Top Posts Tagged with #it's still in progress as i'm constantly adding songs | Tumlook (2024)

Always You

Chapter 19 - Big Girls Don't Cry

Summary : A love story chronicling the love and life of Sebastian Stan and Female!Reader. Inspired by Sebastian Stan's recent love life.

In this chapter we'll find out what happens to reader and Sebastian after Ana's behavior was caught on camera

Pairings : Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader

Chapters: 19 / 25 (added chapter count as I wrote more)

Chapter List >

Warning : angst, heartbreak, anger

Word count : 6k

The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York - January 2022

But it's time for me to go home

It's getting late, dark outside

I need to be with myself, and center

Clarity, peace, serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know

That this has nothing to do with you

It's personal, myself and I

We've got some straightenin' out to do

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket

But I've got to get a move on with my life

It's time to be a big girl now

And big girls don't cry

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

Y/n listened as Fergie belted out the song Big Girls Don't Cry from the hospital's speakers. Exactly! She thought to herself. Big girls don't cry. It was something she learned to do during her stay at the hospital, which was not to cry even though she was lonely and missing everyone, especially.. She shook her head, trying to forget the man who caused her to be in the hospital in the first place.

She was walking down the hall of her ward toward the elevator, carrying her hand bag on her right shoulder and a small duffel bag on her left hand. Her one week stay at the hospital ended that day. She hadn't had any spotting for the past three days, so her doctor allowed her to go home. But she warned her to take things easy and try to lessen her physical activities. She also advised her to work from home if she could. She was supposed to start working again the day before, after New Years holiday was over, but she had explained her condition to her boss and thankfully he understood. He even allowed her to work from home for 3 days a week. She was really thankful that her boss was so understanding. He didn't even ask her about details of her pregnancy, like who her partner was even though he knew she wasn't married. Her boss took his employee's privacy seriously, and she was really grateful for that.

She had told her father and brother about her pregnancy. They were both happy about it but concerned as well as she had told them that she was going to go through the pregnancy alone. Her father was furious at Sebastian for leaving her at a time like this, but she tried to explain as best as she could about the situation between them. Her father still mentioned that he was going to give him a piece of his mind if they ever get to meet, even though Y/n had explained that she was okay being alone. Her brother was a bit more understanding and didn't ask her too much about what was going on between her and Sebastian. They both promised to be there for her when it was time for her to give birth. They weren't going to let her go through that alone. She had also told Shannon about her pregnancy. Shannon was ecstatic when she heard it, but she was also devastated that Sebastian didn't know and even had broken up with her. She refused to believe that Sebastian had the heart to break up with her just like that. She had suspicions that it had something to do with Ana. But Y/n just wouldn't want think about it too much. She had enough on her plate.

Her nausea had become worst as the days into her pregnancy progressed. She was constantly nauseous, not just when she was triggered. Thankfully she had the nurses to help. The nurses had suggested for her to sniff on either peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils to ease the nausea. The oils were a life saver for her. Without them she wouldn't have been able to function. Eating was also a challenge. Food that she used to love were not appetizing at all for her. She tried ordering Rubirosa pizza the second night she was at the hospital as she wasn't very excited eating the bland food the hospital gave her. But the minute she smelled the melted cheese coming from the pizza all she wanted was to vomit. So she reluctantly gave the pizza to the nurses and ate saltine crackers instead. She could've sworn that saltine crackers were the only thing she could eat. The nurses tried to give her other food and she was happy they tried because otherwise she wouldn't know the food that she still wanted to eat. By the end of her stay at the hospital she had figured out all the food she could eat without causing her to want to vomit. Something that would definitely help as she prepared to take care of herself back at her apartment.

She passed the nurse station before she got to the elevator. As she passed she saw Emily, the young nurse that had been somewhat of a friend to her throughout her stay. Her back was to her as she was filling a patient's record.

"Emily.." she called out to her. Emily turned her head toward her and smiled.

"Y/n.. are you ready to go home?" she asked.

"Yes I am. Thank you so much for everything." Y/n said, reaching out to hug Emily from behind the counter.

"It's my pleasure, Y/n." she reached over the counter and gave her a tight hug.

"You have my number, right?" Emily asked, releasing her from her hug. Y/n nodded.

"Good, just let me know if you experience anything. Any cramps, spottings, any concern you might have, just let me know." Emily said while rubbing her hands along Y/n's arms soothingly.

"Thank you, Emily. I don't know if I could have survived this without you." Y/n said, trying to blink back tears.

"Aaaww.. it's my pleasure Y/n." she said, smiling warmly at her.

"Well I better get going." Y/n said, sighing.

"Alright. Take care Y/n. I'll see you in your next prenatal visit okay?" Emily said, releasing her hold on Y/n's arms.

"Oh, right." Y/n said. She forgot that she was advised to visit her doctor for a prenatal visit every month.

"I'll remind you in case you forget." Emily said, winking at her.

"Thanks Emily, you're a life saver." Y/n said, smiling at her.

Emily waved a dismissive hand at her. "Oh, it's nothing. Just doing my job."

"Okay, thanks again Emily. And I'll see you in about a month huh?" Emily smiled and nodded at her. She then turned her back and walked toward the elevator.

When she got to the first floor she was met with a flurry people trying to get into the elevator. She quickly stepped outside of the elevator and walked toward the cashier area. It took sometime for the cashier to process the payment event though she was using her company's insurance. She hoped she didn't have to pay additional fee. She was left alone in front of the cashier's desk while the cashier went away to get something. As she waited she glanced to her right and was gobsmacked. She saw Josh, Sebastian's publicist sitting on the reception area with a woman next to him. Her heart pounded. She wondered whether she should greet him or not. He didn't notice her, he was looking straight ahead at the employee at the reception who was explaining something to him. The cashier returned when she was still contemplating whether to greet Josh or not.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Ms. Y/f/n Y/l/n. Had some problems with the printer." the cashier said sheepishly at her.

"Oh, that's okay." Y/n said.

"Well here's the invoice for your stay here. The insurance had covered all of them so you don't have to pay for anything else." the cashier said.

"Well that's a relief. Thank you so much." Y/n said.

"No problem Ms. Y/l/n." the cashier said, smiling at her while giving her the envelope filled with the invoice.

"Well, thank you." Y/n said, standing up.

"You're welcome Ms. Y/l/n." the cashier said.

She glanced back at Josh as she was going to go and found him staring at her with a slightly shocked face.

"Y/n?" Josh said.

"Hi Josh." Y/n said, nodding her head at him.

"I didn't think I would see you here. How are you?" he asked as he stood up and extended his hand.

"I'm fine, Josh. Thank you for asking. I was just about to go home." Y/n said, shaking his hand.

"I heard the cashier said you were staying here. Were you sick?" Josh asked in concern.

"I.. umm.. yeah I was. But thankfully I'm all better now." Y/n said as she decided not to tell Josh about her condition yet.

"What about you Josh? What brings you here?" Y/n asked.

"My mother in law is hospitalized. She has cancer." Josh said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Y/n said, furrowing her brow. She knew first hand how it was to have a mother who had cancer. Her own mother died of breast cancer. So she wouldn't wish it to anyone even if she didn't like the person.

"This is my wife, Linda, by the way." Josh said, turning to look at his wife and putting his hand on her shoulder. His wife smiled at her and reached over to shake Y/n's hand.

"This is Y/n, Sebastian's close friend." Josh explained to his wife as Y/n shook Linda's hand.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she heard Sebastian's name. Somehow it still hurt her to hear his name even though it had been more than a month since he broke up with her.

"Honey, do you mind if I speak to Y/n for a minute?" Josh asked his wife.

"Of course not. Go on, I'll be here. I still need to talk to the reception." Linda said.

"Okay, thanks." Josh said.

"Y/n, there's something I need to talk to you about." Josh said and beckoned his head to the side, asking her to follow him.

"Oh okay." Y/n said, a little surprised. She did want to ask Josh about Sebastian. So she was glad Josh wanted to talk to her too.

They walked together to the waiting area not far from the cashier and reception area and took a seat facing each other.

"How is he, Josh?" Y/n asked, not willing to wait even for another minute to know how Sebastian was doing.

"Sebastian is fine. He's in LA at the moment. And will be there until March, at least." Josh responded.

"Oh okay." Y/n said, glad Sebastian was okay.

"I'm aware that Sebastian had broken up with you." Josh said.

"Yes he has. I wouldn't have asked you how he was if we were still together." Y/n said cynically, her chest felt tight as she remembered finding the break up letter Sebastian left for her.

"True.. true.." Josh said as he brushed his hair with his fingers, seemingly nervous a little.

"I don't know how much you know about why he had to do it." Josh continued.

"He told me he wanted to focus on his work." Y/n said pointedly.

"He.. he said that?" Josh asked, his eyes glimmered as he listened to what Y/n just said.

"Yeah. That's what he said on the break up letter he left for me." Y/n said with no emotion in her voice.

"Okay. The thing is.. I think you don't know the whole truth." Josh said.

"Which is what Josh?" Y/n asked curiously.

"The truth is that he was forced to do it by Ana. She threatened to hurt his mother and he didn't have a choice Y/n. I'm sorry." Josh said, looking at her with concern in his eyes.

Y/n's jaw dropped in shock. What Shannon had told her was right. It was all Ana's doing. Sebastian was left with no choice over his life yet again.

"But Josh, why didn't he just tell me he was forced? Why wrote me that letter?" Y/n asked, still not understanding his behavior toward her.

"Ana insisted to read the break up letter he wrote for you before he left. She had spied on him as well. So she knew he was at The Time Hotel, and knew you were together. She also had someone spy over his mother. Sebastian was so afraid of his mother's well being that he was forced to obey Ana's wishes. She wanted him to break up with you and never see you again. She also wanted him and her to become a real couple." Josh explained.

Y/n felt lightheaded all of a sudden. Everything suddenly made sense to her. Poor Sebastian. He must have been really worried over his mother. She hoped he hadn't had another anxiety attack. Her heart ached for him.

"So.. is Ana back in the US already?" Y/n asked.

"No. There's some good news I'd like to share." Josh smiled at her.

"Oh? What good news?" Y/n asked, hope started to creep into her heart.

"We have some incriminating footage of her at a club in Riyadh. Anthony Mackie bumped into her at the club and was somehow able to record her going to a private room with two Arab men." Josh explained.

Y/n's brows shot up as she listened to Josh.

"What?! So she was caught cheating on Sebastian?" she asked.

"Yes." Josh said.

"But, we're still negotiating with her team. The whole thing is a mess. Both parties now have weapons so to speak, and neither are willing to give the contract up." Josh said.

"What do you mean? I thought you would've wanted to just cancel the contract already." Y/n asked.

"It's not that easy Y/n. Ana's father is an investor at the agency. It's going to be a problem if we cancel the contract." Josh said.

"Her father is an investor at the agency?" Y/n said incredulously.

"He is.. So now we're negotiating a new contract. I think we've finally reached a deal and it should be finalized within a day or two." Josh said.

"How is that good news? You're going to have Sebastian sign up to a new contract!" Y/n said, shaking her head, her voice raised.

"Y/n.. listen to me. The new contract will allow him to stay in communication with you even though technically he still isn't allowed to be in a relationship with anyone else." Josh said.

"How is that supposed to work?" Y/n asked. She was sick hearing of the contract and all the things it allowed and didn't allow.

"Well, Ana still wants the public to think she and Sebastian are still together. So, either she or Sebastian aren't allowed to have a relationship outside of theirs. But that only applies to being seen together in public. You can still communicate with each other via call or text. Besides, Sebastian is in LA until the end of the contract. We've succeeded in having them shorten the contract until the end of March. That coincides to when Sebastian is supposed to be finished with all the work in LA." Josh explained. Y/n's heart felt lighter and lighter as she heard the good news.

"Moreover, Ana isn't allowed to be near him, and she is forced to stop all the spying activities she had been doing. Her parents were really embarrassed when they knew how far Ana had gone in trying to control Sebastian's life. We threatened to report her to the authorities and they of course didn't want that to happen. So, I think we had succeeded in getting everything we think would really help Sebastian in getting through the contract until it ends." Josh said.

"Wow, okay. That's great! But I still don't understand what Ana is getting from all of this." Y/n asked, shaking her head.

"Her team wants us to get her jobs in the US. Either modelling or acting." Josh said, shrugging.

"Okay, I see." Y/n sighed deeply as she processed all of the information Josh had given her.

"How soon will I be able to hear from him?" Y/n asked, looking up at him with hope in her eyes.

"Well, like I said, the contract is going to be finalized within a day or two. So I think he can start communicating with you in two to three days." Josh said.

"Okay, that's perfect! Because I have some good news for him." She smiled as she caressed her lower stomach, remembering her unborn child who was going to know his or her father after all.

"Oh, what good news? If I may ask?" Josh asked curiously.

"Josh.. I'm pregnant." She smiled at him widely.

Josh's jaw dropped as he looked at her in shock.

"With Sebastian's baby?" he asked slowly.

"Of course!" Y/n shook her head in disbelief, hating Josh for having the audacity to ask her that question.

"Congratulations Y/n. I'm sure Sebastian is going to be really happy hearing that." He said.

"Thanks Josh." Y/n smiled at him.

"So happy that he might drop everything and come back to New York to be with you." Josh continued as he rubbed his chin with his hand, deep in thought.

"What?" Y/n asked in confusion.

"Y/n.. I know how much Sebastian loves you. And if he knows you're pregnant with his child, he will definitely leave LA and come back here to see you. And, I'm really sorry but we can't have that." Josh said.

"What are you talking about Josh? Are you asking me not to tell him about my pregnancy?" Y/n asked, her voice raised a little.

"Y/n.. this work that he has to do in LA requires him to be focused completely. He's going to have not just one, but three projects to promote back to back. There will be interviews, many of them, then photoshoots, and appearances in talk shows and many award shows. Not to mention the premieres. It will be a full three months of work for him. We can't have him just drop everything and come back here. Even though your pregnancy is also important." Josh said, trying to make Y/n understand.

Y/n's heart plummeted as she listened to Josh. So she was supposed to keep her pregnancy a secret from Sebastian for three months? She wasn't sure if she could do that.

"Josh, you're asking too much of me. I need him to know! I can't keep it from him for three months." Y/n protested.

"Y/n.. If you love him you would do this for him. We have planned this year to be his year. He's going to have his name all over the news. He'll be an even bigger name than he already was. It's his time to shine. Don't you want that for him?" Josh asked, putting his hand on her shoulder as he tried to get her to understand his point of view.

Y/n leaned back on the chair, her heart conflicted. She needed him, especially with her unusual pregnancy condition. But she also loved him so much. Of course she wanted to see him succeed and shine. It was unfair of Josh to ask her that.

"Of course I want that for him, Josh." She said finally.

"Good. It's only for three months anyway. You can tell him after that." Josh said, patting her shoulder.

"Yeah, only three months." Y/n said dejectedly. In the world of pregnancy, in three months things are changing so fast. In three months she would be about 5 months pregnant. She most likely would already be showing her baby bump. How was she supposed to hide that from Sebastian? She thought.

"Well, I'm glad we can come to an understanding." Josh said.

"Now, I'm sorry but I have to go. My wife is waiting for me." Josh said as he glanced at the direction of his wife at the reception desk.

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much Josh for letting me know everything." Y/n said.

"You're welcome. Oh by the way, I forgot to ask you. Why did you stay here? What were you hospitalized for? If I may ask." Josh asked.

"I had some light bleeding so I had to be on bed rest for a week, to prevent miscarriage." Y/n replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But.. it's all okay now? You're okay? You're not.. bleeding anymore?" Josh asked carefully.

"No I'm not thankfully. But the doctor still advised me to take things slowly, lessen my physical activities, you know." Y/n said.

"Oh yes, of course. Well, I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy." Josh said, extending her hand to her.

"Thank you, Josh." Y/n said, shaking his hand.

Josh nodded then stood up and left her, walking back toward his wife, leaving Y/n feeling bittersweet. She was happy she was going to hear from Sebastian within three days. But she also felt sad that she couldn't share the happy news of her pregnancy with him just yet. Three months?! How was she supposed to keep it from him for three months? She wondered.


Brooklyn, New York - January 2022

For the next three days Y/n couldn't help but to check her phone constantly, anxiously waiting for the moment when Sebastian would contact her. She had settled back into living in her apartment by herself. She tried to minimize physical activities as much as possible and spent her days in front of her laptop, working, or laying down in bed just reading or browsing for some stuff on the internet. One day after she got back home, she was sitting on the bed just scrolling through her Instagram feed when she saw that Sebastian's account had posted a new story. He had not posted anything for awhile. Not that she was checking on his account much. Ever since he broke up with her she had deliberately avoided checking his account. Now that she knew he was forced to break up with her, she was eager to know how he was. She opened the story Sebastian posted and almost fell off the bed. He had posted a selfie of himself wearing orange tinted large sunglasses, his hair was cut really short on the sides but on the top there were still about half an inch of hair. He had grown his moustache and beard. And he was wearing some sort of black with yellow striped coat. Despite looking so different from the last time she saw him, looking at him still gave her butterflies in her stomach. Oh how much she missed him! She wondered what he was doing looking like that. Maybe he was starting to do some press, she thought. She wanted to leave him a message, at least gave a reaction to his story. But she didn't know whether he had already succeeded in uninstalling Ana's spying app from his phone. She didn't want to take a chance so she decided to just stay silent. She was just going to wait until he contacted her first.

For the next couple of days she found herself checking Instagram often. Sebastian had done many interviews for promoting his movie with Jessica Chastain, The 355. The interviews were all posted within several days. Every time there was a new interview she immediately watched it. She was happy to see him on those interviews. At first he looked sad, she could see it in his eyes. But as more interviews came out, she started to see that Sebastian was happy. He was in his element talking about the movie and talking about how it was to work with Jessica and all the other amazing female cast members. Her heart swelled for him. She was thinking of also going to the cinema to check the movie, but decided against it as she didn't want to catch Covid. She needed to take good care of her health, for the good of her and the baby. So she decided to just watch it once it was out on streaming service.

She was just starting to feel comfortable in her pregnancy, knowing the things to do to keep her nausea at bay and the things that would keep her appetite up. She realized her baby needed all the nutrition from her so she needed to eat nutritious food, no matter how hard it was. Unfortunately she also started to experience gastritis. Sometimes it would flare up after meals, leaving her stomach feel bloated and hurt. Other times it would flare up just out of nowhere. She asked Emily about it and Emily told her it was one of the things that could be caused by pregnancy as her hormones went on haywire trying to support the growth of her baby inside her. Emily advised her to sniff ginger essential oils and apply it to her stomach, or to take some antacids. They helped but not much. She was sitting on her bed, her pillows propped up high behind her as she was experiencing a bad case of gastritis that night after dinner. She had popped a tablet of antacids but were still feeling the burn in her stomach. She put on some ginger essential oils on her stomach and sniffed it directly from the bottle. It made the burn lessened somewhat. She was about to close her eyes and tried to sleep when suddenly her phone rang. She glanced at it to where it was located on her night stand. Sebastian's name was on the screen. He was calling her! Finally! She picked up her phone, shaking in disbelief, and pressed the green button.

"Hello.." she croaked to her phone.

"Y/n.. Oh my God.. How are you, sweetheart? I've missed you so much!" Sebastian said from the other end, his voice shook with emotion.

Y/n felt a tear rolled down her cheeks. She wiped it then replied. "I'm fine, Seb. How are you?"

"I'm.. Y/n.. You have no idea how much I've missed you! I'm really sorry for what I have done to you." He said, sighing.

"Yeah, it's okay Seb. I.. um.. I know why you had to do it. Josh told me all about it." She said.

"Yeah, Josh told me he met you. I'm just so glad I can finally talk to you again." he said.

"Me too, Seb, me too.." Y/n said. Despite feeling happy she could finally hear his voice again, she felt sad that she wasn't able yet to tell him the good news about her pregnancy. And her aching stomach wasn't helping either in improving her mood. She gradually felt annoyed at Sebastian. They had only seen each other for a couple of months and here he was already making her life go in shambles.

"Sweetheart.. what's wrong? Are you okay?" Sebastian asked, sensing her bad mood on the other end.

"Seb.. I was just wondering.. I was so.. devastated reading that break up letter from you. I wish I had known you wrote it because of Ana. It would have made life easier for me." she said.

"Honey, I'm really really sorry. I left you a hint in the envelope. I suspect you didn't see it?" he asked.

"What hint?" she asked, confused.

"I wrote Ana's name on a small piece of paper and slipped it in with the letter I wrote. I was hoping you'd see it and understand why I had to leave you." he explained.

"You call that a hint?! I didn't see it Seb!" Y/n yelled suddenly as she got angrier at him. She was surprised at how angry she was at him. But she remembered all the times she cried over him, all the things he had bought for her that she had sold, and she was angry that all of those were unnecessary if only she had known why he wrote that letter.

Sebastian was silent for a moment at the other end as he was taken aback by Y/n's anger. She was rarely angry at him. So it shocked him a little.

"Y/n.. I'm really sorry.. I wish I had left you a better hint. But I was pressed for time. Ana only gave me an hour to write that letter and leave the penthouse. I'm sorry. I really am, honey. Please forgive me." he begged.

"Seb.. I sold all of the things you bought for me. I couldn't bear to look at them. I even bought a folding bed and slept on it as I couldn't sleep on my bed, it reminded me too much of you.. I also bought a new sofa cover because sitting on the sofa made me think of you. It was practically hell for me Seb!" she started to sob as the heartbreak and pain she felt back then washed over her again.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, sweetheart.. I'll buy all the things I have bought for you again.. Don't worry about it okay?" he said and she heard him sniffled a little, he was crying too it seemed.

"I just.. it was unnecessary for me to feel all those pain. I don't know if I could ever forget it, Seb. Thinking that you had prioritized your career over me. It.. broke me.. Seb." She said and she continued to sob.

"Sweetheart, I'm really really sorry. I.. I don't know what to say but.. I love you.. I've always loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I've never stopped loving you since." he said as he sniffled again on the other end.

Those loving words from him was like water sprayed on a fire burning in a house, putting out the fire that had burned so suddenly in her heart. She realized that her anger was also probably spurred by her hormones. She realized it was the one thing she hadn't experienced in her pregnancy yet, the mood swings. She sighed and took a deep breath, realizing it was wrong for her to get so angry at him.

"I'm sorry, Seb.. I didn't mean to get so angry at you." she said.

"It's okay Y/n, I deserve it. You can yell at me again if you want. If it makes you feel better." he offered.

Y/n chuckled. "No, I think I got it all out."

Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you did, honey. I deserve it."

"No, you don't. I was just.. a little too emotional. It's sort of my time of the month, you know." she said, lying to him. Yes, it was hormones that caused her to be like that, but not what she implied to Sebastian.

"Ah, okay, I get it." he said.

"Hey, I really want to see your face, can I video call you?" He asked.

"Sure." Y/n said.

"Okay, I'll see you in a second then, sweetheart." he said.

"Yeah, I'll see you in a second Iubirea mea." she said softly.

"Oh how much I missed you calling me that." he said.

"I missed calling you that too." she smiled.

They both then hung up and Sebastian video called her. Finally being able to see his face again after a long while made her so happy. Sebastian looked equally if not happier than she was. He kept telling her how beautiful she was even though she felt exactly the same.

"I don't know, sweetheart, you just look different. You're glowing." he said.

"Am I? Really?" she asked. She wondered if it was what people call pregnancy glow. Sebastian was a very perceptive and attentive person. She had started to worry that she couldn't keep the pregnancy news from him for as long as it was required.

"Yes you are sweetheart. Have you been using a new skin care or something?" he asked curiously.

"No, Seb." she chuckled.

"Well, maybe it's just me. I haven't seen a pretty face in a while." he said, winking at her, making her blush.

They spent several hours talking and catching up. Sebastian explained all of Ana's antiques making Y/n gasped here and there. He also sent her the footage of Ana from the club in Riyadh.

"I can't believe she could literally be such a slu*t!" Y/n commented after seeing the footage.

"I know! I'm guessing those Arab men were influential men. Otherwise she wouldn't have done it." Sebastian said.

"Yeah, but still. I mean.. she's already in a PR relationship with you which means she should already be getting job opportunities. She didn't need to lower herself to that level just to get jobs. It's sickening!" She continued.

"Baby, you would be surprised what people would do to make it in Hollywood." He said, laughing.

"Yeah.. you included." She snickered but then she closed her mouth with her hand, surprised she could be so careless with her words. She could see Sebastian looked a little hurt hearing her say that.

"Oh my God! I'm really sorry, Seb. I didn't mean to say it." She apologized.

Sebastian sighed. "No it's fine Y/n. I deserve it. If it weren't for me signing up for this cursed PR relationship we would be together properly. I get it if you're still pissed off at me for that."

"Iubirea mea.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it. It's just this hormones.. you know." She shrugged.

"Yeah.. it's fine sweetheart. It's okay." Sebastian said, smiling at her even though she could see there was still glimmers of hurt in his eyes.

"Iubirea mea.. are you up for a little karaoke session?" She asked, winking at him. She felt guilty making him feel bad and she wanted him to be happy again.

"Sure, honey." Sebastian's face lit up as he heard her offer.

And so they spent about an hour singing and belting their favourite songs. Just like they used to. Their hearts lighter and happier as they sang. For a while everything seemed perfect in their lives.

It was a little before midnight when Y/n yawned. She was sleepy and tired. She usually was already asleep by 8 pm. It was a new habit she had acquired ever since she was pregnant. Before she was pregnant she went to bed not earlier than 10 pm. So to Sebastian it was a weird new habit of hers.

"I'm sorry, Seb. My eyelids feel so heavy, I need to go to sleep. But I don't want to hang up." She said, pouting.

She picked up her phone and put it on the bed next to her, propping it up with a pillow behind its back. She then laid down on the bed and turned her body toward her phone, pretending that he was there sleeping next to her.

"I don't want to hang up either, sweetheart." Sebastian said, smiling at her as he also put his phone next to him on his bed.

"Let's just keep the line on while we go to sleep, shall we?" he said.

"Okay." she smiled.

"I love you, Iubirea mea. Good night and sweet dreams." she said, putting her hand on the phone's camera and then she blew him a kiss, making him smile.

"I love you more, sweetheart. Good night and sweet dreams." he said, blowing her a kiss back and he put his hand on the phone's camera.

Y/n was gone in just several minutes. Her pregnant body needed the rest. Sebastian stayed awake for awhile longer, staring at her sleeping face. He decided to record her sleeping, adding to his collection of her videos on his phone. He stayed like that for awhile, just staring at her sleeping, studying her beautiful features, her pretty hair, and the soft rise and fall of her chest. He felt peace and calm watching her. It took him an hour to finally felt sleepy and he finally hung up and closed his eyes, with the image of the beautiful sleeping face of the love of his life etched behind his eyes.

Chapter 20 >

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.