The Weasley brood - Chapter 20 - NaTeO11 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (2024)

Chapter Text

“It is, not the kind of greeting I expected. But I suppose, I should have expected that.” Grounds out Fëanor, the impact knocking him off balance down to the fallen leaves. Blood trails down his nose bent to a side, no doubt broken.

“I would have done without you appearing.” And that- that stung.

“I’m sure you would, while hiding your children like dirty secret you mean.” Fëanor instantly regrets his words as his youngest son goes rigid and immediately grabs him by the collar. “Amrod-”

“You know of my children.” Amrod hisses at him. It’s not a question. There’s a terseness in his features, worry, and fury at his children being discovered.

“You thought you could have hidden them forever?” He grounds out. “Such secrets cannot stay secret long.”

Though mystery of Gil-galad proved otherwise.

“Not forever, only until they safely adjusted to the environment.” Amrod defends himself. “Valinor is different from the place they lived earlier.”

“Until when?” Fëanor demands. “Were you planning to introduce them to us when they’re full grown? For us to miss their whole childhoods?”

“Until I make peace that I’ll inevitably have to share space with my father, who, if memory ails you, set me on FIRE.” Amrod snipes.

Fëanor stepped back, face contorting in a rare display of pain. “You... were not the only one I set on fire.”

Is that seriously all you have to say?” Amrod hisses. “Why- of course, I should have expected it from you. Your madness followed you beyond grave, congratulations. What else? That I deserved to suffocate under the ashes of the fire you started?” He goes closer to him, eyes lit with unhidden anger. “There is one thing I can say to you. If it were not for my children, which you will tell me how you know about them,I would have gladly stayed with mother.”

What he didn’t expect was for his father to-

Huh. Now that's a one in a thousand year occurrence.

“You’re crying.” It sounded more insensitive than Amrod meant to. His father never cried. He did not disdain the action of it, but he rarely cried himself. Not in his childhood, nor adulthood or before anyone. He certainly did not shed a single tear nor screamed in horror, seeing him burn alive, anyhow.

He checked, minutes before dying. His father stood there, torch in hand, and what was the most insulting thing, as Amrod watched him, he saw him toss the said torch to another ship. He did not drop it, he literally continued on setting the other ships on fire. Like his inescapable death was not worth attention.

It was a messy situation, Fëanor with bloody broken nose, crying and Amrod-

It feels different, seeing someone he once blindly followed, shedding tears like an actual being, rather than a figure to walk behind.

“Father.” He said finally when Fëanor did not opt to speak. “Why are you here.”

“I... to apologize.”

Amrod replays their previous conversation, looking down at him dubiously. “You’ve made no progress in that regard.”

“I know.” Fëanor sniffled. “Apologies are... hard.”

“If this is the extent of an apology you can give, I may overestimated your reformation. I don’t want such half-hearted words, father.” Amrod keeps the disappointment down.

“No! No, of course not. I have- I planned a speech, I do!” Fëanor insists. “I’ve- I’ve not seen you for a long time. You’re a father already, Telvo. It’s just- you truly are one- a father to children of your own.”

“We’re not talking about my children father.” He interrupted him. Especially not in the open, close for Mandos. Who knows what’s eavesdropping.

“Of course.” Fëanor nodded. “I regret many things I’ve done, my obsession with the stones, the Oath and the kin-slaying. Burning of the ships will be forever one of my regrets, as is forcing my brother to go through the ice.” Amrod notes that Fëanor actually called uncle Fingolfin brother. “I regret your death ion. I always did.”

“You seemed well happy, burning the ships. Was me, burning, also an intention of yours?” Amrod asked, remembering his disdainful sneer seen from distance.

“No.” Fëanor said firmly. “It was no intention of mine, nor punishment for your second thoughts. When I ordered the ships to be set on fire... I thought you gone with Amras on the shores. Not inside-

I realized only when Pityo pointed out you’re missing. Your scream only affirmed your fate. But I never, neverintended for your death to happen. I’m sorry.”

They are quiet for a while before Amrod probes for more. “Did you shed tears for me after I died?”

Fëanor hesitates a bit before answering. “Before my re-embodiment, and before I’ve stepped into the Halls, I’ve not shed a single tear, for anyone. Not even my mother.” Meaning, not even for Amrod. “But I mourned. I did. I do.It is only tears that escaped me, back then. But I’ve felt the loss of you, son. I did.

Amrod stares at his father, a politician with a level of sway many couldn’t contest to. Even deposed from inheriting the throne, unless dire needs, he still held so much power, formally disowning him would lead to a political disaster no one wants. Not like with Turgon.

Which means, there will always be a layer of deception in him. A charisma that convinces people to follow him unquestionably. There is sincerity to his features, but there are little moments where he didn’t seem sincere.

“Did you truly?”

“There’s not been a day I’ve not wondered what became of you, especially since you never appeared in the halls.” Fëanor hesitated. “You were gone for long.”

And no one knew what became of him, only for his children to appear out of nowhere to Formenos's doorsteps.

“I find it hard to believe. You were quite set to reclaim the Silmarils to care for such a trivial things such as my demise.” Fëanor winced but did not defend himself.

“I... the Halls opened my sight.” He looks reluctant to admit so. “Your death haunted me.”

As it should.

It’s not easy for me either.” Amrod said. “There are good memories, in the past, before Silmarils, before Moringotto plagued our places and your mind. But you’ve done much injustice, by your decisions alone. I can overlook the kinslaying. I’m neither the judge nor one to be the one to forgive you for that.

The ships sting, but what hurts more, is that rather than trying to comfort Amras upon my death, your words matched your madness. You told everyone I died up to my name.” Yet another thing he shared with Aegnor with unfortunate names and fates tied to them. Honestly, if they switched their Amilessë, their names still would fit to their fates. Which is morbid to think about.

“I cannot speak up in my defence during these times. But I regret a lot. That much you should know.” So he does not deny his last words regarding him.

“But not everything.” He guessed.

The silence is telling.

“I regret the fires” He admits after a moment. “I regret the pain my sons went through, each. I regret there is so little trust after the ordeal, that none of you trust me enough around your children.”

That caught his attention. “None?”

Fëanor gave him a sardonic smile. “Maedhros declared Elrond his heir, and if there was any dissatisfaction from my side, I had a few colorful words sent my way, besides keeping us at distance to protect him.

I don’t think I’ve talked to him the first century he came to the shores before Elrond decided to break the situation by forcing a meeting himself.

Curufin actually threw a wrench at me the first time after his and Celebrimbor’s re-embodiment and a whole new forge just for the two of them was made. So no, you are not the only one.” It was a thing of laughter now, with everything resolved at best of their abilities.

“I’ve missed you, Ambarto.”

“Umbarto.” Amrod corrects him if a bit snarkily. “As you said, it truly is a name fitting of me.”

“I-” Fëanor opened his mouth, before coming up short of words. “I’m sorry.”

Honestly, all the upset washed away at that. This was leading nowhere. Forgiving him was hard, but notforgiving seemed even harder of a task. Especially since his kids somehow came to be known to him.

“I’d do anything to prove you I truly regret what happened back then.”

“That’s a dangerous thing to say.” Amrod warns with a frown. Fëanor looked back at his son, with an unwavering gaze. He trust me not to misuse it, Amrod realizes.

Suddenly an idea crossed his mind.

“If that’s so... Then let’s try this.” Amrod gestured to Gilfast, who galloped closer, and then Amrod reached to a pouch on the side, his hand disappearing farther than it should have been possible. Fëanor followed the motion, and Amrod pulled out an object and passed it to him.

It was a jewel of various colours. It did not shine, but it certainly had it’s shape. It was bright unnatural pink, prompring Fëanor to examine it closer.

“It’s not a good jewel.” Fëanor can’t help but point out.

“My sons made it.”

“...they gave out a lot of effort.”

Fëanor looked curiously as he got the jewel handed to his own hands. It felt fragile now that he had it in his hands. “What do you want me to do with it?” Was this a test?

Amrod smiled. “Eat it.”

For a while, Fëanor thought he misheard.

“You didn’t.” Amrod says with a painfully familiar face of mischief reading his incredulous face. “In one swallow, father.”


Nerdanel did not expect to see her son coming at her with such an urgent look. Ëarwen stopped talking upon seeing her looking at her arriving son and smiled. “It seems they grew to miss you quickly.”

She frowned, squinting at the arriving figure. “No, I don’t think that’s why he arrived. He looks far too serious to be here for just a visit.”

“I will leave you two to sort it out.” She said softly.

It took no time for Amras arrive, heavily breathing. “Amme, Amme, Amrod- Amord is-”

“Amrod?” Hope sparked in her fëa. “You found him?”

Amras hesitates. “He’s in the Halls of Mandos.”

She blinked in surprise. “Still? Or-” Oh no, not another one-

“No no, he didn’t die, he just went there to discuss with Mandos.”

“Discus? Discuss what?”

Amras opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened them again. “How do you feel about more grandchildren? Because being an uncle of another 12 is already overwhelming.”



The place was fantastical, as it was unsettling, be it for animals that roamed it’s places, unfamiliar trees than toppled even the highest mellyrn, or by the climate alone. Let's also not forget what seemed like Ent prototypes.

It was very similar to the climate of the forests Morgoth claimed, before they were razed to nothing.

“Oh, oh!” Laimandir exclaimed his sight glued to a plant on the ground tugging at . “Can we pick these? They’d make a good salad!” He gives out a pleading look towards their party.

Alacarno peers at whatever he was looking. “Oh, wild geraniums.”

“They’re tastier than their domesticated variety. It must have accidentally traveled through.” Laimandir said excitedly. “Can we pick them please?”

Alacarno looks at Maedhros nodding at each other.

“We ought to stop for a small break anyway.”

“Can we go little farther for our camp?? I can hear water from that side.” Celegorm suggests. “We can gather the plant-”

“Just the flowers.” Laimandir corrected.

“-the flowers and then go to where the water is.”

They all agreed, and so they took a small break, Laimandir freeing himself from Elrond’s hold to sprint towards the flowers.

Elrond came with him. “Can I help you?” The geranium flowers had a peculiar look, similar to a carnivorous plants like a flytrap. Laimandir looks considering the idea, before nodding.

“Do you happen to have a pouch so I could put them in there?” Thankfully, there was always use for spare bags, so he came up with smaller bag, Laimandir looking grateful.

“You should take them from behind, where they can’t see. Careful they can detect movement. The plant is really young so bities will only sting a bit, you should see Gerald, he’s one of my favourite plants. Like that, then you rotate it and take out the plant like this, see?” Laimandir patiently showed him. “Let’s harvest them while they’re asleep.”

Elrond looked at him with a level of amusem*nt, listening attentively. It was cute. How long ago was it that his daughter tried to convince him that cacti shoot their spikes? At the reminder of his daughter he felt a pang of longing. How long until they meet again?

“So I should do it like this?” He copied his movement. Laimandir’s eyes widened.

“No wait- Your hand is right next to another flower-”


Elrond lived a long time. Living two ages means he had an image to live up to, and he decidedly did not jump when a flower just bit into him.

“Well, this got a bit harder.” Laimandir exclaimed. “No matter, their bites don’t hurt at this point.”

Just to prove his point, more flowers ‘awoke’ and started menacingly biting into Elrond’s hands. They hardly drew out blood, but the way they retracted and attacked again stung a bit and reminded him of snakes.

“I’ll cut them up while they are distracted, alright?”

Contrary to dying, they started hissing after being detached much to Elrond’s morbid curiosity.

“They’re surprisingly...alive.

“Of course they are. Those are plants. They’re alive until they wither. I could propagate them... probably. I think Gerald would appreciate neighbors.”

“Who’s Gerald?”

“My pet plant, about 10, no a hundred times this plant's size. He sprouted into quite a large size recently.”

Elrond suspects this may not be over-exaggeration this time. “I’m getting curious about your garden.”

“Gardens.” Laimandir corrected. “We have too many varieties and cannot keep them in the same place. The humidity and all, you see.”

It bought a question how they stumbled or made such place.

But before he could ask-

Laimandir got up, looking satisfied.

“Alright! I’m done, we can go back now.” Laimandir declared with the bundle of flowers stacked inside the bag, all still animatedly hissing.

“Right... You should show them these.” Elrond leaned in. “They won’t stay as fresh as now.”

Laimandir blinked but smiled brilliantly back before doing just that.

Curufin, who was sitting on the ground, nodded at them. “Done already?”

Laimandir nodded. “We did! Look how many we got.”

Elrond carefully kept his distance, waiting to see their reactions.

Curufin peered at the plants. “Are you sure they’re edible?.” He went to pick one only to yelp and step back in shock.

Celebrimbor blinked. “Atto?”

“W-What was that?!” Curufin seethes.

And Celegorm: “What was what?”

“That! It bit me!”

Celegorm lazily blinked.

“Did you accidentally grab a rat?”

“No! And look, those things hiss back at me!”

They peered at it, freezing that indeed, flowers with various teeth were hissing in indignation.

What.”Celegorm breathed out. He hovered his hand over them, little jaws attacking him. They also hissed a lot almost like small screams.

“They’ll tire soon enough. They can’t scream forever.” Laimandir said sagely. Everyone paused a bit, to stare at the plant loving child.

Elrond gently grabbed Laimandir by the shoulders. “That,” He starts, “could be taken very badly if taken out of context.”

“What did I say?”

Alacarno also arrived, peering at the flowers. “They must be young.” He exclaims, is hands reaching into the bag.

“Careful.” Curufin warns. “They bite.” And he can’t help but deadpan at how it sounds, since he’s talking about a plant.

Alacarno took one flowers. “They look fine to me.” Just to prove his point, he popped a whole hissing flower in his mouth, it’s jaws and teeth, all.

Celegorm jumped in alarm. “Are you-”

“They’re pretty good.” Alacarno said, chewing and swallowing in one go. “Do you want to have a try?”

He gestured to everyone, handling his siblings one.

Aþumonand Alyastar gobbled the flowers without a pause, while Faelnor and Mírion took more time as they studied the flowers.

Alacarno even handled one to Maedhros and Maglor who looked dubiously at the writhing plant.

“Try it, they’re not half bad.” Alacarno smiled encouragingly.

Maglor folded fast, popping the flower in his mouth. His eyes widened. “Oh, it bites back.”

It bites back?!

Maglor chewed thoroughly, looking thoughtful. “It tastes similar to nutmeg. It’s writhing stopped too. It’s not bad. Better than that time Celegorm forced us to try eat oysters raw.”

“Hey, some of you developed a taste for that.” Celegorm defends himself. It wasn’t bad the more you try it.

“Caranthir has questionable food tastes and therefore does not count.” Curufin barks back. “He once ate a goat’s stones from it’s stomach because he had to create good relations with dwarves.”

Faelnor blinked. “What’s wrong with that?”

“I don’t get that one either.” Celebrimbor added looking just as puzzled.

Curufin groaned.

Celegorm cackled, before popping one flower into his mouth too. “It does taste like nutmeg.” He said thoughtfully. “Do you have similar plants around here?” There were animate willows, biting flowers, what’s next? Walking plants?

Laimandir’s eyes sparkled. “Certainly! We have chomping cabbages at home I can show you! Or my many greenhouses!”



Just as Celegorm guessed, the lake wasn’t far. They all stopped at a pier that looked freshly made, some dipping their legs into the cool water.

The view from the pier gave them a clear sight of the castle from the outside.

It looked...

Well, everyone was rather taken aback.

Celebrimbor tilted his head, in hopes it would look different from an angle. “It’s...unique.”

His father was far less flattering. “What is that thing?” He felt offended on his brother’s behalf, because what is that?

Even those that were usually calm couldn't help but gape a bit.

Alacarno shone at the sight. “That’s our house. Incredible, isn’t it?” He said, not getting their aghast looks.

“Incredible... would be one way to put it.” Elrond says mildly, studying the features. It looked really-

“It’s like a fight broke out while making the...thing.” Curufin said. Does it even have the right to call itself a castle?

Alacarnassë looked shy at that. “Well, I can’t say we hadn’t gone through various disagreements...”

“But it turned out well!” Alyastar finishes with a bright smile. Alacarno ruffles her head in endearment.

“Just so you know, Alyastar speaks for herself.” Piped up Faelnor.

“It’s not bad!” Laimandir insists.

“It grows on you the longer you look.” Aþumonsupplied.

“Like a fungus.” Mírion finishes sagely.

The entirety of eldest three winced, for they did not know Celebrimbor and Curufin as well as they did, and they knew they would not let this go anytime soon.

Also- Maedhros eyes his small copy. “We?”

Alacarnassë smiled brightly. “This house, we made it, from top to bottom together. We tried to put in all things we liked.”

Curufin opened and closed his mouth in shock and outrage mixed with exasperation and disbelief.

“Amrod...Let you design the house.” Also, who built the house?

Dad helped with details.” Alacarnassë supplied, which was probably worse.

Amrod wasn’t... the most architecturally gifted individual. And to think he gave his children a free hand to make their dwelling-

“Honestly, I could see it.” Celegorm voiced their thoughts. Curufin hid his face in his hand while Celebrimbor was still deciding whether he liked it or not.

“It’s lovely! It fits you very well!” Maglor said brightly. Honestly, he liked how the lake looked, he itched for his harp to play. It looked warm to look at with the exception of something quick in the lake swimming towards them.




“There’s something coming.” Maglor hissed suddenly reaching for his sword without a second thought. Everyone’s attention zeroed on the splashing water that seemed to head towards them.

Even Celegorm tensed. Whatever it was, it was big, and very probably, hostile. “Get away from the water.” He barked. Huan beside him also tensed, ready to pounce.

Maedhros and Curufin took out their own weapons, Alacarno peered at the rapidly approaching thing and-

“NO WAIT! DON’T ATTACK!” He shouted urgently.

It was enough to make them minutely hesitate, and suddenly the water splashed to all directions, a young jovial laugh freezing all the adults. The figure arrived riding on what looked like a horse with kelp instead of mane emerged from the water, jumping into the pier without fear. It didn’t look fazed by the others equipped with weapons, smiling brightly at the newcomers. Red hair dripped onto the wood, wild honey eyes zeroing onto them.

“Alacarno! Are those guests?”

  • Ship burning

Fëanor only realized he set his son on fire when Amrod screamed his last moments and when Amras raised the alarm. The smoke made it easy to overlook things. Amrod could see Fëanor from distance, but the opposite wasn’t true.

  • Names

Names have similar purposes in both worlds, probably because of Ainur influencing the worlds. Names have power and all that.

So I wouldn’t blame Ëarwen and Nerdanel for the names...much. Remus Lupin was literally a self fulfilling name :V. Bellatrix also held an ominous tone. Harry thinks any name that’s not Dudley is loads better. (Also, I find it funny when Hermione said she was no delivery owl but then her name is derived from Hermes, we missed a mean joke-)

  • tropical forests

In some cases, like tropical forests, were already occupied by Morgoth, and then orcs toppled those places. Celegorm doesn’t have a good memory of these, because they were already corrupted to a point.


  • Gerald the plant

Pomfrey gave Neville a giant carnivorous, fanged geranium. And yes, these plants are canon. As to why it sprouted so much, morbidly, it thrived on corpses...


The Weasley brood - Chapter 20 - NaTeO11 - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.