The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Tuesday Evening, April 18, 1939 APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Pae Eighteen Lietlien Grains, ID at lge9 ir err Killoren's Share Pin League Title Me nasiia sunaay Marx Jewelers Wind Up Second in K. of C. Bowling Circuit Waupaca Quintet Wins Classic Title County Circuit Will Gather Tonight at New London Hotel Waupaca Loberg's Autos and their sponsor, Miles Loberg, will attend the dinner for the County Classic Bowling league at the Elwood Hotel, New London, this evening. The Autos won their title last week when they tipped Wulk Meats. Marion, in three games.

Previously the Meats had a single game leadl The scores: Autos flfi8 08(5 934 2888 Meats 893 849 901264.3 Accompanying Loberg's Autos will be John Brauer, Raich Wikel ft 1 I It 1 V. 7 A. KJ K. of C. LEAGUE (Final Standings) W.

Liethen Grains it Killoren's Professional i Stars Will Show in High School Gym Ihlrn Vinson, Moiie Actress Wife of Perry. i Marx Jewelers Mellow Brews Balliet Supply Co. Exide Batteries Schaefers Dairy L. 36 36 38 39 41 41 42 45 47 48 50 50 51 51 52 53 Schmidts Clothiers 54 54 52 51 49 48 45 43 42 40 40 39 39 38 37 App. State Bank J.

Donald crown idge, rf the terms red cur.y Adler Brau Shamrocks Fountain Lbrs. People's Ldry. Wis. Fuel Co. Piette's Grocers Soo Line of his victory over

continue de-" utle when he meets R. m. Dav's cup main-: Ferry. the Menasha I i vs I I 'V s-': -1 4 v. ir V- i Sundav sum and Albert Anderson, reserves.

The Mellow Brews, holding third place in the league, also will attend the dinner. They are Russell Pope, Sim Shambeau, Waddie Nader, Jerry 'Nelson and E. Spalding. Loberg's Autos also have high team series of 3.095 and team game, 1,082. Second high series is VVulk's Meats 2.894.

Second high single game is by the Ideal Alleys of Clin-tonville, 1,046. High individual series was rolled by Linton Mertz of Waupaca with a score of 701, and high single game by H. Kluth of Clintonville with 259. A sweepstake will follow the banquet at the Prahl alleys. Ed Barnorski, Clintonville.

is president of the league and Irving Buelow, New London, secretary and treasurer. Liethen (2) Fiette (1) Exide (0) Soo (3) Balliet (2) Marx (1) by 39 hair pmnsuip 22 out of V.r played an (2) Fountain Brau 111 9752829 8572744 8602611 9882855 9322740 9062647 8702665 8142655 8352575 8822679 8542650 9042611 7932541 9242707 8972665 9242738 920 932 805 982 879 872 959 997 921 887 923 818 823 872 872 969 8fil 879 810 882 878 898 815 662 913 845 829 954 917 831 851 960 Tel. Co. Killoren Peoples Mellow (2) (2) (l! 1 FERKV IS WINNER Louis Donald Budge, profevMnnal tennis champion, found I red ferry at his best last merit and the former British Jtii" rap star won a 6-4, 6-2 victory. The win was Perry's sixth asaiml 18 for Budge in their transcontinental tour.

l)i Moines is the troupe's nct sit.p. L'yyimerica Seharfrr (1) Bank (2) Schmidt (I) POUrOF-DOORSU COMF FROM BEHIND TO ANNEX KIMBERLY PIN HONORS tuning from behind three weeks ago, the Mellow Brew team in the Kimberly Bowling league, copped the circuit championship. It scored 5G wins against 28 defeats. Members of the squad are, left to right, Ole Gos-sens, Norb Gossens, Joe Gossens, Albert Van Eyck and John Masaros. Rene C.ossens.

another member of the team, was missing when the picture was taken. (Post-Cresctnt Photo) (2) Shamrocks dining their trans tour with Budge win- tr-1 omme Liethen Grains and Killoren's finished in a tie for the championship of the Knights of Columbus 5" end Vines accounting for won 532 of the 1,029 DON BUDGE SHOWS HIS BACKHAND Menasha Donald Budge, tennis master who is ranked by many players ai the peer of the great Bill Tilden, is adept at all shots of the tennis game. Shown above Budge is unleashing a backhand drive, as powerful as the forehand shot of many other players. Budge will have to call on all of his tennis skill Sunday night hen he meets Fred Perry of England at the Menasha High school gymnasium in a continuation of the feud between the two players for the professional championship of the world. The match is being sponsored by the Doty Tennis club.

league as the result of final matches at Elks alleys last night. Both ycd while Vines won 497. ad the longest winning teams on txvo games to wind up Cincinnati Reds Bcalen In Opening Game; Other Teams Pry Off Lid Today in the first place Knot. warx Los Angeles Joe Louis, 2011. Jcwelers look 5CCOnd whjle Mel-' heavyweight champion of Detroit, ilow Brews are third.

Harlncll and Traynor Say Their Teams Will Win in knocked out Jack Roper, 204J, Los Liethen Grains took two games Angeles, 1. from Piette Grocers as H. Liethen 'thumped a 210 single and a 579 CASTING KINKS How lt Frepare for the Coming-Season By Harold Ilollis THERE are fexv anglers who at some time during their fishing have not wished they had used a little more care on a certain erst or had done at bit more practicing before the season opened. The skilled caster does the right thing at the right time, but the average angler makes unfortunate mistakes which lose good fish for him and otherwise cause him trouble. By keeping at during the off season and practicing regularly even when there is no fishing, the caster can make good casting an automatic function and instinctively handle his rod correctly when he gets into difficult going.

Through force of correct habit he will place his lures vnere he wants to and avoid getting his line hung up on some tree or other object. He will know better than to suffer a back lash when a big fish is lurking in wait for a strike. Bushes and trees form nil haz toppcd th(, j0ers EW YORK the weatherman is a good guy, this 100th anniversary baseball Pirates entertain St. Louis' mysterious Cardinals. San Francisco, recognized as mid- National League Struggle with a 219 game and 607 scries.

Two games went to Killoren's in The Boston Bees and the Phillies, dleweight champion in New York ft-csk cf the tour, taking fix con- MCUtive Tr.8tci.C8. Cor.Jir.ui..; thai stride. Budge llas'cd Perry off the courts for seven successive atches. Recently, hewever, the Englishman has rejrntned his old form and the two plsyers have split even in their last eight matches. Terry has a greater variety to his garr.e and a greater tactical knowledge than Vines and has been making use of those talents in his recent matches with the Uaming redhead.

The fleet-footed Britisher iprcad-cagled the field while an amateur, winning the coveted Wimbledon tournament in 1934, 1935 and 1536. Helen Vinson with Troupe The first match of the evening season will get started today with opening day parties in eight big league cities. who may surprise the boys and girls this year, are set to go in the and California, knocked out George Nichols. 165. Sandusky, 2.

match with Wisconsin Telephone I company. M. Forester pumped New York Jimmy Vaughn. 337, ,233 game and 556 series for the Cleveland, outpointed Pete Galiano, victors while L. Schommcr had 507 Other Managers Aren't Sure as Majors Prepare for Openers He held off long enough to let Hub.

Cincinnati lift the lid yesterday but Bobby Feller and Buck Newsom threatened everything from showers; should make a fair to middlin' pitch-to snow today. ing battle in St. Louis when the Even the pale sun peeking Cleveland Indians and the Browns 141, Baltimore. iS. "We are not trying to finish in any definite position.

We are going to try to play .500 ball and that ought to land us fifth or better." Connie Mack, Philadelphia Athletics: "The team is vastly improved. I don't know where we'll finish, but hope to surprise the fans." BY JI DSON BAILEY 17 -ke. St, 130.: St. Paul Marv Wason Paul, outpointed Billy St. Paul.

tl0. EW YORK (TV-1 t's a long through the clouds yesterday 1 get to work. N' vista that stretches today before the major league base rittibnrgh 7 I Cincinnati ball clubs and if the fans who so for the losers. Hie evening's individual honors went to Dr. M.

J. Eich who walloped a 244 game and b07 scries. Top team totals were registered by Soo Line with 997 and 2.85."). Win Three Games Soo Line marie it three straight over Exide Battery as Eich pumped his high scores. High for the losers was Al Stoegbauer with 494 and W.

Stennis with 204 Balliet Supplies took txvo games from Marx jcwelers as Stone thumped 533. R. Bcelen let loose with a 224 came and 592 scries lo ards. In the off season the novice should practice casts which will help him to avoid these troublemakers. On fine days he can practice outdoors, and in inclement weather he can use gymnasiums or other high-ceilinged buildings.

Often bv devoting himself to Chicago Al Quail. 10.V;. Pittsburgh, outpointed Billy Cclcbron, 158J, Rockford. 111.. i8.

New Orleans Jimmy perrin. 124, Nextf Orleans, outpointed Johnny Gaudes. 121, Milwaukee, (10). Buffalo, N. Y.

Jimmy Gilhgan. 125. Hamburg. N. outpointed Al Mancini.

124, Providence. I. GO'. AB AH 4 1 1 4 1 2 nrll.rf 5 0 2 Herger.lf 4 0 0 i Rizzo.lf .1 1 0 Goodm n.rf Sill 5 2 2 Lombardi.c 4 1 I 4 1 4 2 3i YomR.2h 5 1 3 Craft. cf 4 0 4 0 2 Joost.ib 4 0 0: Mueller 3 0 0 1 0 1 i Manush 1 0 0 3 0 11 Rrrres.c 1 0 0 10 0 FUsnton.p 3 1 1' Walters 2 11 P.W'anrr 1 0 1 Dsvij.p 0 0 0' Brown 0 0 0 CJrissom 0 0 0 I tScarsoll 1 0 0 1 1 1 39 7 IS! Total 37 10 couldn't change a thing for the Reds.

They lost their seventh opener in a row ith 30,644 fans on hand. They started off pretty well, what with Buck McCormick banging the year's first homer and all, but after the Pittsburgh Pirates got through cliinbin.g Bucky Walters and Peaches Davis for four runs in the eighth well, the Bucs took it. 7-5. Shortstop Billy Myers of the Reds went to a hospital after a throw by P.ilt Rruhsknr VnnrVpi4 Viim cold mainstay the losing quint. Fountain Lumbers picked up tx" Puffin1 games from Adler Brau with Newark, X.

J. Bobby wiU be between Walter Senior and Een Gcrchakoff, United States professionals. In matches to date Senior has won six and Gorchakof! has won four. Eight of their matches have been split because they play with an hour time limit. Helen Vinson, movie star and wife of Fred Perry, will be with the touring tennis troupe.

The troupe is expected to arrive Saturday night from St. Louis. The group will remain in the Twin Cities until Monday afternoon while Perry will remain unti Tuesday morning. In addition to Mr. and Mrs.

Perry. Donald Budge. Walter Senior and Een Gorchakoff, members of the touring troupe include John Gordon, John Simonson, court manager; Ai Ennis, publicity, and Jack Harris, manager of the tour. Batted for Mueller in eiehth. raptly turned their attention to the openings have predictions as to the finish, the managers for the most part haven't.

Of all the 18 pilots who have been anxiously peering toward the far harbor, only two ventured today to forecast the flags were theirs. And both claimed the same pennant! Leo Hartnett, the loquacious leader of the Chicago Cubs, and Bill Terry of the New York Giants spoke right out in meeting for the National league bunting. "We've got the reserves and we've got the regulars, so why shouldn't 1 pick the Cubs to win demanded Gabby. The answer came from Terry: "We have an infield now and a man who can hit for distance. The outfield should be stronger, too, and we have enough pitching to 124.

Bridgeport, Conn, out-pointed Alhe Stohr. 127. Newark, 3 Baited for Btanton in eighth. Batted for Gnsom In ninth. no- oil lito WW on Bauer rattlins a 218 game and a 545 series.

D. Pcgal singled 217 and tripled 542 and F. Henes cracked 225 for the losers. Two games were credited to Pennies Laundrv in a till with Mel but he wasn't seriously hurt. rSIchintu Wet grounds cancelled the opener 1 "Efrora-BrubTkir Jack I.arrimore, Reach, opt pointed.

MB. Philadelphia.1 Myers. Runs bat Miami. Tla. 142.

Miami Johnnv Dean, U0. ted In Waner. Suhr 2, Young 2. Urn-baker. Mamtsh, McCormick 3.

Craft. Two base hits Vaughan. Young 2. Brubaker. None of the pilots in either league were any more cautious than Deacon Bill McKechnie, whose Cincinnati Reds were favored by many to pace the National league.

"I am making no predictions," he asserted, "I do not make a practice of sayi.ig where any team will finish." Pie Traynor, Pittsburgh Pirates: "Every department of our club is 'trengthened. I look for another open race involving at least four clubs and I'll go so far as to state the club that beats us will win the flag. Therefore, I pick the Pirates and the Cubs to fight it out for the pennant." Casey Stengel, Boston Bees: "If our new players hit. the Bees should wind up as a first division club." Leo Durocher, Brooklyn Dodgers: "The good work of our nexv pitchers in training has convinced me the Dodgtrs will have a stronger staff this year. I'm not picking a spot for my team." Ray Blades, St.

Louis Cardinals: "Our club is generally spoken of as an 'if club, and this is largely true. We have several young men who must come through in order to get us into the pennant fight. I'm unable 1o say where we will finish, but the clubs that beat us low Brews. A. Fass had 540 for the winners and H.

rankratx out Murray 225 nSle and 581 total Werner, Waller. Home run McCormick. i Sacrifice? Suhr. Berirrr. Double plays- Norfolk, Suhr to VaiiRhart to Suhr: Richardson to technically between the Washington Senators and Nexv Yrork Yankees yesterday and as a result the Yanks were at home in Yankee Stadium against the Boston Red Sox today and the Senators were in Philadelphia against the Athletics.

Gomez Tor Red Sox-Lefty Gomez was all set to give jtosi xo ivicormii'K. on oases Pittsburgh. 10: Cincinnati. 7. Base on balls Off Bianton.

1: off Vender Meer. oft Walters, 1 Struck out Ey Varider Meer. 2: by Walters. 4: by Grlssom. 1.

Hits OfT Bianton, 9 in 7 innings: oft Kanner, Washington. 2h 'Schmidt Clothiers as C. an Ab.c (heaxxxxcifehUj jolted games of 207 and 205 for Srranton. Dolan. 145, 602 series and J.

Balliet hammered Wuterbnrv. Conn shinned Eli Wcs- 233, D. Schreiter whipped 220 and casting practice indoors for an hour, the fisherman can learn more than in many hours of casting for fish. When he is actually fishing. the fish come first in his thoughts rather than casting form.

If he has no distractions, he can overcome many a weakness and apply the proper theories of casting. Can I'se Wall as Hazard The caster may use a wall to take the place of banks and trees and work until he is able to lav his lure just where it should go. The rather difficult roll cast will be found very helpful and can be mastered indoors. If the wall is a foot or two behind him, the angler can't use a good overhead cast. He is forced to use the roll.

To make the roll cast let the line hang from the rod tip as usual, but drop th tip a little behind. Then bring the rod forward with a quick snao. The lure will be sent out. and by diligent practice accuracv will soon be attained. Bushes won't be a worry if the roll cast is in the repertory.

This cast should not be used for distance, but comes in handy close to banks and in streams. The overhead cast is the basic Joe Louis Levels Roper in 1st Round routine i Brown, 1 in 2 innings: off vander Meer. customers the El Ooofo ana inmnes on waiters, i in Icy, 146, Philadelphia, O. a ,1.:,. i 4 in i rf 11 11 nit- ixra ou.

uiii imcumuM, nH in ofT rinvt '1 in nnp irinintr" nfT fJHvunm. 2 ill Davis, if it ever stops Jackie Wil Baltimore Vic 145, Baltimore, outpointed Bob Wilson, 131 Washington. (10). 1 pitch Bianton. Winning pitcher-Blanton.

Losing pitcher Walters. Umpires Klem. Barr and Can'p-heil. Attendance -30 644. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 win.

Yes, I think this will be a Giant pennant Marse Joe McCarthy of the New-York Yankees, after much prodding admitted he had a chance: "I'm not going to say the Yankees are going to win the American league pennant again because I have not i-een the Red Sox, Tigers, Indians and oilier clubs. But I think my team lias a good chance to repeat." Others Cautious Rrirfennrf I nnn Ftdi id Fat. 573 for the losers. I Appleton State Bank won two ifrom Schacfcr Dairy as L. Schreiter 'kegled 52R.

High for the loser? was Crabb with a 458 triple. SNEAI) WINS A r.i I New York -il' Sam Rncad re-cently bet that he could break 90. using only one club, with his betting opponent saying which club he should use. Sam played 18 holes with a sand wedge and shot an 87. 2 Softhall Circuits I man, 1S3, Norwalk.

technical- lis after it had been completed hy Gccrce V. Elake. field, home of the Los Angeles baseball club and scene of the f.cli. was in en uproar. Old Roper had made the stand he fcsl promised, and Louis, successfully defending lvs title for the sir'n lime since he won it from Braddoek in 1QS7 n-as Hnino son goes against happy-go-lucky Lefty.

Out in Chicago. Gabby Hartnett plans to send Bill Lee out today against the Cincinnati Red.s while Dizzy Dean sits and wonders about that arm. Paul Derringer is slated to go against Lee. Over in Brooklyn the Dodgers are scheduled with the Nexv York Giants. With good weather, Detroit's Tigers will have a chance to test themselves at the expense of Jimmy Dykes Chicago White Sox.

"Cloudy and showers" were pre win nave 10 piay can like tlicv vc ti i lv knocked out Sammv Maltempo, Will Hold Meeting, 1Mi Williman1, Conn. (3). Meetings of two Softball leagues' have been announced by officers on)y fjvc lcam for tonight and Wednesday night. important matters were post- The American City league will poned to this week, gather at the YI.C.A. this eve- The Church league ill meet at ning to discuss by-laws and plan; 7:30 Wednesday night at the for the coming season's campaign.

Y.M.C.A. Last season's crown went The meeting is scheduled at 8 to the St. Mary squad after a play- BASEBALL IS N' College Tark. Md. i.Tv- Frank Dobson, baseball coach at the University of Maryland, claims that baseball is the only college sport in which practice is fun.

Other managers were about as cautious as the weather man was in predictions on the possibility of opening the season 1oday and tomorrow, as scheduled. Two games were listed today to give 1he leagues a ceremonial launching of baseball's centennial year, with all hands swinging into action lomorrow. At Washington the Yankees and Senators had a date to fiice presidential pitching, and at Cincinnati, birthplace of professional baseball, the Reds and a meeting last week, i off with Mt. Olive. style and should not be ncRlected.

Drilling in the off season will increase accuracy and distance sur-V-rWngly. Fly casting loses its mystery when practical under the conditions described above. It is not nearly so difficult as it seems when dicted at, Pittsburgh, where the1 o'clock. never played before." Doc Prothro. Philadelphia Phils: "The days of the Phils being doormats are past.

may not cet out of the cellar, but I believe the other teams are due for a suvprise." Chicago Fans Honor Hartnett, Stratton Chicago iiv Chicago baseball fans have been calling Gabby Hartnett a "great guy'' for a long time, almost ever since he came here as a rookie catcher for the IP li Pirates were trying to get in a debut before the rising waters of -the ijrt most everyone expected. Tears Thrmbnail Loir's only injury was a thumb-torn by a glove fashioned too for his hands. Roper, a battle scarred veteran whose crack at the title came at the ase of 36, was i around the head, but laugh ed off. ile's been beaten around i'r-'i i.ead many times before. Tr." f.rrt was the first heavy-" match in California in Ti.e 25,000 attendance and ce r's around $100,000 rr oft from the expecia-' t' r.f Prr-niffcr Mike Jacobs.

1 2011. Roper 204J. V.rt'.rv fr-r was worth f'r his bulging ring Lo to Roper meant probably ten times the amount he had ever received from more prolcpd matches in his long f. 1 career. Ohio river took oxer the field I IS 11 il 1 I I mm the angler is out on a stream or lake.

As in any sport confidence is needed. If the caster builds a ren-i sonable background of praclice, good results are assured, 1 Copyright, 1939. North American Sportsman's Bureau, lnrh i (Note to readers: This dpart-ment. will gladly answer any in-I quifics about the provid-! ed a stamped, self addressed en Tomorrow the teams will line up Cubs 18 'ears a Last nieht thev rnt around to this wax velope is enclosed for reply. Giving him tancible evidence of their affection.

He was honored at a testimonial dinner attended bv 2.000 followers of the National league champions. The jovial veteran, now manager of the team, was given a car and lauded profusely by several speakers. Another ball player given a huge ovation was Monty Stratton, the White Sox pitcher who lost a leg in a hunting accident last fall. He was presented a wrist watch. The Cubs and Sox will play a benefit game for him May 1.

FIRST NO-HITTER IN 23 YEARS Austin, Tex. Deutsch, University cf Texas hurler, pitched a no-hit. no-run game recently against the Rice Owls. Uncle Billy Disch, the coach who has been mentoring Texas teams for 23 years, can't recall that any of his other pitchers ever accomplished such a feat. National leacue Cincinnati at' Chicago, St.

Louis at Pittsburgh, 1 Nexv York at Brooklyn, Fhiladel-; phia at Boston. American league Boston at Nexv York, Washington at Philadelphia, Chicago at Detroit, Cleveland at St. Louis. Expressing some hope but more "ifs," here's how the various other pilots looked forward to the season: Del Baker, Detroit Tigers: "On paper it looks perfectly simple for the Yankees to win again. The Tigers will be in there doing their best to finish in the first division." Joe Cronin, Boston Red Sox: "If had beticr pitching last season we would have stopped the Yankees.

Now it as if we were going to get it." Ostar Vitt, Cievend Indians: "I never make predictions, and all I can say is that if the- Indians hustle they v. ill be up with ihe first division Backy Harris, Washington Senators: "We'll have better pitching this year. If our outfield comes Jean Clarke Goes Into Badminton Meet Finals Jc-ri Clarke defeated shirlev Bw.c 15-4 15-11. and won over Jane: Plavman. 15-2 and 15-0.

to advance the f.nals in the girls hadr. v.rrr.amer.t ai Roosevelt High school. The winner rf Ruth Schwandt-BettY Kofhr.on rx.M'h will meet Miss Clarke for the title. Miss Hoffman defeated Nona Ballard and Millicent Saecker. Miss Playman defeated MarerUa Harmson and Miss vmn oxer Joylene WRESTLING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19rh NEENAH-MENASHA S.

A. COOK ARMORY I 1 llj ou Bmai' whan yu much j5jj Volu V0" 9 i Dodga. (1V TV gS. o' lin, lawa.t- 'vSv 1 4-toot width of crataicrpack- Npi 'OV 1 agat. And anly Dodga 9iv.i y.

a fully- 'Cf Complete Line Nt xlWL -X "ondariiad cab, body and fandan to I ulfvfm H-ton to 3-tOn st. S0 I I I II 'i mony othar important naw onginoarlng I aBBMMMBi! ffifl I I 1 1 I WRESTLING IN Speedy FRANKS Vs. Rowdy POCAN 2 out of 3 falls 30 min. limit WOLTER MOTOR COMPANY COACH CLAIMS DISTINCTION West I'oint, V. Y.

(T Walter French, baseball coach Bt the U. military academy, claims to be the only athlete to be a member of world championship teams in two I 'oca '01). through we will be tough." White Sox Better Jimmy Dykes, Chicago White Sox: "We'L go to the post a better team than last vear. We will he 118 N. Appleton Street Semi-wind-up Joe BONSAVAGE Vs.

Max JOHNSON 2 out of 3 falls 1 hr. limit. Opening Bout Emil BARBOLA Vs. Howard BLESER 2 nut of 3 falls 1 hr. limit.


me t-mia-jtough to beat all the wav. with our or a Athletics in 1929 and the; infield shaping tip as one of the footl-all team, the pro-' best in the Tug lpasijrs" champions cf 1325. Fred Haney, St. Louis Browns; For Krwrvatinn rh. 2613 Menashu ropular Prirei Prevail.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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