The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

'Twas a Gay Old Evening As Appleton and Area Welcomed the New Year It might have been windy and damp last night but the warmth and gaiety radiating from hotels, night clubs, homes and halls never let people remember it for one minute as they welcomed the new year at parties and dances. Members of the Manhattan club danced from 10 to 2 o'clock at the Knights of Pythias hall to the music of an Appleton orchestra. Cochairmen for the dance were Mr. Mrs. John Gall and Dr.

and Mrs. L. B. McBain. The committee members assisting them were the Messrs.

and Mmes Robert De Long, Arno Dessens, N. P. Engler, Douglas Evans, Franklin Farver, William J. Ferron, Eugene Fountain, Vilas Gehin, Clarence E. Greiner, Erwin P.

Hanneman, Kurt Hanneman, G. J. Harder, Ralph S. Hayden and George J. Hoffer.

Preceding the dance Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Hubbell, 221 S. Mason street were hosts to six couples at a dinner party.

The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Neal Precourt, Mr. and Mrs. Don Reed, Mr.

and' Mrs. H. J. Weller, Mr. and Mrs.

Sidney Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pod- ANKLE DRAMA The bracelet sandal twinkles an exciting new story 80 you'll love wearing these high heel slippers that bracelet your ankles for provocative flattery. Tantalizing black patent platforms with tear shaped perforations. Created to float gracefully through admiring glances.

$5.00 also in red calf Wolf SHOE CO. zilni. The H. L. Schweitzers, 621 S.

Mason street, entertained 13 couples at the co*cktail party and eight couples were guests of the R. W. Shepherds, 922 E. College avenue, for co*cktails. Dinner at 8:30, dancing beginning at 9:30 and breakfast at 2 o'clock were on the program for the New Year's eve party at North Shore Golf club.

and Mrs. Paul Strange, were chairmen and Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Stafford were vice chairmen.

Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Anderson, Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. Aylward, Mr. and Mrs.

D. W. Bergstrom, Sidney Dutcher, and Mrs. Dan Hardt, Mr. and Mrs.

William Kellett, Robert Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leech, Dr. Mrs. George N.

Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. William Radford, David E.

Ryan, Mr. and Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. James Shipman and Carlton Smith were committee members. Buffet Supper This afternoon members Shore Golf club will buffet supper at the A group of relatives tained by Mr.

and of North be served a club house. were Mrs. William TROTH TOLD The engagement of Miss Frances Ann Van Hout, above, to Kenneth Swedberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swedberg, 408 E.

Eighth street, Kaukauna, was announced today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Hout, 323 Abbey avenue, Menasha. No date has been set for the wedding. She is employed at the National Jewelers Mutual Fire Insurance company, Neenah, and Swedberg recently was discharged from the navy.

(Brown Studio CaradiaShoes IN POLISHED CALF Trim good looks that can take plenty of coming-andgoing with him. Plant to see our new Paradise collection soon. Inspired In Red, Green or Black Calf. Matching Bag SHOES $14.95 BAG $20.00 Plus Tax HECKERT SHOE CO. 119 E.

College Ave. Maynard, Menasha, at their home Wednesday evening. Cards were played. Paul Schulz was general chairman of the Les Gaillards New Year's eve party at Koehne's hall. Balloons decorated the hall which was open for dancing at 9:30 in the evening.

Committee members who worked with Schulz were Warren Choudoir, chairman of the decorations and music committee, Clyde enson, Lois Phillips, Fred Booth, Clarence Zelie, Dan Ornstein, Phil Gitter; Dan Jahnke, chairmen of the entertainment committee, Ed Arndt, Bobber, Davis, Bob Schroeder; Willard" Zapp, chairman of the refreshments and food committee, Robert Volkman, Russ Miller, Rom Reider, Henry Starck and William Peotter. Elks members and out-of-town friends rang out the old year with a party from 9 o'clock to 2:30 Wednesday evening. Favors were given to the guests and a midnight lunch was served. An Appleton tra played for dancing. Some members of the younger set were entertained at parties at dividual homes Wednesday evening.

inMiss Pat Carroll, 217 W. Prospect avenue, was hostess to about 12 guests and four couples were entertained by Miss Virginia Kamps at her home, 302 S. Memorial drive. The Misses Donna Forrest and Elizabeth Taylor feted their friends at the Taylor home, 309 N. Drew street.

A group of high school students welcomed the new year with a tobaggon party at the home of Dean Unthank, route 2, Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kneice were hosts at their home, 423 E. Harrison street, New Year's eve.

Charles Rowland took pictures of the guests and Bernard Blob presented a skit celebrating the new year. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Reinders, Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony Blob, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowland, Mrs. Treiber. A midnight buffet supper was served.

annual New Year's eve party were held at the Odd Fellows hall for members and friends last night. Hats and horns added to the festivity. A lunch was served and there was dancing. The American Legion hall also was decorated for the an- Convict Workers are Returned to Prison Madison (P) Twenty prison workers, who had been used to remove buildings at Truax field, will be returned to Waupun Wednesday, A. W.

Bayley, director of the state public welfare department, informed Governor Rennebohm. Two protests against presence of the prisoners, one filed by residents of Truax field yesterday, resulted nual legion holiday party which was an invitational affair with all former servicemen in Appleton in. vited to attend. The third annual Holiday Frolic was held at the Knights of Columbus clubrooms, Menasha. New Year's for all young people of the twin cities.

It was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters of America. The Muggletons and the Jere Pattersons will fete their friends at an open house and egg nog party this afternoon at their Combined Locks farm. HAPPY A NEW YEAR JAN. 1948 AV Gunny SALE FURS so Advanced they'll look just as New Next Year! We start off the new values, with spectacularly policy to lop-off fur months of fur though these furs of wonderful next year. up first, so hurry over PARTIAL 1948 Gray Kidskin Squirrel Paw Northern Seal Mouton Lamb Persian Lamb year with a bang! With low sale prices! prices in January, even coat weather are still ahead.

exceptional quality will be Choicest values will be for best selection. LISTING OF NEW STYLED FUR COATS Russian Squirrel Northern (all back) Muskrat Persian Paw Mutation Gray $159 to $662 Tax Included Grist Furs Sailor Killed When Bus, Swiss Check Lost Truck Crash on Highway Food Gift Parcels Oxford, Pa. A young sailor was killed and 11 other persons were injured early Wednesday in a crash on the ice-covered Baltimore pike near this southeastern Pennsylvania community, state police reported. William Slack, about 20, of Horsham, was killed and the 11 others, including his wife, Mary, were hurt, state police said, as a Greyhound bus, bound from Baltimore to Philadelphia skidded in attempting to avoid a large truck in the withdrawal order, Bayley' said. Last Friday the Madison AFL Building Trades council said use of prison labor represented competition with private enterprise.

The prisoners, under guard, had been removing buildings recently purchased by the welfare department from the war assets administration. Basel, Switzerland-(7)-The cantonal attorney general's office announced that 2,000 persons who had ordered food packages sent to other countries had filed complaints that in 3,400 cases there were no receipts confirming delivery. Approximately 1,500 complaints were one shipping firm. The attorney general's office is investigating to determine whether the shippers were at fault whether thefts occured in transit. or.

Throughout Switzerland 168 firms have gone into the business of plying food packages for shipment to central and southern Europe. trailer that had jack-knifed across the road. Ten minutes after the first crash, state police said, a second Greyhound bus came over the same icy hill and swerved into a field after blowing a tire trying to avoid the wreckage. 226 E. COLLEGE AVE.

USE Appleton Post- Crescent 9 Thursday, Jan. 1, 1948 Couple Is Arriving From Minneapolis To Make Home Here Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wick and son, Richard, are arriving this evening from Minneapolis, to reside with Mrs.

Wick's mother. Mrs. H. B. Sylvester, 910 E.

Atlantic street. Holiday guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. J.

Flanagan, 700 Desnoyer street, Kaukauna, were Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Wright and daughters, Sharon, Patricia and Susan: Evanston, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilfred Licht and son, Garry, De Pere: Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan, De Pere; Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Green Bay; and Patricia Schaefer, Appleton.

The skin on the average human face reflects about half the light which strikes it. Open Friday to 9 P. M. bang-up It's our though Even just as snapped (backs) Muskrat OUR CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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