Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (2024)

This recipe is quite amazing because I’ve literally been able to change all of the ingredients (except, of course, the bananas) and it still works and it still turns out yummy! Usually I make it gluten free, dairy free, egg free and sugar free!

Banana Bread

Just over 1/2 tsp powdered stevia (or 3/4 cup sugar)

1/2 cup butter, margarine or oil

3 tsp egg replacer mixed with 4 TB water (or an extra banana OR 2 eggs)

1 cup mashed bananas with 1 tsp baking soda mixed in (usually I do 2 bananas and skip the baking soda step, but my sister says it makes a difference)

2 Tb milk (rice, soy, cow, almond, coconut))

1/4 tsp baking soda mixed with 1/2 tsp of lemon juice (or 1 tsp baking powder)

1 3/4 cup flour (wh. or br. wheat, spelt, or rice flour OR my favorite mix: 1 cup br. rice flour, 2/3 cup chickpea flour, 1/3 cup tapioca flour – this mix can be used in place of wheat in almost all recipes. ALSO, I usually do 1 1/2 cups flour and 1/4 cup ground flax meal or oat bran.)

pinch of salt


Bake at 350 degrees.

50 minutes for wheat, 45 minutes for spelt, 40 minutes for rice/chickpea/tapioca flours.

Baking times vary based on your oven and your altitude.

  1. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (2)

    hey erika – where does one find chick pea flour???


  2. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (3)

    Hey Angie, there is this amazing health food store not too far from me that sells chickpea flour in bulk, called Famous Foods. But I’ve seen it at all the other health food stores too, usually in different labeling packages (I’ve seen it in Bob’s Red Mill packaging before I think).


  3. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (4)

    I checked your site out this morning and couldn’t wait to try your Banana Bread recipe. It was super – and I even substituted unsweetened applesauce for half the oil called for in the recipe. I used spelt flour, stevia, and didn’t put any milk in it. Thanks.


  4. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (5)

    Mmmm. Applesauce in place of oil sounds great. I’m definitely going to try that one.


  5. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (6)

    I have been using this recipe for over a year since I first read it here.
    I make it with rice flour, stevia, eggs and rice milk. It is delicious and one of the few gluten-free recipes I use that tastes ‘normal’. Even my partner loves this banana bread (I put chocolate chips in one half of it for him :-).

    Thanks so much Angie for making our lives yummier!
    I think I might try using less oil and applesauce as mentioned above.


  6. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (7)

    Wow. Thanks! I can not wait to try this! We found out recently that our 6yo daughter has several food intolerances (11 actually) the most common being: egg, dairy, wheat, and soy. I’ve been hard pressed to find breads that don’t use eggs. I’ve tried making a gf cake with the egg replacer, and it just didn’t work. I was thrilled when a friend fwd’ed this to me, and I can’t wait to try it! Thank you for posting it!!


  7. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (8)

    Hi Angela,

    Here are some other things you can use to replace egg:

    * Powdered Egg Replacer – 1.5 tsp mixed with 2 TB water = 1 egg
    * 2 tbsp cornstarch = 1 egg
    * 2 tbsp arrowroot flour = 1 egg
    * 2 tbsp potato starch = 1 egg
    * 1 heaping tbsp soy powder + 2 tbsp water = 1 egg
    * 1 tbsp soy milk powder + 1 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water = 1 egg.
    * 1 banana = 1 egg in cakes.
    * 1 tbsp milled flax seed and 3 tbsp water = 1 egg.

    Good luck!


  8. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (9)

    This was a great treat, thanks! I realized the egg replacer at our local natural store has gluten in it so thanks for the other egg replacer tips! Everyone loved this treat, I look forward to making it again.


  9. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (10)



  10. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (11)

    My husband and I both have sensitivity to wheat, so I’m trying to find ways to use rice flour…and I came across this recipie. I made it the first time, and it was pretty good, except that the texture was slightly gritty and there was WAY too much butter- the first few bites tasted just like a mouth ful of butter, yuk! SO this time I took the advice above and substituted 1/2 unsweetened applesauce. ONe thing I’m wondering about though, I’d really like to cut down on the sugar, but thought that reducing it would make it too soupy and not have enough dry ingredients to absorb all the moisture. But now I’m thinking that the applesauce will make it extra sweet… It’s in the oven now, We’ll see how it turns out. Another confusing thing about this recipie is that 3/4c sugar can be subbed with only 1 tsp stevia, which makes me think that I’m totally wrong about the dry ingredients. How can this work? This time I also sprinkled some cinnamon on top before baking. One thing I’m surprised no one has commented on– the baking times (at least for rice flour) are WAY OFF!! I checked after 40 minutes and the inside was like soup. SO the first time I made this and the second time (now) my bread has to stay in the overn for approx 1.5 hours just to cook through to the center!!


  11. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (12)

    Hi! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! Thanks for all of your feedback on the recipe. I suspect that I have an overly hot oven and perhaps you have an overly cold oven. When I bake things in my sister’s oven downstairs I have to do it longer than in my oven.

    The slightly gritty texture is based on what flour you use. Straight up rice flour leaves that kind of texture. I usually make my own gluten-free flour mix.

    Also, stevia has a different taste than sugar and yes, you use soooo much less than sugar because it’s 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. Which is why I’m always on the lookout for more recipes that work with stevia because a lot of times the straight sugar to stevia substitution doesn’t work.



  12. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (13)

    Any suggestions for using any alternative flours? My son can’t have wheat, rice, or bean/chick pea flour. I have used potato, amanranth, tapioca, sorghum, and arrowroot in some cookies. I’d love to bake this for my 5yr old son. 🙂


  13. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (14)

    Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the inspiration for posting new recipes. Here is a great one for a Banana-Quinoa muffin (or waffle) which I believe your son will be able to eat everything in it.

    Banana – Quinoa Flour Muffins (or waffles) dessert recipes (gluten free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free)

    In fact, I’m going to make my baby some cooked quinoa flakes today as well!


  14. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (15)

    Karina The gluten free goddess has amazing recipes that everyone-not just food restricted people-enjoy.. She recently became dairy intolerant and her newer recipes are dairy,gluten,egg free…For her older recipes she has several pages that discuss different flours and substitutions, tips for cooking gluten free and page to help newly diagnosed celiacs on there waY…..
    The link to her truly good tasting bread is…


  15. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (16)

    Thanks for the link!


  16. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (17)

    oh.. yes ,Erika your recipes are very tasty yoo.. i just think that the more delicious recipes a mom with a food intolerant family has the easier her job is..Your recipes are a great addition to my ever growing collection…This gf/df life is not half as hard as it appears, these days ..20 yrs ago it would have been a nightmare…many thanks for sharing your recipes and tips 🙂


  17. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (18)

    It is often difficult to replace sugars with stevia or severely reduce the amount of sugar in some recipes because the melted sugar creates a web like frame that can be essentials for the spreading out, crispiness and rise of a baked product..To make up for it you have to adjust the balance of other is a link to help
    If the link does not get you directly there(argh!!!) it is the TLC Baking low sugar tips…

    Egg substitutes can be great and nsccesary The ones listed above work well depending on the purpose of the egg in the recipes..eggs are binders and leveners in a recipe where its primary job is to bind the flax water etc would work. Most of those listed above are binders…a banana with a dash of baking soda would leven things.. You could use the above replacers and add a 1/4 tsp of baking soda and a 1/4tsp of lemon juice for levening..Gluten fee baking can always do with a little extra leavining so don’t worry about it possibly being too much..

    oh yes one more tip about anything free baking..always choose e recipe that does not require very much of what you are replacing…example..Don’t even bother trying to make the flour free chocolate cake that requires 8-10 beaten egg whites if you have to substitute eggs.. You can substitute for 1-2 eggs but nooo not 8

    ok..ok..I lied…one more thing.. gluten free baking can take a long time and the middles are often gooshy so the smaller the pan you use the better..It is so much easier and faster to make several mini loaves than one big one..

    i hope these tips help..they are the result of many hours of scouring the net..good luck and happy baking


  18. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (19)

    That’s so helpful! Sounds like you know a lot. I’m always searching for great new baking tips. It think it’s because I have a huge sweet tooth, but I want to satisfy it in a healthy way that won’t make my kids or I sick.


  19. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (20)

    Hi Erika,
    You are a wonderful cook, a delightful artist and a devoted mother. A perfect Baha’i. My daughter, Sara found your recipes online as she, my husband and I are all gluten-free and sugar-free as well, and truly enjoyed your recipes. I just finished your banana bread and added a teaspoon agave to the stevia and extra bananas and it smelled so great I took a taste before it was totally done. Just a note, with a convection oven the spelt gets done almost 15 minutes sooner and it was incredible! We loved the recipes and when we discovered that you are a Baha’i it all made sense. Your strong values and excellent taste shine through–of course we are all Baha’is as well and live in Southern Oregon. You have a truly beautiful family. Thank you for all your experimenting and saving us all the failures. Bravo!


  20. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (21)

    Hi all – just read through the comments. Some extra tips – chickpea flour is also called Gram flour if you are looking around for it. Also I use xylitol sugar substitute which is a natural sugar and safe for diabetics – in my cooking and although haven’t made this banana bread Ive been making bread with just chickpea, tapioca flour, lemon juice, bicarbonate of soda, water, banana and a bit of xylitol, salt and sometimes apple cider vinegar. comes out lovely my husband loves it but I still am trying to find an ingredient to mask the taste of the bicarb of soda – any suggestions?


  21. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (22)

    This recipe is wonderful, thank you so much for posting it!! I used real sugar since I didn’t have any stevia on hand. I used the egg replacer, rice milk, canola oil, and my standard flour mix ( 1 cup brown rice flour, 3/4 cup potato starch, 1/4 cup tapioca flour). I was really craving something sweet so I added some dairy free chocolate chips and it was heavenly! but I think it would be delicious without the chips as well 🙂 This was the first gluten free egg free banana bread recipe that worked for me!


  22. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (23)

    good recipie


  23. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (24)

    your really preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety


  24. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (25)

    I`ve been missing banana breadfor many years, since I was 11, when i was diagnosed with Dairy intolerance, and gluten since I was 10, It sounds greats, me and my mom are baking it right now!


  25. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (26)

    since I was 7 for dairy, sorry for the mix up


  26. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (28)

    Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for your incredibly encouraging words and your tip about the spelt flour!


  27. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (29)

    Yum Yum YUM! I just made your recipe and it was AWESOME! I have made at least 50 different loaves of GF, Egg Free, Dairy Free loaves of Banana Bread and they were sufficient – but this one was fluffy, light, great texture, and so perfect. What a forgiving recipe too – I subbed half the oil with 1/4 cup of baby food pear sauce (since it’s what I had in the house), used Bob Red Mill’s Garbanzo-Fava bean instead of just garbanzo in your suggested flour mix, added 1 tsp vanilla, and 1 tsp cinnamon. THANK YOU.


  28. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (30)

    Oh, and I baked it in mini-muffin tins for easy snacking. 🙂


  29. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (31)

    I found chick pea flour in the asian section of the super store. I also found tapioca starch there too. I have also heard that you can find all kinds of flours in your local asian grocery store. I am going to try that next.


  30. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (32)

    Thank you for this recipe! My daughter is allergic to eggs, wheat, dairy, corn, etc.. and this recipe worked great with all the substitutions! I used a flour blend of 1/2c rice flour, 1/4c tapioca starch and 1/4c potato starch, which is all I had on hand. Grapeseed oil, 3 bananas, soy milk, and subbed a 1/4c of the flour mix with flax meal. It was great. I can’t thank you enough for posting this. I have had so many failed recipes, trying to work around all the allergies my daughter has, and it is great to finally find something that not only works, but tastes great!


  31. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (33)

    I’m trying your rice flour bread in my machine as i’m posting this. Can’t wait to try, but have you ever used coconut flour. Im allergis to all grains(excluding oats) ,buckwheat,gliadin,gluten,malt,wheat,flaxseed,millet,psyllium seed,safflower seed,spelt,triticale, brown rice,tapioca, eggs, dairy, peanuts ,almonds. White rice im ok with. And lots others but these are my ones that i would use for baking. Do you have any other ideas for me.. I seem to be stuggling for breakfast…


  32. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (34)

    Hi Sally, I know how frustrating it is to try to find new foods to eat when you’re in that situation. I was on a grain free diet for while when I was doing the Candida diet at one point and I found a lot of good recipes by searching “candida recipes.” A lot of them were grinding up seeds or nuts and using those as flour. Sometimes you can buy them already ground up or else you can use a coffee grinder to do it. You can make things like granola bars with them.

    Are you allergic to quinoa? Many people are not and it is a wonderful grain and also a complete protein. I used to cook quinoa flakes (just like oatmeal) as a breakfast cereal. You can also cook the whole grain like rice (1 cup quinoa plus 2 cups water, boil then turn down low with the lid on and simmer for 20 minutes). And the flour is great for baking. Here is a recipe for quinoa banana muffins:

    The candida recipe books also suggest eating things like baked yams or applesauce for breakfast.

    On another note, you might want to look into getting your allergies cleared up with either of these two natural, non-invasive techniques (I’ve used both of them for myself and my kids and it cleared up the allergies really quickly): N.I.S.( or N.A.E.T. ( I’m not sure where you live, but those websites have directories for practitioners.

    Good luck!


  33. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (35)

    I know this is an older post, but I still wanted to say thank you. We love this recipe in my family — I use canola oil and all rice flour (because it is what I always have on hand). I also add a snack pack of apple sauce to it. My son won’t eat bananas unless they are in this bread or in a smoothie, so it is a great addition to our limited diet. Thanks!


  34. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (36)

    Great! I’m so glad you like it. I just made it yesterday too!


  35. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (37)

    I love your site, this banana bread has become one of my family’s favourites! I am mexican, live in Cancun and Tomorrow will try your rice flour bread. Wanted to share with you the changes that I have done to this recipe and it is lovely! this bread is soooo good because you can make different things with it.
    I have done it with 3/4 of almond meal, or 3/4 of buckwheat flour
    have added it chocolate chips, nuts, pecans, almonds, cinnamon, etc.
    it always turns out delicious!! thanks!!!


  36. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (38)

    Oooooohhhhh! That sounds delicious! Thanks for the tips. I want to try it your way now!


  37. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (39)

    I was wondering if this recipe would work in a bread machine? I can’t have wheat, eggs or dairy so finding a bread recipe has been a long time in the making! We have a slightly defective oven so would much rather use my bread machine!


  38. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (40)

    Hi Jessica,

    I have a feeling the banana bread wouldn’t do so well in the bread machine, but give it a try and let me know! Also, you can check out my other recipe for rice flour bread in a bread machine:

    Good luck,


  39. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (41)

    Thanks for the recipe and comments about substitutions for children allergic to eggs and wheat, it was very helpful to us.


  40. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (42)

    Now that what I am talking about.


  41. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (43)

    Great stuff. I am getting hungry just thinking about it.


  42. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (44)

    not as soft or as sweet as id like, but overall a good recipe 🙂 only took 20 mins to bake.


  43. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (45)

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe and all the great tips. My one year old has many allergies and this was the first bread recipe I successfully made for him. He loves it! I have also made it as pumpkin bread and apple-cinnamon bread. Both were delicious.


  44. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (46)

    Mmmmm. I’ve never thought about changing it to pumpkin or apple cinnamon. That sounds delicious. Thanks for the tip!


  45. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (47)

    This is SO great, thankyou for posting. I have done it twice, the secondtime with unsweetened applesauce and grapeseed oil instead of butter, adding also vanilla ans cinamon, and it is just so lovely! Thankyou


  46. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (48)

    I’ve never used grapeseed oil. Is it sour?


  47. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (49)

    I would like to try this.. has anyone substituted Agave Necter for the sugar and do you think it should be 3/4 cup or less? Thanks so much for the egg substitute list, what a big help!


  48. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (50)

    This recipe rocks! I used Bob’s Gluten Free All Purpose flour, almond milk and the egg substitute. So easy, looked beautiful and tasted fabulous! Will be one of my go-to’s for now and ever!


  49. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (51)

    Thank you for this recipe! I am a vegan and recently stopped eating gluten and added sugars, so this recipe has been a godsend. I tend to make it with the brown rice/chickpea/tapioca flour mix, but also sometimes use a mixture of brown rice and buckwheat flours, which is great as well – although for whatever reason, when I do this I need to cut down on the oil. I like throwing some walnuts and frozen blueberries or cranberries into the batter, as well as an extra banana. Also, I use coconut oil and really love the subtle flavor that adds. To whoever suggested making it with pumpkin- great idea! Can’t wait to try that out!


  50. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (52)

    That’s great! I like the idea of adding blueberries. I’m going to try that too.


  51. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (53)

    This is some of the best banana bread I’ve ever had. Yummy 🙂 It turned out perfect and I like that you can substitute in for egg, milk and soy allergies. Thanks so much for the recipe.


  52. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (54)

    Delicious, but excessively sweet. Also, I made as muffins and they are crumbling to pieces. I used an extra banana in lieu of an egg, 1/4 c apple sauce in place of some of the oil, and the flour mix with oat flour instead of garbanzo bean flour (simply because I grabbed the wrong package). Mine may have been extra sweet because of my overripe bananas. Next time will stick with the full 1/2 cup of oil, cut sugar down to 1/2 cup, and try a different egg substitute, maybe flax.


  53. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (55)

    Heh heh. I have a sweet tooth.

    I find with gluten-free recipes I have to let them sit a bit before eating them or else they crumble to pieces.


  54. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (56)

    Thanks so much for this recipe! I made it for my son today – I used a GF flour mix for the flour measurement; and I used half Xylolitol (Zweet) with half sugar; the extra banana for egg replacement; and unsweetened applesauce with 1/2T olive oil for the oil measurement. Seemed to have turned out very nicely!
    Thanks! (living nearby in the Fraser Valley)


  55. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (57)



  56. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (58)

    Loved this recipe, as did the one daughter it was especially made for, and my other daughter and her friend! I just made it today, and have to make more cause it is almost all gone! I added a squeeze of agave syrup, and added 1/2 c of goat yogurt and 3/4 c of unsweetened coconut. It is SOOO nice having a recipe that works, and tastes so good because the elimination diet my one daughter is on is rather restrictive.


  57. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (59)

    Forgot to say I added 1 1/2 tsp of guar gum, 1/2 tsp of vanilla.


  58. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (61)

    Do you mean liquid or powder stevia? Thx!


  59. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (62)

    Powdered. I guess I could clarify that better on the recipe….


  60. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (63)

    I’m trying a modified version of this recipe tonight. I’m using nonfat blueberry yogurt instead of the oil, reducing the sugar a bit because of the sugar in the yogurt, and adding some blueberries. Yum! I might also swap out some of the wheat flour for chickpea flour, since we have that.

    I had a couple notes for readers:

    1) Sugar is counted as a liquid ingredient, NOT a dry ingredient in baking. This is because it dissolves completely and becomes a liquid when it comes in contact with liquids. So if you reduce the sugar you don’t have to worry about there being not enough dry ingredients (a bit the opposite, actually).

    2) Chickpea flour is also called besan in Hindi and Urdu, and it’s available in any Indian or Middle Eastern import store, much more cheaply than at health food stores. I picked up five pounds of besan for about $3 at our local Indian market. You can make terrific Indian deserts with besan, such as besan ladoo (Google ‘microwave besan ladoo’ and you’ll find good recipes… you can substitute butter for the ghee).


  61. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (64)

    Ah! I finished my experiment and it was terrific. Here’s my version:

    1/4 cup turbinado sugar
    1/2 cup trader joe’s nonfat blueberry yogurt
    3 very ripe mashed bananas + 1 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    2/3 cup chickpea flour
    1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
    1 tsp cinnamon
    pinch of salt

    I didn’t include the milk because I simply forgot about it, but it turned out fine without it, and between the chickpea flour, bananas, and yogurt, it was super moist. I baked this in 2 mini loaf pans, each yielding 8 slices (16 slices total). I did the nutritional breakdown, and it’s 81 calories per slice, with 1/3 of a gram of fat, 2 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Not bad!


  62. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (65)

    Thanks for the tips! I was wondering what turbinado sugar is? And how exactly do you figure out the nutritional breakdown?


  63. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (66)

    Turbinado sugar is basically raw sugar from the first pressing of sugar cane, in large crystal form. You can get it at natural food stores, trader joe’s, and so on. If you have ever used those little brown “Sugar In the Raw” packets at cafes and restaurants, you have used turbinado sugar.

    I use MyPlate over at to do the nutritional info. You can create recipes with the tool, give it all the ingredients, tell it how many servings it makes, and it’ll give you the per-serving nutritional info. I use it all the time, once you get the hang of it it’s very easy.


  64. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (67)

    Thanks! Very helpful.


  65. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (68)

    Hi, I am trying to stay away from white flour so I tried this w/King Arthur gluten free all purpose flour. I used stevia, left out the baking soda. It turned out really flat and dense and not very good tasting at all 😦 Do you think it needs xanthan gum since the gf flour doesn’t contain it? Or what can I do to make it lighter & rise? Grr so far my gluten free baking hasn’t gone very well, even when I bake with whole wheat flour it just isn’t right. Help!


  66. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (69)

    Yes, gluten free baking is such a challenge because we expect things to look and taste like wheat. Unfortunately the gluten in wheat, which is what most people react to, is what makes the breads light and fluffy. Rice flour does not have gluten, so it will not turn out the same.

    However, my banana bread is usually not too dense.

    A few suggestions: try adding the baking soda this time, sift the gluten free flour to make it lighter, try adding sugar/honey/maple syrup/rice syrop/agave nectar/xylitol in place of stevia. Stevia has a slightly different taste and some stevias leave a bitter aftertaste (the high quality ones should not – if it slightly bitter, try a different one).

    And last of all, don’t be afraid to experiment and make mistakes! That is how we learn new things. Good luck.


  67. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (70)

    Thank you! I will def. sift and add bs next time, I am trying to go sugar free but maybe I could add just a tiny bit or use a dif. substitute but I don’t want too much of the chemical stuff either. Thanks! I will keep following your recipes though I wish I could follow you on my Blogger dashboard!


  68. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (71)

    Hi… I just made this and wanted to say THANK YOU! It was amazing.. and I made it into muffins for my children to take to school. I left out the egg and used an additional banana.. perfect!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe! 🙂

    PS.. I love your blog…


  69. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (72)



  70. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (73)

    Hi I have a quick recipe question. I am gluten and dairy free, and have been looking for a white rice flour banana bread recipe that I can make to use up the big bag of rice flour I have in my cupboard. Only problem is I have to follow a very low fat diet, and I am not able to use the amount of oil called for in this recipe. I’d substitute it for applesauce like everyone else has suggested, but I also follow a low FODMAP diet, and applesauce is something they say to avoid. Do you have any other suggestions for a substitute I can use in your recipe in place of the oil? I know someone mentioned using pumpkin puree. Do you think I could substitute equal amounts of pumpkin for the oil? Thanks in advance for anyones comments or suggestions. Hoping to make this bread today if I can find a good oil substitute.


  71. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (74)

    Why don’t you just add an extra banana and skip the oil altogether? No harm in trying. Let me know if it works.


  72. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (75)

    So I made the bread Monday night, substituting equal amounts of pumpkin puree for the oil. I also added an extra banana to replace the egg. It was my first time baking with rice flour, so after continuously checking it with a toothpick I baked it for 60 minutes instead of 40. But I’m not sure if I should’ve baked it for longer or not. The bread came out very dense. I also made the mistake of not letting it cool long enough, so just 15 minutes after taking it out of the oven I tried to cut it. I basically couldn’t slice through it without it breaking into tons and tons of, what seemed, uncooked pieces, so not flaky pieces, but super dense mushy pieces. The next day, after thinking I had a complete flop on my hands, I checked the bread out and it didn’t seem to be as mushy. It was still very very dense, but it at least seemed to be all the way cooked through. So to sum up, I was able to keep half of the bread, and have had a few slices yesterday and today, but it is still very dense. Is this common when baking with just rice flour? Should I have baked it longer? I know now that I should let it cool longer. How long would you recommend it to cool for? Overnight? Like I said, I’ve had a few slices since Monday and it’s pretty good, just a tad too dense. The taste is good though. Maybe a little too sweet, but not so bad that I can’t eat it. Thanks for the recipe post, and getting back with me. Hopefully you can answer a few of my last questions, so I can get this recipe down.


  73. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (76)

    Hi! Thanks for the recipe! I have a quick question; What if I’d like to use only chickpea flour? How many cups shall I use? 1 3/4 sounded a lot to me, so I just wanted to make sure…
    It’s the first time I’ll replace eggs with bananas! Can’t wait!


  74. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (77)

    I think the pumpkin is the issue. Think pumpkin pie – it also pretty gushy. I would take away the pumpkin.

    Deniz – If you just use chickpea flour it might turn out a bit crumbly, and have a strong chickpea flavour, but you’re welcome to try it out. I would still use the same amount of flour.



  75. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (78)

    are you sure it’s only 3/4 tsp stevia?


  76. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (79)

    Lovely, thanks. ;-).


  77. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (80)


    3/4 tsp stevia = 3/4 cup sugar.

    Some people have said this recipe is too sweet so you can even use less than that if you don’t like it too sweet.


  78. Pingback: Time for a Change | Mud Spice

  79. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (81)

    Reblogged this on TafelbergMom and commented:
    And here the proper link to MUDSPICE. Thank you for this amazing recipe!


  80. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (82)

    I just made a double batch of this today, substituting Xylitol for the sugar and a purchased gluten-free flour mixture instead of combining my own as you did. It is more expensive that way and once this bag of flour runs out I’ll try the recipe again with the flours you suggest. It turned out great. It doesn’t have that disappointing gluten-free texture at all. Thank you!


  81. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (83)

    i don’t know whose recipe it was, but i tried a really ghastly recipe that called for 6 bananas
    which never finished baking before it burnt
    i’ll try this sometime, but i’m a little gunshy……


  82. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (84)

    Dang – this is good! I just made it for a 2nd time using sugar, oil, an extra banana for the eggs + the baking soda mentioned, soy milk, and wheat flour (my son is allergic to eggs, dairy and peanuts, so I’m always looking for versions he can eat). This is as good as my regular recipe. Thank you!


  83. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (85)

    That is very interesting, You are an excessively professional blogger. I’ve joined your feed and look forward to in the hunt for more of your great post. Also, I have shared your web site in my social networks


  84. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (86)

    This recipe is AMAZING. Thank you so much! Have you tried freezing it? Any suggestions – sliced, whole…. etc ?


  85. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (87)

    I’m sure it would freeze well, but might stick together. You could try laying out the slices on a tray in the freezer for an hour or two until they are partially frozen and then putting it back together as a loaf and freezing it completely. It would keep it from sticking together.


  86. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (88)

    This recipe looks like it would be pretty good! But I have a question, if I made this gluten-free would it stay together? Gluten-free baked goods have xanthan gum in them so they will not fall apart. I see this recipe has no xanthan gum in it. That has made me quite curious! Does this recipe work egg-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free with nothing to bind it?


  87. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (89)

    For those who can’t have rice, what flour combinations do you suggest?


  88. Pingback: Best Damn Wheat/Dairy/Sugar Free Banana Bread EVER. « Cease And Decyst

  89. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (90)

    Hi Jessa,
    Banana is incredible for holding things together. You can use it in place of eggs and it makes things stick, stick, stick. I love bananas!

    I use chickpea flour and arrowroot powder or corn starch to thicken it and make it stick. If you google “gluten free flour mix” there are a lot of different ways of combining various flours to make a good mix. Once you make your mix, you can use it in most recipes. Sometimes it will be a bit crumbly, but usually they turn out fine.


  90. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (91)

    WHY do people INSIST on naming their recipes sugar FREE when they are NOT!

    What a waste of time using google when people like this misname things!!!!!!!!!!!


  91. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (92)

    i have replied many a time to glutenfree cookie recipes that use flour
    and told them, sugar is not good for anyone
    some people may need to be glutenfree, but everyone should go sugarfree!!!
    i am so glad that someone else realizes this
    i wish they would stop sending me recipes that use sugar!!!
    that’s what bugs me about places, especially bakeries that sell glutenfree, but not sugarfree


  92. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (93)

    Ha ha, that awesome feedback! I hadn’t even realized that I had written in the opposite of how I usually do it (which is with stevia, hence sugar free). I posted this so long ago, I guess it’s time to make a switcheroo to the recipe.


  93. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (94)

    I just found out this recipe and am going to try it for my 2 yr old son. He has multiple food allergies and I have been struggling to find things he can eat. I have no prior baking experience so wish me luck!! I also read an older comment about NAET for treating allergies and am curious about it. Do you have experience about it? My son is atopic and we are now finding out he has asthma and EE so was just wondering what this treatment is about.


  94. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (95)

    Well I tried the recipe out last night and used the King Arthurs gluten free mix. It did not turn out well. Firstly took way longer than the time in the recipe and then the bread did rise but it fell down once I got it out of the oven. Also the inside seemed sticky.


  95. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (96)

    ‘Thanks I will be trying this reciepe for Valentines Day tomorrow.
    NAET is bit outmoded these days, look up NeuroModulation NMT. or check my website This work is amazing for resolving allergies and healing infections..


  96. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (97)

    I love this. I put strawberries in them instead of bananas though, Soo good!


  97. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (98)

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  98. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (99)

    i made it for the second time today and its awesome, especially with crushed walnuts. its better this time because i used 1 and 1/4 cup rice flour and 1/2 cup besan flour. came out softer than with rice only. i used 2 huge spoons of honey instead and it works well, not too sweet but as a breakfast, not as a desert, its perfect!


  99. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (100)

    Your means of telling all in this paragraph is truly good, all be able to easily be aware of it,
    Thanks a lot.


  100. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (101)

    Is it really only 3/4 tsp of sugar? That seems really low and almost pointless to include if it is really only 3/4 of a tsp. I have made this recipe several times for my wheat, dairy, and egg-free son and we do like it a lot. However, I think the first time I made it, I misread it and used 3/4 a cup of sugar instead of 3/4 tsp. The next time I made it, I used 3/4 tsp of sugar and the batter did not taste nearly sweet enough, even with the extra banana I used in place of the egg (and I use overripe bananas, so they are extra sweet to start with). I ended up adding a 1/2 cup of sugar, but after baking, it still wasn’t that sweet.


  101. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (102)

    Made a trial run as muffins. Used coconut palm sugar instead. 1/2 oil substituted for applesauce and flour being 1C brown rice flour, 1/2C coconut flour, 1/4C oats (processed down to powder). Added chopped dates. Filled muffin tray to top as I suspected they wouldn’t rise (which they didn’t). Cooked for 15 mins. Turned out really well. Dense but very moist. It was yummy.


  102. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (103)

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  104. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (105)

    Used Almond butter in place of butter. They turned out great and delicious. Thank you for the excellent recipe.


  105. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (106)

    Yikes! Thanks, Meredith for showing me the typo! It was definitely 3/4 cup sugar, not 3/4 tsp. I edited it recently and obviously didn’t proof-read as thoroughly as I could have. Thanks for the comment!


  106. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (107)

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  112. Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (113)

    Thank you so much for a wonderful and easy recipe. As a French baking enthusiast, I got so depressed when diagnosed gluten-dairy-egg intolerant and thought baking was definitely over. I added spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, aniseed and ginger) and not only the taste is great, but to my surprise the texture is absolutely incredible despite the lack if “traditional” baking ingredients.
    Again thank you for sharing it !


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Amazing banana bread recipe (gluten-free, egg-free, sugar-free, dairy-free) (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.