans- UJvU I' mlMl" I ONE FILLING IS ALL YOU NEED i I Clean and Regap II SparkPlugs I jtsei 4 I Flush Crankeose VV II t00K TMI AS 1 Cleen Air Cleaner I Mj lilf eutef ilVf C5. Flush Radiator I I CAN IvcHecKHoM.

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In continuing play (bottom photos) Robinson fires to Gil Hodges (14) at first In an attempted double ploy on Joe Collins who rolled to Robinson. Hodges dropped the ball for an error and Mdcey Mantle (not shown) scored. The Yankees won 7-1. (AP Wirephotos) Time to have your TOUGH DRIVING AHEAD! Icfnition checked Raui snow and sleet can play havoc with your car if its electrical system isn't adjusted just right Come in and let our specialists check your Ignition, battery, distributor and all the other points at which trouble can develop. '49 PGTllGE CORONET SEDAN Fully Equipped ySSS Majiy Others te Choose From VAN LIESIIOUT SALES Your Dodge Pfyinetith Deeltr Keukeuna Phone M37S ARK YOUR BRAKES in need of adjust, men! or repair? We are specialist in this department too.

See us before slippery, weather causes en accident Ignition Ssrvica WASHINGTON BT. DIAL S-tlll.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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