The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Friday, June 6, 1958 Appleton Pest-Crescent 2 i Compromise Reached on Of Turnpike -Scandal Cost and Termination Date for Menominees Senate, House Agreement Extends Federal Control to Dec. 31, 1960 -A Commissioners Say Bondholders Have Almost Forgotten Conspiracy Termed 'Greatest Public Swindle' Reuther Moves To Prevent Upset of Truce Penn-I Pa I.J", nvlvania Turnpike officials feel charged for thousands of bor- Washington MP) Wiscon- 7 7 sin's Menominee Indians WOnj tribe, would have been required time and money Thursday to meet remaining expenses, when senate and house con- The conferees agreed that the ferees agreed on a compromise government will reimburse the over the costs of termination of tribe for all separation costs up federal control of the tribe. 't0 the date of the final enact-Rep. Melvin Laird, R-Marsh-jment of the bill now before con-field, who sought better terms' gress. After enactment the they are at last on safe financings that never were drilled or cial ground free from the that were not deep enough to quagmire of scandal which thp mer into the mines, yfjllf'i That thousands of tons of up the $440 million toll road op-; eration ani were dumPe1 int0 Commissioners of the 471-; rivers, along highways and mile superhighway said in a cemetery, rather bondholders have almost for- than 5n lhe old mines Seeks to Halt Further Incidents At Auto Companies for the tribe, said, "This is the; costs will be divided 50-50 by Eleanor Crilley, 11, Although Critically burned herself, comforts her brother, Melvin, Aut0'3, as Dr.

Alex Dalma treats her at Unity hospital in Brooklyn. Mrs. Mary best 1 couId et- is Indians and the govern. Detroit Gf United promise between the Neuberg-merit. gotten the $19 million conspir.

i. r- v- iyi .1 i 1 fMiirnt. i rfiifi uiviuvi -rx. viiv- v. auu viiwia miuiaiv uvuu.

kj uilu ail uiq.u iulii jtvlul lulu auau' nrr 11-nirn i iifi i a at nncitmn nn mu nns inn Leader described as "one of 1955. was canceled the, Reuther moved swiftly today tojment. Another member of the family, Mary, 6, was also rescued. The father was not however, I will accept this as father of Five -flatter oart of 1956. The state make certain that inc dent in- i.aMa im 4k ti md I I UMIVi wi the greatest puouc uiu tw MucjuMnuj iclaims that to that time, workers up volving at General Mo- I want an years of the termination Held TOf Fatal all time." Yesterday five men tan of more tnan million had been tors and Chrysler yesterday did Jpaid for the work.

not disrupt the uneasy truce in! them former turnpike commis Jail Negro for Attempt Lesser inarges aut0 industry contract negotia- Ttncirioa (ho fivo cpnlpnrcri sioners and another a top turn- oike employe were sentenc-1 ai cau 1UQY. OIIUIUCI ITT UUCVS i t. Beating of Son Atlanta (AV- Police held an unemployed father of five young children today for the vicious fatal beating of a 3- Lucy Lived to See School Receive Flag Laird predicted that both the house and senate will approve the agreement, which extends termination of federal controls from Dec. 31, 1958, to Dec. 31, 1960.

Termination Costs It also stipulates that the fed ed to jail terms ranging i persons including another for-l. Keuiner geuing reports- 1 ALI. I 10 months to five years for their; commission chairman-iP ai?" the Chrysler I hnff WhllG hCtlOOl part in the conspiracy. All areiwd.e indcled on lesser charges and General Motors situations,) IV II vl II I II I Wl IVWI free pending appeals to the hv sncia, ranH i1irv Rnmo' repeated his order that the! state superior court. -of the charges were not related UAW members must kecpj "We now are about ready to to the Manu-mine work.

peace at all costs in auto plants San Francisco UP) Lucy Downey's most cherished pos eral government will pay all Professor Sought to Join Classes at U. of Mississippi; Visitors Barred rnmnlete our reorganization; cnma hv hoon contracts can tie worked: session was the American flag, termination costs, estimated at which draped her husband's! about $500,000. which will make it impossible Victed and have served their! out. "for such a thing to happen jaji sentences. No Contract Jackson, Miss.

Wi Necro year-old son. Police quoted Harold C. Summers, 30, as saying he whipped the child, Danny, with a belt yesterday after the boy soil- Stickler: Evans: James F. Nearly 500,000 UAW mem-! Prof. Clennon Kirn? earned K-ing said the mter- casket during his military fu- Last year the house adopted neral.

a bill by Laird extending the Bill Downey had been a vet-i termination date to the last day eran of the Spanish-American' of 1961. But in adopting its ver- bers have been working with- bolated jail cell today for hls again, sam acting commission Chairman Joseph J. Law-ler. Securities Are Good ITorrance, former commissioner; Paul J. McNeill, former commission chief finance offi- out a contract since the old 3 view tape recorded by Norman Bergsma of the Jackson Daily News.

"I don't know what they're efforts to cross the state's year nacts expired. GM on May war. The flag from his casket had been her link to him. sion, the senate set the date for Dec. 31, 1960 and approved an Summers "Our securities are as and Clayton A.

Landsidle, 28 and Ford and Chrysler on racial Iines- He sald amendment by Sen. Richard fd nis as government securities nowjformer general manager ana Sunday But after she reached 85, attempt to enter the to do," King told his i. j.j i intprvipwpr 'T wnnlH liVo in interviewers. would like It marked the first time since! sity of Mississippi is ended, WMrSi Downey decided the colors! Neuberger, D-Ore to provide Lt. w.

Bailey cawtnon ot me we don have to worry, vice president or iiaou-mine. anymore. appeared in Dauphin county 193? that GM and Chrysler The 37-year-old former facul-, 0l11- 1 woman i uouier ld insDiration to that only about half the costs suouroan roint pouce ae- tf wb lust three vears ago; court here yesterday for their: hn .1 mprnW the n.OT-n any more. I would leave it be paid by the government. aid he file American youth.

Tyrell Junior muraer cuarges against ouim- that national publications -and! one day over iContract and for Fmi it wa8' Alcorn A and (Miss.) magazines were telling! year from the time" they went; the ifst time since mi jlege was whisked away by! But state authorities may not the story of a 40-year-old Read- on Xhe irst incident occurred! state highway patrolmen yes-leatve King alone. They tndi- ing, engineer, Charles W. ickler received the sWfestjw ht when plckets terday when he tried to enterjM hte1woulel examined Stickler, Jr. for the General Motors the summer session at the uni-'M Physicians. Chancery Clerk High school, across San Francisco bay in Hayward, advised her it would be proud to have Bill's flag.

She presented them to Bobby Salvation Army Man Uses Ham Radio to Aid Tornado Victims Chicago 4H Maj. Carl Lindstrom, a Salvation Army boasted that his 11VC versity. "oweu ot uxiow, wno jic uuaaicu 1SHer near rus- mers. The man was neia on an open charge. The child died at a doctor's clinic a few hours after the beating.

The doctor said the boy's legs, thighs, stomach and head were black and blue with bruises. Mrs. Helen Summers, 27, told Hale before the student body 18 neiore tne stuaent doc faise nrptenses to run rocur-'1 DOUy P'ani tjpA fnna u.irnf mine Research, and Develop- jburgh, Pa. Leonard Woodco*ck, whereabouts were, top a lunacy warrant wlth these words ment company had pariayea a Z-of the. union's GM untu late last nigm 'Mv husband was a soldier $4,500 capital stock investmc.

committee, said the dis-Aocted Press learned -) was not a hero. But he wa nim to Whitfield was major, used his ham radio set to mobilize aid for victims of en- into a multi-million-dollar nute centered about local eriev.lhe was held In a tinyjwlu puie cemerea aoout local griev-. ffifat-hnn taiwn c.v,i,t..u conduct in office. vcu uu uie tup notir oi me, jvumuu. terprise in a few years.

McNeill received the lightest 'ances. i i i i iovaminQhnn the Wisconsin tornadoes. Soon after the twisters struck J. MicKier uncie. xaoiuas 1n Picket at thP nlant wpi-p mgnway patrol ticKets at uie piant weie re- Kino tnUen tmm a nt a good soldier.

And that is what counts. To be a good soldier, to love America. this flag. She wiped tears from her tela iici auu iiciu an cxwiuaive police she returned home from a shopping trip in Atlanta and found Danny unconscious on the floor of the house. The father was watching television in Wednesday night Lindstrom be- students waiting to register for then was chairman xorrance received; moved last night and productive turnpike commission.) two j0 oup years and Land- tion was resumed by the over- tape-recorded interview.

Cordon of Trooners gan gathering details on dam- summer school at the Unlver night shift. and handed the flaa to aee from other hams in the The interview ramp onlv an 'sity at Oxford yesterday and eyes Manu-mine had a Dig contract! sidle to 47 months to fill abandoned mines under. Chrysler's dispute resulted Then the wide-eyed; storm area. Then he called room, sne saia. hAfa Iwas told "that if I camp hart iBobby.

iv MJ biii: uie ivvav ua- lhe roadbed of the turnpike ex III narmrr UA eaw hpr rnllansp: rt'tion W9ZAD in Milwaukee! Mrs. bummers saiq sne ipnsinn beinz built into north jirom company action in nana-trol threw a cordort the campus would be ar. ing out brief suspensions to und the buUding. and some UAW stewards and com-j ed any0ne access to the Just About Hopeless jmitteemen in Chrysler plants Georgia-born King King said university Regis- across the country. Chrysler de- inst wnnt tn -pt mit nt trar Robert Ellis told him the eastern Pennsylvania, a rQf State tO HonOr Scranton.

Then state Soldiers was not untU later that they whose operator completed a i learned from her other children learned that Mrs. Downey died! shortwave radio-telephone con-jthat the father forced Danny in a San Leandro hospital of a nection with Salvation Arm and them to drink three large heart attack. (Brigadier Marlon Cohn, glasses of water each before he Bobby came to school earlier! Cohn dispatched 30 Salvation; beat the child. anonymous icuu. no inied UAW charges that it was situation on registering was Mhor identified himself nly asl Washington President jtrylng to provoke workers into "hist about honeless." Hp sairf'than the others vesterdav and'Army officers, emergency vehi- The mother also told police Va truck driver and told how hejTheodor Heuss of West Ger-- had been instructed to dump many today becomes the first he asked that his application! raised the flag.

clothing and food to the husband severely beat a a strike. The company said GOCS tO DOCIS only ones disciplined were: forms be returned, but wast Todav. Mrs. Downey is being, hard-hit Colfax area. aaugmer, now 0, witn nis lists -material- ostens bly intended toreign neaa buried in Presidio national! Lindstrom remained at his! when the child was 21 months refused, and said he wanted to of state to pay tribute to the or the mine-filling project.

State Investigators go to work return to the waiting line. "When I sought to leave the Cincinnati Love has workers have cemetery beside her soldierlpost Thursday relaying mes-husband. jsages in and out of the storm old. She said she was afraid to report the incident because of threats by Summers. Ford, whose gone to the dogs literally.

State investigators probedju 0 Wrpn into the Manu-mine con-! A eric an not been involved in any inci-j room they me out another entrance," King continu ripntc mot with Hip ITAW v. ouuuiuy, of three tir Rn tuo Crash at Angelica tract. terdav and had another session! 7. ed and said he was carried sc dead wars. His They said they found: "F.TT'C Takes Second life That the mine-filling project visit to was "made-work" and the con-'the tomb of Milwaukee OP A Memorial I I i Iday.

was who would retain custodyja whn nrit'A 'm weekend accident in Shaw was awarded without the unknowns Arlin gto .0 SPECIALS 0 BUY NOW FOR FATHER'S DAY 2 Nationally Leading Brands Top Quality or Bimbo, a 35-pound chihau-jthe campus to preserve county claimed its sccond neace said "all of hU ipctai victim Thursday night and Boothby and his wife -n k. irais-d Wisconsin's 1958 high- Jack Webb to Marry Actress This Month That what filling was needed National cem- Heuss could have been done for less tery, by coincidence, falls on than $50,000, instead of the the 14th anniversary of the million provided in the day invasion of Europe by al- UfPTt Mairp uc Hollywood MP) Jack Webb lKu7 Lr " Prior to the discovery thatway aeain ton to one tViiei H5 a vnor piwhu uw uu una wj (nans iu jnoivc tu cho nnn. A "a3 uie siaie, Diana to make actress JarkiPi, Juns was neia in thi a til VI 1V1 VLO "IIIVU V. 1 1 VJ 1 1 contract. That the commission Loughery a June bride.

InlJir k-i, Police building here none 1, if A was defeat Nazi Germany. Janice Lucdke, 13, route 5, The movie and television ithe stale authorities would re- aiic iiiuvic aiiu icic viaiuii a u'crnif nan turn untnfvu'n WO dead of World war II and said last night that; p. a -n. veal where he was held. There Green Bay, died in a Green ww-w- tltra- oifcrt isAtntin Kav nftsnii a i niirsnav niEflL HI rea were entombed near the he and the former beauty queen mon like decision, suggested long he would be held here or! injuries suffered in a 2-car it r.

Lnoch thai lrillod nnp rinrsnn nnt- unknown soldier of World warjwill be a i later sjnce Boothby' was the Badger Solons i Split in Vote tTo Enlarge Army I at Arlington, across the Poto-jmonth. No date has been set, 'T13 il'hu for psychiatric examina-'right and left 13 injured Sun- he said. oau. inac river, ua u- day night south of Angelica in The wreath lavine came oni Webb was formerly wed to j. ition i 1 1 uu; aiiiijiai iui ii a A Fifth $1 Other Brands A Fifth 2.98 and up tne unrd day ot neuss' state.

singer-actress June onaon anaBoothby rit-CrtiMat Wubioitsn Burtav His 10x8 cell is windowless Shawano county. The collision but air-conditioned. Its bright occurred at the intersection of ceiling light can be turned off Shawano County Trunk and a only from the outside. 'town road. tomorrow, tne wear tuess uuiuwjr iuwue.

lit-. RAnti.u iJra.i Washington-Members of thoj prestdent Miss Loughery, Miss USA Wisconsin house delegation to-, Mi vvprtl, rnntpst iB00lnDy rhed out and pur- av Snlit in their votes three for L08!" on ,11 T.S?V5j,V5.onliS:ichased a half-brother to Bimbo singer Guy1 wan 1 niiaucipnia nis recently divorced and six against an amendment scheduled stop. I Mitchell. Orange and Mint Flavored to tne aeiense department Be from a pet shop. Judge Rich then granted Mrs.

Boothby her divorce. She had charged neglect. A Fifth propriations bill to add 30,000 VODKA $2.98 WHAT'S NEW AT Wiley, Proxmire Engage in troops to the standing army. The amendment passed. All voted for final passage.

The Badger state solons voted on a strictly party-line basis with Democratic Reps. Zabloc- rtJjThimnTrhiiim ffV change on Senate Floor SILVER CREAII "The Cream of Beers" Extra Pale 71 WHISKEY 7 Year Old Straight Bsnrbcn IimilWM Washington Wiscon-! ea ki, Reuss and Johnson voting sin-g senators veteran ReDub-iing to learn if he could safely This Popular Beer at All Beer Depots A Fifth J. jfo mm I 1 I for the measure. Voting Alexander Wiley and' leave the session long enough it were Republican members Democrat -ttpn1 dinner hnnnrins? Tewes Withrow Van exchanged sharpf 0 Kons.klr Jrd on theU4s a 1 Heuss. Wiley said he want-, I Rep.

John Byrnes said he Thursday mght. ed to make a and vole voted against the amendment I The clash opened when Sen. on the lssue uJer diSCUSsion- because there was 'no proof Styles R-NH, halted a'an amendment that would have given that the additional men speech because Wiley, his back'ajowecj president Eisenhower were needed." to Bridges, was whispering to to use forelgn aid funds to as. 9 Defense officials also testi-Sen. John Kennedy, RUSSian satellites to get ficd that it would cost about $800 Bridges refused to continue and away from Moscow's control.

million to equip these addition- asked a call for order from; Bridges allowed W'iley to al troops, and I doubt if they Proxmire, who was acting as1 njg speech and leave for 3 would be that valuable to na-the presiding officer. tne dinner. The Wisconsin Re- tional Byrnes said. Proxmire rapped for publican was told later by Sen "Anyhow, the original bill, but Wiley refused to budge. Wayne MorsC( that he without the amendment, autho-- when other senators laugh- gad not violated senate rules Hzed more troops in the stand- ed Proxmire asked Wiley and by conferring with Kennedy.

ing army than the president Kennedy to end their conversa- still iater Wiley and Prox- recommended." jti(Jn- 'mire joined in voting against Im. in Wiley told the amendment, defeated 43-42. Complete Fresher Food Market Home-grown Green Onions, Radishes, Bib Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Asparagus and Rhubarb. Fresh Strawberries. Ice-cold Watermelon and Cantaloupe at all times.

A complete line of Picnic Supplies, including all your favorite delicatessen foods. Top-grade, Tender Meats cut the way you like them. Taste-tempting Ice Creams and delicious Frozen Custard made Fresh daily. Five Year Old Full Quart 2)a(0) Here's A BUY! Park Tilford $3.25 $4.29 A Fifth ii-roxmire snarpiy, aaamg no one had even heard his Buy a Case at These Prices! Today's Chuckle Personalized Service Every voice. Wiley explained he was try- Friendly, Courteous, Day of the Week! If 1 For TEEN-AGE Prices as low.

as possible, consistent with sound business practices. A Case of Good Judgment EDELWEISS lst Try Cose Today Bottles or Cant COMPLETE LINE OF PICNIC SUPPLIES INCLUDING CHARCOAL STARTER Ikt1 tfc't txcluiivf NA iffifinc i rartiw Th One Only Non-Alcohollc Champogne Meier's prkling CaUwh Grape Juice Also JMfir'i Grape Juice BACCT0TEAT For Top-Quality Foods ar Reasonable Prices, you just naturally go to Tornows! She: "I've lost so much weight you can count my ribs." He; "Gee, thanks." (Copr. 1958) Appleton Posr-Creicent Pu.NiFhfd ext'p! Sunriny by the Font 3M WsshingtoE fV Appie'-nn, Wis, A.NORtW B. TVFNBU1X Pre'idPi JOHN FTEDL ice tnd Grne ra! Miigw VICTOR I. MIXAHAN, JR.

T'l-a' a ic.tur MAVRICE E. CART1F.B KK.NNFTI1 t- Secieiory I 1 9 -r ,1 c'- matter Fb 1W 1 st Appleton, Wis. wakes the beautiful difference in your lawn and garden Com in ti for iMtl-VMU na ITOCKHltl BJCCIO Ptit 1 For Your Parties and Weddings sii cone. lis Open 8 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.

Sundays 8 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE So. Memorial Dr. at Foster, Appleton, Phone 4-3355 "We Serve to Serve Again" Seed Co.

WX Applclc Kamps Dist. Co. DUl 3-4565 Appleton unurr th A I oi Mtn 522 W. College Ave. We Deliver Dial 3-6639 1119 E.

Wit. Are, Pb. J-1SH5 Audit Butwu oi QreultUoeji.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.